Originally Posted by Elrazor
I think anyone who walks around with blue hair and announces their pronouns at the start of every conversation is going to find a degree of soft cancellation. Not that I agree with cancelling people or ideas in any free society. Even Wokeism has ideas with some merit, for example highlighting differences in policing towards ethnic minorities. It's when the needle moves to far that is becomes an issue, and there are numerous examples of where this has happened. Chris Kaba and Jordan Neely spring to mind - I think there would have been a greater chance of conviction for either of these cases in 2019 based on the cultural zeitgeist rather than the evidence.
It's not about the hairs and the pronouns, it's bigger than that.
As i mentioned , affirmative action. If proposed by someone with a decent aesthetics, dressed like a proper person and using normal language, it's still a lethal threat to society.
We have gender quotas in elections in some countries (including Italy). GENDER QUOTA. Party lists for european elections in Italy have to be made of 50% men 50% women. By law.
When you get 2 preferences as a voter, you have to choose a man and a woman, otherwise the vote is *null*.
It doesn't matter how you are dressed if you defend that: if you defend that you should be completly canceled from society like a nazi would. Canceling people and ideas is proper and good, it's just that the left canceled absolutely healthy and normal people and ideas, when THEY are the people and the ideas incompatible with civil society.