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Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder

06-05-2020 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by well named
He said this:
Thanks, appreciated.
06-05-2020 , 01:20 PM
A Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent testified in Thursdays preliminary hearing. It included multiple instances of McMichael's racial hatred. The link is below.

And by the way, no matter how hard corpus vile wants to pivot to the right side of this issue now, he looked like an historically uninformed clown racist apologist at the beginning of this thread over a great deal of pathetic posts. beginning.

Last edited by September.28; 06-05-2020 at 01:34 PM.
06-05-2020 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
See above and your actual criteria at the time for automatically asserting this as a racially motivated crime was and still is laughable. You really want to get into this again? Cuz last I checked we were advised to move on.
I knew the guy had the flush and it wasn't exactly rocket science to deduce. You really struggled with it. Think about that for a very long time.
06-05-2020 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I knew the guy had the flush and it wasn't exactly rocket science to deduce. You really struggled with it. Think about that for a very long time.
I agree with this analogy and I think corpus may have been somewhat tone-deaf in delivering his message, and perhaps a little naive in the message he was attempting to deliver, but I also think that the people calling him racist or claiming he was defending racists ITT for what he was saying were out of line.
06-05-2020 , 01:50 PM
If something goes down in Georgia, Alabama or Mississippi and you even slightly start off by siding on the, "I don't know if the white person that just killed the black person is a racist" then you are being a fool. It is infinitely more logical to say nothing and wait for the facts, then to defend the white person as possibly not racist.

Racist apologists are insufferable hypocrites.
06-05-2020 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by September.28
A Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent testified in Thursdays preliminary hearing. It included multiple instances of McMichael's racial hatred.
He did, yes.

Special Agent Richard Dial of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation told the court that co-defendant William Bryan heard Travis McMichael use the slur [that is the n-word] after shooting Mr Arbery.

"Mr Bryan said that after the shooting took place before police arrival, while Mr Arbery was on the ground, that he heard Travis McMichael make the statement," Agent Dial said.

Agent Dial said Mr McMichael had used the same slur many times on social media.

Investigators had also found racially derogatory texts on Mr Bryan's phone, he said.

The BBC report also has this:-

He described how the McMichaels and Mr Bryan chased Mr Arbery in pick-up trucks as he jogged in their neighbourhood. He said Mr Arbery repeatedly tried to escape and Travis McMichael shot him three times.
And this:--

Gregory McMichael told police he believed that Mr Arbery resembled the suspect in a series of local break-ins.
But there were no such break-ins and there was no such suspect. If he means the man seen on CCTV looking round the unfinished house, nothing was stolen there and there simply wasn't a problem.

So the whole thing, with the chasing in pick-ups, looks like an old-style recreational manhunt, except they wouldn't say 'man', they'd use the n-word.
06-05-2020 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
It was a very inapt example, sorry and nobody's "downplaying" anything as it has nothing to do with the circumstances of Mr Arbery's murder. It doesn't even bear mentioning.
WTF Teflon mentioned it.
06-05-2020 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I knew the guy had the flush and it wasn't exactly rocket science to deduce. You really struggled with it. Think about that for a very long time.
I don't need to think about it. Because automatically asserting anything based on the criteria you used is stupid. The end.

Originally Posted by September.28
Dear oh dear, highlight again time huh? Due to your amoeba like attention span? It's getting to be a regular Groundhog Day around here innit?
Here's what I said and really really focus, okay? And do try and retain the info you read, can't emphasise that bit enough. You think you can do that? I mean I know it's hard for you but y'know, eye of the tiger mate and all that.
Here's my position on the AA thread
I'm perfectly open minded on racism being a factor or motivation in Mr Arbery's killing but wasn't accepting that there was a racist factor in Mr Arbery's killing based on it being a white on black crime, it being in the south and one of the killers being born in the 50s, as well as it was racially motivated or based "because it just is."
I asked if M Sr's LE history could be unearthed and if he disproportionately target black people/non whites when a cop, online comments, neighbours coming forward etc.
I also said I was perfectly willing to change my mind on the matter and still am. I'm well aware racist murders can and do occur. I consider the murder of Jordan Davis for example as being racially motivated and certainly playing a factor as there's evidence or something of more substance to support this and also a case where it's perfectly valid to use when citing how the word thug can indeed be used as a racist dog whistle even if I don't agree that the word itself is always used in that context.
However re Mr Arbery's killing, you can't expect me to accept assertions of racism automatically based on such criteria,such as mere location and being of a certain age and the killers being white with the victim black.
I also said that I considered it murder and expressed hope they'd get convicted.
They went out armed with loaded guns which in my view puts them into intent territory. They intended to potentially endanger life by having loaded weapons, just as an armed robber intends to potentially endanger life when robbing a bank.

Mr Arbery was not on their property or in any way a threat to them or their home. Yet they pursued him anyway and combined leaving their property with arming themselves puts them in the category of premeditation and I think all three should be charged and hopefully convicted of first degree murder.

Whether that's compatible with Georgia law though is something I don't know. I hope it is. If not then they need to change their laws imo.
You also said this earlier:
I've missed the last few days
Maybe you should catch up, just throwin' it out there...

Oh and if you could be so kind as to link precisely where I engaged in any apologia for racism anywhere in this thread or any other thread, then that would be just peachy thanks. Otherwise, go away stop being such a lying James Blunt.

Last edited by corpus vile; 06-05-2020 at 03:13 PM.
06-05-2020 , 03:23 PM
Corpus vile you got own from the start. And you got own at the end. But without a doubt another white person will eventually kill another black person in the south and you will get another chance to get owned again saying it isn't likely racially motivated.

Your starting point on the Arbery case leaned so far in one direction as to amount to nothing but a racist apologist. You are too dense and stupid, as well as, historically uneducated to ever comment on the south again.

Last edited by September.28; 06-05-2020 at 03:33 PM.
06-05-2020 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by September.28
Moar blah
So you can't cite where I engaged in apologia for racism, gotcha.

And I never said it was most likely not race related and I challenge you to cite where I did say that, Pinocchio. I just linked to you precisely what I said. You're clearly as thick as three short planks nailed together and about half as interesting and your evident inability to read is not my problem.

Last edited by corpus vile; 06-05-2020 at 04:16 PM.
06-05-2020 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
WTF Teflon mentioned it.
He mentioned it with a sense of context though, namely that Mr Arbery may have been going through issues. I got the impression you kinda seized on only that out of the entirety of Teflon's post.

I'm not saying you're personally doing this, but reference to victim's past history has been done in other cases. IIRC selfies of Trayvon Martin posing- as any kid his age tends to do- had some sorta nefarious/sinister connotations attached to them, for example. There's a kind veiled hanging in the air intimation that the victim "deserved" it, when such things get seized upon. It seems to me like victim denigration.

So his past is irrelevant especially now that new evidence has come to light regarding the depravity of his murder and despicable nature of his killers. What really sickens me is that earlier I highlighted some tweets calling it a lynching and regarded such terms as emotive hyperbole. I admonished in a finger wagging style hows such phrases weren't helping things...when that's precisely what it was. An actual lynching. In 2020 not 1920.
Considering the absolutely obscene manner of Mr Arbery's murder, I think seizing upon his past brushes with the law as if to attach gravitas to it is akin to desecrating his grave.

So again it's irrelevant.
06-05-2020 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I think the point is that people have no problem connecting dots when it suits them or fits with their preconceived notions, and they're perfectly fine playing dumb when they don't.
I think the point is more that drawing inferences is fine when they make logical sense, rather than taking a well reported school shooting and coming to the highly illogical conclusion that it wasn't actually a school shooting and was instead an elaborate psy-op involving child actors.
06-05-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
I think the point is more that drawing inferences is fine when they make logical sense, rather than taking a well reported school shooting and coming to the highly illogical conclusion that it wasn't actually a school shooting and was instead an elaborate psy-op involving child actors.
"Well-reported" doing a lot of work there.
06-05-2020 , 07:34 PM
Not really.
06-06-2020 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I'm sorry, bringing a gun to a highschool football game is not simply doing something stupid, or youthful indiscretion. It's not like taking a car out for a joyride, or taking a stupid risk.
In rural/suburban Alabama and Georgia and north Florida it is completely common. There were always guns around everywhere, even in high school.
06-06-2020 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
He mentioned it with a sense of context though, namely that Mr Arbery may have been going through issues. I got the impression you kinda seized on only that out of the entirety of Teflon's post.

I'm not saying you're personally doing this, but reference to victim's past history has been done in other cases. IIRC selfies of Trayvon Martin posing- as any kid his age tends to do- had some sorta nefarious/sinister connotations attached to them, for example. There's a kind veiled hanging in the air intimation that the victim "deserved" it, when such things get seized upon. It seems to me like victim denigration.

So his past is irrelevant especially now that new evidence has come to light regarding the depravity of his murder and despicable nature of his killers. What really sickens me is that earlier I highlighted some tweets calling it a lynching and regarded such terms as emotive hyperbole. I admonished in a finger wagging style hows such phrases weren't helping things...when that's precisely what it was. An actual lynching. In 2020 not 1920.
Considering the absolutely obscene manner of Mr Arbery's murder, I think seizing upon his past brushes with the law as if to attach gravitas to it is akin to desecrating his grave.

So again it's irrelevant.
The only point I was making is, when you downplay/trivialize a victims transgressions, you are making those transgressions relevant. There is also an implication that if they were considered more serious transgressions then the victim would be responsible, I.e. the behavior was not serious enough to warrant the reaction....but what if they were more serious? The reality is, the behavior is entirely irrelevant. No matter how serious it is.

As Teflon pointed out, his theme was not really centered on that, however, he allows his message to get attacked by trivializing something he did not, should not need to trivialize.
06-06-2020 , 08:12 AM
Looking at something in context isn't necessarily downplaying. Did he bring a gun or was this just alleged? I only heard he was indicted for it but don't know the outcome. Was it a legally held gun if so? And how serious a crime is an unregistered gun in some states anyway? Serious? A misdemeanour? Or depending on the state?
And how old was he, 19 at the time? I''m quite different today than when I was at 19 and lots of young men go through troubled periods or have issues in their late teens or early 20s. So viewing such things in context isn't downplaying.

I just got the impression again you were seizing on it or at least attaching more gravitas to it than warranted.
06-06-2020 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Looking at something in context isn't necessarily downplaying. Did he bring a gun or was this just alleged? I only heard he was indicted for it but don't know the outcome. Was it a legally held gun if so? And how serious a crime is an unregistered gun in some states anyway? Serious? A misdemeanour? Or depending on the state?
The offence was carrying a gun in a school, which is a gun-free zone. He was seen with the gun in his waistband while queuing for the basketball game. When spoken to by an officer, he admitted he'd had the gun but he no longer had it on him. It was soon found lying outside the gym, a .380 automatic. He was also charged with obstructing a police officer. This was presumably what led to his being put on probation.

There's quite a bit about Arbery and the neighbourhood here, from an Atlanta journal -- apologies if it was posted before -- but it was written before the discovery of Travis McMichael's unsavory social-media history, which is probably more relevant than Arbery's priors or even what seem to be his occasional visits to Mr English's unfinished house, which triggered the whole thing.
06-06-2020 , 01:45 PM
so somehow I missed that the guy taking video actually hit Arbery with his car before they shot him. and that guy was trying to say that he was a total bystander and not involved in any way.

I guess with all the protests going on and the uncovering of dudes racist social media this detail got kinda lost at least for me but it seems pretty damn important. while this was still fresh I did see that they found Arbery was chased for 4-5 minutes which is a pretty long time really.

I thought these guys would walk before but I think these new details tilt it to conviction. and all bc that clown was sharing his video with his friends.
06-06-2020 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
so somehow I missed that the guy taking video actually hit Arbery with his car before they shot him. and that guy was trying to say that he was a total bystander and not involved in any way.

I guess with all the protests going on and the uncovering of dudes racist social media this detail got kinda lost at least for me but it seems pretty damn important. while this was still fresh I did see that they found Arbery was chased for 4-5 minutes which is a pretty long time really.

I thought these guys would walk before but I think these new details tilt it to conviction. and all bc that clown was sharing his video with his friends.
I think I read somewhere that he actually asked his lawyer to give the video to the media so it would exonerate them.

Shame he won't be playing poker any time soon, sounds like he's good for the game.
06-06-2020 , 02:00 PM
Was Bryan also armed? In the video you hear a clicking sound and there's an interesting comment
3 weeks ago
They say this person video taping was not involved yet it sounds just like he racked the slide on a handgun and chambered a round @0:16. Strange
However I've no experience or knowledge of guns so can't say, does anyone who might know guns better have any thoughts?
(This version does not show Mr Arbery's killing)

06-06-2020 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
so somehow I missed that the guy taking video actually hit Arbery with his car before they shot him. and that guy was trying to say that he was a total bystander and not involved in any way.
The police are saying there's physical forensic evidence from the vehicle that he did do that, yeah. Far from a bystander, they say he was taking part in an old-style n-hunt. And the authorities were minded to take no action until they found the idiot was sharing his kill video around. I think it's partly (or wholly) because the GBI took notice at that point, and their view is radically different from that of the county police and the two DAs who are buddies of Greg McMichael.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 06-06-2020 at 02:10 PM.
06-06-2020 , 02:30 PM
Travis M wasn't the only racist. Racist comments by Bryan have come to light also
Bryan, too, had several messages on his phone that included "racial" terms and indicated he may have prejudged Arbery when he saw him that day, Dial said.
"There's evidence of Mr. Bryan's racist attitude in his communications, and from that I extrapolate the reason why he made assumptions he did that day," he said. "He saw a man running down the road with a truck following him, and I believe he made certain assumptions that were, at least in part, based upon his racial bias."
Re Truck
At one point, Arbery was heading out of the Satilla Shores neighborhood where the defendants live, but the McMichaels forced him to turn back into the neighborhood and run past Bryan, the agent said. That is when he struck Arbery, Dial said, and Arbery kept running with the McMichaels in pursuit.
Re Mcmichaels truck
Body camera footage also showed a Confederate flag sticker on the toolbox of McMichael's truck, he said.
06-06-2020 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
The police are saying there's physical forensic evidence from the vehicle that he did do that, yeah. Far from a bystander, they say he was taking part in an old-style n-hunt. And the authorities were minded to take no action until they found the idiot was sharing his kill video around. I think it's partly (or wholly) because the GBI took notice at that point, and their view is radically different from that of the county police and the two DAs who are buddies of Greg McMichael.
I had read previously that the police actually did wish to press charges against the M's from the start but were told not to by DA
06-06-2020 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
I had read previously that the police actually did wish to press charges against the M's from the start but were told not to by DA
Not exactly. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article:-

The McMichaels arrived at Glynn County Police headquarters at about 3:30 p.m. Feb. 23. The investigating officers contacted two assistants in District Attorney Jackie Johnson’s office.

Because Greg McMichael, now retired, once worked there, the assistants told police they had a conflict of interest but would seek legal guidance for them. Johnson contacted George Barnhill, the district attorney in neighboring Ware County. It was common practice for Barnhill’s office to provide backup if Johnson’s office had a conflict of interest — and vice versa.

For now, Johnson’s assistants said the McMichaels posed no flight risk, so there was no reason to hold them.

Barnhill met with police the next morning. After reviewing evidence including video of the incident, Barnhill said he saw no grounds for arrests.

Johnson sent two recusal letters to Attorney General Chris Carr; the first time she didn’t have the right contact. Neither mentioned that Barnhill’s son is an assistant district attorney in her office. Carr appointed Barnhill Feb. 27 – three days after Barnhill concluded that he saw no cause for arrests.

Barnhill acknowledged his conflict and recused himself on April 7, having writen a letter to police expanding on his Feb. 24 findings.

“It appears Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael and Bryan Williams were following in ‘hot pursuit,” a burglary suspect, with solid first-hand probably cause in their neighborhood and asking/yelling him to stop. It appears their intent was to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived. Under Georgia Law this is perfectly legal."

Bryan Williams recorded the cellphone video that captured the incident.

Carr appointed Liberty County District Attorney Tom Durden on April 13.

The video changes everything

On May 4, more than two months after the shooting, attorney Alan Tucker took a thumb drive containing a video clip to a Brunswick radio station. It showed the shooting in graphic detail.

Barnhill acknowledged his conflict and recused himself on April 7, having writen a letter to police expanding on his Feb. 24 findings.

Bryan Williams recorded the cellphone video that captured the incident.

Carr appointed Liberty County District Attorney Tom Durden on April 13.

The video changes everything

On May 4, more than two months after the shooting, attorney Alan Tucker took a thumb drive containing a video clip to a Brunswick radio station. It showed the shooting in graphic detail.

“It almost steals your soul to watch that video,” morning show host Scott Ryfun said.

He consulted with a community leader to decide what to do.

“Do I put that out?” Ryfun asked himself.

Ryfun, who is white, and the civic leader, who is black, watched the tape together, mostly in silence. They compared the tape to Barnhill’s letter saying he found no cause for arrest.

“That’s not what I saw,” the civic leader said.

Arbery was black. The McMichaels are white.

Ryfun posted the video on May 5. The station removed it within two hours, deeming it too graphic. But that was enough time to change everything.

Gov. Brian Kemp asked the GBI to look into the case. Within 36 hours, Travis and Greg McMichaels were behind bars, charged with felony murder and aggravated assault.
Apologies for the wall-of-text, but a man's life is worth something and there seems to have been a lot of 'good old boys and good neighbors' going on at all levels till the GBI took a contrary view.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 06-06-2020 at 03:27 PM.
