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Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings

01-13-2021 , 04:49 AM
I think Trump is going to try to find some excuse to declare a national emergency and stay in power. It won't work. But it will cause massive chaos, like he always does.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 04:58 AM
Thank god he doesn't have the nuclear codes, right!
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 05:01 AM

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 07:38 AM
The Q derps believe that Trump has already signed and enacted the insurrection act and the military is mobilizing now to arrest all the traitors and pedophiles.
This type of stuff is real entertainment to me. Does anyone know any Q forums that I can read more from these lunatics?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 07:40 AM
When all the traitors and pedophiles are arrested they will have to move onto their next plan. I hope their next plan involves Lizard People. Lizard People make everything festive.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I think Trump is going to try to find some excuse to declare a national emergency and stay in power. It won't work. But it will cause massive chaos, like he always does.
He's not done.
He knows he has the Trump Army ready to go another round.
He's going out with a bang.

lol GOP
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
He's not done.

He knows he has the Trump Army ready to go another round.

He's going out with a bang.

lol GOP
With all these patriots from Jan 6 looking at 20+ year stretches I'm not sure how many more volunteers he's going to have left to do anything but march and protest which is not going to give him the result he's hoping for.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Well, there are, according to The Hill, 25 active counter-terrorism investigations as a result of the attack on the Capitol. That is probably the reason for broad inclusions on the "No Fly List". That article is two days old, I don't have updated numbers.

Exactly what those investigations will bring I don't know, but clearly people aren't going to be exempt from the NFL simply because they happen to be middle-aged or female.

Obviously since 2001, US intelligence agencies and law enforcement have had very broad powers when it comes to counter-terrorism. That's probably a debate of its own.
I just think of the whole Benghazi incident and all the investigations and such.
This was an attack on the Capitol. There should be 50x the scrutiny and investigations to this incident.
A lot of people will be going to jail.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 09:17 AM
I suspect he will bang out a lot of LOLpardons, but seems most of the Trump train has been derailed. Even Bill Belichick, a Trump supporter, turned down the biggest civilian honor because LOLTrump was giving it and a Trump award has zero value (negative value actually). Maybe Trump can give it to the give who dressed as a water buffalo for him.

Guess we will see if the "Trump army" moving forward is more than some lone wolf incidents, if even that. Not sure why anyone is predicting Insurrection acts or national emergencies declared by Trump at this point, he is basically Homer Simpson sitting with a bunch of monkeys in a room after his masons (I mean Stonecutters) left him.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I suspect he will bang out a lot of LOLpardons, but seems most of the Trump train has been derailed. Even Bill Belichick, a Trump supporter, turned down the biggest civilian honor because LOLTrump was giving it and a Trump award has zero value (negative value actually). Maybe Trump can give it to the give who dressed as a water buffalo for him.

Guess we will see if the "Trump army" moving forward is more than some lone wolf incidents, if even that. Not sure why anyone is predicting Insurrection acts or national emergencies declared by Trump at this point, he is basically Homer Simpson sitting with a bunch of monkeys in a room after his masons ( I mean stone cutters) left him.
There are a lot far right extremists in the US and they have grown in number. In the Qanon-crowd and fringes of the MAGA-crowd they have likely found many to recruit. For years there have also been warnings of them actively seeking entry and allies among active duty military, veterans and law enforcement.

I don’t know how much of it will come in the coming weeks, the investigations might send many of them them scurrying. But I am sure US will struggle with this extremism for many years to come.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
With all these patriots from Jan 6 looking at 20+ year stretches I'm not sure how many more volunteers he's going to have left to do anything but march and protest which is not going to give him the result he's hoping for.
Hopefully you're right about all of them going all in on Jan 6.

But if there were than many stupids there's a non zero chance there are that many more.

Either way Trump isn't done. He's going to try.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Besides the fact that BLM is a movement that addresses serious problems and the Trump Army was fighting about an election that wasn't stolen, it's exactly the same.

lol Trumpers.
To the extreme right, the racist right, they are all the same.

You see consistently since the end of slavery and in every battle for justice and civil rights, they advocate an approach of a justice system that does not distinguish.

They want the law to move in and crush the protests, full stop. The claim 'law and order' must be the only consideration. Then focusing on silencing on things like taking a knee at sports events can be focused upon to silence via other forms of soft power.

And when society and the law does not crush the protests that then becomes forever the 'Whatabout' justification for actions like Neo Nazi insurrection looking to decapitate the heads of government, literally.

'If you won't support the crushing of Black Lives matter marches then this is what you get' is what they believe is a just and fair argument.

And that is because of their bias. They deplore seeing POC demand anything, let alone rights and especially not to 'not be killed'. It cuts to their core and they want it crushed and thus 'of course Nazi like actions would arise... that should be expected if you are going to allow that'.

They think the latter is only clear level headed rationalization of 'cause and result' and honestly do not understand why others do not see it as all the same.

The sight of uppity POC demanding anything in society is abhorrent to them and any tangential violence is beyond the pale. Nazism to them is simply the rationale and natural reply.

I do not mean the above with an ounce of hyperbole. i think this is really how people like Inso0 think.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Thanks! I was hoping there might be a few, but I'm not shocked.

Right. Impeachment has a little more support. What isn't clear, of course, is what support it has in the Senate. I'm assuming it will fail in spite the talk of possible support by Mitch, but I'll still hope for the best, and if nothing else, will be entertained!
I doubt we will ever know for sure.

If the Republicans decide as a group that they will have the support for impeachment assuming all Democrats would vote for it, they will approach Trump in private and let him resign (well "force" him to resign).

This is what happened with Nixon. There was almost no support for impeachment and then the Tapes came out and it was obvious Nixon had committed a serious crime. So the Republican Senators felt they had no choice and as a group decided to give Nixon a chance to resign.

Even if Schumer held a vote afterwards all or most Republicans might choose to abstain (which would leave Trump impeached ironically) so as not to go on record in opposition and destroy the rest of their political careers.

The thing about resigning that could appeal to Trump is that Pence could pardon him and that might be a precondition. And also he wouldn't lose the millions of dollars a year in financial support and the Secret Service detail.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
It's only a matter of time until this gets compared to 9-11 dry runs, and I wouldn't be surprised if some elected officials end up with some serious charges(though that seems to never really happen):

Well there you go.

I was wondering if the FBI could show 'cause' for some 'spying' into the communications of Congress members to see if any where actively communicating with those who may have been involved in the insurrection.

If these 'surveillance tours' did happen and they have video evidence of a Congress person taking any person around who later breached during the insurrection that would seem more than sufficient cause to get a warrant to 'spy' on their communications and see if it went beyond simply that.

I have a feeling that gun toting Q'er is going to get caught passing information through her channel, and i hope her simply simply tweeting out Nancy Pelosi's movements, and endangering her, is enough for them to check all of hers and her families related communications.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
This type of stuff is real entertainment to me. Does anyone know any Q forums that I can read more from these lunatics?
Not specifically the Q derps, but @parlertakes follows quite a bit of these extremist sites and posts it on Twitter. Some posts are funny, but others are quite chilling to read. Some include advocating torturing children of liberals to death in front of their parents. This from the "law and order" people. Scary AF.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Well there you go.

I was wondering if the FBI could show 'cause' for some 'spying' into the communications of Congress members to see if any where actively communicating with those who may have been involved in the insurrection.

If these 'surveillance tours' did happen and they have video evidence of a Congress person taking any person around who later breached during the insurrection that would seem more than sufficient cause to get a warrant to 'spy' on their communications and see if it went beyond simply that.

I have a feeling that gun toting Q'er is going to get caught passing information through her channel, and i hope her simply simply tweeting out Nancy Pelosi's movements, and endangering her, is enough for them to check all of hers and her families related communications.
Well as much as I find this hard to believe but in todays climate would not be shocked if its true. Why doesn't he say I saw ( Actual Name) leading surveillance teams through the halls.

From my understanding it is a common practice to give folks a tour through the Capital

Though going forward anything that comes out now will not shock me
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

l o ****ing l if they let this guy keep his seat
I would love to ask that Congressman who is justifying 'violence as a response to feeling your ballot box voice (vote) is being supressed or stolen', if he then supports POC using violence when faced with gerrymandering and other GOP tactics to take their vote and voice away.

I would honestly like to see him engage that question outside an impassioned venue and in some form of debate.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
The Q derps believe that Trump has already signed and enacted the insurrection act and the military is mobilizing now to arrest all the traitors and pedophiles.
This type of stuff is real entertainment to me. Does anyone know any Q forums that I can read more from these lunatics?
The 5D chess move belief is now spinning that 'Trump could not push for the National Guard to be there and armed and ready on the 6th as it would have been too obvious. The Dems would have been suspicious. He needed the Dems to demand they be there and now they have.'

They legit believe that the NG and Police (at least a good percent of them) will turn and fight with the Trumpsters and thus why you saw so many of them screaming at the police on the 6th in dismay. They legit felt betrayed.

Originally Posted by #Thinman
if you are in eye/ear shot of an angry mob committing violent acts and take another step forward with that are the violent mob and should be charged appropriately.

A mob's efficacy is in its weight in numbers. Not just the front line loonies pushing the boundaries but all those behind who provide the numbers who make 'contain' impossible.

They are aiding and abetting by providing that weight.

Originally Posted by 5 south
With all these patriots from Jan 6 looking at 20+ year stretches I'm not sure how many more volunteers he's going to have left to do anything but march and protest which is not going to give him the result he's hoping for.
It will be interesting to see what they do in the coming days when faced with far more organized defense and far heavier armed.

Are they truly willing to die for Trump or are they only tough when they feel they have a huge advantage?

I suspect lots of 'yelling' at distance with very little attempt to physically engage the assembled forces they will meet.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Well as much as I find this hard to believe but in todays climate would not be shocked if its true. Why doesn't he say I saw ( Actual Name) leading surveillance teams through the halls.

From my understanding it is a common practice to give folks a tour through the Capital

Though going forward anything that comes out now will not shock me
Well i think that will be the defense of any Congress person leading a tour or talking to any one now identified as an Insurrectionist. 'How was I too know??'

And it is a fine defense. But as I said, if there was any backchanneling going on, even loosely, then that should be enough for action to be taken against the Member.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The 5D chess move belief is now spinning that 'Trump could not push for the National Guard to be there and armed and ready on the 6th as it would have been too obvious. The Dems would have been suspicious. He needed the Dems to demand they be there and now they have.'

They legit believe that the NG and Police (at least a good percent of them) will turn and fight with the Trumpsters and thus why you saw so many of them screaming at the police on the 6th in dismay. They legit felt betrayed.

Look at these dumb libs falling right into his hands. Like stealing candy from a baby.
The man is a genius!

Of course if this doesn't end up being true it just means he has an even bigger plan for the future that would make a little US government overthrow look like small potatoes.

Trust the plan
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 12:05 PM
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Look at these dumb libs falling right into his hands. Like stealing candy from a baby.
The man is a genius!

Of course if this doesn't end up being true it just means he has an even bigger plan for the future that would make a little US government overthrow look like small potatoes.

Trust the plan
Mr. Trump, in tandem with the Lizard People, are a quite formidable force to reckon with.

Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 12:44 PM
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 12:48 PM
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
01-13-2021 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Yeah the whole 25th Amendment thing was a waste of time and unconstitutional imo, that's for incapacitated Presidents, impeachment is Congress's recourse for punishment, but I was referring to that bat**** crazy insane whackjob Republican congresswoman still contesting the election results last night, and still claiming Trump will remain in power.

Looks like Twitter finally flagged her lies and deceits.
It's not that simple.

Just as they say 'An Impeachable offense is anything Congress thinks is Impeachable and they have the votes for' which is an acknowledgement it is a 'political standard and not legal one', so to is the application of the 25th to 'incapacitated".

For instance, if Trump in a rage and in front of his cabinet flew into a rage and said he was going to 'unleash the military under Martial Law on Congress and if any one in the Military refused the order, he would fire that person and keep moving down the chain of command until he found someone', they could certainly determine he is 'incapacitated', and quickly remove him, if they have the votes.

There is nothing he could do about. It is their subjective view and a political (not legal) application standard. Totally judgement based.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
