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Brexit Brexit

05-10-2019 , 12:08 PM
More bad news for bitter as he kicks off the weekend with a spectacular self-own.
Brexit Quote
05-10-2019 , 01:27 PM
Oh dear. From that very BBC report:-

As well as manufacturers rushing to deliver orders before the UK was due to leave the EU, firms also stockpiled parts.

This drove a surge in imports, with the total trade deficit - the gap between what the UK imports and exports - doubling in the first quarter to a record high, separate data from the ONS showed.

The total trade deficit widened from £8.9bn to £18.3bn, driven partly by a sharp increase in imports of cars and gold.
Yup. Record trade deficit, £18.3bn. Recall that Harold Wilson's Labour government unexpectedly lost the 1970 election, having started the campaign 12 points ahead of Edward Heath's Conservatives, because of the last-minute report on polling day itself of a surprise £31 million trade deficit, of which £20 million was accounted for simply by the order of two Boeing 747s for BOAC that month. And the current deficit is about 30 times worse even allowing for inflation.

Incidentally, there are still two members of the House who stood and won in 1970: Ken Clarke and Dennis Skinner.
Brexit Quote
05-10-2019 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
oh dear, more bad news for remainers...

UK economy rebounds in first quarter

"The manufacturing sector grew at its fastest rate since 1988"

Still, I think your delusional belief system will allow you to find some explanation that allows you to discount reality, so you'll be fine
Brexit Quote
05-10-2019 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Who are Ukip Rovers playing there?
Brexit Quote
05-10-2019 , 04:34 PM
Kudos to Vince Cable and the lib dems.

Vince Cable has staked the Liberal Democrats’ claim to be the leading remain party in the European elections, as he unveiled a forthright new slogan for the campaign: “Bollocks to Brexit.

I like to think I played a tiny part handing out stickers on the marches and in the pub.
Brexit Quote
05-11-2019 , 05:29 PM

"Brexit party may get more EU election votes than Tories and Labour combined – poll"
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 01:04 AM
That's what you get when you are trying to cheat your own citizens. Even if you are a remainer, you have to acknowledge the fact that "someone" is trying hard to nullify a decmocratic voting. I am not talking about what happens in Turkey right now, I am talking about the UK. The Brexit-story brings up a central question: What is democracy worth if people vote for the "wrong" result? The answer can only be less democracy.

On the other hand, how would Europe look if every country had a voting system of Switzerland? Well, I think that every european country would look pretty much like Switzerland. That's an utopia that I could actually live with very well. Yes, Switzerland doesn't exist in a vacuum, but it's hard to argue against their success.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter

"Brexit party may get more EU election votes than Tories and Labour combined – poll"
It's getting very hairy. Seem no doubt that the brexit party is going to do very well (assuming the elections aren't miraculously cancelled). Post election the prospect of the tories moving towards the brexit party's ground looms large. May is possibly giving a departure timetable this week.

The one silver lining for my side at the moment is that remainers may stop kidding themselves that they are winning the argument by agreeing with themselves so much. The remain camp will hopefully realise that they have to get their act together and actually sort this out while they have the numbers. Even an unpopular remain is better than leaving this vacuum. Kier Starmer coming out firmly for any deal with the tories needing a confirmatory referendum is a good start.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 03:45 AM
No. Leaving is the only road to true catharsis now. Don't kid yourself.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 04:29 AM
Possibly but if so I will continue to kid myself on that one.

I really think it depends on how it's handled if we remain. We can go down the path of 'jeering at the stupid racists' or go down the path of healing the wounds and relying on time to do it's work.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
No. Leaving is the only road to true catharsis now. Don't kid yourself.
If that's true after a referendum on method of leaving vs remain it's because remainers are inherently more reasonable than leavers and thus less prone to making threats of violence etc, not because of any terrible injustice caused by whatever the result is.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Shandrax
That's what you get when you are trying to cheat your own citizens. Even if you are a remainer, you have to acknowledge the fact that "someone" is trying hard to nullify a decmocratic voting. I am not talking about what happens in Turkey right now, I am talking about the UK. The Brexit-story brings up a central question: What is democracy worth if people vote for the "wrong" result? The answer can only be less democracy.

On the other hand, how would Europe look if every country had a voting system of Switzerland? Well, I think that every european country would look pretty much like Switzerland. That's an utopia that I could actually live with very well. Yes, Switzerland doesn't exist in a vacuum, but it's hard to argue against their success.
The Swiss held two referendums on EFTA membership: the first on whether to apply in principle, and the second on whether to go ahead with the deal that was actually agreed. Because that's how you do that. And you can't teach the Swiss anything about referendums.

The Swiss also just did this:--

The result of a nationwide referendum has been overturned for the first time in modern Switzerland's history.

The poll, held in February 2016, asked the country's voters whether married couples and co-habiting partners should pay the same tax.

Voters rejected the proposal, with 50.8% against and 49.2% in favour.

But the supreme court has now voided the result on the grounds that voters were not given full information, and the vote must be re-run.

The information provided to the electorate was "incomplete" and therefore "violated the freedom of the vote", the court ruled.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi's because remainers are inherently more reasonable than leavers....
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 05:48 PM
Well ok, if you don't like the word reasonable substitute "better human beings on average".

Exhibit A supporting this assertion is you
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 06:19 PM
Well, people that act with the temperament and reasoned argument of a two year old because they can't get their own way and try to rationalise it when really it's just 'I want it, and I'm going to scweam and scweam till I get it', aren't really objectively better than those who are dismayed by politicians trying to slime their way out of a democratic mandate imo.
Brexit Quote
05-13-2019 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Well ok, if you don't like the word reasonable substitute "better human beings on average".

Exhibit A supporting this assertion is you
Also don't have a problem with the word, more your laughable misuse of it.
Brexit Quote
05-14-2019 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Well, people that act with the temperament and reasoned argument of a two year old because they can't get their own way and try to rationalise it when really it's just 'I want it, and I'm going to scweam and scweam till I get it', aren't really objectively better than those who are dismayed by politicians trying to slime their way out of a democratic mandate imo.
Are people that post an article and think that it shows how ace the UK is doing despite the idiocy of Brexit without having read the article that says that stockpiling due to Brexit caused the economic bounce better or worse than either of those two groups?
Brexit Quote
05-14-2019 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by BlueWillow
Yes, plus 20,000 in the supply chain. And S****horpe voted Leave. It's tragic. Just as Sunderland voted Leave and, even though most Sunderland voters don't want Leave any more (see the council elections), they're still stuck with it because idiots (including Combat 18 fascist Billy Charlton and his friends, pictured at the Sunderland count on all the front pages the day after the referendum) claim the 2016 vote is somehow definitive in a way that no vote ever has been before, so Nissan are still going to quit and the town's dead. With no hope for the future at all.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 05-14-2019 at 02:53 PM.
Brexit Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:34 PM
A bill implementing the Brexit deal will be introduced in the first week of June, the government has confirmed.

I assume by 'deal' they mean May's withdrawal agreement.
Brexit Quote
05-15-2019 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
The Swiss also just did this:--

The result of a nationwide referendum has been overturned for the first time in modern Switzerland's history.


But the supreme court has now voided the result on the grounds that voters were not given full information, and the vote must be re-run.

There is no doubt that in the end Switzerland will be assimilated too. The octopus United Nations (aka International Socialism) will eventually grab the whole world. Resistance is futile!
Brexit Quote
05-15-2019 , 02:08 AM
The absolute certainty of the terminally clueless.
Brexit Quote
05-15-2019 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The absolute certainty of the terminally clueless.
You show remarkable self awareness.
Brexit Quote
05-15-2019 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Shandrax

There is no doubt that in the end Switzerland will be assimilated too. The octopus United Nations (aka International Socialism) will eventually grab the whole world. Resistance is futile!
Oh dear. How embarrassing.
Brexit Quote
05-15-2019 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

I assume by 'deal' they mean May's withdrawal agreement.
Yes, but this time it'll be presented as an actual bill, to get round the Speaker's correct rule that you can't keep re-presenting the same motion in the same session.

Be aware, though, that, even if Corbyn whips Labour to abstain and it passes, the Lords are likely to attach a referendum amendment.
Brexit Quote
