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Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder Ahmaud Arbery Killing -- 3 Guilty of Murder

05-13-2020 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
and neither is your rebuttal.

in fact, you didn't even start to make an argument. you need to actually make an argument before you can do whatever mic drop of small act of smugness that you seem to find necessary.
It's not hard to rebutt. The cop is an idiot.

He goes back and forth conflating 'SUSPICION' of committing a crime to "WITNESSING" committing a crime.

Suspicion is NOT adequate to execute a citizen's arrest. WITNESSING is adequate. And he admits they only have suspicion (which means inadequate to arrest) but then says they have REASON to arrest.

His entire argument falls apart based on that singular fact,. Suspicion, no matter how much you really, really, double dog dare, think you are right is NOT ENOUGH to execute a citizen's arrest in that jurisdiction. You either were or were not a direct witness of a crime in progress. They were not.
05-13-2020 , 02:50 PM
There is a scary amount of cognitive dissonance and ignorance being shown by people who are generally '2A' and 'Stand your Ground' and "Self Defense' law, advocates.

The person who has the "Stand your Ground' and 'Self Defense' law on his side is the person being pursued aggressively by armed individuals who are attempting to detain him based on a suspicion.

If Arbery was a 2A adherent and armed, he would ever reason to Stand his Ground and shoot if he felt his safety was at risk. They would not have protection under the law to shoot back as the aggressors creating the conflict.

Read my prior post before pointing to 'suspicion' as that does not change anything.
05-13-2020 , 04:54 PM
People who think guns make them safe are suffering from cognitive dissonance to begin with.
05-13-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
People who think guns make them safe are suffering from cognitive dissonance to begin with.
Amen. I want to live where no one feels they need to carry a gun to go get groceries and walk the dog.
05-13-2020 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
There is a scary amount of cognitive dissonance and ignorance being shown by people who are generally '2A' and 'Stand your Ground' and "Self Defense' law, advocates.

The person who has the "Stand your Ground' and 'Self Defense' law on his side is the person being pursued aggressively by armed individuals who are attempting to detain him based on a suspicion.

If Arbery was a 2A adherent and armed, he would ever reason to Stand his Ground and shoot if he felt his safety was at risk. They would not have protection under the law to shoot back as the aggressors creating the conflict.

Read my prior post before pointing to 'suspicion' as that does not change anything.
What I find interesting is there is not a gun safety class taught in this country (which is required to get a conceal permit anywhere) that would not label what happened as criminal and negligent use of a weapon.

A huge number of 2A activists and stans have been taught that this is completely wrong, but they still scream for it anyways.

I am a little more mixed on 2A issues than most. However if right wing 2A fanboys are going to refuse to accept standard gun safety practices, why should anyone care what they think or what they want.
05-14-2020 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I actually agree with Slighted that apparent police malfeasance in covering up the crime is the major part of this story. However, I think it is equally problematic that the media, and by extension us, only care because of the racial narrative they love to play.

Originally Posted by Kelhus100
As a corollary, a couple years ago in Az a white man named Daniel Shavers was executed by a couple white police officers in cold blood. There really is no other way to describe the incident. They made him crawl on the ground begging for his life and executed him anyways. It is all on video.

The media barely gave the incident any play at all, and have given the subsequent legal proceeding zero play. Both officers got off clean and have since retired and are getting full benefits.

"case that drew national scrutiny"

05-14-2020 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

"case that drew national scrutiny"

Reading about this case it's mental.

The mere presence of guns causes so much accidental death.
05-14-2020 , 09:22 AM
He doesn't understand that if he read about it, it was on the news.

05-14-2020 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
He doesn't understand that if he read about it, it was on the news.

It's more than that. Conpiracy theorists, intellectual Dark Web enthusiasts, alt-media devotees, etc., seem immune to the obvious fact that their preferred sources of information manipulate their audiences far more aggressively than the Washington Post or the New York Times ever does.

What exactly do they think is happening when they inhale output from sources that claim to tell the REAL story that the MSM doesn't want people to hear?
05-14-2020 , 10:04 AM
Something being on the news and getting a day or 2 of play and disappearing into the nether, is a lot different in magnitude than something which dominates the news cycle for weeks and has congresspeople and presidential candidates making strong comments on it.

Most of you would be completely outraged if the Arbery incident didn't result in a conviction, and are completely agnostic towards the Shavers case, which was a complete stonewalling of justice. That is because the media is your pied piper and tells you what you are supposed to care about.
05-14-2020 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
It's more than that. Conpiracy theorists, intellectual Dark Web enthusiasts, alt-media devotees, etc., seem immune to the obvious fact that their preferred sources of information manipulate their audiences far more aggressively than the Washington Post or the New York Times ever does.

What exactly do they think is happening when they inhale output from sources that claim to tell the REAL story that the MSM doesn't want people to hear?
No. Not true. All of those people also take in plenty of mainstream media narratives. It's impossible not to. It isn't dark Web (or whatever) people vs MSM. They get both/all.
Sorry. Not even following this thread and forgot what thread I was in in responding to this. Carry on with whatever racial stuff you guys are talking about.
05-14-2020 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
He doesn't understand that if he read about it, it was on the news.

Being on the news doesn't mean it was covered. I was in Phoenix when that occured and I didn't know about it until Kelhus posted about it here. (Which I can also fortunately say the same about this Georgia stuff).
05-14-2020 , 10:54 AM
Headline from Washington Post article today
"Ex-detective charged in death of Ahmaud Abery lost power to make arrests after skipping use of force training."

Apparently his "certification was suspended in February 2019 after repeated failures to complete required training"
05-14-2020 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Headline from Washington Post article today
"Ex-detective charged in death of Ahmaud Abery lost power to make arrests after skipping use of force training."

Apparently his "certification was suspended in February 2019 after repeated failures to complete required training"
The guy retired in May 2019. Clearly he decided not to bother doing a bunch of training right before retiring. That isn't news, especially headline news, and you and The Washington Post should be embarrassed in your partisan zeal to try to make it news.

Regardless, DailyMail noted this days ago.
05-14-2020 , 11:23 AM
After all those attempts you've been making to show yourself as a logical, non partisan thinker, and I almost bought into it, you just exposed yourself and ruined everything.

It also says he received a warning as far back as 2014 that he "had neglected to finish mandatory firearms and use-of force courses"

So how can he claim the right to use arms to make a citizens arrest as a defence?

Nothing partisan about stating the facts. And when did this all of a sudden become a partisan issue?
You're really messed up man.
And next time, before you mouth off on something, read the article at least you dimwit.
05-14-2020 , 11:49 AM
For those who want to catch up quickly, here's an FAQ on the Ahmaud Arbery situation from The Onion:

Q: Why did neighbors initially call 911 on Arbery?
A: Witnesses reported seeing him.

Q: Who are the shooting suspects?
A: Travis McMichael and his father, Gregory, who made the tragic mistake of retiring from the police force beforehand.

Q: Why did it take over two months to bring charges?
A: Brunswick County officials first wanted to conduct a complete and thorough exoneration.

Q: What grounds have the suspects argued for the shooting?
A: That they didn’t expect to have to justify it.

Q: What actions do Georgia’s “Stand Your Ground” law protect?
A: State law allows the use of deadly force by citizens who feel threatened by the increasingly racially diverse makeup of the United States.

Q: What are people saying about the footage?
A: Comments have been turned off for this video.

Q: Why have news outlets published details concerning unrelated dealings with the law in Arbery’s past?
A: Newspapers know it’s essential their readers receive the fully biased story.

Q: What are we doing to prevent something like this from happening again?
A: America’s top scientists are working around the clock to determine the precise speed at which a black man can move without appearing like a threat.
05-14-2020 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Being on the news doesn't mean it was covered. I was in Phoenix when that occured and I didn't know about it until Kelhus posted about it here. (Which I can also fortunately say the same about this Georgia stuff).
If you say so.

I knew about it though.
It was a pretty big deal in circles where people talk about undue use of force by law enforcement.

It doesn't have the mass appeal of a racial crime, to be sure but to say it was ignored is inaccurate.
05-14-2020 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
No. Not true. All of those people also take in plenty of mainstream media narratives. It's impossible not to. It isn't dark Web (or whatever) people vs MSM. They get both/all.
Sorry. Not even following this thread and forgot what thread I was in in responding to this. Carry on with whatever racial stuff you guys are talking about.
I didn't say anything about whether these people consume MSM. My point is that it is ridiculous to say that the NYT is manipulating its audience, but Sam Harris or Glenn Greenwald or whoever the **** is not.

To take an extreme example from the conspiracy arena, would any sane person argue that the Washington Post manipulates its audience more aggressively than Alex Jones does? I doubt it.
05-14-2020 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100

Most of you would be completely outraged if the Arbery incident didn't result in a conviction, and are completely agnostic towards the Shavers case, which was a complete stonewalling of justice. That is because the media is your pied piper and tells you what you are supposed to care about.
BS. The cops abusing their power has absolutely been an issue for ages. Getting the political will together to address the issue probably won't be easy--especially now that the 'law and order' guys can go fishing again. But 1 way of coming at an/the issue is to highlight where it's most egregious--basically black men get it the worst. Maybe if all those newly minted freedom fighters pitched in instead of crying about haircuts and golf while jacking off the cops the rest of the time--we might be able to put together a united front to actually do something about this long-standing issue vs. focusing on some temporary inconveniences. fwiw I instantly knew that story was the BB gun/pest control guy in the hallway so it must've gotten some airplay(even though I probably saw most of the stuff on reddit iirc).
05-14-2020 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Something being on the news and getting a day or 2 of play and disappearing into the nether, is a lot different in magnitude than something which dominates the news cycle for weeks and has congresspeople and presidential candidates making strong comments on it.
The Ahmaud Arbery killing dropped out of the news cycle after a few days. The only reason we're talking about it now is that you're desperate to find a way to stan for the murders.
05-14-2020 , 12:56 PM
Guys, murders are rarely publicized or sensationalized unless the perpetrators are white and the victim is black. Whatever you think you read or watched about Amanda Knox, Jon Benet Ramsey, Robert Durst, Anne Marie Fahey, the Central Park Jogger, Casey Anthony, Morgan Geyser, Eric and Lyle Menendez, Michael Peterson, Steven Avery, etc., it's all in your imagination.
05-14-2020 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
What I find interesting is there is not a gun safety class taught in this country (which is required to get a conceal permit anywhere) that would not label what happened as criminal and negligent use of a weapon.

A huge number of 2A activists and stans have been taught that this is completely wrong, but they still scream for it anyways.

I am a little more mixed on 2A issues than most. However if right wing 2A fanboys are going to refuse to accept standard gun safety practices, why should anyone care what they think or what they want.
So the father was finally stripped of all his authority and power as a police officer because he constantly refused to take deadly force training. He didn’t show up in like five different years. Finally the state punished him and all he did was write a letter saying he was busy.
05-14-2020 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
For those who want to catch up quickly, here's an FAQ on the Ahmaud Arbery situation from The Onion:
This is brilliant satire that cuts way too close to home.
05-14-2020 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The Ahmaud Arbery killing dropped out of the news cycle after a few days. The only reason we're talking about it now is that you're desperate to find a way to stan for the murders.
I honestly don't think Kelhus started the thread to stan for the murderers. If you are a cynic, you certainly could argue that he started the thread as a vehicle to discuss how he is one of the few objective consumers of media information.
05-14-2020 , 02:36 PM

We all know how the MSM likes to piggy back stories, especially when the race card is involved, and looks like they have decided to dig up one from March 13th to run with the momentum. A link to this story is on the front page of CNN and it is on DailyMail's front page too.
