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Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings

06-22-2022 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
particularly the bolded is interesting. if you are so scared of fascism which I am too, why use the same evil methods?
who using what evil methods ?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
particularly the bolded is interesting. if you are so scared of fascism which I am too, why use the same evil methods?

did you read the Twitter thread lolol posted?

here it's a thread, I'm guessing 30 tweets in total.
i read the thread. the people that believe what that guy believes are still loonies. most of the **** he says "is FACT", is not actually fact. huge surprise. i mean i get that the people he are describing think those things, but those things are for the large part not true. and placating them isn't helping anything.

i mean the dude is saying that russian involvement in the election was a scam.. and that trumps attempting to blackmail Ukraine was completely legitimate.. and that democrats changed voting procedures to fix the 2020 election.. those are the things the dude is alleging are "FACT" in his thread.. not what people stupidly believe but he's alleging those are hard facts... L O L
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Just proving a point that I don’t think the right is forcing (or trying to force) the left to do much. Most Republicans just want to be left alone and not forced into accepting “wokeness”. That’s all. Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings
If I were a woman who didn't want to carry her baby to term (for any of a very wide variety of reasons), I think I would feel that the Republicans are indeed forcing me to do something ...
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i read the thread. the people that believe what that guy believes are still loonies. most of the **** he says "is FACT", is not actually fact. huge surprise. i mean i get that the people he are describing think those things, but those things are for the large part not true. and placating them isn't helping anything.

i mean the dude is saying that russian involvement in the election was a scam.. and that trumps attempting to blackmail Ukraine was completely legitimate.. and that democrats changed voting procedures to fix the 2020 election.. those are the things the dude is alleging are "FACT" in his thread.. not what people stupidly believe but he's alleging those are hard facts... L O L
Heck Russian , Chines , Iranian and many media sources were involved in fixing the election one way. Now saying that Trump was a russian spy and some other crazy things are just nuts. Trump attempt to blackmail Ukraine are as real as Biden's they just had different outcomes.

The reality is the guy that testified at the hearing yesterday and this morning whom Trump called evil and intimidated and received death threats was asked if he would vote for Trump in 2024 and his reply was yes. So if someone like that Trump cant shake and the alternative is Biden

Practice saying President Donald Trump again
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 05:30 PM
A perfectly legal and perfectly justifiable coup.

What if a US presidential candidate refuses to concede after an election?

If the 2020 US presidential election is close, the race could drag on in the courts and halls of Congress long after ballots are cast, says lawyer and political commentator Van Jones. Explaining why the customary concession speech is one of the most important safeguards for democracy, Jones exposes shocking legal loopholes that could enable a candidate to grab power even if they lose both the popular vote and the electoral college -- and shares what ordinary citizens can do if there's no peaceful transfer of power.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 05:42 PM
The above ties in to something I heard discussed prior and have mentioned which is how the 'now attempts' by the Dem's and others to close the loophole that Trump tried to exploit by having Pence accept an alternate slate of electors, by changing that 'norm' to a 'law' could end up sealing the Dem's fate in 2024 or empower a Trump type in the future.

There is a reason these things are norms and not laws and that is to ensure some flexibility by people of good conscious when real nefarious issues arise.

So when Pence and others say he could not have done what Trump asked they are wrong. He could have. It would have broken a norm and maybe even be illegal, if proven to be part of a wider conspiracy but that power is one the VP has and intentional so.

So how could it benefit Trump in 2024 if that loophole is closed?

Imagine whoever is the Dem POTUS candidate beats Trump but in another tight race of just a few States. Trump is up to his shenanigans again and despite everyone seeing the results and that certain electors being certified by the swing States, the envelopes Kamala Harris is presented with have Electors for Trump in them. It is clear something nefarious has happened but the VP power and discretion is now taken away by law. The VP must read into the record the Electors presented and the Election must be certified.

The Norm that would have allowed the VP to hold off while seeking a Court ruling to secure the real electors lists, is no more.

So now you have a properly certified and ratified election that says Trump is the winner. Of course the Dem's would sue and hope the SC would say this should not stand but Trump, in charge of the WH is under no obligation to listen to them as the SC has no Constitutional role in the process. Al Gore could have continued to fight under that same reason but chose to concede to Bush to not throw the country in to turmoil. Trump would have no such hesitation. He would control the executive by the Constitution and law and the Dem's would feel cheated but have no real answer.

And to offer to make peace Trump then could push it to a Contingent election where the House would vote and could affirm him again as POTUS. He would now have two Constitution processes affirming him, which is the way it is meant to be if there are issues in the General Election. That Trump and Co would be the ones committing the 'issues' does not have remedy in the US system.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
If the 2020 US presidential election is close, the race could drag on in the courts and halls of Congress long after ballots are cast, says lawyer and political commentator Van Jones. Explaining why the customary concession speech is one of the most important safeguards for democracy, Jones exposes shocking legal loopholes that could enable a candidate to grab power even if they lose both the popular vote and the electoral college -- and shares what ordinary citizens can do if there's no peaceful transfer of power.
We don't really have to guess at what would happen if a candidate refused to concede. Trump pretty much did everything that Van Jones said a losing candidate could do if he didn't care about democracy. He refused to concede. He filed a blizzard of ridiculous lawsuits. He tried to pressure state officials to throw the election in his favor. Kudos to VJ for predicting exactly what someone like Trump would do, but it's a little anticlimactic to watch this for the first time in 2022.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 07:51 PM
I think that largely misses his point but I am open to the counters?

I took from it him saying 'ya that is what happened, but in fact the US system does not have any of the safeguards against it happening then and now', which I think a lot of people still do not fully comprehend. I think a lot of people think that had Pence gone along with it, or had the Insurrectionists succeeded in not allowing Certification there was a bunch more safe gurads beyond that, that would kick in.

A lot of noise but really much ado about nothing, in terms of a real threat.

You often hear people say 'the system worked', 'the safeguards and guard rails held' as they then yawn at further talks and are ready to turn the page and gew less and less concerned about another Trump Presidency because... 'safe guards' and 'guard rails'. and that is what polling was saying pre this Jan 6th Commission airing.

Trump realized that the only thing that stopped him in the end was a few 'religious persons' who felt that their oath to the Constitution was an oath to God and they would not break that for Trump, no matter all the despicable things they had done prior in the name of the party. Trump has been busy trying to make sure few of that type of person will be in place next time, should he get close enough they could make a difference.

To me that is what VJ is saying or warning against, in that he, a lawyer and pundit just assumed more safeguards were in fact, in place and they are not. The system runs largely on norms that require people honour their oath to the constitution and do not break laws, and respect the Voters.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-22-2022 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i mean the dude is saying that russian involvement in the election was a scam.. and that trumps attempting to blackmail Ukraine was completely legitimate.. and that democrats changed voting procedures to fix the 2020 election.. those are the things the dude is alleging are "FACT" in his thread.. not what people stupidly believe but he's alleging those are hard facts... L O L
Yeah, we know Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, we know Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine for election help. That Trump knowingly received help from Russia is ludicrous is not a tenable position given the fact that a bipartisan Senate committee and Special prosecutor basically refused to say exactly that.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
who using what evil methods ?

Ok, one by one.

Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Yeah, we know Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, we know Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine for election help. That Trump knowingly received help from Russia is ludicrous is not a tenable position given the fact that a bipartisan Senate committee and Special prosecutor basically refused to say exactly that.
That is correct altough I didnt know that a senate committee etc. confirmed it.

Yes, the laptop affair got dismissed as not true but got cancelled by news outlets. aka gaslighing, aka, cancel culture, aka deliberate disinformation and that from multiple major news outlets and key figures.

GOP demands ‘experts’ who dismissed Hunter Biden laptop fess up — or face subpoenas
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
.. and that trumps attempting to blackmail Ukraine was completely legitimate..
Why does it seem strange that Trump was blackmailing Ukraine, Hunter was on the take from a Ukrainian energy/oil company and now there's a ****ing war there?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Yes, the laptop affair got dismissed as not true but got cancelled by news outlets. aka gaslighing, aka, cancel culture, aka deliberate disinformation and that from multiple major news outlets and key figures.
Just apply the same standards to the laptop that you do with Trump and Russia. There is 0 corruption ties with Joe Biden and the laptop was handled by Guiliani who is corrupt and possibly facing charges himself. You are buying into a conspiracy theory made up by people in Trumps orbit.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Why does it seem strange that Trump was blackmailing Ukraine, Hunter was on the take from a Ukrainian energy/oil company and now there's a ****ing war there?
Not sure if this post is serious or not but I again say the outrage that 'hunter was on the take' is just nonsense.

Everyone rightly hates all the forms of formal and informal lobbying that Family members, good friends, ex Business Colleagues and other take advantage of when someone they know well gains great political power.

A lawyer become Governor or Potus and suddenly his ex law firm registers as a Lobbyist, and some lawyers he used to work with end up being hired to the Boards or in other corporations who hope to gain access to the new Governor or Potus. Family members get hired by companies (Manchins daughter to medical company, etc).

There is NOTHING illegal about even if we find it distasteful. It is ONLY illegal if the politician breaks laws in dealing with them.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Just apply the same standards to the laptop that you do with Trump and Russia. There is 0 corruption ties with Joe Biden and the laptop was handled by Guiliani who is corrupt and possibly facing charges himself. You are buying into a conspiracy theory made up by people in Trumps orbit.

But the Laptop doesn't exist according to all the Media, the Whitehouse and intelligence experts just before the election. Now its OK it exists but nothing on it and Hunter can do what he wants.

Zero ties to Joe we do not know that. We have Audio were he brags about having access to his father and that he could get him to do anything .

Based on how corrupt so many politicians are on both sides would it shock me that Joe was involved? No It would not shock me if he wasn't either. But for Joe Biden to say I had no idea what my son was doing is total BS
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Not sure if this post is serious or not but I again say the outrage that 'hunter was on the take' is just nonsense.

Everyone rightly hates all the forms of formal and informal lobbying that Family members, good friends, ex Business Colleagues and other take advantage of when someone they know well gains great political power.

A lawyer become Governor or Potus and suddenly his ex law firm registers as a Lobbyist, and some lawyers he used to work with end up being hired to the Boards or in other corporations who hope to gain access to the new Governor or Potus. Family members get hired by companies (Manchins daughter to medical company, etc).

There is NOTHING illegal about even if we find it distasteful. It is ONLY illegal if the politician breaks laws in dealing with them.
Saying he's not on the take is like saying Congress doesn't partake in insider trading. They're just really good investors.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Saying he's not on the take is like saying Congress doesn't partake in insider trading. They're just really good investors.
I can't parse what you are saying here.

Saying 'who is not on the take'? Hunter or Joe?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I can't parse what you are saying here.

Saying 'who is not on the take'? Hunter or Joe?
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
who cares? failson gonna failson.. there was zero access to Joe Biden.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
who cares? failson gonna failson.. there was zero access to Joe Biden.
You do not know that . According to Hunter he had full access to his father and his father would do anything he asked according to the tape. But maybe Rudy disguised his voice to make a Hunter recording .

Don't worry there will be a full investigation in 2023

Though it has nothing to do with the insurrection and should be in the Biden thread
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 12:19 PM
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Ok so you missed my point then.

OK so what, Hunter is on the take. What can or should be done about that?

I asked lozen to play this game with me and will ask you. Your goal is to write the reply for the Politician in the next line.

This is a conversation between a Son or Ex business partner, or Relative or neighbour (Person 1) and a recently elected high level Politician (governor or POTUS)...

Person 1 - congratulations on getting elected. Congratulate me too as I was just offered a super high paying job with a company
Politician - Umm you realize that company is one that lobbies the govt or is looking for favourable access and I can't give you that right

Person 1 - ya I know. I even told them that. But they want to pay me huge money anyway
Politician - I would prefer you not take the job
Person 1 - ok then you need to give me the money. It is about 3 times what you get paid per year
Politician - I obviously cannot due that as I don't make that much. SO I am asking you as a favour not to take the money

Person 1 : Go **** yourself. Pay me or I am taking it. It is not against the law and i told them they were not buying access to you and they want to pay me anyway

Ok 5 south write the next line please:

Politician -
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ok so you missed my point then.

OK so what, Hunter is on the take. What can or should be done about that?

I asked lozen to play this game with me and will ask you. Your goal is to write the reply for the Politician in the next line.

This is a conversation between a Son or Ex business partner, or Relative or neighbour (Person 1) and a recently elected high level Politician (governor or POTUS)...

Person 1 - congratulations on getting elected. Congratulate me too as I was just offered a super high paying job with a company
Politician - Umm you realize that company is one that lobbies the govt or is looking for favourable access and I can't give you that right

Person 1 - ya I know. I even told them that. But they want to pay me huge money anyway
Politician - I would prefer you not take the job
Person 1 - ok then you need to give me the money. It is about 3 times what you get paid per year
Politician - I obviously cannot due that as I don't make that much. SO I am asking you as a favour not to take the money

Person 1 : Go **** yourself. Pay me or I am taking it. It is not against the law and i told them they were not buying access to you and they want to pay me anyway

Ok 5 south write the next line please:

Politician -
Agreed but than it may be in poor judgement to have him on a plane to China and say you know nothing about what your son is doing .

You do realize the problem I have is the flat out lies by the media, whitehouse and intelligence officers 41 I do think that said the laptop does not exist
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ok so you missed my point then.

You missed my point. Was just saying both sides had their dirty fingers in Ukraine and not there is full blown war.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Agreed but than it may be in poor judgement to have him on a plane to China and say you know nothing about what your son is doing .

You do realize the problem I have is the flat out lies by the media, whitehouse and intelligence officers 41 I do think that said the laptop does not exist
I think there is bad judgement and poor decisions all the time by Politicians and others in power who just think because they are powerful they don't need to worry about optics. Another example is Clarence Thomas not recusing himself on issues.

Biden was the face of the Obama Admin, the voice for the House Committee, and represented many Euro nations voice as well when he delivered that message to Ukraine. It was NOT his message. It was theirs.

But Biden should have seen the potential of an optics issue with his son Hunter, and said to Obama, 'I think I will pass on this and you can let your Security of State' handle this one'.

it would have been the same result but without people now on the right able to pretend Joe Biden did anything for his son.

Think about, you get the exact same result but simply having the SoS deliver that message takes away this entire issue which proves what BS it is by the right.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
06-23-2022 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
He’s under federal investigation currently. Joe Biden has done nothing about it and let this investigation run, not even really commenting on it. If Biden was constantly criticizing it in public, covertly went to the director of the FBI to get any and all federal investigations into his family dropped then fired him after he didn’t fulfill his corrupt request I would support impeachment and removal from the presidency.
Capitol attack and 6th of January hearings Quote
