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China China

04-11-2021 , 06:33 AM
You've zero biz commenting on any vid you haven't watched and consequently have some neck opining others are stupid. You also immediately accused me of being a FG member in our last convo so you're the last person to be whinging at anyone wrt "absurd conclusions".

Furthermore you shouldn't use terms such as "tarded", it's pretty disgusting and offensive to those with special needs and their parents/siblings.

Nor am I interested in your argumentum ad hominem or proof by assertion fallacy as yet again you've yet to provide any actual evidence they're a cult so your constant repetition can be comfortably dismissed.

You seem to prioritise condemning a harmless group like the Falung Gong over the very real atrocities of the CCP and also falsely intimated FG are dangerous so I don't think you do have a problem with them being persecuted.

Prove me wrong though condemn the CCP right now and say what complete scumbags they are for their persecution of the Falun Gong and Uighurs.
Or is your internet service being monitored so this isn't possible?

Last edited by corpus vile; 04-11-2021 at 06:40 AM.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:41 AM
again, you're inventing ideologies and then attaching them to me simply because i point out you're a total dumbass who shares cult videos on the reg and then tries to defend it

nothing you just wrote has anything to do with either my own thoughts on those matters nor with you being a total idiot sharing cult koolaid - and stop asking me to watch your cult videos chief, it's not going to happen, you should be ashamed of even sharing them once let alone repeatedly asking people to view them - it's very difficult to believe you're not a member the way you only seem to share videos from them and really really want us to watch them

there are literally thousands of genuine news organizations you could share videos that are critical of china but you only seem to show falungong stuff - you got issues my friend
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:45 AM
So you're not willing to condemn the scumbag CCP for their scummy persecution huh? Guess I was right about the whole internet monitoring thing yeah?
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:53 AM
corpus, it's truly fascinating watching someone so stupid flail about as you are

i'm not clicking any videos, i'm not engaging in further nonsense you bring up, you want to try to attach ideology to me because you are rtarded well that's on you son

what you're doing is no different than me calling you a pedophile and demanding you prove you don't rape 10 year old boys, i'm not going to engage with idiots and their posting in bad faith

so your dad is a ladyboy, your mom is a fluffer in gay porn and you're a pedophile who traffics in opiates, do you deny these? you are obsessed with "oriental" cults so it must be true

for both our sakes i'm putting you back on the ignore list, since all you do is shitpost, but not even as a troll, just as a tard

Last edited by rickroll; 04-11-2021 at 07:16 AM.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 08:05 AM
Still not seeing any condemnation of the CCP from you, how hard can that be to do?

Must be tough living in your current neck of the woods.

Last edited by corpus vile; 04-11-2021 at 08:13 AM.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 08:40 AM
You can enjoy your time in China without becoming a CCP fanboy. At a minimum, stop defending the CCP and the actions of the Chinese "State."

There is no doubt in my mind the CCP and the Chinese State, in their current state, are basically evil and the biggest threats to global security and peace in our lifetimes. Russia is a distant second in comparison.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
You can enjoy your time in China without becoming a CCP fanboy. At a minimum, stop defending the CCP and the actions of the Chinese "State."

There is no doubt in my mind the CCP and the Chinese State, in their current state, are basically evil and the biggest threats to global security and peace in our lifetimes. Russia is a distant second in comparison.
Agreed and the USA in 3rd or 4th behind North Korea
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
washoe, did you read the interview i shared, he's literally talking about curing cancer, not needing medicine, nor needing phones cause they got esp as well as flying through space to communicate with aliens

but here's an academic paper, you'll see the mention of them stating they are instructed to disregard medical treatment in opening paragraph and no, this was not written by chinese people but rather white new zealanders so i guess big sheep is in on it too

falungong is way more out there than scientology, they just are much better at presenting it as a traditional qi exercise to outsiders and as "anti ccp" - just look at how me pointing out they are a cult automatically gets me labeled a ccp shill, they've done a great job positioning themselves so that any critique of them is viewed as pro-ccp bias

this is why they fund so much media, they clearly prioritize that - after the time magazine interview they quickly realized they had to put a lid on the crazy and they've done a great job since then

yoga groups don't form international religions and sponsor dozens of websites/youtube channels/print newspapers - they are incredibly good at how they represent themselves but if you peel back the layers it's all right there
I will, I did not read it yet. I didnt have to read it as I know there are idiots on every corner when it comes to religions. Extremists who take it too far. You have that in yoga too, there is people who are insane and think they can hover. That is not to say the entire thing is a fraud.

I just did my research and I wish you could see the doc I just saw. May be you can with subtitles.

So yes, I think this it is a peacful, harmless and good movement that got eliminated by the ccp. It is highly beneficial too. I dont understand why you take on the ccps narrative and condone their practices so much. The enemy of your enemy is your friend. You are in China? What the heck are you doing in China?

Anyways here are a few cliffs to the video:

-falung gong is or was a huge movement until it got banned by the ccp. It got too powerful. Within a few years it grew to 70M and the ccp saw it as a threat, a big threat. They are a afraid of powerful movements, as movements exactly like this did break previous goverments in China.

-so they declared it a sect and banned it. !! the ccp banned it. The ccp liked it and endorsed it before it got too powerful for them! It was a peaceful and harmless movement.

- millions of people turned to falun gong because they wanted to return to traditional values, knowlegde and culture. Thats good isnt it? They worked for 30 years with no pay for the ccp but had medical service covered. That didnt get them anywhere, so they returned to traditional values by turning to falung gong.

- the ccp upon that ban is said to imprison and murder thousands of falun gong members. wtf? and you are honesly speaking against falun gong? That is ccps narrative that you are repeating, sir. So offense, you seem like a good guy.

- falun gong was in the beginning well received by the ccp until they got to powerful. Again I question what you think about the ccp. They are an oppressive regime. Whoever is a threat to them is usually the good guy.

Oh and Rick if you do not want to speak out on this I understand why. You do not have to.

Last edited by washoe; 04-11-2021 at 11:12 AM.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 11:07 AM
washoe, nowhere do i condone their persecution

i'm just pointing out you shouldn't get your news from a cult, i don't think that's a hot take but apparently this thread draws in people who believe if i say anything negative about a cult it means I'm pro ccp, like you said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and that doesn't apply here at all

life is not binary, you can call a cult a cult and discard their media without necessarily being pro or con anything else, it's outrageous you want to put a dividing line where anyone or anything that is anti ccp is therefore good

so if an admitted child rapist condemns the ccp he's alright and good guy then?

it's downright shocking the logical leaps you guys are taking
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 11:23 AM
I do not see why it should be labeled a cult. It was labeled a cult when it got to powerful for the ccp and it was labeled a cult by the CCP! That alone should get anyone thinking imo.

In the video there is a british professor, speaking for it. China has tried to get rid of traditional knowledge and medicine for decades. They try to make it a state 2.00, which is almost non human. When the millions of people turned against that ship by turning to falun gong, of course they tried to burry it by saying its a cult. Its not, let me tell you.

Scientolgy is a cult. It even got the status of religion with tax exempt status. That is a cult. They have no business being called a religion. It is a evil, corrupt organization. They tried to throw over the government numerous times. Through corruption they were able to buy their tax free status. Look at clearwater, they own it. Look at LA they have signs everywhere and noone dares to touch them. That is really a cult and a dangrous one. Falun Gong is not, absolutley not.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 11:27 AM
washoe, just read the ffing interview, in the amount of time you took guessing here you could have read what the leader literally says himself

i'm done responding, it's just getting repetitive by this point and don't see what good it will do
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 11:32 AM
Ok Rick, I will read it eventually.

Do you know what ARTE is? Whatever Arte is saying is usually GOLD. They are very reputable and have not been debunked once. They are highly objectice and independant.

So whatever their stance is on this, I believe it. My conclusion comes solely from their conclusions.

This doc was from ARTE.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
washoe, nowhere do i condone their persecution

i'm just pointing out you shouldn't get your news from a cult, i don't think that's a hot take but apparently this thread draws in people who believe if i say anything negative about a cult it means I'm pro ccp, like you said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and that doesn't apply here at all

life is not binary, you can call a cult a cult and discard their media without necessarily being pro or con anything else, it's outrageous you want to put a dividing line where anyone or anything that is anti ccp is therefore good

so if an admitted child rapist condemns the ccp he's alright and good guy then?

it's downright shocking the logical leaps you guys are taking
I wish you could see the thousands of comments on the video. It is unanimously people saying it is not a cult. They say the ccp is messing with them, the uigurs, the tibets and every other minority that can become a threat.

By your logic everything is a cult. Christians, Buddhists, they all believe in things that could be labelled a cult. As long as nobody gets hurt I would say fine.
China Quote
04-11-2021 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I wish you could see the thousands of comments on the video. It is unanimously people saying it is not a cult. They say the ccp is messing with them, the uigurs, the tibets and every other minority that can become a threat.

By your logic everything is a cult. Christians, Buddhists, they all believe in things that could be labelled a cult. As long as nobody gets hurt I would say fine.

Yeah they all are in a sense a cult .
China Quote
04-12-2021 , 03:51 AM
Walking around Hong Kong pre CCP crackdown and passing by the Falun Gong tables, people handing out flyers, their pictures, newsletters, etc...
They give off a big cult'ish vibe.

I didn't know they were a major financer of the epoch times. Who's bankrolling them? Have to be some foreign government money in there somewhere.
China Quote
04-12-2021 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
imagine defending sharing cult videos

since you seem incapable of googling time interview falungong...,00.html go ahead and read it, but i'm sure time magazine is a ccp sleeper agent or shill or whatever as well
Originally Posted by rickroll
washoe, just read the ffing interview, in the amount of time you took guessing here you could have read what the leader literally says himself

i'm done responding, it's just getting repetitive by this point and don't see what good it will do
Ok, I read it. Now what? This is nothing. Not impressed at all. Not one teeny-tiny bit. You think that is outrageous? This is how youre are making out its a cult? By the words that he said? Then you obviously havent been to India, Tibet, Asia or Africa. (which is funny, bc you are supposed to be in Asia) Have you ever heard of Hindis? 1.3B people believe in this kind of stuff in India, Hare Krishnas a cult too? They believe in pink and blue elephant gods that can hover.

He says he saw people levitate, so what? I have heard this kind of talk in India everywhere. When my western yoga teacher (a girl from Michigan, I believe with academic background) told me there is people that can hold thier breath for 2 hours and that there is people that can hover, I almost packed my bag, I think you would have left immediately. They all believe in magic stuff. Do me a favour and go there, or better yet, go to tibet and you wont find what he says outrageous one bit. Hare Krishnas, Shamans around the world, or I bet if you spend 1 hour with the pope or dalai lama you will be outraged too by the magic they will tell you.
China Quote
04-12-2021 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Walking around Hong Kong pre CCP crackdown and passing by the Falun Gong tables, people handing out flyers, their pictures, newsletters, etc...
They give off a big cult'ish vibe.

I didn't know they were a major financer of the epoch times. Who's bankrolling them? Have to be some foreign government money in there somewhere.
I do see why they could give off a cultish vibe. Hare Krishnas give off a cultish vibe too, but they are harmless.

Hong Kong was very open to Falun Gong at the beginning.
Whos bankrolling them? I do see them as counter balance, although I just found out about them. Who is bankrolling them is not hard to say imo. There must be powerful people on the other side who do not apreciate what the ccp does. These could be forces from around the world, who have an interest. Or people in china who think the cpp is getting to powerful and abusive.
The french revolution comes to my mind when I think about them.

@Rick, what have they done that is so harmful? My definition of cult is someone is abusive and opressing, also exploiting thier members. That definition is all ccp and not the FGs. The Falun Gongs are not harming anyone.

"China is harvesting organs from Falun Gong members, finds expert panel"
China Quote
04-12-2021 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
My definition of cult is someone is abusive and opressing, also exploiting thier members. That definition is all ccp and not the FGs. The Falun Gongs are not harming anyone.

My definition of a cult is some grifters looking to take your money and as a side benefit screw as many boys/girls as they can and it escalates from there.
So basically about every religion is a cult in my book.
China Quote
04-12-2021 , 02:56 PM
As far as cultish religions go, FG as it exists today is relatively benign and is frankly better understood as another offshoot of Taoism. Its claims aren't even that unique as far as Taoist "Sects" (cults if you will) go.

The scale and modernization of the operation though are pretty unique. So is the anti-CCP political dimension it has taken on. My gut feeling is that the CCP unwittingly pushed FG to become a political entity and they don't know what to do with it and it's not a priority.

If there is a religion that the CCP is truly ambiguous about, it's Buddhism. I've seen estimates that suggest ~20% (roughly in line with rest of the population) of the CCP membership, including the leadership, are Buddhist objects of worship are on open display at the homes of many prominent CCP leaders.

And yet, the religion is in legal limbo in China.
China Quote
04-30-2021 , 10:54 AM
What harm can they have done really? They are meditating and yes it's ambiguous.
China Quote
04-30-2021 , 11:03 AM
"The opium wars in 13 min"

Absolutely incredible how China was getting ****ed by everybody. They just crushed the Chinese army, burnt and butchered them, stole thousands of year old cultural treasures, just as the ISIS did. the Brits, the French, the Portuguese everyone. Then they forced them to sign over the opium trade and made them sign contracts that allowed them to control HongKong. (Macau too) Then they stole the cat of the Chinese emporer and named it after him just to humiliate him. One year later he died. No wonder China is the way it is now. It has been abused by the West. For opium! So that's why they say the opium was racist. It was! It was a massacre the world has never seen before.

China Quote
04-30-2021 , 06:22 PM
Something rarely mentioned in discussion of the opium war in the west but it's a key element in Chinese understanding of it is that the Qing themselves were not Chinese.

So it's one group of foreign occupiers did such a terrible job at running the country that it set the stage for a century of foreign occupation, civil war and famine. Early Qing was a powerful gunpowder based military that expanded Chinese territory to it's zenith and drove off Russian encroachment in siberia. Meanwhile the Ming loyalist fled to Taiwan (not a native Chinese island but austronesian aboriginal) but that was occupied by the Dutch and these Ming loyalists defeated the Dutch and took the island, the Qing then defeated them (this is how Taiwan started getting Chinese inhabitants and governance).

At that time the military was heavily reinforced by Manchus, Mongols, and other non Han Chinese. While the Han Chinese had always played a major role in the Qing army, they were more the filler to the elite divisions of non Chinese and kept the power balance tilted towards the Manchus.

Anyway, later on as the Manchus grew insanely wealthy and soft, much like Romans, they no longer seeked military careers for their sons. So the demographically insignificant Manchus and their other non Han Chinese allies grew to a point where they couldn't form the elite backbone of the military. This left them vulnerable to revolution and coup so their solution was to move back the clock on their Chinese units. They would no longer train using the latest muskets and cannon but be issued pikes and crossbows etc etc. This was fine because at the time they were the world's dominant superpower without any threats. All their neighbors were subjugated and their borders were all natural barriers like mountains, dessert, ocean and jungle.

They never foresaw that technology would move to allow navies from across the globe to show up.

But this ideology of "our situation is precarious so we gotta preserve the status quo" went well beyond downgrading the military. It extended into everything. Any change was viewed suspiciously. Businessmen who built private railroads to ship their goods had them dismantled, officials who advocated for modernization were removed from office, etc etc. This went so far that they forbid outsiders from even entering China. The entire reason why foreigners demanded their own territory in the opium wars was because they weren't otherwise allowed in China. They had to wait in certain holding areas to be granted entrance and only then we're allowed in with an escort. Think like north korea today but instead of flying in and following a government arranged trip with government handlers you're forced to wait on a small island for 6 months until Kim decides to grant you a personal audience then sends you back to island.

So from the Chinese point of view, it's one group of non Chinese created an atmosphere where a bunch of other non Chinese could rape and pillage them. This is a big reason why they are so nationalistic and don't trust non Chinese.
China Quote
04-30-2021 , 06:25 PM
Also, it wasn't until the Taiping Rebellion, which was that cult led by the literal brother of jesus nearly toppled the Qing did they finally concede and begin training a modern army of Han Chinese. It was kept to a minimal size though. But after the Sino Japanese war they realized they had no choice but to make it bigger. They did that and then at the first opportunity they overthrew the Qing in a velvet revolution.

So you could feasibly argue the qing were correct that maintaining an artificial weak military was the only reason they stayed in power so long.
China Quote
05-04-2021 , 01:38 PM
FLG is not just a financier of Epoch times, NTD, China Uncensored, etc....

These are the media arms of FLG.

In terms of how harmless, I think of them as half way between scientologists and branch davidians, except with tens of millions of members and tens of billions of dollars.

With any organization of that size, its important to distinguish between everyday members and senior leadership.
China Quote
05-04-2021 , 01:51 PM
Having actually met Li Hongzhi at one of his demos in the early 90s prior to FLG wide scale adoption, he seems mostly a scammer interested in financial fraud.

Is he even the leader of FLG or just a figurehead these days? Are FLG goals still the same 25 years later is hard to say.

By the way, everything rickroll says on FLG recommending the avoidance of modern medicine and replacement with prayer/excercise/purchased charms is 100% true.
China Quote
