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Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings

01-17-2021 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
A few days ago they were ready to give their lives I guess some jail is way too much.
Exactly. You'd think a conviction + serving a jail sentence would be a badge of honor for these seditionists.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-17-2021 , 03:38 PM
Baked alaska MAGA live streamer arrested by FBI due to his streaming inside the capitol. He is also facing assault charges from the clip below

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-17-2021 , 08:12 PM
If these people start trouble again they should be put down hard and fast.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-17-2021 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by FallawayJumper

some Democrats in Congress think their colleagues might try to kill them
I encourage all Americans, not just the 75 million people who voted for President Trump, to mobilize and make your voices heard in opposition to these attacks on our liberties.

- Deleted Tweet from Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸
Twitter Suspends Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Account
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-17-2021 , 11:27 PM
Jan. 6 rally organizers had been on Trump campaign payroll, documents show.
Members of US President Donald Trump's failed presidential campaign played key roles in orchestrating the Washington rally that spawned a deadly assault on the US Capitol, according to an Associated Press review of records.

The news agency said it had revealed undercutting claims that the event was the brainchild of the President's grassroots supporters.

A pro-Trump non-profit group called Women for America First hosted the 'Save America Rally' on January 6 local time at the Ellipse, an oval-shaped, federally owned patch of land near the White House.

But an attachment to the National Park Service public gathering permit granted to the group lists more than half a dozen people in staff positions for the event who just weeks earlier had been paid thousands of dollars by Mr Trump's 2020 re-election campaign.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Jenna wasn't ready for the revolution
There are about to be a lot of Karens that would like to speak to the warden.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 03:58 AM
A New Mexico county official was arrested
they scaled the Capitol building’s wall before making their way to an outside deck.

There, Griffin used a bullhorn to lead the group in prayer,
In a Facebook post on the Cowboys for Trump page,
Griffin later said he planned to return to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 20 for a possible
“2nd Amendment rally” that would include “blood running out of that building”

At a Jan. 14 Otero County meeting, Griffin told other officials that he
planned on taking a rifle and a revolver when he returned to Washington
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 04:43 AM
Bullhorn Lady def seems to be Boebert's Mom, and that doesn't bode well for either of them.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Bullhorn Lady def seems to be Boebert's Mom, and that doesn't bode well for either of them.
she admitted that her daughter took her on a tour the day before, which wasn’t allowed
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Baked alaska MAGA live streamer arrested by FBI due to his streaming inside the capitol. He is also facing assault charges from the clip below

I never watched this boy but,

Not for orderly transition or power and
Not for private property

Does that mean anarchist ?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 09:30 AM
I'm still trying to figure out what motivates people with solid middle class prospects to risk it all to change a system that's benefited them greatly.

How butt hurt do these entitled little schmucks need to be to literally expose themselves to federal crimes ?


Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 12:31 PM
When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 12:51 PM

And US history speaks to this.

At almost every stage of Black people gaining steps towards full equality in US history there has been a backlash and uprising to try and set them back. Masses of mostly white people rising up to try and deny the progress or the rights gained.

In the past most of the lawlessness was set upon the black people and their institutions directly but this issue that has republicans angered of 'we are losing our power to control elections both legally with voting power and unscrupulously with things like gerrymandering and voter suppression' is not as easy to target directly at the blacks, so instead they are going after the seat of government to tell them, and threaten them, and say if you do not MAGA, so that we get the power imbalance back, like we did when we considered America great, then we will destroy this House and destroy democracy in America.

This is ultimately a last ditch lashing out at the loss of power they feel.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 01:57 PM
What is scary is that these folks are not all 40 year olds living in their grandmas basement. Many are law enforcement, teachers, military folks. The fact they could be tricked into believing Trump is baffling .
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
The massive increase in BLM prevalence this summer, in conjunction with the great leveling brought on by the pandemic, and in conjunction with and culminating in Trump’s defeat based on pandemic-era voting which broadened the franchise to many previously foreclosed minorities, the conservatives must feel as if they’re being jammed into equality on an expedited timeline.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
What is scary is that these folks are not all 40 year olds living in their grandmas basement. Many are law enforcement, teachers, military folks. The fact they could be tricked into believing Trump is baffling .
The bottom 5% of a class... law enforcement, teachers, etc, is still the bottom 5%.

I always jokingly asked my doctor in what percentile did he graduate... I'm still alive.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
Nails it perfectly.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 04:23 PM

This is absolutely incredible on many levels.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
by focusing on race it allows the Dems to maintain the high ground without promising any material help to citizenry.

we have millions of radicalized fascists in some part at least bc the Dems have refused to do anything with their power except corporate handouts.
Are you suggesting that the capitol riots were mostly about income inequality or underemployment?

Because that seems like just as much of a misdiagnosis as saying the riots were mostly about race.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This is absolutely incredible on many levels.
Guess Pokerstars has some work to do to make their celebration videos they email to people a little more impressive.

I assume you have seen the recent footage of the one dude inside (quasi military guy) barking out instructions on how it is an intelligence operation as the Qdonk with the buffalo hat howls at the moon above him in the rafters. Whole lot of interesting videos will be created out of this situation, and that does show the dramatic progression of technology in the past couple of decades.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:07 PM
car pooled
organic food
60s music
wholefoods supplements

weirdest rightwing nuts ever
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Are you suggesting that the capitol riots were mostly about income inequality or underemployment?

Because that seems like just as much of a misdiagnosis as saying the riots were mostly about race.
The overwhelming majority (~100%) of trump voters weren't on the riot.

We have to address how we get to a situation where trump can get 70m votes (and brexit in the uk etc etc). Many reasons but the failures of more reasonable politics is well up there.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The overwhelming majority (~100%) of trump voters weren't on the riot.

We have to address how we get to a situation where trump can get 70m votes (and brexit in the uk etc etc). Many reasons but the failures of more reasonable politics is well up there.
Half the population has an IQ less than 100.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
car pooled
organic food
60s music
wholefoods supplements

weirdest rightwing nuts ever
the absolute biggest Trump diehard that I'm personally aware of is a long term Grateful Dead fanatic, used to have dreadlocks (Caucasian), drives a 40 year old 70HP diesel running on vegetable oil

pretty sure that Alex Jones got his hooks into him, and that was that

Last edited by chzbrglr; 01-18-2021 at 05:33 PM. Reason: grammar
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-18-2021 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The overwhelming majority (~100%) of trump voters weren't on the riot.

We have to address how we get to a situation where trump can get 70m votes (and brexit in the uk etc etc). Many reasons but the failures of more reasonable politics is well up there.
The % that supported the riots is much greater than ~0%.

And sure, we need to address how we got to a point where someone like Trump received 70 million votes. But I was responding to a post that was specifically about the riot. That's why my question was specific to the riot.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
