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12-04-2019 , 03:00 PM
Bernie Sanders has now predictably been called an anti-semite, if we're seeing where this little game is going.
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
I'd be fine with a Labour minority government as the LDs would never support Corbyn as PM so we might actually get someone decent in charge who can bin off all the dumb communist stuff (and McDonnell, Abbott, et al.).
I'm not sure that's how it will work as it wont be a coalition. In this scenario Labour would form a government and Lib Dems would support on a vote by vote basis. Could be they would no confidence the government automatically if it was JC but that seems relatively unlikely to me.

That could maybe prevent some of the things you imagine are going to happen but I don't think it would stop much of the proposed plans. 2nd ref would obviously be the main prize.
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
No. Such a tight scenario would still leave the Tories in a better spot than pre-election, and they can probably get Boris' deal through on a handful of PLP votes.
Lots of the PLP Hard Noes on a second referendum will lose their seat. How many support a Tory government (by refusing to vote it down) in order to vote through Brexit? It would be very tight...

Johnson heading a minority government with a parliament that forces him to extend the transition period and negotiate a close relationship with the E.U and stops any of the authoritarian bullshit he's flirting with is probably an above average outcome.

There's a path to getting rid of Brexit *and* Racist Grandpa but it's a slim one. 95%+ of the time it's one or the other.
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 05:41 PM
Irish jihadist Lisa Smith charged with terrorist offences
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 05:53 PM
If it's hung by more than a couple of of seats then chances of a 2nd ref zoom up. Near as dammit 100% of the opposition will back a 2nd ref as the only way forward and even boris might concede the inevitable.
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 06:00 PM
How do Javid, Hancock etc. campaign in a second referendum?
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 06:05 PM
I guess leave because of ambition

Could be a very busy time for dentists
British Politics Quote
12-04-2019 , 07:47 PM
Gosh I forgot this clown existed ... it would be amusing to see his reaction if Tories have a worse than expected evening.

British Politics Quote
12-05-2019 , 10:52 AM
British Politics Quote
12-05-2019 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Gosh I forgot this clown existed ... it would be amusing to see his reaction if Tories have a worse than expected evening.
The irony being that this prat and JRM are literally the right-wing version of Corbyn and McDonnell.
British Politics Quote
12-05-2019 , 02:53 PM
Not literally but minus JMD's ideas perhaps..
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 08:20 AM
Bit of an internal civil war going on within the SNP. One of their candidates, Neale Haney, has been expelled for anti-semitism but it seems he still has the full support of local activists etc. Anyway one of the members of the committee who are investigating him has been donating to his crowdfunder despite his expulsion and has now had to quit the party due to anti-semitism as well. Think the most surprising thing about this is the fact she was involved with the party in any capacity as she is very active online and is a bit of a crank.

Basically though there’s a major issue within the SNP re self-Id. Sturgeon is very much all for it but other female mp’s and msp’s are against it and there was a recent leak from an internal chat group with them criticising the leadership. There is now allegations that those who support self-Id are digging the dirt on those within the party who don’t to try to purge them, hence the leaks regarding anti-semitism to the press.

This has pretty much all been bubbling under for a while now but it seems to be getting more serious. It’s rather ironic that a party who are all about identity politics are now being divided by that very thing.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 09:54 AM
Two games to play for election night


Who will win the following seats? Guess as many correctly as you can by writing the number and the name of the party you think will win the seat.
1. Natural Law
2. Republican
3. Whig
without all the other extraneous data.
(Data from - entries show name of seat, current majority, swin required, 2017 winner)

Con Targets
1. Perth and North Perthshire 21 0.02% SNP
2. Kensington 20 0.03% Lab
3. Dudley North 22 0.03% Lab
4. Newcastle-under-Lyme 30 0.03% Lab
5. Crewe and Nantwich 48 0.04% Lab
6. Canterbury 187 0.16% Lab
7. Barrow and Furness 209 0.22% Lab

Lab Targets
8. Southampton Itchen 31 0.03% Con
9. Glasgow South West 60 0.08% SNP
10. Glasgow East 75 0.10% SNP
11. Arfon Wales 92 0.16% Plaid
12. Airdrie and Shotts 195 0.26% SNP
13. Pudsey 331 0.31% Con
14. Hastings and Rye 346 0.32% Con

Lib Dem targets
15. Fife North East 2 0.00% SNP
16. Richmond Park 45 0.04% Con
17. Ceredigion 104 0.13% Plaid
18. St Ives 312 0.30% Con
19. Sheffield Hallam 2,125 1.86% Lab
20. Cheltenham 2,569 2.25% Con

SNP targets
21. Stirling 148 0.15% Con
22. Rutherglen and Hamilton West 265 0.26% Lab
23. Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath 259 0.28% Lab

Plaid Target
24. Ynys Mon 5,406 7.23% Lab

SDLP Target
25. Foyle 169 0.18% SF

Entries required before 22.00 GMT (17.00 Eastern) on election night.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 11:09 AM
Tiebreak for both games is earliest entry.

How many seats will be won by the following parties? Your score is the sum of positive differences between your guesses and the actual number of seats won by the parties, lowest score wins (in other words, guess as close to correct numbers as you can).

Liberal Democrat
Other in Great Britain
Sinn Fein
Other in Northern Ireland

Entries required before 22.00 GMT (17.00 Eastern) on election night.

Last edited by LektorAJ; 12-06-2019 at 11:20 AM.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 12:30 PM
Guessing PM you with the answers...?
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 12:56 PM
I thought people should post their entries in the thread, if that's considered ok.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 01:37 PM

She seems nice
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK

She seems nice

Man it really sucks that racist grandpa has lost you. You seem totally like an ally in all other matters. I just don't see any other way to get truly left wing policies on the agenda than him. A real shame that it costs us in a way that should be so easily avoided.

Last edited by tomdemaine; 12-06-2019 at 02:03 PM.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 02:47 PM
The Labour Party contains plenty of people with quite left wing politics, many of whom are less toxic than Corbyn. He was nobody 5 years ago. Are you sure there is no alternative?
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 02:56 PM
So you and PG support Labour's policies?
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 03:14 PM
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
The Labour Party contains plenty of people with quite left wing politics, many of whom are less toxic than Corbyn. He was nobody 5 years ago. Are you sure there is no alternative?
Doesn't seem to be. I wish there was but honestly how much **** would be dredged up by the press about any leftist leader maybe corbyn is the best we can hope for.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 04:24 PM
Long-Bailey seems to be the heir-apparent.
British Politics Quote
12-06-2019 , 06:30 PM
oh gawd she's terrible
British Politics Quote
12-07-2019 , 03:03 AM
Starmer is the bookies favorite, and it's not hard to see why. None of the Labour women who are in the betting mix convince bar Yvette Cooper, although I think RLB is the best outside of Cooper.

Cooper is playing her hand pretty well imo - distancing herself as far as possible from a toxic leader and front bench so she can be seen as the candidate for moderation and change.
British Politics Quote
