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China China

05-21-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am saying IT IS NORMAL to have this type of Wuhan facility.

The US, (Pompeo and Trump) seem to be saying 'gotcha China. We have exposed Wuhan was working with Corona virus THUS BAD' and that is being fed to the media via Fox news and others.

I am asking American's and others if they are surprised or would be surprised that such facilities,such as Wuhan, that have the potential to have such an accident exist? As it seems they (average citizens) do not know that and think somehow CHina have been caught here.
Gotcha. Yeah I don't think it's surprising that these facilities for studying viruses exist.
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
my bad, sorry for the tone, seeing lots of conspiracy theories out there lately and just assumed this was part of that
No. No issue. I think i took a circuitous route to my point as I did not want to 'lead' anyone. And i can see my posts were not clear.

I wanted to see if others saw thru it and could come to the same point.
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 01:46 PM
My understanding is There are 2 major labs in the world that study bat coronaviruses of that type that are implicated in SARS and MERS and now COVID (so obviously high risk of transmitting to humans). The lab in Wuhan and one in the US.

The problem isn't that such places exist, the problem is that the virus originates from one of 2 places in the world that study these viruses. That is some amazing coincidence.

And we are talking about wet markets? (which don't even exist in Wuhan)

We obviously don't know, but if you are absolutely sure it didn't come from the lab, you're not thinking very clearly IMO.

Ockham's Razor would suggest it probably came out of the lab.
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 01:55 PM
kelhus, a "wet market" is any market that sells perishable goods, it's been dealt with ad nauseum here and you're one of the most active people ITT

stop being a turd
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
kelhus, a "wet market" is any market that sells perishable goods, it's been dealt with ad nauseum here and you're one of the most active people ITT

stop being a turd
I thought you had me on ignore.

And I meant "wet market" of the variety that comes to mind for Westerners when they see the term, of live animals piled on top of each other and being slaughtered in the sreets; that you have constantly pointed out are in different parts of China thousands of miles away.
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
My understanding is There are 2 major labs in the world that study bat coronaviruses of that type that are implicated in SARS and MERS and now COVID (so obviously high risk of transmitting to humans). The lab in Wuhan and one in the US.

The problem isn't that such places exist, the problem is that the virus originates from one of 2 places in the world that study these viruses. That is some amazing coincidence.

And we are talking about wet markets? (which don't even exist in Wuhan)

We obviously don't know, but if you are absolutely sure it didn't come from the lab, you're not thinking very clearly IMO.

Ockham's Razor would suggest it probably came out of the lab.
What is the 'coincidence' you see?

I would think these labs should be on the 'highly likely' list of potential accidental release for such things.

IF ebola ever escapes in the US again would you be shocked to find out, after the fact,it escaped from a US lab studying it?
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
What is the 'coincidence' you see?

I would think these labs should be on the 'highly likely' list of potential accidental release for such things.

IF ebola ever escapes in the US again would you be shocked to find out, after the fact,it escaped from a US lab studying it?
You might not be understanding me.

I think it fairly likely the virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan.

I also think there is a chance it was a bat virus that was deliberately modified (eg with Pangolin DNA) to infect humans better.

I think it much less likely it was intended as a bioweapon. More likely just legitimate research that escaped and had a very bad unintended consequence.

The whole "wet market" narrative been pumped out by the CCP and reinforced by our own media smells like a red herring to me. And if you are confident this is the more likely scenario of what happened, you aren't using very good reasoning IMO.
China Quote
05-21-2020 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
You might not be understanding me.

I think it fairly likely the virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan.

I also think there is a chance it was a bat virus that was deliberately modified (eg with Pangolin DNA) to infect humans better.

I think it much less likely it was intended as a bioweapon. More likely just legitimate research that escaped and had a very bad unintended consequence.

The whole "wet market" narrative been pumped out by the CCP and reinforced by our own media smells like a red herring to me. And if you are confident this is the more likely scenario of what happened, you aren't using very good reasoning IMO.
I think that is a very likely scenario in the few potential scenarios that exist.

It would not shock me one bit.

It goes back to my original thesis which is these lab's will be looking to experiment with all these viruses even if just to have vaccines or the beginnings to vaccines or understanding should an adversary weaponize one. They will not want to be caught flat footed ans scrambling from square one for a vaccine.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 07:06 AM
The End of Hong Kong?

China Quote
05-23-2020 , 07:36 AM
sharing cult news again jfc dude

have some dignity bro
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 08:07 AM

Last edited by corpus vile; 05-23-2020 at 08:15 AM.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 08:20 AM
yeah the troll is not the guy repeatedly posting cult videos

seriously man, have some intellectual self respect
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 08:43 AM
Normally, if you were an actual serious poster, I'd challenge you to provide evidence that either WION TV or China uncensored are "a cult". However you're a boring substandard troll and apologist for the CCP so I won't bother, as you won't provide evidence to back up your tiresome blather and will simply engage in the same piss poor trolling.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 09:02 AM
dude, China Uncensored is falungong we had this exact conversation earlier in the thread and a 10 second google search that would have taken less time to do than post an idiotic response saying "how do you know" would have answered that for

i have no idea what that indian trash is but just look at the choice of words used, that's certainly not news

you should embarassed of yourself

if something is decent coverage you shouldn't have any trouble finding it covered by a legit source but you don't and repeatedly share videos straight from the short bus

that's what makes you so ******ed, there are dozens of articles and videos you could have shown that covered the same topics with credibility that tell the same message you want to convey but you instead just reach for sensationalist drivel literally produced by cults - you're not posting anything in good faith when you purposefully ignore credible sources because you prefer to share some douche that uses a few buzzwords your lizard brain thinks are poignant

honestly man, this is more about your own integrity than anything else, i genuinely mean it when i tell you to have some self respect
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 09:19 AM
No it isn't nor have you provided any evidence it is. Nor were you on about China uncensored earlier but NTD as this was the post you were whinging about...

...and this is why you're considered a lying boring troll.

"Indian trash" huh? So now you're a racist as well as a troll. On ignore you go
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 09:31 AM
China Uncensored is a NTD youtube channel you absolute facking ******

it's just shocking you wouldn't spend 5 seconds google searching that to confirm before doubling down like this

you also don't seem to understand how language works either, nobody on earth could discern that indian comment to be about indian people

jfc you are hopeless because you're either doing this in bad faith or genuinely stupid beyond redemption
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
China Uncensored is a NTD youtube channel
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 10:49 AM
new tang dynasty, one of the half dozen or so falungong created news outlets
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 10:51 AM
NTD is a news channel founded by Falung Gong practitioners. (as in the people who China tortures, detains and harvests organs from)

Prickroll automatically insists anything they say is not to be trusted on account of his claiming that they're a cult. Despite their reporting on China's racism toward black people being corroborated by several other news outlets. He then dismisses another news outlet reporting on his overlord as "Indian trash" showing his xenophobic racist colours in the process. By his rationale, American conservatives such as Larry Elder are Falung Gong "cultists" due to Elder being connected to the Epoch Times which is connected to NTD.
Basically ANY news outlet which doesn't speak about his CCP masters in glowing terms is subject to racist abuse and automatically dismissed. Reason being Dickroll's an apologist and decidedly racist troll for a nasty and oppressive regime.

It's why I stuck him on ignore as you won't get anything of substance from him.

Last edited by corpus vile; 05-23-2020 at 11:06 AM.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 11:48 AM
Rickroll may or may not have some blind spots about China but he makes good posts in general. No reason to ignore him and he definitely isn't a troll.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 11:50 AM
From what I understand Rickroll lives in China, and as a foreigner, he is probably being closely monitored and knows it.

So when it comes to these kind of topics, it is probably fair just to treat him as an arm of CCP propaganda machine, because that is the line he is going to take, as he pretty much doesn't have a choice, regardless of what he actually believes.

Even CNN, which tends to tread very lightly with China (probably because Trump is critical of China and they don't want to agree with him on anything) is admitting China's actions towards Hong Kong are serious encroachment on their sovereignty. So clearly there is merit to the accusations independent of the source of those YouTube videos.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Rickroll may or may not have some blind spots about China but he makes good posts in general. No reason to ignore him and he definitely isn't a troll.
Rickroll is a fine source of information from a certain perspective. You just have to be aware you are only going to get that perspective, and understand why.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
From what I understand Rickroll lives in China, and as a foreigner, he is probably being closely monitored and knows it.

So when it comes to these kind of topics, it is probably fair just to treat him as an arm of CCP propaganda machine, because that is the line he is going to take, as he pretty much doesn't have a choice, regardless of what he actually believes.

Even CNN, which tends to tread very lightly with China (probably because Trump is critical of China and they don't want to agree with him on anything) is admitting China's actions towards Hong Kong are serious encroachment on their sovereignty. So clearly there is merit to the accusations independent of the source of those YouTube videos.
You nailed it in this regard. Earlier he automatically dismissed China's racism toward its African community as fake news due to the source, even though I then further provided two others sources, France 24 & AlJazeera.

One of the links WION TV is in no way affiliated with NTD (which dickroll has yet to actually justify his dismissal of, he simply falsely claims they're a cult) but he dismissed that too apparently as it's "Indian trash".
His dismissal is a form of obfuscation to divert attention away from the CCP regime and dishonest and he also moves goalposts, so that's why I consider him a troll. I didn't know he lived in China, so that certainly explains things as he does indeed very probably have them glowering over his shoulder, lovers of freedom and free speech that they are.

Last edited by corpus vile; 05-23-2020 at 12:33 PM.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
sharing cult news again jfc dude

have some dignity bro
The BBC, the New York Times and other sources have carried reports that the Chinese dictatorship's 'security' law means 'the end of Hong Kong, the end of one country, two systems'. I heard that phrase in a BBC radio report yesterday. China is of course legally obliged to maintain 'one country, two systems' until 2047, and destroying Hong Kong's special status will be to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, as Bloomberg and other sources have noted.

But then China's got a million or more Uighurs slammed up in concentration camps, and psychotic dictators are not exactly noted for their rationality, or for giving a hoot about human rights or international norms of conduct.

This particular BBC online piece doesn't refer to 'the end of Hong Kong', but does detail the problems with the dictatorship's attempts to suppress the unrest (entirely caused by their own policies) which is bothering them.
China Quote
05-23-2020 , 01:51 PM
I never disregarded the content, I was pretty specific about that. The issue is your sources are trash.

It's also hilarious that you guys call me a ccp shill. After poker my fist jobs were as a news producer interviewing dissidents like Liu Xiaobo and doing contract research and report writing for the state department. I'm about as far on the anti ccp spectrum as you can get.

My issue isn't with you guys posting anti ccp stuff at all. My issue is with the ridiculous "zomg they have raw meat for sale" and "here's a video made by a cult" stuff. If you guys just stopped posting so much terrible nonsense I would barely post here.
China Quote
