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Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings

01-18-2021 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Half the population has an IQ less than 100.
A witticism I often make.

But if you think it's because they're stupid then that really isn't their fault.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
The % that supported the riots is much greater than ~0%.
Maybe but claimed support is a very weak measure and covers a very different spectrum from those who do stuff.

And sure, we need to address how we got to a point where someone like Trump received 70 million votes. But I was responding to a post that was specifically about the riot. That's why my question was specific to the riot.
ok well there weren't millions of rioters. How many were there? All of trump and how horrific he is and all this claimed support. What turned up?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by chzbrglr
the absolute biggest Trump diehard that I'm personally aware of is a long term Grateful Dead fanatic, used to have dreadlocks (Caucasian), drives a 40 year old 70HP diesel running on vegetable oil

pretty sure that Alex Jones got his hooks into him, and that was that

Fleecing Trumpderps was a pretty huge industry. Trumpderps are pretty much A+ quality targets to be conned. I wonder how some of these grifters regard Trump's defeat, and his subsequent banning from the primary social media world, in terms of their being able to continue their grift. Do the Trumpderps remain hooked as ever?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
.....address how we got to a point where someone like Trump received 70 million votes.
Wasn't that the Voter Fraud I keep hearing about on MSNBC? I figured he couldn't have gotten any more than a few thousand..... but fraud does work Both Sides...right?

/I haz a fun-knee
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Fleecing Trumpderps was a pretty huge industry. Trumpderps are pretty much A+ quality targets to be conned. I wonder how some of these grifters regard Trump's defeat, and his subsequent banning from the primary social media world, in terms of their being able to continue their grift. Do the Trumpderps remain hooked as ever?
I even heard that you profited and made some money from the Trumpderps Monteroy
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 06:08 PM
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Are you suggesting that the capitol riots were mostly about income inequality or underemployment?

Because that seems like just as much of a misdiagnosis as saying the riots were mostly about race.
He's saying the Democratic Party has been corrupt and incompetent

Because they are
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
He's saying the Democratic Party has been corrupt and incompetent

Because they are
OK. That seems relevant to the riot only insofar as that corruption or incompetence caused Trump to be president.

But if he was just reiterating his usual criticisms about the Democratic party, then there is nothing to discuss.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 11:49 PM

yes, of course.

but unfortunate timing to post this on MLK day.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 12:55 AM
Very happy to see that so far, the expected follow-up protests/attacks have amounted to little. Whether it's because it turned out to be a lot of bluster that was never going to amount to much, or because the hugely increased security has discouraged them, I suppose we'll never know - likely some of both. Of course there's still a couple of days left, including the biggest one; hopefully there isn't much change.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 12:57 AM
It's all fun and games until you're on the no-fly list.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 03:33 AM
Predictions for today?

A bit of noise, not much else.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Predictions for today?

A bit of noise, not much else.
A big nothing is my guess. Maybe a couple packs of proud boys wandering around looking for a fight but that's about it is my guess.

I'm sure there are more than a handful of derps across the country with fantasies of McVeigh and that's concerning for the next few years.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 04:44 AM
Interesting take on how the movie 'Birth of a Nation' relates to Trump's base

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Predictions for today?

A bit of noise, not much else.
I think if anything big were to have happened before Wednesday, it would've started on the weekend. Since it's been pretty quite thus far, I think today will be too. I don't expect a lot tomorrow either, but if there were to be trouble, that's when it would have to be IMO.

After that, then I guess it's just going to be the possibility of constant random stuff. Or not. I have no idea how much energy these folks have to continue protesting a "stolen election" as weeks of the new administration turn into months turn into years.

Originally Posted by diebitter
Interesting take on how the movie 'Birth of a Nation' relates to Trump's base
Nice. I need to watch that movie again.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Interesting take on how the movie 'Birth of a Nation' relates to Trump's base

Same people really.

The more things change....
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 08:43 AM
It's startlingly the same old same old.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I think if anything big were to have happened before Wednesday, it would've started on the weekend. Since it's been pretty quite thus far, I think today will be too. I don't expect a lot tomorrow either, but if there were to be trouble, that's when it would have to be IMO.
This is my guess as well. I suspect that a lot of the people who entered the Capitol were near oblivious to the possibility that they might face serious personal consequences.

Getting fired from your job or prosecuted isn't as much fun as shouting "this is the people's house."

If we are talking about imminent violence, I am more worried at this point about Timothy McVeigh types -- that is, lone wolf nutters and small groups of extremists who are willing to die for the cause.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 10:04 AM
The people who stormed the Capitol were emboldened by Trump. They honestly thought that they had Trumps backing and because of that, the thought of facing consequences was probably the last thing on their minds. They thought that they were in right and would succeed. As has been shown, a lot of those people have a lot to lose if they go to jail.
Cops, firefighters, ex military, business owners. So the realisation that they may do time must be a big discouraging factor. Not that they aren't lunatics and don't still pose a threat.
Just a thought.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is my guess as well. I suspect that a lot of the people who entered the Capitol were near oblivious to the possibility that they might face serious personal consequences.

Getting fired from your job or prosecuted isn't as much fun as shouting "this is the people's house."

If we are talking about imminent violence, I am more worried at this point about Timothy McVeigh types -- that is, lone wolf nutters and small groups of extremists who are willing to die for the cause.

I was having this discussion with my brother and this is my thoughts exactly. I don’t think there will be large protests and insurrection as there was on the 6th. However I’m more concerned about the lone wolf types.

My brother did mention something about videos posts on Parler about huge groups causing violence and attacking every state capitol. Likely just a few right wing nut jobs wet dream.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

Solid, want that King Ranch though.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Very happy to see that so far, the expected follow-up protests/attacks have amounted to little. Whether it's because it turned out to be a lot of bluster that was never going to amount to much, or because the hugely increased security has discouraged them, I suppose we'll never know - likely some of both. Of course there's still a couple of days left, including the biggest one; hopefully there isn't much change.

The Trump norming of white supremacy and violence is fading and they see there are again starting to be repercussions such as :

- no fly list
- fired from jobs
- shamed by community, friends and family
- corporate targeting from Social media to many others cutting off ties and business with you or your company
- fines
- Jail

One of the main ways to deal with racism is to make it distasteful to those who profess it. Some say that is just 'driving it underground' but that is a good thing as it makes less likely people will act and the best and only real way to get rid of it is time. The younger generations are less and less racist and as integration of society continues it is harder and harder to demonize 'others'.

No one wanted to go aggressively after the racists when they knew Trump would attack them back and defend his base. They just did not want that publicity war. But I think now, with Trumps power waning, we will see a return to aggressing shaming, tackling, prosecuting and shutting it down.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
The people who stormed the Capitol were emboldened by Trump. They honestly thought that they had Trumps backing and because of that, the thought of facing consequences was probably the last thing on their minds. They thought that they were in right and would succeed. As has been shown, a lot of those people have a lot to lose if they go to jail.
Cops, firefighters, ex military, business owners. So the realisation that they may do time must be a big discouraging factor. Not that they aren't lunatics and don't still pose a threat.
Just a thought.
People with everything to lose gave it away to Trump.

As usual.

I mean, really, you have to give him credit. He has to be one of the best con men ever.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
A witticism I often make.

But if you think it's because they're stupid then that really isn't their fault.
Stupidity isn't a legal defense.

At least I don't think it is.

Where's Rocco ?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-19-2021 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Stupidity isn't a legal defense.

At least I don't think it is.

Where's Rocco ?
Stupidity isn't a valid defense (except in extreme cases). Being dropped on your head as a kid isn't a valid defense. Intoxication isn't a valid defense (except in extreme cases). And in most cases, suffering from a mental disorder isn't a valid defense.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
