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AMA about a gambling degenerate who got interested in politics AMA about a gambling degenerate who got interested in politics

11-30-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
It wasn't me - it was a throwaway account I made before I made this one (which was also meant to be a throwaway account lol).

Yes - not only do I think about it, I have friends that call me out on it. I might say that this or that is "dumb", and they remind me that I am "dumb" in what I do. My rationale for that is... "**** you". Well, joking, but sort of. It's hard to explain to someone with a white picket fence and 2.4 kids that not everyone gets off on the things he gets off on. The older I get, the more I realise that the people who get it, get it, and the people who don't get it, despite their best intentions, never will.
fwiw I dont think you're dumb because of what you do.

In any case it's a logical mistake to think addiction or 'who you are' is about logic. I was lucky to not get addicted to drinking/smoking/etc, some friends were less lucky. I do like curry though. It's who we are. Life is for living, not for surviving.

even less fwiw my non expert advice is to try to have breaks from drinking. Body can repair a lot in those breaks which means more drinking later on in life.
11-30-2020 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
It was vice versa for me. I discovered that I hate pubs, clubs etc (etc includes people, for the most part), I just like drinking - as long as it's booze I like.
I had much the same evolution with respect to live poker, especially live poker in casinos. When I was younger, live poker enthusiasts seemed amusingly eccentric or degenerate. But over time, I really grew to dislike a lot of that crowd.
11-30-2020 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Ok, time to attack these.

It's a curve. For all games I play (pool, poker, chess), I reach a peak and then plateau off. I'm not my best shitfaced, but I'm also not my best sober.
I agree re pool, which I used to play quite a bit. A few drinks actually seemed helpful, but a lot of drinks definitely hurts.

I can't say that drinking has ever helped me play better poker.
11-30-2020 , 01:45 PM
How long do you think your current lifestyle is sustainable?

I ask because, in my experience, a person's ability to function as an alcoholic, especially a severe alcoholic, often deteriorates over time, even with no escalation in alcohol consumption.

Put another way, I've known many people who managed to function at a relatively high level in their 30s and 40s despite severe alcohol problems. But as some of those people got older and their physical strength diminished, the long term effects of alcohol abuse bubbled to the surface and their decision-making went off a cliff.
11-30-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I agree re pool, which I used to play quite a bit. A few drinks actually seemed helpful, but a lot of drinks definitely hurts.

I can't say that drinking has ever helped me play better poker.
I'm actually decent at pool. I can break & run at 9-ball with a decent split. Took me 20 years and ****-knows-how-much-money to get that good. And I play with people who can easily give me the 7-ball and still smash me.

I'm buddies with Imran, we practice together sometimes. He can give me a 3 start to to 5 and it's a fair game. He is/was #1 in the UK though. Usually when we play, we play banks though, and I'm not a massive dog in that at all.

11-30-2020 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
How long do you think your current lifestyle is sustainable?

I ask because, in my experience, a person's ability to function as an alcoholic, especially a severe alcoholic, often deteriorates over time, even with no escalation in alcohol consumption.

Put another way, I've known many people who managed to function at a relatively high level in their 30s and 40s despite severe alcohol problems. But as some of those people got older and their physical strength diminished, the long term effects of alcohol abuse bubbled to the surface and their decision-making went off a cliff.
I've witnessed the exact thing you are describing. When I was in my twenties I worked for a company that was run by "wide boys" and had been funded by this Alan Sugar-type entrepreneur. The guy never put in an appearance and ultimately nobody heard anything more about him. I eventually "got in" with management and the CEO told me that the CFO of the parent company had been running it for years, and John, the owner/VC, was a raging alchie who couldn't even pick up a Christmas card from his kid because his hands shook so much. Also heard a story about how he would just take trips down to London and try and pull chicks at hotels by pulling up in a chaffeur-driven Aston and telling randoms that he was a secret agent or a spy or something. He died not long after, in his mid-60s I think.

There is no satisfactory answer to your question. I'm just winging it.
11-30-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'm actually decent at pool. I can break & run at 9-ball with a decent split. Took me 20 years and ****-knows-how-much-money to get that good. And I play with people who can easily give me the 7-ball and still smash me.

I'm buddies with Imran, we practice together sometimes. He can give me a 3 start to to 5 and it's a fair game. He is/was #1 in the UK though. Usually when we play, we play banks though, and I'm not a massive dog in that at all.

At my peak, I might have been in shouting distance of being as good as you. Maybe I would run a nine-ball rack one out of ten times with a good break and good equipment? But I don't play much anymore. And after my eyesight got bad enough that I needed to wear glasses, my play went downhill a bit.
11-30-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
even less fwiw my non expert advice is to try to have breaks from drinking. Body can repair a lot in those breaks which means more drinking later on in life.

Oh, I take breaks. I know it's probably hard to tell, but during some of our discussions, I've even been sober.
11-30-2020 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
At my peak, I might have been in shouting distance of being as good as you. Maybe I would run a nine-ball rack one out of ten times with a good break and good equipment? But I don't play much anymore. And after my eyesight got bad enough that I needed to wear glasses, my play went downhill a bit.
I can break & run maybe 1 in 4 or 5. Decent for an amateur. My banks are pretty good too, I prefer banks and one pocket tbh.
11-30-2020 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
This actually probably deserves a better answer than I gave, since it's basically asking "what the **** is your little attention-seeking vanity thread doing in my forum?"

First of all, chill bro, no need to swear, we're all friends here. Secondly - well, I think I can actually make a case for this. I was actually the paragon of the undecided voter before I came here, in its old incarnation, back in '16. I didn't know what to think, and this forum helped shape my views on what is going on in the world. I was totally apolitical, and I guess one side was just more persuasive than the other. Very much more persuasive. So, I kind of credit this forum with forging my political identity, and I wanted to give something back, even though many of those people are now gone.
That was not my intent (though future threads like these should probably give the mods a head's up first), and it's not my forum.

But yes, I do swear a lot. It's a cultural thing which does not come across in my writing or translate well to English. The equivalent of my dialect in US terms (the cultural standard the rest of us can relate examples to) would be quite redneck-ish.

Originally Posted by d2_e4
Well, I did view it as a problem, since those things are stigmatised in society, for a long time. I no longer view it as a problem, but that was a conscious decision, and much of my family (i.e. parents & their relatives) don't understand that still. Then again, they don't understand a lot of things I did, like dropping out of school at 16.

I guess I've just made peace with my demons. That doesn't mean I'm not open to there being something out there that is better - I just have no idea what it might be.
Well, if you have done it from a young age then it is what you know. Anything else would seem uncomfortable and hard to control. That's just the human condition.

Lifestyle changes are very, very tough, even without addictions. That's why it is hard to get someone to stop stealing cars is if what he did since 14. It's what he knows. For him to stop stealing cars and do something else is not unlike asking a 40-year old engineer to become a dentist.
11-30-2020 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Lifestyle changes are very, very tough, even without addictions. That's why it is hard to get someone to stop stealing cars is if what he did since 14. It's what he knows. For him to stop stealing cars and do something else is not unlike asking a 40-year old engineer to become a dentist.
Truth. I had all sorts of cellmates, including career criminals. I still remember one, who looked exactly like you think, about 40, who told me he is so proud of his son, coz he "is boosting cars, like me".

At the time, I was the same age as his son.
11-30-2020 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
- Do you want to quit your addictions? If so, what problems do you see in remaining sober and not gambling?
I think this has been sort of answered? Rococo is a bit good on direct. If not, I will endeavour to answer it to the best of my ability.
11-30-2020 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I think this has been sort of answered? Rococo is a bit good on direct. If not, I will endeavour to answer it to the best of my ability.
I honestly wasn't trying to wheedle information out of you that you didn't want to share. And I certainly wasn't trying to teach you any sort of lesson via the Socratic method.

I was honestly curious about how you viewed your own life.
11-30-2020 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I honestly wasn't trying to wheedle information out of you that you didn't want to share. And I certainly wasn't trying to teach you any sort of lesson via the Socratic method.

I was honestly curious about how you viewed your own life.
I didn't mean it that way at all.

You are very good at formulating questions which are just open-ended enough. Other people might not notice that, but I do. I meant it as a compliment.
11-30-2020 , 05:16 PM
So, the calling people shitty thing aside. Where are you on politics now?

(UK bias appreciated)
11-30-2020 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
So, the calling people shitty thing aside. Where are you on politics now?

(UK bias appreciated)
Haven't really thought about it. You seem like a fairly shitty person, could you direct me to the right location?
11-30-2020 , 05:31 PM
so you didn't get very interested in politics then?
11-30-2020 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
so you didn't get very interested in politics then?
Once the Orange is gone, we can start working down your list. All with the full knowledge that you were a Trump enabler.
11-30-2020 , 05:42 PM
Not as much as the kiddie divisive crowd but ok if you wish to abuse 'enabler' that way. I do support democray I suppose which make me an enabler of all those trump voters so I can accept that.

But maybe we can avoid the usual silly stuff and you can tell us something about your political beliefs now that you've got interested.

I know you're against one person one vote. So that's one thing. Not very sure where you stand on much else
11-30-2020 , 05:52 PM
In order for gambling to be fun, do you need to have the chance of winning (or losing) whatever is a meaningful amount of money for you?

If all B&M casinos/card rooms and online gambling venues went out of business tomorrow, would it be psychologically difficult for you to transition to other activities besides gambling?
11-30-2020 , 05:56 PM
I'm pretty for one person one vote, as long as that person is me.
11-30-2020 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
In order for gambling to be fun, do you need to have the chance of winning (or losing) whatever is a meaningful amount of money for you?
Winner. Yes, absolutely. It has to matter if you win, and as a corollary, it has to hurt when you lose, to get the "hit".

Originally Posted by Rococo
If all B&M casinos/card rooms and online gambling venues went out of business tomorrow, would it be psychologically difficult for you to transition to other activities besides gambling?
Yeah man, I'd be lost. Seriously, that's all I've done for about 7 or so years straight. I'd be proper ****ed.
11-30-2020 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Winner. Yes, absolutely. It has to matter if you win, and as a corollary, it has to hurt when you lose, to get the "hit".
I empathize, but I think that it is virtually impossible to have good bankroll management with this mindset. And it is virtually impossible to be a winning gambler with poor bankroll management.

But you knew that already.
11-30-2020 , 06:26 PM
d2, rocco is right
11-30-2020 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
washoe didn't the get the joke, but this was another solid effort from you.
yeah I didnt get it, but I actually knew aa is alcoholics anomynous and tripple a is Auto.
I mixed it up, sorry
