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Antifa Antifa

05-13-2020 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i mean its on brand. the world is ending because of the biggest threats to human kind:

1. antifa
2. people not wanting to be called fat
3. ms-13
4. ???
5. the end
Trans people wanting to function in public according to their gender identity.
05-13-2020 , 06:02 PM
oh god. in for the riot.
05-14-2020 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
there ya go. looks like you may have found 1 actual course at 1 university to back up the claim. good job.

now you know how to correctly assert an argument. JV made the claim, its not for me to have to find the evidence to support his claim.
Originally Posted by Slighted
none of that says there are any classes in fat studies at that university it says they have people that have participated in research studies. i apologize if you meant some people that have a couple "interests" and have pet "research projects" at universities, i misunderstood your claim of what "real things at real universities" was.. my apologies carry on with your nonsense rant.
I don't usually feel compelled to google things for a complete disaster or the compulsively dishonest but I think this might be illuminating

Where do you think all this "expertise" in fat studies goes? why did they list it on their profile? Do I have to connect every single dot for you in order for you to not come to the dumbest conclusion possible? I just finished telling you you're incapable of embarrassment and then instead if googling something simple for yourself you defiantly double down and demand to be presented the obvious

mcmaster is ranked 4th in canada and 92 globally. Ryerson is ranked 25th in canada. Both of them also teach this stuff.

OK now your turn. Lets see how well you do. I've inserted the bolded for you to cite etc. Thanks in advance as I'm sure the "bad faith" police will get right on this

Originally Posted by Slighted
lol. you're still hyping up that fake andy ngo bullshit.. lol. the dude tricked you into believing his propaganda. What specifically ? cite its ok that you got tricked. he didnt get hurt and lied about it.Cite? he lied about cement milkshakes, he lied about his injuries,Cite he posted a picture of fruit on the ground and said he had a brain hemorrhage. he fleeced a bunch of you idiots out of money you mean me or people on 2p2? Cite for his gofundmes. if he didn't lie he would have actually produced evidence in any of the numerous lawsuits he claimed he was going to file. get over it.
Originally Posted by Slighted
professional agitator got a milkshake thrown at him.

people got run over by a car and someone died.

mirroring conduct according to juan.
Could you direct everyone to where or how you reached that conclusion? Where did i make that comparison or equate the two?...cite

Some bonus content for anyone else that doesn't feel like taking the compulsive liar seriously in the future
Originally Posted by Slighted
you never seem to have any idea about what you are trying to post. it's boring and sad. none of it can be considered to be in good faith, but you seem to be the new forums little dunce child that is allowed to do whatever he wants.

it was a proud boy rally called "him too", so yes i am sure of what it was. the professional agitator Ngo was there to start trouble, as he has numerous times, he got hit with a milkshake, pushed, and fell down. he and his crew lied and said the milkshake had quick dry cement in them, which is a scientific impossibility, because of the effects of sugar and cement. there was never any proof of any thing Ngo has claimed other than that he got hit with dairy and pushed..

feel free to do just the smallest amount of reading before any of these posts and maybe you will get responses other than just saying your points are dumb.
We can all watch the video champ. Also can you cite where he and his crew lied and said the milkshake had quick dry cement? I thought that was put out by police. I'm sure you will have no problem citing that for me though

Thanks for being the bad faith police. Thanks for not habitually being dishonest. Thanks for challenging my statements and abiding by the same standards yourself and welcoming the opportunity to reciprocate. Thanks in advance for the incoming gems. Hugs and kisses
05-14-2020 , 03:14 PM
you want me to go through your posts and cite the things you have admitted to saying and are resaying in this post? no thanks your posts are painful enough to have to skim through the first time.


as for the ngo ****.

this article has a screen grab of andy ngo's lawyer pushing Ngo's claim that he was attacked with cement milkshakes. the initial lie may have come from somewhere else but Ngo and his team ran with it to capitalize on your outrage culture. they have since deleted most of their tweet claims.

also i wasn't accusing you of posting in bad faith about the fat studies thing, although bad faith posting is one of your specialties, i was accusing you of doing your normal thing where you get outraged at a minuscule group of people doing something you dont agree with and blow it up as if the world is doomed. i mean we are talking about potentially dozens of people that may have taken a fat studies class in total in recent history in two countries with a combined population of like almost 400 million.
05-14-2020 , 04:28 PM
Michigan closed down its capitol in Lansing on Thursday and canceled its legislative session rather than face the possibility of an armed protest and death threats against Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Antifa is out of control
05-15-2020 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
Practice what you preach, hack.

Primary sources please. Not some medium bs.
05-15-2020 , 03:18 AM
B.J. Murphy

Freelance Journalist. Marxist Transhumanist. Advocate of Fully Automated Luxury Queer Space Communism.
Rofl. That sounds like a truly unbiased and trustworthy source.
05-15-2020 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Practice what you preach, hack.

Primary sources please. Not some medium bs.
It’s literally an actual screenshot of the tweet from Andy ngo’s lawyer that has since been deleted, as I stated in the post.

You really aren’t good at this..
05-15-2020 , 04:21 AM
The guy attacking sources is defending Andy Ngo
05-15-2020 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
With JVs “Herculean efforts” and your incessant virtue-signaling, this thread will never die.
Quite so! And an entertaining thread it is!
05-15-2020 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
The rich, beautiful irony of our own hypocrite quoting the world’s most famous hypocrite can’t get buried by the incel debate. Suzzer keeping this thread amusing and in the top ten!
It's getting more and more traction and attention, thanks to Suzzer.
05-15-2020 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Trans people wanting to function in public according to their gender identity.
[I deleted my post.]

Last edited by lagtight; 05-15-2020 at 04:58 AM.
05-15-2020 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
It’s literally an actual screenshot of the tweet from Andy ngo’s lawyer that has since been deleted, as I stated in the post.

You really aren’t good at this..
A "literally actual" screenshot posted by a guy with that bio isn't a primary source.

The article posted by JV above literally actually quoted from the syllabus of the Fat Studies course that was being taught at Oregon State. Yet you dismissed it.

Practice what you preach, hack.
05-15-2020 , 08:14 AM
While that medium article is obviously from a very biased source, for the specific point of Ngo's lawyer claiming that he had been attacked with cement milkshakes it has both the screenshot and a link to the deleted tweet from so in terms of validity for the claim it is as valid a source as a right wing tabloid was for the fat studies stuff.
05-15-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
so in terms of validity for the claim it is as valid a source as a right wing tabloid was for the fat studies stuff.
Exactly. That tabloid wasn't good enough, though.
05-15-2020 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Exactly. That tabloid wasn't good enough, though.
The medium article was a marginally better source than the tabloid article because it actually linked directly to the primary source rather than simply quoting it. It's an important difference because if someone wants to know the full context then it's much simpler to follow a link than have to copy the quote into google.

In general though I agree that people should aim to actually post the primary source rather than something once or twice removed from it.

P.s. Incidentally I did google the quote from the professor in the tabloid article and it seems like the main focus of "fat studies" is the psychology around body image and eating disorders, so while there might a couple of fringe aspects related to health/prejudice in society that could be controversial most of it is fairly standard of any social science course. Another thing I discovered is how many right wing news sites do the journalistic equivalent of copying someone else's homework and just rewording things a bit (probably not just a right wing phenomenon but it's amazing how many showed up with almost identical content when I searched for the quote).
05-15-2020 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Just funny to think that if Antifa had been around before the 1960's, they would have been Republicans.
Antifa is not a cohesive group at all, so there's not really a "they", but, generalizing, they would not have been Republicans then and they aren't Democrats now.
05-15-2020 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
you want me to go through your posts and cite the things you have admitted to saying and are resaying in this post? no thanks your posts are painful enough to have to skim through the first time.


as for the ngo ****.

this article has a screen grab of andy ngo's lawyer pushing Ngo's claim that he was attacked with cement milkshakes. the initial lie may have come from somewhere else but Ngo and his team ran with it to capitalize on your outrage culture. they have since deleted most of their tweet claims.
As expected you have failed to address fraction of your claims and of course completely skipped over the most obviously dishonest ones. This wasn't about me actually caring about what you have to say it is an exercise in demonstrating how habitually dishonest and mental you are. We have andy ngo being attacked on video and everyone has seen it. You completely lied about what happened and refuse to walk back your ridiculous statements over and over. Each time looking more and more mental.

You continue to lie and fabricate narrative post after post. The point in going over this was to clearly point out how you conduct yourself so both myself and others don't feel obligated to taking you even a little bit seriously in the future. Like when suzzer goes on a rant about me and richard spencer people can go well there goes suzzer, i hope he's ok right now and I don't feel obligated to get in to it with him.

It was transparently obvious my goal was to point out how habitually dishonest your are and constantly fabricate narrative. Yet you still couldn't help yourself like a rat with cheese surrounded by corpses. You just can't help yourself to fabricate a story. You just had to do it

Originally Posted by Slighted
also i wasn't accusing you of posting in bad faith about the fat studies thing, although bad faith posting is one of your specialties, i was accusing you of doing your normal thing where you get outraged at a minuscule group of people doing something you dont agree with and blow it up as if the world is doomed. i mean we are talking about potentially dozens of people that may have taken a fat studies class in total in recent history in two countries with a combined population of like almost 400 million.
Below my post about fat studies. The next post(s) I made about it was linking you to it's existence (googling for you) because you're incapable of saying something dumb enough to embarrass yourself. That is quite the imagination you have

For the rest of you, why are you fixating on fat studies sources? Its something he should have just googled him(your)self. Its really fast and easy. I linked him directly to highly ranked university websites. Why on earth are you clinging to one of the random google results I referred to as a random google result.

It is comical how much people respect the work of unhinged communists around here though
05-15-2020 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
(probably not just a right wing phenomenon but it's amazing how many showed up with almost identical content when I searched for the quote).
That's standard 21st century journalism. Across the board and all over the political spectrum.
05-15-2020 , 12:50 PM
again the link was posted only for the screenshot as mentioned multiple times. nothing about the article is mentioned.
05-15-2020 , 01:07 PM
You've been on this site for 14,000 posts and 8 years. You know very well how to post a picture to this board, yet you deliberately chose to post an article with the title "No, Andy Ngo Wasn’t Pelted with “Concrete Milkshakes” by AntiFa" instead of just the screenshot which you're (dishonestly) claiming was all you wanted to show.

Next time at least try to find an accompanying article that wasn't written by an "Advocate of Fully Automated Luxury Queer Space Communism". It will make you look just a tad less ridiculous.
05-15-2020 , 01:14 PM
i spend about 15% effort on replying to you guys when you do stupid stuff like JV does.

you both posted literally the first result in google that didnt make sense in response to my question, but yet i post the exact thing i was looking for and you're upset that it made you read an article that upset you.. lol
05-15-2020 , 01:20 PM
Ah, so you're switching to the "you're not worth the effort" defense, now that it's abundantly clear to all what you're trying to do here. I've seen enough now. You're exposed for the dishonest hack you are.

Have a good one.
05-15-2020 , 01:23 PM
sure bud. in a thread based on propaganda and lies and rightwing outrage culture, me, the person that is routinely attacking them, is the dishonest hack..
05-15-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
sure bud. in a thread based on propaganda and lies and rightwing outrage culture, me, the person that is routinely attacking them, is the dishonest hack..
This thread is so FUN.

I would like to publicly thank Suzzer for keeping it going.

Thanks, Suzzer!
