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British Politics British Politics

Yesterday , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Their lack of vision will be the end of this lot.
Lack of vision yes, also lack of any actual desire to improve anything apart from some minor tinkering around the edges. That disappeared with the deselected Labour candidates.

Starmer is a pen pushing bureaucrat who's been on the expenses gravy train all his life. All Sir Keir understands is how to please the establishment.
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
if jesus christ himself took office and fixed the NHS, eliminated the national debt, built ten million houses and passed a law which meant free blowjobs for all, his approval rating at the end of the year would be -5
Jesus Christ himself wouldn't be allowed into the UK in the first place now because Tories like you would protest he's an illegal immigrant and should be "sent back" despite the need for carpenters, and Farage would be at Dover swearing at his attempts to walk on water.
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 05:15 PM
i'd be all for Christ as PM

i suspect you and many of the rest of the corbynistas would have a problem with his appointment
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 05:18 PM
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 05:19 PM
Jesus Christ would be arrested for stirring racial, ethnical and cultural hatred for his speeches against Pharisees.

British judges would put him in prison for some years because of violence in the temple caused by his inflamatory speech followed by ulterior speeches which clearly intended to stir social hatred
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
i'd be all for Christ as PM
How about Mohammed? He might not be too keen on your views on valid targets of genocide.
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
i'd be all for Christ as PM

i suspect you and many of the rest of the corbynistas would have a problem with his appointment
Too Jewish?
British Politics Quote
Yesterday , 06:48 PM
slow pony

I think christ would fit very well into our left wing group. Except the son of god bit - he might have to tone that down.
I'm confident christ(ian) ethics fits well with our views on pretty much everything.

and if he gained any traction then the establishment would crucify him (possibly not literaly)
British Politics Quote
Today , 12:20 AM
I just need you guys to know that “return of the sausages” has reached the United States
British Politics Quote
Today , 03:43 AM

But the Guardian understands that Treasury officials fear estimates due to be released by the government’s spending watchdog may suggest the policy will fail to raise any money because of the impact of the super-rich non-domiciles leaving the UK.

if the independent watchdog tasked with estimating fiscal impact gives you estimates you dislike just disregard them, what could go wrong
British Politics Quote
Today , 04:14 AM
The folly of trying to tax the super rich through income is that some don’t have much taxable income and others will find it easy to avoid paying.

Taxing their assets in the shape of property is the way to go.
British Politics Quote
Today , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom

But the Guardian understands that Treasury officials fear estimates due to be released by the government’s spending watchdog may suggest the policy will fail to raise any money because of the impact of the super-rich non-domiciles leaving the UK.

if the independent watchdog tasked with estimating fiscal impact gives you estimates you dislike just disregard them, what could go wrong
Not new. The only problem was labour lying that it would fund something.

Barely stood out among their other lies to avoid doing anything radical
British Politics Quote
Today , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The folly of trying to tax the super rich through income is that some don’t have much taxable income and others will find it easy to avoid paying.

Taxing their assets in the shape of property is the way to go.
those are mobile, "extra" rich people which you had attracted in the past. If your proposal is to tax some indian person on his wealth outside the UK a lot for the privilege of living in the UK, he simply won't live in the UK, will still be there some weeks when he feels like it, and will pay some taxes elsewhere where they are more reasonable.
British Politics Quote
Today , 05:23 AM
I might even be positive aabout laboutr on this one if they focus on the moral case instead of the lies.
British Politics Quote
Today , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I might even be positive aabout laboutr on this one if they focus on the moral case instead of the lies.
From what i read it looks like they are going to do it anyway no matter which estimates come out of it.

But it would be hilarious for real if at the end it came out that kicking non dom in the ass costs money to taxpayers, and you have to cut services because of that.
British Politics Quote
Today , 07:24 AM
It's obviously morally indefensible for a wealthy person to use public services and amenities without paying any tax. Non-dom status allows the tax dodge of claiming a lower-tax state as their domicile.

If even the Tories could see the unfairness of this but you can't, it's probably a sign you should rethink your values.

Last edited by jalfrezi; Today at 07:42 AM.
British Politics Quote
Today , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
It's obviously morally indefensible for a wealthy person to use public services and amenities without paying any tax. Non-dom status allows the tax dodge of claiming a lower-tax state as their domicile.

If even the Tories could see the unfairness of this but you can't, it's probably a sign you should rethink your values.
Non doms are paying 30k pounds / year lump sum for their foreign incomes, which is already more than whan the median britisth taxpayers pays, and plenty enough to cover for their individual services.

That is without counting the normal taxes they pay on UK generated income, and the VAT that comes with a wealthy lifestyle (that alone is more than enough to make them exceedingly net tax payers).

But it's not enough for you and people like you, even if it's people who aren't citizens and owe the british government and citizens nothing. You want everything, you want to tax them millions on wealth accumulated elsewhere, and you are going to lose it all.

The tories wanted cash and taxing foreigners is politically easier than taxing citizens, they never have "morals" lol. At least they worked under estimates of almost 3 billions pounds a year from 2028 on (as per article).
British Politics Quote
Today , 07:55 AM
Millions of households are paying more than 30k in income tax and they are by no means wealthy.

Non doms clearly owe the UK government a lot more than "nothing" when they use the NHS etc for free. If they are living here a lot because they like being here that is a benefit to them, and they should pay an appropriate amount of tax the same as everyone else.

Last edited by jalfrezi; Today at 08:00 AM.
British Politics Quote
Today , 08:53 AM
I'm sure they play plenty in terms of what they use but that's not the point. We can't continue with this idea that rich people may more tax in absolute terms so massive inequality is ok. It isn 't, it's destroying us. Non-dom is small easy meat so it's pretty meh unless it's part of a serious understanding that inequality has to be tackled. If it's the beginning of something then hurrah!

Also very hard to tackle without a lot of international agreements. We mustn't continue to let rich people (or companies are 'you listening Apple) play us off against each other.
British Politics Quote
Today , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm sure they play plenty in terms of what they use but that's not the point. We can't continue with this idea that rich people may more tax in absolute terms so massive inequality is ok. It isn 't, it's destroying us. Non-dom is small easy meat so it's pretty meh unless it's part of a serious understanding that inequality has to be tackled. If it's the beginning of something then hurrah!

Also very hard to tackle without a lot of international agreements. We mustn't continue to let rich people (or companies are 'you listening Apple) play us off against each other.
Man it isn't "normal" rich people who became so in the country and are citizens.

It's foreigners who would otherwise be somewhere else.
British Politics Quote
Today , 09:15 AM
I dont have an issue with foreigners. All just people. Rich or poor
British Politics Quote
Today , 10:36 AM
LONDON — The EU could modify its plan for a youth mobility scheme with the U.K. to make the idea more politically palatable to Keir Starmer, under an approach being discussed in Brussels.

Changes to the original blueprint presented by the European Commission in the spring might include caps on numbers, shorter stays in their host country, or tighter eligibility criteria, EU officials told POLITICO. They were granted anonymity to speak freely.

The proposal could also be renamed to give it a fresh political start.
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
im saying its impossible for a 2024 politician in a western democracy to have a sustained high approval rating outside of a war situation/something equally extreme

if jesus christ himself took office and fixed the NHS, eliminated the national debt, built ten million houses and passed a law which meant free blowjobs for all, his approval rating at the end of the year would be -5
The public mood does seem that way, but in Britain it may be because the last half-dozen prime ministers have all bungled it one way or another, and none of them had a clear success to their credit -- except Gordon Brown, who won great international praise for his handling of the 2008 financial crisis, but the public blamed him anyway because he didn't have the right personality for the top job and he always seemed grudgy and uneasy.

Not sure Jesus Christ would fit the bill either, because he was one of those people who think the world's about to end -- 'Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.' (Matt 16.28, and Luke 9.27, which is almost identical.) So he didn't see much point in doing anything about anything except a bit of housekeeping in your soul to prepare for the end. As we know, the world still hasn't ended nearly 2000 years later, so he got that quite badly wrong.
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:58 PM
Well the world as we know it is about to end unless something causes climate change to take a different direction.
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Millions of households are paying more than 30k in income tax and they are by no means wealthy.

Non doms clearly owe the UK government a lot more than "nothing" when they use the NHS etc for free. If they are living here a lot because they like being here that is a benefit to them, and they should pay an appropriate amount of tax the same as everyone else.
Not all non-doms are exactly 'wealthy' in the biggest terms -- some of them are American academics, doing all right but not superbaddies with secret lairs under extinct volcanoes -- and the idea is that they pay their main taxes elsewhere. Bear in mind that non-dom status only relates to foreign income, not income derived from the UK.
British Politics Quote
