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Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport

07-24-2023 , 10:24 PM
Obviously the correct answer is that any country which has conscription should have it for all genders. There's no reason for sexual discrimination here, especially if your country is under attack.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-24-2023 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by zedsdead
I never said they weren’t courageous. I said cowards would pretend to be trans to get out of service.

I didn’t know there was much of a Trans community in Ukraine. Since there is, this really isn’t a thought experiment.

What is zelelskis policy on trans draft dodgers? And do you agree with it?

I’m assuming he uses biological sex to determine whether you would be drafted or not. Would you change this?
I think war changes these kinds of things but I would think the underlying principle would be birthing people. This might not be the policy in effect but if you were going to make such a distinction you would think the state would be interested in baby carriers.

I'm very confused how society go into this ******ed debate. Why in the world wouldn't females play in the female leagues and males not play in the male leagues. Why should a woman who is a male play in the leagues meant for females?

Why does such distinction exist? It wasn't based on the concept of gender. It was to give females, a chance to participate since they have an inherent disadvantage physically and this disadvantage is specifically meant to be tested by most sports.

What is the argument that lia thomas should be eligible to swim in the woman's competition that doesn't also apply to a transgender man? Why shouldn't lia compete in the men's division considering she is quite obviously a man?
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 03:42 AM
Chill rob
Idk I think men make way better soldiers.
If a woman voluntarily goes into the military for a combat role she usually has a similar mind set to those men and is likely in great physical shape. Outliers for sure.

Throwing in random college age girls to the equation seems bad for many reasons.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 03:45 AM
J Idk why u responded to me. The first paragraph w.e but the rest of the stuff ur wondering about has been discussed to death already.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by zedsdead
Chill rob
Idk I think men make way better soldiers.
If a woman voluntarily goes into the military for a combat role she usually has a similar mind set to those men and is likely in great physical shape. Outliers for sure.

Throwing in random college age girls to the equation seems bad for many reasons.
Women have been allowed in combat roles for 10 years by the US military, and there are many necessary jobs in a country's armed forces apart from combat roles.

Of course the average man would be a better soldier than the average woman, but that doesn't really matter - each additional woman in the military should make it stronger (just not as much stronger as if she were a man). Israel has had conscription of women for a long time, and it's tough to imagine a military that has performed any better than theirs.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 04:16 AM
Ok so seems like isreal conscripts women for ‘combat support’ positions. They are not sending them to the front line. Which is a lot more reasonable.

Are you saying they should be sent to the front line?

If not u would still need to have a policy for conscripting trans people in the military.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 09:06 AM
What a very strange derail.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
What a very strange derail.
Not sure it can classify as a derail since the thread was dead. Pretty sure there has to be active discussion for a derail to occur.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by zedsdead
I never said they weren’t courageous. I said cowards would pretend to be trans to get out of service.

I didn’t know there was much of a Trans community in Ukraine. Since there is, this really isn’t a thought experiment.

What is zelelskis policy on trans draft dodgers? And do you agree with it?

I’m assuming he uses biological sex to determine whether you would be drafted or not. Would you change this?
whats his policy on non-trans draft dodgers? its proly the same. Id imagine they just find them and ship them to the front.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
What a very strange derail.
I didn’t think it deserved it own thread and seemed to fit here.

I don’t think it’s so strange. If there ever is conscription in US again or some other progressive country it will be a big issue.

Idr ur position on trans sports but it seems like all the activists don’t wanna touch this question with a ten foot pole.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by zedsdead
Ok so seems like isreal conscripts women for ‘combat support’ positions. They are not sending them to the front line. Which is a lot more reasonable.

Are you saying they should be sent to the front line?

If not u would still need to have a policy for conscripting trans people in the military.
I don't know who should be sent to the front line, I don't have any military experience. Seems like someone in charge would decide that on an individual basis. Not all men get sent to the front line in any war - some are needed in other positions and have skills that are better suited for those positions.
Probably most women or trans people would not be sent to the front line, but a few may be.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
07-25-2023 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I don't know who should be sent to the front line, I don't have any military experience. Seems like someone in charge would decide that on an individual basis. Not all men get sent to the front line in any war - some are needed in other positions and have skills that are better suited for those positions.
Probably most women or trans people would not be sent to the front line, but a few may be.
Idk personally I don’t think any woman should be forced to fight on the front lines, even if they happen to be in good physical shape. Maybe that is misogynistic somehow. Lol

Not great for a man to be sent either but such is life.

First clear answer atleast, appreciate that.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
08-18-2023 , 09:21 PM

So the in Canada a trans woman won a powerlifting meet, breaking a bunch of "women's" records. I assume if you search hard enough, the leftist MSM will probably mention this. However, what they wont tell you is that only 2 other women even joined the competition. All the other women that would have, decided not to out of protest.

This is similar to a story of a British cycling league that made the "right wing" media rounds awhile ago when trans women were banned from competing, but only because all the biological women refused to participate otherwise.

Ultimately, I think this is how this debate gets settled. Biological women will say enough is enough, stop participating in sports against trans women, and the authorities will begrudgingly have to act, if nothing else than to save face.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
08-19-2023 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
However, what they wont tell you is that only 2 other women even joined the competition. All the other women that would have, decided not to out of protest.
Well, your article says that only two people dropped out, so presumably it was a pretty tiny field at that level. And the article doesn't say why they dropped out.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
08-19-2023 , 04:53 AM
It also says the author herself dropped out of a completion to avoid facing off against the same competitor and she knows more people who didn’t show up or cut weight to avoid the inevitable beat down.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
08-19-2023 , 05:38 AM
They should just allow the females to take steroids.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
08-19-2023 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
They should just allow the females to take steroids.
There are already tested and non tested meets. The tested mens records are significantly higher than the non-tested women's records.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
08-19-2023 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Metod Tinuviel
There are already tested and non tested meets. The tested mens records are significantly higher than the non-tested women's records.
Also they should give the females a head start.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
12-04-2023 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Originally Posted by Meisner
You made a comment that “trans” children reach an age where they should be mandated to no longer compete with their “identified” gender and matriculate into joining teams of their real biological gender. Multiple times you’ve been asked what that age is. You refuse to answer. As far as I’m concerned your comments do not matter until you answer that simple, direct question.
LOL, awesome. You're fine having a conversation until you don't have a response, so you then fall back on 'you didn't give me an answer I liked about a different issue so I won't talk about this one anymore'. Hopefully you at least learned something about non-binary people in our brief exchange.

Just to clarify our past conversation for others, that Meisner has not all that accurately summed up:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
To be clear, I don't know that there are many, if any, who have argued in this forum that there should be no rules around transgender participation in high level competitive sport. Most of the debate I've seen here has been around when that should start - IE whether there are ages/skill levels where we don't worry about that.
Originally Posted by Meisner
What age should it start? That makes zero sense. So, you’re going to allow a boy pretend to be a girl, make him think he’s a girl, etc and allow him to play sports with the girls until a predetermined age and then tell him what, “Jones on you. You’re not really a girl so you cannot play sports with the girls any longer. Ha ha!”
When I was a kid I played co-ed soccer and there was t-ball that was mixed, but then the different kids went on to play sports with just their own genders. If it’s not broken, why fix it?
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Rather than rehashing the same discussions that have been had many times, I'd suggest you have a look at this thread, and you might have some questions there:
More than happy to continue the conversation there, where it's been had many times. But he won't get a specific age from me there either (although I have some thoughts I'd share as to a possible range), as I think it's going to depend on the sport, the school environment, and other factors, and best left to those directly involved to determine. People coming in from the outside and mandating that "X shalt not be allowed until age Y in all schools in our state" is where the problems start, rather than end.

The fact that this is a complicated discussion, and one that there is a dedicated thread for already, is why I don't want to bother getting into it in this thread.
Originally Posted by Meisner
You advocate justifying a child’s imagination and saying, “You’re right Timmy. You are a girl. Oops, I’m sorry to dead name you.” And let that boy play girls sports. Then, at some predetermined age say to the child, “LOL. Just kidding. You’re actually a boy. Sorry about those hormones we gave you and the bottom surgery. Now you have to play soccer with the boys.”
No, of course that's not what I'm advocating. If this discussion is just going to be a game where you take what I say and find the most extreme way to interpret it while adding things in that aren't related to my point or what I said, this isn't going to last for long. I think this may be a waste of time, but I'll assume you're not trolling and answer sincerely.

When kids are young, let them play on whatever team they want. Who gives a ****? What is the harm being done? If Timmy now identifies as Jane and wants to play on the girls' team, why would we want to stop her from doing so? But there's probably not a lot of point going further in this without clearing one thing up - if your mindset is that this whole thing is ****ed up and Jane shouldn't be allowed/encouraged to even identify as a girl in the first place, then we'll probably have to agree to disagree on that and leave it there.

As to your "Sorry about those hormones we gave you and the bottom surgery.", I'm not sure how you think that even fits in here. If someone has surgically and hormonally changed their sex, I can't see why they wouldn't be permitted to play on the team that matched that sex, at any level.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
12-05-2023 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
When kids are young, let them play on whatever team they want.
How are you defining young? At what age should any child be able to play on either the boys or girls team

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
What is the harm being done? If Timmy now identifies as Jane and wants to play on the girls' team, why would we want to stop her from doing so?
It depends how you answer the above. If you are talking about letting any kid play in a boys or girls league until 8th grade (or later) the answer is because we are extremely likely to see more kids get hurt which should be reason enough to shut it down.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
As to your "Sorry about those hormones we gave you and the bottom surgery.", I'm not sure how you think that even fits in here. If someone has surgically and hormonally changed their sex, I can't see why they wouldn't be permitted to play on the team that matched that sex, at any level.
When we are talking about the college or professional level are you saying 1) there are no differences between men and women in sports, 2) there is a difference between men and women in sports but bottom surgery and hormones make men and women perfectly even on the playing field or 3) men and women are different in sports but who cares women sports are boring anyways and this is the perfect excuse to get rid of them?
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
12-05-2023 , 02:19 PM
I'll take 4, none of these above.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
12-12-2023 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
How are you defining young? At what age should any child be able to play on either the boys or girls team

It depends how you answer the above. If you are talking about letting any kid play in a boys or girls league until 8th grade (or later) the answer is because we are extremely likely to see more kids get hurt which should be reason enough to shut it down.

When we are talking about the college or professional level are you saying 1) there are no differences between men and women in sports, 2) there is a difference between men and women in sports but bottom surgery and hormones make men and women perfectly even on the playing field or 3) men and women are different in sports but who cares women sports are boring anyways and this is the perfect excuse to get rid of them?
I'm definitely in camp number 3!
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
01-10-2024 , 11:30 AM
The bigots like Meisner and Rickroll can't get beyond arguing that sex should be an absolute dividing line in sports classification. As the transgender community is questioning the validity of the binary aspects of gender, it is not surprising to me that they would also question the rigidity of this dividing line in sports.

Imo, sex, age and weight are the three general pillars used to separate athletes and create fairness and parity across sports in general. Every so often we see athletes that cause us to question the age category (LeBron, Ewing and Olympic divers) but that is usually by athletes punch up.

So I have no problem questioning whether the sex classification should instead be a gender classification. Where I think the gender dividing line argument will always fail regarding women's sport is that it will always be punching down, not up.

Last edited by jjjou812; 01-10-2024 at 11:30 AM. Reason: I was going to post in the mod thread, moved here instead
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
01-10-2024 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
3) men and women are different in sports but who cares women sports are boring anyways and this is the perfect excuse to get rid of them?

If you don't care, then why do you need to get rid of sports? Just, like.. stop caring and go about your life.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
01-10-2024 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
If you don't care, then why do you need to get rid of sports? Just, like.. stop caring and go about your life.
I was asking bobofett that question. I don't think any of those 3 are true.

I enjoy women's sports. I go to a couple women's college bball & vball games a year, I've watched a **** load of women's soccer games. I am also obsessed with the Olympics - during the month+ the Olympics are on TV it is almost the only thing I will watch and I don't care what event or sex is on.

I enjoy seeing younger family members compete at sports, but my favorite across boys/girls at all ages group is girls 7th/8th flag football - it is intense.

Originally Posted by jjjou812
I'll take 4, none of these above.
Why do you think at the college and processional level it is fair for people who were born male but take part in a "transition" to start playing against women? Or do you agree that it isn't fair to woman to do this but you are ok with it because you exclusively care about transwomen?

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 01-10-2024 at 02:33 PM.
Biden's middle ground Title IX rules on trans inclusion in sport Quote
