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05-24-2024 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Gove going going gone.
Loathsome going too.
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 04:02 PM
Incidentally, the EU flag is not really the EU flag. The EU merely borrowed it from the Council of Europe, of which the UK remains a founder member. So, even though it's no longer specifically scheduled under Class H in the 2021 advertising rules, this is a legal oversight, since the flags of international bodies to which the UK belongs are permitted without question as a category, and the lady in Oxford will have a good case to fly it.
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Incidentally, the EU flag is not really the EU flag. The EU merely borrowed it from the Council of Europe, of which the UK remains a founder member. So, even though it's no longer specifically scheduled under Class H in the 2021 advertising rules, this is a legal oversight, since the flags of international bodies to which the UK belongs are permitted without question as a category, and the lady in Oxford will have a good case to fly it.
Tbh my whole point was that giving local government the power to regulate whatever symbol you want to show from your property is absolutely antithetical to very basic freedom of speech provisions, no matter if it's justified with aesthetics or anything like that.

Other countries don't allow that power to local government to begin with.

It's truly incredible that ANY flag could be banned by government (local or not) in a first world country in ANY private building, even discussing the topic feels like 1984
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:02 PM
God knows why you're getting so wound up about an inoffensive flag flown in a small country hundreds of miles away, but you do you.
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Tbh my whole point was that giving local government the power to regulate whatever symbol you want to show from your property is absolutely antithetical to very basic freedom of speech provisions, no matter if it's justified with aesthetics or anything like that.

Other countries don't allow that power to local government to begin with.

It's truly incredible that ANY flag could be banned by government (local or not) in a first world country in ANY private building, even discussing the topic feels like 1984
but we have pretty good free speach protection

This may be a dubious case but decent laws always throw up some dubious cases and by any standards this is trivial.
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
God knows why you're getting so wound up about an inoffensive flag flown in a small country hundreds of miles away, but you do you.
uh? i am wound up because the flag isn't allowed in what used to be a bastion of liberal (in the old classic sense) values the world looked up at, to learn and civilize.

This is like watching the roman empire crumble in slow motion
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:30 PM
Nonsense, it's nothing like the last days of the Roman Empire - Boris Johnson isn't in power any more.
British Politics Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:43 PM
British Politics Quote
05-25-2024 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
starmer gets to spend the whole campaign reminding everyone that he booted the corbynistas to the curb, and rishi's most effective attack line 'you tried to make jeremy corbyn our prime minister' is completely blunted

jeremy has been played like a fiddle, and its great
British Politics Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:27 AM
It's certainly true that the right is in the ascendency and lots of people ar every happy about it.

Not so great for those of us on the left. We have alot of ground to make up and it will take a long time. Time we may not have.
British Politics Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:29 AM
Playing a blinder is part of the problem. Boris played a blinder at the last GE'. Maybe honesty and values would have served him and us better
British Politics Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:53 AM
How dare you suggest it's not all simplistic football stuff.
British Politics Quote
05-25-2024 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Tbh my whole point was that giving local government the power to regulate whatever symbol you want to show from your property is absolutely antithetical to very basic freedom of speech provisions, no matter if it's justified with aesthetics or anything like that.

Other countries don't allow that power to local government to begin with.

It's truly incredible that ANY flag could be banned by government (local or not) in a first world country in ANY private building, even discussing the topic feels like 1984
It's to do with advertising rules. It does not relate to freedom of speech.
British Politics Quote
05-25-2024 , 05:32 PM
The Conservative Party has said it would bring back mandatory national service if it wins the general election.

It said 18-year-olds would have a choice of either joining the military full-time, or volunteering one weekend every month carrying out a community service.

The party is proposing a Royal Commission to consider the details but would plan for the first teenagers to take part in September 2025.

The cost is expected to be around £2.5bn per year.

Under the plans, young people could choose a full-time, 12-month placement in the armed forces or UK cyber defence, learning about logistics, cyber security, procurement or civil response operations.

Their other option would be to volunteer one weekend per month - or 25 days per year - in their community with organisations such as fire, police and the NHS.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 02:13 AM
Don't hate it - seems pretty good that all 18yos will have a guaranteed job for 12 months - but not really a vote winner for me, albeit I expect it will be popular among the Tory grass roots.

Labour also extending the vote to 16 year olds, which I'm less in favour of, but again it's all a bit meh when we consider the important issues of our time.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 05:01 AM
Very much hate the national service idea. The government has no place forcing adults to do such things.

Very much like the votes for 16 year olds. We treat them as adults in so many other ways, it's only reasonable that they are allowed to participate.

The idea that 18 year olds need to "get out of their bubble" or that 16 year olds aren't responsible enough is the most depressingly condescending nonsense.

Sent from my Pixel Tablet using Tapatalk
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 05:17 AM
if age of consent for everything goes to 16 from 18 (signing contracts, marriage, driving licence, drinking alcohol and so on) then it can make sense but otherwise i strongly disagree, there is a need for consistency.

as for government sanctioned slavery I am against as well
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Don't hate it - seems pretty good that all 18yos will have a guaranteed job for 12 months - but not really a vote winner for me, albeit I expect it will be popular among the Tory grass roots.
I think it's an appalling idea.

The volunteering for the NHS etc could be a great idea if it isn't compulsory. Make it was well organised and I'd bet huge numbers of people would volunteer without any compulsion. Having people there who really dont want to be is a serioudly bad idea. Having loads of volunteers without some professional level of organisation to make use of them is just stupidity.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 05:53 AM
At this point, cons are trying ideas they think will get them votes. I'm reminded of the Thick of It scene where they have to think of something cheap and popular on the way to a ministerial announcement, and some suggests 'bring back the death sentence'.... I wouldn't be at all surprised if that comes up at some point in the tory death throes.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 06:59 AM
It is an appalling idea, and only supported by appalling people of whom unfortunately there are quite a few.

No surprises to see who here supports appalling ideas.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I think it's an appalling idea.

The volunteering for the NHS etc could be a great idea if it isn't compulsory. Make it was well organised and I'd bet huge numbers of people would volunteer without any compulsion. Having people there who really dont want to be is a serioudly bad idea. Having loads of volunteers without some professional level of organisation to make use of them is just stupidity.
The NHS already has volunteers - last time I was in my local hospital they were helping out and wore badges clearly indicating their voluntary status.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 09:18 AM
'There will be no return to austerity under a Labour government,' says Rachel Reeves

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves said there will be “no return to austerity under a Labour government”.

Speaking to the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Reeves said Labour plans for an immediate injection of cash into frontline public services would see an extra 40,000 NHS appointments a week, and an additional 6,500 teachers in state schools and 13,000 police and community support officers.

The funding would come from plans including tightening up rules on non doms, cracking down on tax avoidance and windfall tax on energy companies.

Reeves was challenged by Kuenssberg that that the measures were “tiny” compared to the overall budget, and asked if Labour would stick with the Conservatives spending plans which implied a big squeeze on public services.

Reeves said: “There is not going to be a return to austerity under a Labour government”.
Avoids the question.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The NHS already has volunteers - last time I was in my local hospital they were helping out and wore badges clearly indicating their voluntary status.
I know there are some but it's limited roles, not simple and couldn't begin to cope with a large influx.

I worked in (but not for) a hospital and very annoyingly they chucked out the volunteers that ran a not for profit cheap, basic decent quality food and cuppa service. Gotta make the profits. This is a general problem because how can pfi allow volunteers to do much when they want to charge for just about every little thing.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I think it's an appalling idea.
They're probably thinking of the Swedish and Norwegian models of national service, but this isn't Sweden or Norway, our last Cold War national servicemen finished their terms in 1963 (no doubt to their great relief) and it just comes across as a weird gimmick. Addressing the actual problems of recruitment for the armed services might be a better idea.
British Politics Quote
05-26-2024 , 06:45 PM
They've lost ~all of the reasonable voters so have an attention-grabbing right wing policy to win a few deplorable voters away from Reform. That's about it.
British Politics Quote
