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Afghanistan - when  will we get out Afghanistan - when  will we get out

08-22-2021 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
If it is actually true that a mere 100,000 men are seriously in favor of reversing most of the gains in a way that 5,000,000 or so women find horrific to contemplate, I am quite sure that if they really implement that plan, they will be overthrown, and quite quickly, in any one of several possible scenarios.
You understand that the Taliban can kill every single westerner at that airport right now? We are operating purely at the taliban’s pleasure. They’re allowing our evacuation because they see it in their interest. Consider that the Taliban is now armed with billions of dollars in advanced American weaponry.

What hubris to watch us fail to achieve any strategic objectives over the last decade while the Taliban stays together, grows stronger, defeats our puppet government in a week, and you still need think it would be nothing to overthrow them. We just spent 20 years trying to overthrow them and failed.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
You understand that the Taliban can kill every single westerner at that airport right now? We are operating purely at the taliban’s pleasure. They’re allowing our evacuation because they see it in their interest. Consider that the Taliban is now armed with billions of dollars in advanced American weaponry.

What hubris to watch us fail to achieve any strategic objectives over the last decade while the Taliban stays together, grows stronger, defeats our puppet government in a week, and you still need think it would be nothing to overthrow them. We just spent 20 years trying to overthrow them and failed.
Barely 200 days into the Biden administration, we've experienced our greatest border crisis ever, and our greatest foreign policy disaster since the 1970's. Both of those things were easily avoidable.

America is now officially a rudderless ship.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
The Taliban gave the opium farmers like 3 year's notice to find an alternative crop. By 2001, poppy production in Taliban was just a fraction of past production and most sales were from the year's before inventory.
So if opium played any part in the war then it was because of a supply chain disruption that the US needed to rectify.
Within a year of America's occupation, the poppy fields were back in production with the Afghan President's brother suspected of being neck deep in it
Thanks bro, that is amazing. It is amazing to read the president's brother did the same business as el chapo in mexico, narcotics, guns, money laundering. He was basically playing both sides. To me there is no question of if. They are in the same business. It almost looks the same as in mexico. Nothing gets done, constant war. Afghanistan and Mexico have a few connections, high ranking mexican cartel is walking around with b. laden pictures and beards.

The mexican cartel was always connected and active in Afhganistan, they have polical ties. Mexico is taking refugees now, they are partners:
"In 1962, Mexico accredited its first ambassador to Afghanistan, resident in New Delhi, India. The ambassador was Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz."
"since the beginning of the U.S led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001; many Afghan migrants have travelled to Mexico in order to enter the United States.[4] Furthermore, several Mexican narcotic cartels have been operating in Afghanistan by using fake "front" companies to hire smugglers in the country to smuggle drugs and weapons from Afghanistan to Europe and the United States.

This was just one of many mexican high ranked cartel member:

"René Velázquez Valenzuela was known by his aliases El Sargento Phoenix (The Phoenix Sergeant), El Talibán (The Taliban), and El Gato Negro (Black Cat).[1] His nickname El Talibán was given to him for his appearance and violent personality, likely an allusion to the Taliban.[2][3] He was known in the criminal underworld for the way that he executed his victims and for his long beard.[4] In several pictures, Velázquez wore a turban and posed next to a portrait of Osama bin Laden.[5][6] His behavior and lifestyle were publicized through online pictures and through narcocorridos (drug ballads) about him. Several singers and music groups wrote songs detailing his personal life, including Larry Hernandez, Gerardo Ortiz, Ariel Camacho, Enigma Norteño, Jorge Santa Cruz, and Los Nuevos Rebeldes.[3] Songs described Velázquez as a violent person adept in using multiple types of weapons.[7] He was also described as someone who preferred black clothing, shaving his head, and having a long beard.[8]"


Last edited by washoe; 08-22-2021 at 08:20 AM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
You understand that the Taliban can kill every single westerner at that airport right now? We are operating purely at the taliban’s pleasure. They’re allowing our evacuation because they see it in their interest. Consider that the Taliban is now armed with billions of dollars in advanced American weaponry.

What hubris to watch us fail to achieve any strategic objectives over the last decade while the Taliban stays together, grows stronger, defeats our puppet government in a week, and you still need think it would be nothing to overthrow them. We just spent 20 years trying to overthrow them and failed.
Maybe the taliban just wants them out, and continue with their mission. Printing money like el chapo. I dont think we were there to overthrow them. They got what they wanted, which is control of the drug trade and power.

Mexico tops Afghanistan and Iraq as deadliest war zones.

Last edited by washoe; 08-22-2021 at 08:36 AM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 08:53 AM
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 08:55 AM
Link didnt work:

Mexico Surpasses Afghanistan and Iraq As The World’s Second-Deadliest Conflict Zone

Doesnt anyone else wonder why these are the biggest warzones on our planet?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
No, the opium that the British exported to China to address the trade deficit came from India. (Bengal and Madras.) But from the mid-19th century, Chinese production was actually ahead of imports, to the tune of tens of thousands of tons annually. The world produced a lot more opium then than it does now, and the Chinese Qing government depended heavily on opium for its tax revenues. Early in the 20th century the British and the Qing reached an agreement to end the trade, only then the Qing government fell and domestic production took off again and wasn't shut down till Mao came along with his rather extreme methods of coercion.

No, it's an ideological product of Qutbism, originating with an oddball incel in Egypt in the 1950s. And the Afghan variant stems from Qutbist madrassas (indoctrination centres) in Pakistan, and from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, which sponsors the Taliban as part of its Great Game with India.
Whatever it is could it be an excuse to push drugs?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:00 AM

Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
Sorry missed this

An alert from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on Saturday advised citizens “to avoid traveling to the airport and to avoid airport gates at this time unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so.” The guidance was issued in response to “potential security threats outside the gates at the Kabul airport” and came as Taliban leaders gathered in Kabul to discuss forming a new government.
“We will contact registered U.S. citizens as the security situation changes to provide further instructions,” the alert said.

The United States has control over the inside of the airport, but the Taliban has been patrolling the exterior, beating and whipping some in the crowd. Some Americans were reportedly beaten by militants despite a promise of safe passage.
Awesome, so far how many westerners were killed at the airport?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by funt1986
exactly this. the brits play a major role in this too.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
Cuppee every road is open. There’s no disruption of movement. The entire country except one city and one valley is controlled by the Taliban. If you have a truck with food you stop at a checkpoint then keep going.
If true (and i have no reason to not believe) that does not mean the people who typically travel that road would not avoid it when they see competing armies on them.

Food theft, by marching armies, is very common and many might choose to wait until things settle down before taking their wares to market.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
If true (and i have no reason to not believe) that does not mean the people who typically travel that road would not avoid it when they see competing armies on them.

Food theft, by marching armies, is very common and many might choose to wait until things settle down before taking their wares to market.
Cuepee I think it depends on the "cartel" that is controlling the area. Like in Mexico now you can get shot or left alone. Some places are probably very decent while others are superdangerous.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 10:15 AM
This is the doc that I saw. Check out the explanation of the cartel leader for having a bin laden engraved on his gun. When journalist David Beriain asked him about it they almost got shot.

"Here Beriain interviews a hitman called Junior, who is dangerously coked up and canÂ’t stop twisting and fidgeting, constantly drawing his chrome pistol to unload and reload it, standing up and then sitting down to snort more from a plastic baggie. Junior is lamenting at the unfairness of paying for a womanÂ’s plastic surgery only to see her move on to another man. “TheyÂ’re not loyal to you,” Junior says. “That’s why so many bitches in Culiacán turn up dead.”

Beriain asks Junior why he has Osama bin Ladens face engraved on the handle of his pistol.

“The whole world knows that bin Laden never betrayed anyone,” Junior says, ashing his cigarette. “And here in Culiacan, we respect that!” he exclaims. Apparently the cameraman found this funny, because Junior points at him and says, “Are you laughing?”

“No, no, not at all,” says the cameraman.

“Tell me why are you laughing,” Junior says, drawing the pistol with a jittery hand.

On camera, Beriain sits perfectly still.

“I was not laughing, really,” the cameraman says. The fear in his voice is evident.
F man, I just found out that he got murdered this year. He was a likeable journalist. Beriain got murdered this year apparently by Islamic terror groups.
'The murder is attributed, however, to jihadists by The Guardian, which points out that insurgents linked to the Islamic State terror group and al-Qaida have led a campaign of violence across West AfricaÂ’s Sahel region, causing a million people to be displaced.'

Last edited by washoe; 08-22-2021 at 10:35 AM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
You understand that the Taliban can kill every single westerner at that airport right now? We are operating purely at the taliban’s pleasure. They’re allowing our evacuation because they see it in their interest. Consider that the Taliban is now armed with billions of dollars in advanced American weaponry.

What hubris to watch us fail to achieve any strategic objectives over the last decade while the Taliban stays together, grows stronger, defeats our puppet government in a week, and you still need think it would be nothing to overthrow them. We just spent 20 years trying to overthrow them and failed.
Actually we "overthrew" them in about 3 days.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Actually we "overthrew" them in about 3 days.
The Taliban are a militia with small arms. That's pretty much it. They don't have artillery, or air power, or logistics, or a serious command structure. Against proper military forces, they are not worth much beyond nuisance value. That's why they've only reappeared as proper military forces are withdrawn.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
The Taliban are a militia with small arms. That's pretty much it. They don't have artillery, or air power, or logistics, or a serious command structure. Against proper military forces, they are not worth much beyond nuisance value. That's why they've only reappeared as proper military forces are withdrawn.

'Multiple helicopters including Mil Mi-24, MD 530F Cayuse Warrior, UH-60 Black Hawk and Mil Mi-17 were also captured by the Taliban.[79][78]'
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 04:29 PM
I'm guessing the Taliban will never be able to fly them, let alone maintain them to be operational next month, year etc. These aircraft aren't like cars that you can let sit idle for a year and get up and running in an afternoon with minimal equipment and knowledge.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I'm guessing the Taliban will never be able to fly them, let alone maintain them to be operational next month, year etc. These aircraft aren't like cars that you can let sit idle for a year and get up and running in an afternoon with minimal equipment and knowledge.
Yeah you basically have to be a member of NATO to even use that stuff because you need highly specialized maintenance techs to operate it. Even a country like Turkey couldn't use a lot of that stuff independently. I guess the prospect of the Taliban selling the stuff might possibly be a concern.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Its Biden's fault for going the full Trump.
Originally Posted by lagtight
Barely 200 days into the Biden administration, we've experienced our greatest border crisis ever, and our greatest foreign policy disaster since the 1970's. Both of those things were easily avoidable.

America is now officially a rudderless ship.

It's so tiresome watching Americans arguing over the red or blue puppets, liberals vs conservatists (pick your team, no other options!) or pointing fingers at the previous administration. As if all of them don't work for the same people. It's like WWE but somehow even more fake and boring.

Wallstreet, the banks, lobbies and the Military Industrial Complex are running the show, Presidents are merely scapegoats.

If you disagree and honestly think that Bush really wanted a "war" with Afghanistan, then you have to assume that Obama really wanted to bomb kids in Yemen, or Trump really gave a **** about the Golan Heights. I'd be surprised if he could find Syria on a map, much less care about it.

Originally Posted by stuff
Long way of saying "its only terrorism when they do it." Or "its not terrorism if the US military does it". I would bet that people around the world beg to differ.


Youd be okay with this? There are very strong arguments that what the US military does/has done around the world is considered terrorism by locals.

Syria didnt attack the US. Yemen didnt attack the US. Iraq didnt attack the US. Libya didnt attack the US. But the US attacked or sectioned the hell out them (theres a literal famine in Yemen bc of US sanctions). Iran cant sell oil bc of US sanctions. So they all have the right to invade the US by your logic.
What he said.

Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I'm guessing the Taliban will never be able to fly them,
I almost fell for that bait.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 06:56 PM
This isn't Biden's fault. And I hate Biden. I hated Bernie for calling Biden his friend. I'm no Biden defender.

This doesn't go back 20 years. It goes back almost 50 years. The U.S. and Russia tag teamed Afghanistan until it was a pile of rubble. Then they left. Then the Northern Alliance emerged out of the battle royale to fill the vacuum. When the Taliban came in they were initially greeted as liberators because the Northern Alliance, the group of fighters we have been spending trillions to aid, were so brutally horrific.

It's just the nature of this world that things are easier to break than make. I don't know why that is. We broke Afghanistan against our cold war fear mongering. We broke it good and it's not going to be on any good path for a long time, but that was decided a long time ago.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 07:37 PM
You can't break something that was never together in the first place. What was the point in history when Afghanistan was playing great?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
You can't break something that was never together in the first place. What was the point in history when Afghanistan was playing great?
from 1921 till about 1970 they played great imo. It was either becoming strictly islamic, like pakistan or becoming friends with the soviets according to this:

The British, beleaguered in the wake of World War I, are defeated in the Third British-Afghan War (1919-21), and Afghanistan becomes an independent nation. Concerned that Afghanistan has fallen behind the rest of the world, Amir Amanullah Khan begins a rigorous campaign of socioeconomic reform.

Amanullah declares Afghanistan a monarchy, rather than an emirate, and proclaims himself king. He launches a series of modernization plans and attempts to limit the power of the Loya Jirga, the National Council. Critics, frustrated by Amanullah’s policies, take up arms in 1928 and by 1929, the king abdicates and leaves the country.


Zahir Shah becomes king. The new king brings a semblance of stability to the country and he rules for the next 40 years.


The United States formally recognizes Afghanistan.

Britain withdraws from India, creating the predominantly Hindu but secular state of India and the Islamic state of Pakistan. The nation of Pakistan includes a long, largely uncontrollable, border with Afghanistan.

The pro-Soviet Gen. Mohammed Daoud Khan, cousin of the king, becomes prime minister and looks to the communist nation for economic and military assistance. He also introduces a number of social reforms including allowing women a more public presence.


Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agrees to help Afghanistan, and the two countries become close allies.

As part of Daoud’s reforms, women are allowed to attend university and enter the workforce.

Last edited by washoe; 08-22-2021 at 08:01 PM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 08:53 PM
Cool, thanks for posting that. I need to grab some books on Afghan history. I'll quibble a little and call the good period from 1933-1973.

It seems crazy but the Shah didn't die until 2007 at the age of 92:
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-22-2021 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by stuff
Long way of saying "its only terrorism when they do it." Or "its not terrorism if the US military does it". I would bet that people around the world beg to differ.

By your logic, countries around the world that have been bombed, invaded and overall fcked with by the US can ask for the American terrorists to be handed over. When we don't hand them over, said country can invade the US until everyone responsible for destroying their country and cultural monuments (the US goes out of their way to destroy ancient/important cultural cites) is found and brought to justice. If said country bombs the crap out of American cities and innocent people are killed, oh well, it was justified and demanded by said countries public.

Youd be okay with this? There are very strong arguments that what the US military does/has done around the world is considered terrorism by locals.

Syria didnt attack the US. Yemen didnt attack the US. Iraq didnt attack the US. Libya didnt attack the US. But the US attacked or sectioned the hell out them (theres a literal famine in Yemen bc of US sanctions). Iran cant sell oil bc of US sanctions. So they all have the right to invade the US by your logic.
It’s our foreign policy or I should say Israel which seems to be calling the shots to constantly keep the Middle East in shambles , I’m sure those countries will rebuild in 10-20 years then we ll destroy them again once there’s any sign of progress
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-23-2021 , 02:04 AM
Blame Israel for all!!! That was easy

But Afghanistan's people are going to be ok right? Bc that's what the taliban said. Did I get that right?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
