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British Politics British Politics

12-07-2019 , 06:33 AM
Oh wow, actually got a leaflet through the door today suggesting that I vote for a party - given they're 1/100 to win here it seems a bit pointless, but it's one more positive request to vote for a party than anything I've seen on all social media
British Politics Quote
12-07-2019 , 07:25 AM
We do have a decent track record of getting rid of SNP leaders in Westminster so this would be good.

British Politics Quote
12-07-2019 , 09:49 AM
Frankie Boyle dissects the campaign

It was impossible to predict that the whole country would be thrown into crisis by middle-aged men outraged about Europe making decisions for them (these are people whose wives buy their socks)...

In any other era Gove would be seen as a uniquely unctuous, unlikable and profoundly talentless figure. Now he’s hardly even remarkable. Gove – looking like someone took all the flesh out of a serial killer’s drains and forced it into some brogues; like Davros fell out of his Dalek; like a rushed cartoon of a horny snail...

I think Labour presents itself better during elections because it is forced to be more practical. The whole Corbyn thing, at its best, is a sort of Ealing comedy about some old bloke who gets called off his allotment to try to form a government, but it needs to promise a third act where something actually happens...

You won’t be surprised to learn that I won’t be voting Tory on Thursday, for much the same reasons that I won’t be spending the day kicking children and pensioners into traffic.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 12-07-2019 at 10:03 AM.
British Politics Quote
12-07-2019 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
The irony being that this prat and JRM are literally the right-wing version of Corbyn and McDonnell.
probably not the best idea to have a famously sexualized minor as your avtar pic
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 02:51 PM
18 years old isn't a minor - a 'minor' fact I know, but one that completely undermines your assertion nonetheless.
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 03:06 PM
The story was kind of famous but I'm not suggesting you knew. I'm fairly certain your avtar is a picture of a 17 year old during high school pole vault practice. Pictures of her as a 17 year old went viral. She turned 18 shortly after but still, it's kind of a weird (if you are aware) choice given the endless options for an avtar. I'm just giving you a heads up since you don't seem to realize. I tried to accomplish that in a sentence so you could look in to it and decide for yourself
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 03:20 PM
Allison Stokke — who had just turned 18 years old
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 03:38 PM
Juan... Shut up.
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 03:42 PM
Do whatever you want champ, i'm just giving you a heads up

This paragraph immediately proceeds the photo in your avtar

Her story takes a disturbing turn

Allison Stokke drew national attention for her record-breaking pole vaulting career, but soon she would experience a type of attention that would shock her to her core. This was a kind of attention that no one on earth had previously experienced. In 2007, the high school athlete’s popularity skyrocketed for something completely unrelated to her athletic performance, but instead for something many people would consider disturbing.
‘Pole Vaulting is Sexy, Barely Legal’

One day, the photograph of Allison Stokke was sent to sports blogger Matt Ufford, who owned a blog called With Leather. The blog was known for its objectification of women, particularly in the area of sports — and Stokke became its next target. Matt Ufford saw the photograph and decided to share it with his readers, titling the blog ‘Pole Vaulting is Sexy, Barely Legal.’

Allison Stokke smiles for a photo before she prepares for her next pole vault
Photo by Kirby Lee/WireImage

The blog, written just two months after Allison Stokke turned 18, drew massive attention to the photo of the pole vaulter competing, and it took the internet by storm. However, when the photo was taken, Allison Stokke was still only 17 years old. Was it even legal for Matt Ufford to publish this blog?
Whatever, do your thing man. I'm just pointing out that its a famously sexualized 17 year old and that I'm almost certain the photo in your avtar is of a highschool student during pole vault practice. For some reason this has been difficult for you to grasp
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 03:47 PM
Okay, just a quick heads up as you seem devoid of any self awareness - you're an idiot.
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 03:56 PM
A fairly classic case of projection. No one's heard of this case apart from Juan, who seems a little too familiar with the details.
British Politics Quote
12-08-2019 , 08:24 PM
Something a little more election-related!

British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 01:50 PM
Guy is an absolute sociopath. Incapable of giving a quarter of a sh*t about some random poor kid dying somewhere he hasn't heard of, figure it's probably a good opportunity to trot out some catchy campaign catchphrases!

British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 02:18 PM
He looks haggard. Hope he's having a really **** time of it.
British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 04:31 PM
Every few days I check in on the boy and how things are going across the pond, and every day Laura Kuenssberg has done another shameless act of Tory propaganda. Don’t even think bernie has it that bad. How will the bbcs reputation ever recover? Was it always this bad?
British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 04:35 PM
Otoh, Boris is holding a fish.

British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
Every few days I check in on the boy and how things are going across the pond, and every day Laura Kuenssberg has done another shameless act of Tory propaganda. Don’t even think bernie has it that bad. How will the bbcs reputation ever recover? Was it always this bad?
Well thanks to Johnsons legendary loyalty, him winning means there won't be a BBC any more

So thats one less worry.
British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 06:27 PM
Getting rid of that horrible regressive tax enforced by scumbags is the sort of thing I'd have expected Labour to go for
British Politics Quote
12-09-2019 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
Every few days I check in on the boy and how things are going across the pond, and every day Laura Kuenssberg has done another shameless act of Tory propaganda. Don’t even think bernie has it that bad. How will the bbcs reputation ever recover? Was it always this bad?
My recollection of how Foot and Kinnock were treated makes me think that it sued to be even worse.

Anyway, I've been feeling very gloomy but there's still reasons to be hopeful. Some polls have the tory lead down to 6% which is in hung parliament territory. Also notable that JC's rating is improving considerably (from avery bad position admittedly) which once again demonstrates that when he can get policy talk to occasionally surface over the mud, people's view of him and Labour change significantly.
British Politics Quote
12-10-2019 , 05:29 AM
I think this thing with refusing to look at the photo of the 4-year-old boy is going to play badly. It's into Gillian Duffy territory IMHO, though apparently that didn't affect the polls much back in 2010.

Roughly what percentage will have voted already do we reckon?
British Politics Quote
12-10-2019 , 05:56 AM
It is at least helping keep the last few days a bit more about the NHS and a bit less about brexit.
British Politics Quote
12-10-2019 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
I think this thing with refusing to look at the photo of the 4-year-old boy is going to play badly. It's into Gillian Duffy territory IMHO, though apparently that didn't affect the polls much back in 2010.

Roughly what percentage will have voted already do we reckon?
There were 8 million postal votes issued last time, how many of those got returned is a different question but turnout from that should be higher you'd think
British Politics Quote
12-10-2019 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Two games to play for election night


Who will win the following seats? Guess as many correctly as you can by writing the number and the name of the party you think will win the seat.
1. SNP
2. Lib Dem
3. Con
4. Con
5. Con
6. Con
7. Con

8. Con
9. Lab
10. SNP
11. Plaid
12. SNP
13. Con
14. Con

15. Lib Dem
16. Lib Dem
17. Plaid
18. Con
19. Lib Dem
20. Con

21. SNP
22. Lab
23. Lab

24. Lab
25. SDLP
British Politics Quote
12-11-2019 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
How many seats will be won by the following parties?
Conservative 350
Labour 220
Liberal Democrat 15
Brexit 0
SNP 41
Plaid 4
Green 1
Speaker 1
Other in Great Britain 0
DUP 11
Sinn Fein 5
Alliance 0
Other in Northern Ireland 0
British Politics Quote
12-11-2019 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Tiebreak for both games is earliest entry.
How many seats will be won by the following parties? Your score is the sum of positive differences between your guesses and the actual number of seats won by the parties, lowest score wins (in other words, guess as close to correct numbers as you can).

Conservative 315
Labour 269
Liberal Democrat 12
Brexit 0
SNP 32
Plaid 3
Green 1
Speaker 1
Other in Great Britain 0
DUP 10
Sinn Fein 7
Alliance 0
Other in Northern Ireland 0
British Politics Quote
