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China China

04-13-2020 , 07:27 AM
To provide some context, COVID doctors and researchers around the world, including some in China, have all been openly sharing information on preprint servers to try to help each other learn about and tackle the pandemic.

The CCP has officially decided that they will have none of that, as they don't want scientific research to conflict with their propaganda and lies. Give the devil his due though, for all intensive purposes their campaign of propaganda and lies is working internally, as it seems A LOT of Chinese are buying the bullshit.

There is also a story floating around that the NIH had provided funding to the Wuhan Coronavirus lab where the virus likely came from. This actually surprised me a little. I am all for NIH funding, but surprised they are funding research that is controlled by a foreign government that is dishonest, non open and non transparent. That is pretty much the opposite of the scientific ethos. I definitely think the NIH needs to take a good long, hard look at their guidelines and not do ANY funding for any research coming out of mainland China for these reasons.

Case in point, there are reports Chinese scientists had identified and sequenced the viral genome months before they released it outside China. If the CCP has been honest about the COVID-19 itself from the start and released the scientific information on it, probably hundreds of thousands of lives around the world could have been saved. the NIH definitely has no business funding foreign scientific research that is so compromised ethically.

Same for US businesses. I remember a few months ago Peter Thiel wrote a very scathing Op-Ed on Google because they were doing AI research in China, where obviously the CCP has access to all the information and can also suppress the engineers on their end from sharing information.

Last edited by Kelhus100; 04-13-2020 at 07:32 AM.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 07:31 AM
On a side note, CNN (and the rest of the US MSM) has been very CCP friendly up to this point, declining to cover angles that criticize the party. And you had to go to right wing sources like Fox News or non partisan ones like DailyMail to get the truth, at least with respect to the CCP.

CNN actually being willing to publish this story could prove to be a turning point indicating the MSM is willing to break from their ideological solidarity and be more honest. Time will tell.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 10:54 AM
04-13-2020 , 11:12 AM
The Daily Mail is non-partisan? Is this real life?
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
The Daily Mail is non-partisan? Is this real life?
Of course. On any major story there is no information that I could get in a CNN or NYT article that will also not be made available in a DailyMail article. The opposite is far from true.

You have been so conditioned towards biased media that you actually believe that not suppressing information that doesn't fit the correct narrative is indicative of bias.

This is the top headline right now on DailyMail

"CDC director says he pushed for lockdowns in New York, Florida and the west coast in February - weeks before they were put in place - after Dr. Fauci risks his job by saying Trump could have saved lives by shutting down country earlier"

-Would an actual biased right wing biased paper make such a story criticizing President Trump front and center, of course not. But they are also willing to criticize CCP tactics, such as early Chinese whistleblowers being arrested and disappearing, which our MSM has not been willing to do for the most part.

Edit: I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are actually not very familiar yourself with DailyMail, just its reputation in left wing circles. I assure you, as in most things, reality doesn't map onto such narratives very well.

Last edited by Kelhus100; 04-13-2020 at 11:34 AM.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 12:56 PM
Right now photos of half-naked semi-celebs are hard to get because they are all confined, so the daily mail has resorted to publishing real news.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 12:59 PM
Daily Mail is first and foremost sensationalist and after that right leaning. The right-bias is less pronounced with the online stuff (or possibly more accurately non-UK stuff) than the print paper, the latter of which is arguably the most right-leaning mainstream newspaper in the UK.

The online content does seem to cover a wide range of stories, but it will without fail favour sensationalism over well sourced journalism.

Also they have a direct partnership with the official newspaper of the CCP so the idea that they are going to be more likely then other mainstream news to criticise China is somewhat absurd.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Daily Mail is first and foremost sensationalist and after that right leaning. The right-bias is less pronounced with the online stuff (or possibly more accurately non-UK stuff) than the print paper, the latter of which is arguably the most right-leaning mainstream newspaper in the UK.

The online content does seem to cover a wide range of stories, but it will without fail favour sensationalism over well sourced journalism.

Also they have a direct partnership with the official newspaper of the CCP so the idea that they are going to be more likely then other mainstream news to criticise China is somewhat absurd.
I have a feeling the product they deliver for online US audiences might be very different than what they offer in the UK, Online or print. On any given day most of the top stories are politically focused, and not too different than what you would find in the NYT (with the exception of being less biased IMO). If you keep scrolling down you will start to get the sensational stories, including a lot of British Royal news.

There is also a separate celebrity gossip section I never go to.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Also they have a direct partnership with the official newspaper of the CCP so the idea that they are going to be more likely then other mainstream news to criticise China is somewhat absurd.
I didn’t know about the partnership with CCP. That is interesting.

That being said, I go through dailymail every day and that is my empirical experience they are much more critical of the CCP than US MSM. For example, One of Their top headlines over the weekend was that China suppressed the “batlady” scientist from sharing information about The virus For several weeks in December-January.
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I have a feeling the product they deliver for online US audiences might be very different than what they offer in the UK, Online or print.
Do you have any evidence for that, or is it just feels?
China Quote
04-13-2020 , 02:59 PM
You have been so conditioned towards biased media that you actually believe that not suppressing information that doesn't fit the correct narrative is indicative of bias.

Thankfully we have you as the supreme arbiter of objectivity. Could you be any more self-righteous? Check yourself.
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 03:27 AM
guys, each time you quote him it defeats my ignore list

just shows how a lockdown doesn't work unless it is universal
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 06:50 AM
Hah that's insane. The Daily Mail is anything but non-partisan here in the UK. I really can't imagine it being any different elsewhere, but maybe what passes for non-partisan in the states is still considered wildly partisan by a normal country's standards.
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
Hah that's insane. The Daily Mail is anything but non-partisan here in the UK. I really can't imagine it being any different elsewhere, but maybe what passes for non-partisan in the states is still considered wildly partisan by a normal country's standards.
kelhus is a very unique individual
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 09:46 AM
Below is he top 3 headlines of DailyMail. Same as yesterday, not particularly partisan at all. Mostly addressing what, where, when, why, who. I don't even know what the CNN or NYT headlines are, but I can guarantee they are much more partisan.

Again, it is nice that you guys all have your preferred ideological narratives. But like so many ideological narratives, they fail the closest real scrutiny. If it is all fine, I will continue to be the one that addresses the world as it is, and you guys can keep living in the reality your masters have constructed for you.

I guess what I am saying, is feel free to actually check your ideological narratives every once in a while to make sure they are mapping reality. You many be surprised and find they don't map it particularly well.

DailyMails top 3 headlines on their mobile browser

"Cuomo calls Trump 'schizophrenic' for claiming 'total authority' to re-open U.S. and threatens lawsuit if POTUS orders New Yorkers back to work, as he leads 'Coronavirus Council' of nine Democratic governors to coordinate reopening"

"Trump ignores 22,129 coronavirus deaths to launch furious revenge strike on media for story criticizing him and shows highlights reel of governors PRAISING him - as Fauci walks back criticism in 'voluntary' statement"

"Pelosi slams Trump's coronavirus response accusing him of failing to tell the truth, blaming him for equipment shortages and scorning his reopening plan saying 'on the basis of what?'"
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 10:55 AM
I am just surprised you managed a post without referencing "neo-liberal elites".

But naturally it's everyone else whose posts are driven by ideology.
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 11:18 AM
Did senpai Dr. Jordan Peterson ever get out of rehab yet?
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 02:17 PM
A McDonald's in China refused to let black people in bc of corona fears
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
A McDonald's in China refused to let black people in bc of corona fears
A racist Asian? No
China Quote
04-14-2020 , 04:41 PM
I am sure the WHO director will be making a statement to the Chinese people any minute that stigma is the real danger, not the virus.
China Quote
04-15-2020 , 12:30 PM
traditional chinese people are pretty racist, which is not good
China Quote
04-15-2020 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
traditional chinese people are pretty racist, which is not good
but can't blame them because of the history
China Quote
04-16-2020 , 09:55 AM
Sure you can or most certainly the CCP who often engage in racist policies.

China Quote
04-16-2020 , 10:35 AM
omg... guys the ccp is pachouli soaked guy wearing hemp in the drum circle singing cumbayah compared all prior chinese regimes

************standard disclaimer that this is not a defense of the ccp just pointing out the historical chinese view of other races**************

one of the things that made the ccp so unique in Chinese history compared to prior regimes is they wanted to incorporate the non han chinese

this entailed modifying a lot of the language as a lot of the ethnic groups were previously officially called slaves/dogs/barbarians/etc

not all this has changed as they didn't modify all the language, for example a jew 犹太人 is written as if it's an animal like a dog not a human given the character components behind it - it may be innocent enough, but it's going to have the same impact as growing up in a segregated society - there's another race out there you've never met or interacted with and you're already preconditioned to view them as animals

most of chinese history is strictly on china, we have very little information on their neighbors and the nomads they interacted with because they just had no interest - there were nomadic groups who'd been around fighting wars against the chinese for decades and we don't have a single description of them because the chinese never bothered to record what they looked like or what language they spoke, they were just "we sent an army west and killed the smelly barbarians" or "we traded 6 bolts of silk for 100 horses with the fat barbarians"

the word for body odor is barbarian smell (since modified to fox smell as part of a pc campaign) but then again the word for lies is still barbarian words

this is not barbarian in our sense like conan the barbarian, this is filthy disgusting less than human, which to them was anyone not chinese

this lasted deep into the modern era as the word for the dutch for many centuries wasn't dutch but "red haired barbarians" and the reason why traders had such a difficult time was because they literally weren't even allowed to interact with Chinese because they viewed them as sub humans

in fact, one of the main stipulations in the some of the treaties concluding the opium wars was that the chinese weren't allowed to formally insult other peoples as part of their diplomatic cables - this was because they'd get a letter from a trade delegation and respond something like "we want nothing to do with you stupid, fat and ugly barbarians"

if ccp lost power, I'm taking the over that whatever regime emerges would be 10x worse on uighurs/tibetans and in their dealings with the west as well - the ccp was propped up by the cominterm and that pushed a huge level of openness towards other races that would never exist organically

you can call the ccp racists all you want and I won't argue, but be aware that compared to their general population, they are the social justice warriors with their fingers in the dyke trying to force everyone to get along

only 9% of Chinese own a passport - the Chinese we interact with are a globalized elite and not at all representative of the country as a whole

also just an fyi, you're sharing videos produced by the falungong cult that believes in human levitation, curing cancer through meditation and communicating with aliens... just something to consider

Last edited by rickroll; 04-16-2020 at 10:44 AM.
China Quote
