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Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves?

12-22-2021 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
From Brother Jed, I'd assume.
Your assumption would be wrong, of course.

My information regarding evolution is mostly from a gentleman who earned a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Colorado: Dr. Jason Lisle.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-22-2021 , 11:32 AM
Have you thought about learning about biology from an actual biologist?
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-22-2021 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Have you thought about learning about biology from an actual biologist?
I not only have thought about it, I have actually done so for many years. An old college buddy of mine whom I have stayed in contact with has an undergraduate degree in Biology from California State University at Fullerton.

Kudos to you for the nice gotcha attempt, though!
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-22-2021 , 11:52 AM
So why not have your biologist ex-roommate teach you about evolution?
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-22-2021 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So why not have your biologist ex-roommate teach you about evolution?
I thought that I answered that in my previous post. Sorry I was unclear.

My friend and I have discussed evolution many times, and he thinks it is bogus.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-22-2021 , 06:25 PM
Trolly will never say it, but he will secretly be glad that someone pointed out that an undergraduate degree from Cal State Fullerton is a far cry from a Phd from Michigan.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-23-2021 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I thought that I answered that in my previous post. Sorry I was unclear.

My friend and I have discussed evolution many times, and he thinks it is bogus.
Sounds like your friend is a biologist like Dr. Dre is a doctor.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-23-2021 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Trolly will never say it, but he will secretly be glad that someone pointed out that an undergraduate degree from Cal State Fullerton is a far cry from a Phd from Michigan.
You’re very close, but Michigan is where I went for undergrad, not my Ph.D.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-23-2021 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You’re very close, but Michigan is where I went for undergrad, not my Ph.D.
Maybe I should start addressing you Dr. Trolly!
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-23-2021 , 01:40 PM
of Norheim college
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-25-2021 , 08:12 AM
must EVERY thread degenerate into personal attacks? sheesh.

Back to the topic. Here in Arizona it is legal for a property owner to shoot someone in the act of committing first degree burglary. So if there is a dead perp in your living room no need to put a gun or knife in his hand while waiting for the cops, just put a cell phone, wallet or grandpas watch on him then everything is legal. Discuss.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by jcorb
Back to the topic. Here in Arizona it is legal for a property owner to shoot someone in the act of committing first degree burglary. So if there is a dead perp in your living room no need to put a gun or knife in his hand while waiting for the cops, just put a cell phone, wallet or grandpas watch on him then everything is legal. Discuss.
Breaking into someone else's house in order to steal their stuff can have negative, even fatal, consequences. Keeping the Eighth Commandment (Thou shalt not steal) is good for you. Might even prolong your life.

Last edited by lagtight; 12-26-2021 at 11:46 AM.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by jcorb
must EVERY thread degenerate into personal attacks?
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb

Back to the topic. Here in Arizona it is legal for a property owner to shoot someone in the act of committing first degree burglary. So if there is a dead perp in your living room no need to put a gun or knife in his hand while waiting for the cops, just put a cell phone, wallet or grandpas watch on him then everything is legal. Discuss.
You can legally shoot in all 50 states if someone committed first degree burglary when your home.

Paranoid folks thought that you had to either dress up the perp as Rambo or kneel and prey to Sheela that your ass doesn't get beat or killed. Neither is actually true. Even Chezlaw might know that.

People seem to conflate situations of the 80 year old woman with alzheimers following you into your home when you come home from work as being the same as the dude who entered in with the crowbar through a locked door.

Last edited by formula72; 12-26-2021 at 02:11 PM.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 03:40 PM
actually had that happen. My neighbor two doors down had dementia, he was so far gone I didn't even recognize him, and was trying to come into my house while I was home. Said he was looking for Albert, didn't know if that was some kind of gay code word so I told him to get lost. He circles over to the side door and continues to try the door. Finally call the cops, I live a few minutes away from two city precinct stations, 45 minutes later they show up and ask me if they can bring him inside MY HOUSE to sort things out.

By this time I'm pissed and tell them to put their new grandpa in their cruiser and GTFO. Then one cop pushes his way in and starts strolling through the house checking things out, guess that's a thing cops do to look for tied up hookers or meth labs.

Overall a bad experience but very sad, both the situation and the response by police. Didn't ever feel the need to pull my gun.

Always lock your doors.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:22 PM
Too much trouble to just walk him to where you know he lives?
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 08:26 PM
like I said, didn't recognize him, didn't know who he was
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-26-2021 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb
like I said, didn't recognize him, didn't know who he was
' My neighbor two doors down had dementia, he was so far gone I didn't even recognize him' don't jive but w/e. What you did still seems harsh treatment. It's not important to the thread, tho, so I suppose I shouldn't have said anything, my apologies.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
12-31-2021 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb
Here's a security guard that is ok with violence, even though the perp's gun was fake.

Perp: "its fake its fake!"

Security Guard: "I DGAF, mines not."
The perp has a gun, the fact that he said it's fake is irrelevant.

If it was later determined that it was indeed fake is also irrelevant in the moment.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
01-01-2022 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by jcorb
actually had that happen. My neighbor two doors down had dementia, he was so far gone I didn't even recognize him, and was trying to come into my house while I was home. Said he was looking for Albert, didn't know if that was some kind of gay code word so I told him to get lost. He circles over to the side door and continues to try the door. Finally call the cops, I live a few minutes away from two city precinct stations, 45 minutes later they show up and ask me if they can bring him inside MY HOUSE to sort things out.

By this time I'm pissed and tell them to put their new grandpa in their cruiser and GTFO. Then one cop pushes his way in and starts strolling through the house checking things out, guess that's a thing cops do to look for tied up hookers or meth labs.

Overall a bad experience but very sad, both the situation and the response by police. Didn't ever feel the need to pull my gun.

Always lock your doors.

Seems like you should have shot them all.

I'm very sad that you didn't uphold the rights of your fellow Americans and this country is now a little less safe because of you.
Can Security Guards Shoot Unarmed Groups of Thieves? Quote
