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The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!)

09-17-2023 , 09:51 AM
LirvA - Most people just reach this point quickly when listening to chillrob about this weird world view he has and then just move on and ignore him.
Originally Posted by LirvA
rob what in the actual **** are you talking about
You should try it.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Delete my post? Fine, I'm reporting this absolute bullshit.

I agree with you on the substance. chillrob apparently thinks that anyone who is favor of having children is endorsing infanticide or child sexual abuse because some children who are born will be killed or abused. That viewpoint seems completely crazy to me and most everyone else in the forum. All that said, you aren't going to change his mind. (I've tried.) I suggest that both of you just move on.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
LirvA - Most people just reach this point quickly when listening to chillrob about this weird world view he has and then just move on and ignore him. You should try it.
This. So much this.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
unchillrob, life is more than just pain. Life has ups and downs, happiness and sadness, pain and elation. As above, so below. Yin and Yang. You are projecting your severe depression onto the entire human species. Just because you are unhappy and you either feel nothing but pain, or you perceive you feel nothing but pain, doesn't mean that's the case for everyone else. This is like your choice for your cat vs your choice for every cat in the world. You can make your choice for yourself, but you cannot make it for others.
.....and this ^^^
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 01:21 PM
Jellyking left the forum in 2014 and won't be back.
spaceman bryce left the forum in 2023 and won't be back.
but while i'm here, where would be the absolute best place for me to just post some laid back music videos ? The place where I would do that doesn't exist anymore and everywhere feels slightly wrong.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 01:55 PM
The Lounge? 4L?

I don't spend time in either one, so I'm not sure if that's the right vibe any more, but from past experience they seem like the two most laid back communities here.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The Lounge? 4L?

I don't spend time in either one, so I'm not sure if that's the right vibe any more, but from past experience they seem like the two most laid back communities here.
You know bobo, you're a relatively new poster so you probably wouldn't realize how much it would hurt my soul to post in the husk of bbv4l, similar to hanging out at a loved ones grave. Bbv4l was a boom forum that was ran by people from kansas with heavy hearts. I knew so many people who met their ffuture wives and husbands there and who were inspired to start incredible careers there. Thousands of people used to post there daily. I helped a lot of people. I'm used up like the giving tree now.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 03:17 PM
Sorry for your loss.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-17-2023 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Sorry for your loss.
don't be

Here's some pictures from my back yard always new trees growing. even when it's the fall.sometimes in places where no one even wants them there against all odds
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-21-2023 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
Hey, if Rococo or whoever else is modding says it's cool, we can talk about this ITT as soon as later today (gonna go play poker now). I've just had more than one forum experience where me and others get fairly deep in a conversation that's not directly related to the thread, and the mod snap deletes all of it for being off topic. It's rather frustrating; I want to spare us both from that.

Language Nazi edit: that's not what the word "consensus" means. I'm sorry, I get what you're saying, I can't help it.
Ok, I think I'm ready. You have me so curious.

What is my perceived ideology according to you, and which parts of it are horrifying?
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
That is a real person in his avatar? I thought it was probably a cosplaying edgelord singer from one of the shitty bands he listens to.
...confused .... I really don't get yall, cause this IS a singer from a band I like! My avatar is the singer for The Penile Projectiles, known for their cover of Here Without You by 3 Doors Down!

They were also known for a cover of One Last Breath (Six Feet From The Edge), by Creed, but that recording is sadly lost to time

Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Not a shocker that this would be his avatar. He's pure edgelord.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Lirva does obnoxious/outrageous **** to provoke people, that's his whole thing.
Not sure if this whole "edgelord" thing is supposed to be some sort of joke or commentary on self cutting or something else, but I resent the implication and I think I'm just misunderstood. That's what I call my cat, sometimes. Understood. Miss Understood.

We can't control who we care about, and you can care about someone even if they made a horrible mistake, especially if they were drugged by adults at the time. Alyssa Bustamante was drugged. The "responsible" adults in the room put her on a **** load of prozac and it put her on a downward spiral that led to a death. I don't think that's a disqualifer for having someone care about you, and that doesn't prevent me from caring about Alyssa.

I don't have my avatar to get a reaction out of people or provoke people, I have it because I care about her and strongly relate with her, and my heart breaks for her and I wish I could save her, and I just like to express myself. She was done wrong by adults her entire childhood and it has ruined her entire life. She was profoundly brave and courageous in her interrogation by coming forward with the truth of what happened, and I'm proud of her for her bravery and courage. I'm not proud of what she did, but to be able to face and confront something like that with another human being is evidence of more bravery and courage than most people ever have in their lives.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I don't understand the whole violence thing really. I have never thought about killing someone. I've never even hit someone. And I probably never will unless it's someone who really really deserves it like yevegeny prigozhin or my boyfriend.

I nearly killed my father one time. I was in my late teens or early twenties and I was locked in my room and he was pissed off at me about something, screaming at me and banging on my door, trying to pull it open. I had a single shot 12 gauge break-action shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot with the hammer cocked and my finger on the trigger, aimed right at the door. If he would have broken through the door, I would have shot and killed him.

We eventually went to a single therapy session with him and my mother, and I informed them that I had a gun pointed at my father when he was screaming at me through the door. As a result, one night I had passed out in my room with the heater on in my connected bathroom, after I had been up manic for like two or three days. He picked the lock and came in and took the shotgun. After I found out I busted through his door and strangled him until he threw me off and then left the house. So I guess to respond to Bryce, it helps to be raised in a very violent environment. I had gotten my ass beat severely since I was like six years old.

But I think what a lot of you peoples refer to as "edge lord" or "provoking people" is honestly more accurately stated as severe social and emotional dysfunction, combined with a lot of very weird and dark obsessions. Honestly I have the emotional maturity of probably a 15 year old. I don't try to provoke people, I guess I just do provoke people by the very nature of my existence.

Look, I rode the short bus in junior high, and there's a reason. And it's not the only time I was ever put with the ******s, either. I was almost placed in a ****** class in middle school, but they found I wasn't like mentally ******ed ******ed and I wasn't really a good fit in that class. I had to be in that class for about a week or two if I remember correctly, and my first day there I had to eat with the ******ed kids at the ****** table. I sat across from a red head girl named Stephanie who was properly ******ed. She accidentally ate a paper straw wrapper with her mashed potatoes and didn't know what she was doing. I could eat mashed potatoes without eating straw wrappers so they pulled me out and put me in normal class for the rest of that year and middle school, but by the time I was in junior high I was back with the ******s, riding the short bus.

I guess if you don't have any kind of similarity to this in your life story, you're just not going to understand or relate in any way. What you guys need to understand is I'm basically ******ed or something, and I'm not trying to provoke reactions out of people or be an "edge lord."

I'm an incredibly lonely and isolated person, absolutely desperate for attention and love from a beautiful girl that I care about and relate to. That's how I feel about Alyssa, and caring about her isn't a crime or a moral wrong.

I don't try to provoke people, and I'm not an "edge lord."

I resent the implications, and I'm certainly not crazy or weird or out there in any way.

Last edited by LirvA; 09-24-2023 at 07:28 PM.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:33 PM
Holy f***.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:34 PM
Where was this response when I bought my 44 magnum because Travis
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:44 PM
Interesting to read the craziest post I have ever read on this forum and have it end with the person insisting he's not crazy.

But I do empathize with the shotgun pointed at your father. I wish you had pulled the trigger as he certainly deserved it, and I wish I had done the same to my father as a teenager. Now that he's finally dead I have a bit of peace, but I would have slept much more soundly for the last 40 years if I had put him in the ground myself.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:51 PM
She bought you a knife?
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:56 PM
In my mind she did!

... yes that's how lonely and pathetic I am
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Interesting to read the craziest post I have ever read on this forum and have it end with the person insisting he's not crazy.

But I do empathize with the shotgun pointed at your father. I wish you had pulled the trigger as he certainly deserved it, and I wish I had done the same to my father as a teenager. Now that he's finally dead I have a bit of peace, but I would have slept much more soundly for the last 40 years if I had put him in the ground myself.

Let's all be clear that I'm not the one advocating murder here
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
In my mind she did!

... yes that's how lonely and pathetic I am
You should try to figure out how to get into healthy unattainable girls like Japanese newscasters or something.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Let's all be clear that I'm not the one advocating murder here
Only retroactively. But yeah, if someone has been physically abusing anyone for years, and said abuser is currently trying to knock down a door to get to you, I fully support shooting the bastard. It's called self-defense, not murder.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You should try to figure out how to get into healthy unattainable girls like Japanese newscasters or something.
Or how about a crazy but attainable girl (one who's not currently in prison). I know it will lead to trouble, but the crazy ones are the best in the sack.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You should try to figure out how to get into healthy unattainable girls like Japanese newscasters or something.

That sounds like a controlled obsession and honestly I don't know how to have any sort of control over my weird obsessions.

Last edited by LirvA; 09-24-2023 at 08:05 PM. Reason: also I don't really like asians .... in the way of not being attracted to them ....i kinda wasis
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:12 PM
My last time in court was pretty .... shitty. Kinda crazy. A little scary. I went to court three times, and each time there were communications before and after. The last time I was in court, the defense had brought in a balif or something, who stood by the judge, and their attorney was threatening me with a felony and said I tried to extort him.

As it proceeded the judge was basically ripping me a new one, and I looked over at the cop and saw him nodding his head in agreement, and looked at their attorney and I just ****ing knew I had absolutely no chance. So I dropped that **** the day before the next court date which was supposed to be the hearing.

It was .... a disaster

I am NOT a legal expert in any way!
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:15 PM
two attorneys I knew told me not to file, so I didn't ... but then that was leading to me putting a bullet in my head, so I filed to keep from killing myself. I told this to the judge privately in their chambers and they didn't give a ****. I could have mentioned this in court on the last time I was there but there was a cop there and an attorney threatening me with a felony and I couldn't really just come out and say, "well I wasn't going to file but after I made that decision I was going to put a gun to my head and kill myself, so I filed and here we are."

That's just not the type of thing you can say in court in front of people who want to lock you up in a cage.
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:16 PM
I think the whole ordeal really kind of put me off in the deep end and stuff
The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
09-24-2023 , 08:18 PM
The whole thing reminds me of that time I was with my x gf and we were staying at her friend's house and we got into an argument and I tied an electrical cord around a table leg and put the other end around my neck and tried to jump out the 2nd story window. My x physically stopped me and I threw her down to the floor and then everybody came up due to the commotion and they were like, "he's gotta go, he's gotta go, he's gotta go, he's gotta go."

The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!) Quote
