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Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...)

01-01-2020 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I hope they're a little better than your leading two.
You would dismiss them all with lies and deflecting as you did here.

When regular ppl mess up or get caught in someone else's screwup they get sick die get homeless go to jail go bankrupt.

When corporations screw up and hurt ppl they get bailed out at worst. And always are allowed to continue profiting without paying back the ppl they hurt or contributing to the society whose resources they use.

How are the gulf fisherman doing since deep water horizon?
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I mean, Ive posted the same things a thousand times. theres plenty of substance in the post above. you lie and lie and lie. you fail to address the points and make inane arguments about econ101 or whatever.

the uber wealthy become uber wealthy on the backs of the rest of the citizenry. they hoard resources. there is a system in place that transfers wealth from the populace to the uber wealthy.

why were banks bailed out but not people who lost their houses?

recently there was a chemical explosion in Texas that forced like 500k people out of their homes. how is it fair that the company profited for years and will continue to profit while the people who were displaced dont see any of that profit?

theres millions of examples.

and its not like we are asking to take all of the wealth or all of the profit. just enough to maintain a decent living and have health care. its not a big ask. it wont "hurt the economy" (proly helps it but whatever). its just about basic human rights in a time of wealth, plentiful resources, and technology.
Please back up every assertion (bold) you made...

You won't, you have not rebutted anything I posted. You just assert things, and ignore economics. I've explained what you were missing, and you just repeated the bitching about billionaires, exactly like I said you all would. How am I lying when you do exactly what I state you would do?

Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
And that's the typical Bernie bro reaction when confronted with realities, or they just ***** about billionaires again.
YouTube redistributes 68% of it's ad revenue....twitch redistributes 50-70% of it's sub dollars. One is owned by Google, the other Amazon. Twitch has over 1.5 million broadcasters. Around 160,000 YouTube channels have over than 100,000 subscribers, and over 31M YouTube channels.

Those two eco systems would harmed by taxes. YouTube is not stealing. neither is Twitch. Steam, and their indie cultivator model would be harmed as well. If you are honest, find out how much of Wal-Mart's revenue goes to labor, cost of goods (which impacts how much the Chinese make on their labor, as well), and how much goes to profit (3-4% of revenues is what WalMart profits). Amazon's 3rd parties, and ebay is another ecosystem which would be harmed....

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-01-2020 at 09:45 PM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
You would dismiss them all with lies and deflecting as you did here.
The word "lie" has meaning. You don't just get to use it like a "nyahnyah I can't hear you lalalalala" shield against confronting your misguided thoughts.

Do you think the hundreds of employees of that chemical company in Texas should find themselves unemployed now because their company had an accident? Like, what do you honestly think should happen? The insurance company already made the local citizens whole, so what else do you want to see done? If you prevent any forms of commerce that might adversely affect someone at some point in the future in any way, what are you going to have left? Most importantly, how are you going to power and pay for your socialist utopia?

Deepwater Horizon was a terrible disaster. Hopefully it sits at the top of the "worst environmental ****up ever" list for a very long time. The company has paid out tens of billions of dollars as a result, but it's also not as if that accident has rendered the Gulf of Mexico uninhabitable. It's been 10 years, and in another 10 you'll probably barely tell it ever happened.

You act like BP just put their hands in their pockets and walked away whistling innocently, hoping nobody would notice. Maybe threw a few brown people into the slurry just for good measure. No, they treated it with the urgency it deserved, and it did enormous damage to the company. Again, what else do you think should happen? Take their 100,000 employees and turn them upside down to empty their pockets and throw them into the gulag?
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 09:59 PM
How is this thread possibly conceived of as improved post-exile of all the quality postsrs? Such garbage, lol

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Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
How is this thread possibly conceived of as improved post-exile of all the quality postsrs? Such garbage, lol

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Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
It really is sad. When the last iteration of this place was humming there were quality exchanges any given day that were way more insightful and educational than anything that's been produced since the switch.

Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Again, place is SO much worse without them. Wish their new shot was compatible with Tapatalk.

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Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Miss the old regs with not stale takes. Wish Unstuck was Tapatalk accessible.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

We get it dude. You have a galaxy s8 active and you aren't happy here.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Please back up every assertion (bold) you made...

You won't, you have not rebutted anything I posted. You just assert things, and ignore economics. I've explained what you were missing, and you just repeated the bitching about billionaires, exactly like I said you all would. How am I lying when you do exactly what I state you would do?

YouTube redistributes 68% of it's ad revenue....twitch redistributes 50-70% of it's sub dollars. One is owned by Google, the other Amazon. Twitch has over 1.5 million broadcasters. Around 160,000 YouTube channels have over than 100,000 subscribers, and over 31M YouTube channels.

Those two eco systems would harmed by taxes. YouTube is not stealing. neither is Twitch. Steam, and their indie cultivator model would be harmed as well. If you are honest, find out how much of Wal-Mart's revenue goes to labor, cost of goods (which impacts how much the Chinese make on their labor, as well), and how much goes to profit (3-4% of revenues is what WalMart profits). Amazon's 3rd parties, and ebay is another ecosystem which would be harmed....
The US government redistributes over 100% of its revenue and would be harmed by not taxing

*tapping the side of the head*

Makes you think
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 10:27 PM
Sure you Bernie bros want to tax more to make sure that no one has to ration their insulin and get healthcare but bro have you thought that there would be fewer no scope 360 videos if you did that? No you did, didcha brah?

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 01-01-2020 at 10:34 PM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
How is this thread possibly conceived of as improved post-exile of all the quality postsrs? Such garbage, lol

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
I look forward to your next post sometime in the near to distant future letting us know how bad the forum is. Until then:

Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
If you are honest, find out how much of Wal-Mart's revenue goes to labor, cost of goods (which impacts how much the Chinese make on their labor, as well), and how much goes to profit (3-4% of revenues is what WalMart profits).
And yet:

The Walton family fortune breaks down as follows:

Jim Walton Increase$. 53.4 billion[10]
Alice Walton Increase$. 53.1 billion[11]
S. Rob Walton Increase$. 53 billion[12]
Lukas Walton Increase$. 18.5 billion[13]
Christy Walton Increase. $8.8 billion[14]
Ann Walton Kroenke Increase $7.7 billion[15]
Nancy Walton Laurie Increase. $6.9 billion
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 10:49 PM
Got a laugh at white knighting Google, who employs a legion of tax attorneys to do the double Irish Dutch, Rusty Trombone or whatever tax avoidence schemes. It'd be good enough just to make Google pay a somewhat equitable amount of taxes
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
the idea that the economy would be poor under a Bernie presidency is lol. first of all, proly nothing would change so its purely academic. so lets consider if the Bernie actually was able to implement some "socialist" policies.

lets start with your questions about Buffet and if its all "right wing propaganda". yes it is. but remember that the neoliberal Dems such as Obama and Clinton who have been the opposition to the Republicans the last 30 years are still right wing esp when in comparison to Sanders in terms of the economy and how the poor and lower classes are treated. so yes it is all propaganda.

so why Buffet? well thats simple, him and his family stands to gain lose by shifting resources power from the uber rich to the working class. Buffet is a particulary egregious example of the cynical greed of billionaires as he is famous as a champion of the working class especially with his "tax experiment" when he showed that his secretary paid more in taxes as a percentage of income than he did.

taxes are one of the most unfair mechanisms for transferring wealth from the working classes to the rich and this was pushed even further with the recent Trump tax cuts.

see, billionaires and the media would have you believe that our tax situation is fair (despite the burden being continuously shifted off the rich to the poor over the last 60 years) and that any benefits going to the poor and any raise in the rich's taxes is
unfair. they use terms such as class warfare, and wealth transfer, and "deserves" to argue for the status quo. but the status quo, and every change in taxes as well (ie every change in status quo) has resulted in the rich paying less and the poor/middle/upper working classes paying more. thats a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. thats socialism for the rich.

as for the question on if we should have bailed out the banks I really have no idea. all I will say is that if we had 10m people lose homes during the housing crisis and its aftermath (thats what google said), google also tells me the bailout was for around 700b. that would be 70k for each of those 10m houses. thats just about enough for almost everyone to keep their houses. so why not just give it to the people on hard times? they would have just been paying it to the banks to keep their houses so the banks get paid anyway.

instead we gave it to the banks (who used it to pay bonuses and leverage themselves and refused to loan it to the public - for obv reasons, the public was broke) and the banks got to keep the houses too.

the banks made a ****ton of money off the housing crisis. its disgusting. ppl say that capitalism is supposed to be a system where the free market punishes companies that make mistakes but in this case they screwed up and got paid more. maybe they didnt scew up then and they knew what would happen.

If the reason that we needed to bail out the banks was so that they could serve the public. bc they were necessary for our society to function. then that is a really good argument for nationalizing the banks and removing or greatly lessening the profit motive. its really hard to argue that an institution is both deserving of large amounts publics money but not beholden to actually serve the public and can instead pursue unbridled profits at the publics expense.

anyway, I realize I never addressed my initial thesis about if Bernie policies would hurt the "economy." I may address it later. but no, I dont think so. I dont think letting the working classes make more money and pay out less would hurt. I dont think forcing companies to pay their fair share would hurt. I certainly dont think that guaranteeing the health of the most wealthy country on the planet would hurt.
goodpoints, proly your best post of 2019 since it was fair and actually looked it at from both angles.

i want to talk more about the bank bailout but its not relative to the rest of the discussion. I do wantto bring up some more points but other discussion has arisen since our posts
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 11:15 PM
I don't think think the average "Bernie Bro" is a socialist. Conflating the two is pretty sloppy.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 11:25 PM
bernie bro is progresive left, lets ust say prog left.

I like ho my post from last page really sparkd this discussion. ALL OF LAST YEAR we havent had 2 pages of more right leaning ideas or standpoints than we do now. I pat myself on the back on that one.

I think capitalism has flaws and its BS what some of these companies do and how they treat certain angles. but when I hear progresive left talk about economy andbusines, I just feel they are micro stakes players and dont get the "whole" picture at times.

like they are 1400 chess elo players when it comes to economy when a lot of others are around 1900 etc, thats what im trying to say. even wrt other things you could say prog left are 1900+elo etc.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Got a laugh at white knighting Google, who employs a legion of tax attorneys to do the double Irish Dutch, Rusty Trombone or whatever tax avoidence schemes. It'd be good enough just to make Google pay a somewhat equitable amount of taxes
ya I agree that shouldnt happen, but we need to still find a middle ground. I dont believe the "if you treat them poorly nd tax them harshly theyll just move their fortunes and investments/mopneys overseas" theres is truth and falsehoods to that
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-01-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Good faith criticism is not something like "Bernie Bros are just ignorant of economics, and don't understand capitalism." That's how morons try to criticize, by painting an entire class of people they disagree with as idiots. Idiot.

and how are you, Victim and the rest of your gaggle different...
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
ya I agree that shouldnt happen, but we need to still find a middle ground. I dont believe the "if you treat them poorly nd tax them harshly theyll just move their fortunes and investments/mopneys overseas" theres is truth and falsehoods to that
The middle ground is the US harmonizing more with the EU, cracking down on tax havens and shifting more towards an world wide apportionment system.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 12:34 AM
I disagree that THATS the midle ground. thats seems like an entire diff option
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
The US government redistributes over 100% of its revenue and would be harmed by not taxing

*tapping the side of the head*

Makes you think
Way to focus on one aspect and ignores the jobs YouTube content creators create, small business who can afford global advertisement via Google search, ebay folks who can operate a small business with less overhead, same with Amazon 3rd parties, along with Amazon Twitch streamers (almost all of which creates jobs and who will see less revenue). But, yeah, it's better to take money out their hands (of which all creates new sources of revenue for the government, as well), and put it in the hands of people who mostly consume. The government can't create new jobs (jobs in industries that have not been created yet, and what keeps propelling American prosperity) like the private sector can, no economist will agree with you.

I want someone to tell me how much we owe Sudan, since Google has stolen money from people. They are a global product, same thing with Windows, and they earn money from almost all people. I want to know, how do you all ignore the wealth that was stolen from other people outside the country? Do we redistributes that wealth to all the countries? (or are all of you selfish, and only Americans gets the benefit of redistribution?) Better yet, how much do we owe the laborers of China? Chances are, we'd have to all take a hair cut to make every whole that was "stolen" from. Freaking nonsense.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-02-2020 at 01:47 AM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
And yet:

The Walton family fortune breaks down as follows:

Jim Walton Increase$. 53.4 billion[10]
Alice Walton Increase$. 53.1 billion[11]
S. Rob Walton Increase$. 53 billion[12]
Lukas Walton Increase$. 18.5 billion[13]
Christy Walton Increase. $8.8 billion[14]
Ann Walton Kroenke Increase $7.7 billion[15]
Nancy Walton Laurie Increase. $6.9 billion
That's paper wealth, and it's ridiculous to whine about the top end of spectrum of winners, when their are thousands (if not millions) of people who benefit from Wal-Mart, from customers, to people in China, to retailers who feed off the traffic at wal-mart.

And the kicker, government entitlement end up at Wal-Mart as well...

On a more granular level, that means Walmart gets about $13 billion yearly from customers using SNAP alone, accounting for about 18% of the program itself. That only counts SNAP dollars spent and does not include customers who receive SNAP benefits, but buy things other than food during the same shopping trip.
There is 13 billion, you go grab that, that Wal-Mart wont get. LOL.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-02-2020 at 01:55 AM.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Way to focus on one aspect and ignores the jobs YouTube content creators create, small business who can afford global advertisement via Google search, ebay folks who can operate a small business with less overhead, same with Amazon 3rd parties, along with Amazon Twitch streamers (almost all of which creates jobs and who will see less revenue). But, yeah, it's better to take money out their hands (of which all creates new sources of revenue for the government, as well), and put it in the hands of people who mostly consume. The government can't create new jobs (jobs in industries that have not been created yet, and what keeps propelling American prosperity) like the private sector can, no economist will agree with you.

I want someone to tell me how much we owe Sudan, since Google has stolen money from people. They are a global product, same thing with Windows, and they earn money from almost all people. I want to know, how do you all ignore the wealth that was stolen from other people outside the country? Do we redistributes that wealth to all the countries? (or are all of you selfish, and only Americans gets the benefit of redistribution?) Better yet, how much do we owe the laborers of China? Chances are, we'd have to all take a hair cut to make every whole that was "stolen" from. Freaking nonsense.
You keep using this word, "redistribute", I do not think it means what you think it means.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 06:36 AM
it means take money from the paycheck earners and give it to corporations.

I am sure itshot and inso will be here to say how great this is.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 07:20 AM
Can you specify what size is needed to make corporations evil. Most corporations are relatively small businesses, many with one person. Are they evil as well? Just curious to help give some context to these nasty corporations. Perhaps this video will help.

All the best.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 08:13 AM
I know you are smart enough to know that I am not criticizing them due to size. Or even criticizing corporations at all. They are incentivized to act evil.

But as your signature indicates, you don't act in good faith so there's not much reason to interact.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 08:25 AM
I suspect you do not want to interact is because you do not have a particularly good reply. You keep mentioning "corporations" but as I said - they come in all shapes and sizes, so why not be more specific with your terms (that can have a multitude of meanings) when posting whatever your manifesto is in the moment.

Originally Posted by Victor
Republicans believe in stealing from the common person to prop up large corporations and wealthy scions.
Originally Posted by Victor
you believe in wealth transfer from the individual to the corporation or scion. it will destroy the country as it has many times in the past.
Originally Posted by Victor
its not some weird or made up thing. it is explicit in the law that the tax cut will expire for workers (not corporations and thus the wealthy)
Originally Posted by Victor
you know who tax cuts didnt expire on? corporations and billionaires.
Originally Posted by Victor
Beyond just monetary compensation, there are always hidden benefits for corporations.
Originally Posted by Victor
they vote to strip wealth, potential prosperity, and upward mobility from themselves ton contribute to socialism in the forum of welfare and handouts for corporations and the uber rich.
Originally Posted by Victor
it means take money from the paycheck earners and give it to corporations.

Seriously, what are all these evil corporations? Is the accounting firm with 5 employees that is incorporated part of this conspiracy? What are the guidelines. Read your quotes about corporations, then watch the South Park video, and well, not sure how to put it - at least the characters in that video are less uptight about it...

All the best.
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
01-02-2020 , 08:39 AM
Ok how about he says Fortune 500 etc, stop acting intentionally dense
Biden Harris 2020 (formerly: Who Will Be...) Quote
