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Afghanistan - when  will we get out Afghanistan - when  will we get out

08-18-2021 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Fox News, without a trace of self awareness or irony, runs a segment on crocodile tears that we left Afghans to die at the hands of the Taliban only to immediately follow it up with the southern border with the title ‘hidden danger’

Sums it up. Everyone just wants to have a mad over the desired action that was overwhelmingly desired and was always going to be impossible to have a positive outcome

I look forward to the subsequent posts telling me why I’m an idiot
You're an idiot because you're just here to bash Fox News and don't care about anything else beyond that.

How did I do?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
I don’t know man that’s how international relations work, you meet up and make deals. Or you invade with your army. Then a combination of both.
I know you don't know. That's why I am explaining it to you. Whatever "deal" Trump made was equivalent to having no deal at all.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You're an idiot because you're just here to bash Fox News and don't care about anything else beyond that.

How did I do?
Terribly. But I didn’t expect much else from you
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I am not a Biden fan but his speech was one of the best he took accountability and stood his ground on the reasons why. I think a good majority of people heard that and said yeah he is right. He actually admitted a mistake that takes a ton of courage in his position. No way Trump admits something like that
I'm not sure that is Biden as much as his advisors telling him what to say. Not sure we have had a president before that would be so reliant on what his advisors would say than Biden and being able to make his mind up for himself.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Did we ever figure our if 9/11 was an inside job?
The deep state actor (TD) is squashing the "truth"
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I know you don't know. That's why I am explaining it to you. Whatever "deal" Trump made was equivalent to having no deal at all.
Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement and the Iranian nuke deal and I'm sure a list of others I don't know about.
Definitely no reason to honor his word with the Taliban
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Enough 9/11 theories, move the discussion on.
Just doing my own research
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-18-2021 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
The deep state actor (TD) is squashing the "truth"
Td is just one man. If we all engulf him with truth bombs at once, he really won't be able to do much, I think.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-19-2021 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Only the uneducated refer to what you're talking abt as socialism. It IS capitalism, and a key part of it. But as with everything else in this world misdirection and smoke and mirrors is the name of the game. So most people just call it socialism so they end up blaming this key feature of capitalism on socialism.
You've got me wrong. There is a collectivist element in that the war racket is funded with taxpayer money, I infer, with the anticipation that the spoils of war will trickle down to the masses somehow. In that way it has a socialist aspect. Of course that inference is something which I can't ever get much traction on:

Do people not connected to the military industrial complex actually think war benefits them personally?

On the one hand, people can't be that stupid to think it does. On the other hand, you see people popping up everywhere to defend any naked money grab that has any weak geopolitical pretext. Some plumber on Chiefs planet is defending the Saudis for their spreading extreme religious intolerance and I am like what in the world is motivating you here?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-19-2021 , 07:44 AM
A senior Taliban commander has said that Afghanistan will probably be governed by sharia law now that the group is back in power. In an interview with Reuters, the commander ruled out democracy and instead outlined a system that bears striking similarities to the Taliban’s previous rule.
“There will be no democratic system at all because it does not have any base in our country,” Hashimi said. “We will not discuss what type of political system should we apply in Afghanistan because it is clear. It is sharia law, and that is it.”
Kind of academic but the Taliban announce they will continue to be the Taliban.

“Our [scholars] will decide whether girls are allowed to go to school or not,” he said. “They will decide whether they should wear hijab, burqa, or only [a] veil plus abaya or something, or not. That is up to them.”

“Let me speak clearly and bluntly: this is a catastrophe,” Josep Borrell, the E.U.’s high representative for foreign affairs, told the European Parliament. “This is a catastrophe for the Afghan people, for the Western values and credibility, and for the developing of international relations.”
Hard to argue with that
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-19-2021 , 09:24 PM
Based Taliban spokesman

Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
did the CIA kill JFK?
I'm sure they were part of it.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 09:36 AM

The Daily Mail reported that London deployed an additional 300 troops to Kabul specifically to extract trapped British nationals earlier in the week. Within hours of touching down in Kabul, the British troops retrieved some 200 British nationals from around Kabul, the Telegraph reported.
France 24 reports that the French military has been conducting similar operations since Monday. French President Emmanuel Macron thanked French security forces on Twitter for executing a ‘sensitive operation’ which evacuated more than 200 French and Afghans.
Meanwhile on the American side

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said yesterday that despite the U.S. having at least 5,000 troops on the ground, he does not have the “capability” to reach out beyond HKIA.
What the ****

“The Taliban cannot be allowed to remain 100m from US Marines where they can commit atrocities in front of us knowing we will do nothing. They are thugs. We are the United States of America. Show them we won’t be bullied. Use the might of our forces to create a humanitarian corridor in Kabul — so that people can safely get to the airport without this chaos and constant Taliban interference,” Zeller wrote.
I agree
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 11:07 AM
Afghan war costed $300 million/day. So for anyone asking why was the u.s. there for so long...that's why.

And as for anybody a few days ago saying oh the taliban are saying xyz nice things, so things are going to be ok...looking at you chronic fever...big fat lol at you for believing this bs. Only the biggest of rubes would believe a newly empowered taliban when they spew words. I don't even trust my own government officials but I'm supposed to believe these guys?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by phoneaccount
Kind of academic but the Taliban announce they will continue to be the Taliban.
Slight problem for them is, 65% of Afghans are too young to remember the last time the Taliban were in power. They've grown up under NATO with a degree of non-berserk normality and the women have had an education. They know that life without the Taliban is better. And people have smartphones giving access to the wider world, and there's phone coverage in every province these days. There may not be quite enough illiterate inbred medieval peasants left to lend the Taliban a broad passive support base.

People have staged anti-Taliban demos across the country, waving the national flag that the Taliban don't like or carrying vast 100-metre-long versions of it in procession.

Most Taliban fighters are too young to remember the last time, too. They're green and they don't have that confidence of 'This is how it is.' They might not find the country so easy to rule this time. But essentially, any resistance will require people at some point to take risks and kill Taliban, slyly or openly, and put them in fear.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 08-20-2021 at 01:50 PM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 02:30 PM
This, from former UK government minister Rory Stewart, who knows Afghanistan well and was also a provincial governor in Iraq, is, as usual, quite good.

Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 03:04 PM
As much as I agree with Biden it was time to get out and it may be ugly my questions would be from watching all sides.
  • Why would you not get the people out first
  • Secondly than remove the weapons and equipment
  • Why secure Kabul airport when the other one was more strategic (Bagram)
  • How can France and England send troops into Kabul and get their folks out and you can not do the same
  • Why did you not work with coalition forces on this. Seemed to be very little communication
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-20-2021 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
This, from former UK government minister Rory Stewart, who knows Afghanistan well and was also a provincial governor in Iraq, is, as usual, quite good.

Its Biden's fault for going the full Trump.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 04:33 AM
So what are the odds that the Taliban had all the leverage in negotiations and they used it?
They could have been like we've got a deal from the last president, we've lived up to our end of the bargain and haven't attacked you guys in over a year. Either gtfo like you agreed to or we're going to start ramping up the attacks, suicide bombings, etc... We know you've only got 3,000 people in the country, you're going to have to send a lot more than that to handle what we'll have coming for you.

They promised not to attack any foreigners during the evacuation which has so far held true but they weren't going to put up with anymore stall tactics.

Biden knows the US doesn't want to an escalation to the war so has to admit defeat and leave.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
As much as I agree with Biden it was time to get out and it may be ugly my questions would be from watching all sides.
  • Why would you not get the people out first
  • Secondly than remove the weapons and equipment
  • Why secure Kabul airport when the other one was more strategic (Bagram)
  • How can France and England send troops into Kabul and get their folks out and you can not do the same
  • Why did you not work with coalition forces on this. Seemed to be very little communication
Germany is sending troops too to get their people out.

What the f happened there? A bunch of bullcrap. You evacuate without taking all your people out. Jaahaahahaaa. Fire Biden, fire them all for incompetence. That is really hideous what happened. Now they are looking for excuses, passports. You don't leave anyone behind if you know they will get killed. Not after being there for 20 years. F passports and fire Biden and whoever is responsible for this.

Last edited by washoe; 08-21-2021 at 05:20 AM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
So what are the odds that the Taliban had all the leverage in negotiations and they used it?
They could have been like we've got a deal from the last president, we've lived up to our end of the bargain and haven't attacked you guys in over a year. Either gtfo like you agreed to or we're going to start ramping up the attacks, suicide bombings, etc... We know you've only got 3,000 people in the country, you're going to have to send a lot more than that to handle what we'll have coming for you.

They promised not to attack any foreigners during the evacuation which has so far held true but they weren't going to put up with anymore stall tactics.

Biden knows the US doesn't want to an escalation to the war so has to admit defeat and leave.
First they would have needed to fly everyone out that helped them. That is a lot of people who are defenceless and on a backlist to killed. So you protect the airports and the city, then fly everyone out.

They had 13.000 of their own people to evacuate and they did. That is a lot of plane tickets. I guessing that was a logistical problem. They wanted to save or idk they definetely punted.

The Taliban the Taliban is there for at least 20 years, they knew exactly what would happen to their supporters if they left them alone. They are all on blacklists of the Taliban and they are working off this list now. That stuff is known to everyone.

There is now small groups of Afghans who are fighting the Taliban now. Afghans aren't all bad people of course. They are mostly good people. I worked with one, she was one of my employees, a very nice woman.

Last edited by washoe; 08-21-2021 at 05:18 AM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
The Taliban the Taliban is there for at least 20 years, they knew exactly what would happen to their supporters if they left them alone. They are all on blacklists of the Taliban and they are working off this list now. That stuff is known to everyone.

There is now small groups of Afghans who are fighting the Taliban now. Afghans aren't all bad people of course. They are mostly good people. I worked with one, she was one of my employees, a very nice woman.

Afghans are notoriously gracious hosts to visitors. There's a reason it was part of the hippy trail prior to the Soviet was.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Afghans are notoriously gracious hosts to visitors. There's a reason it was part of the hippy trail prior to the Soviet was.
Very good hosts. Yes Afghans are nice people. Look at the map. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan. I'm pretty sure they live peacefully as neighbours for centuries, until the US had to join and mess up the peace. Have you tried Afghan food? It's the best! Try mandoo I think it's called. Dumplings in red and white sauce, it takes 4 hours to prepare but it's totally with it if done right. Albolutey delicious. Also Afghan hash is world famous. Don't try that it's but for them its the same as alcohol to us.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
As much as I agree with Biden it was time to get out and it may be ugly my questions would be from watching all sides.

  • Secondly than remove the weapons and equipment

It's not America's equipment, it's the Afghan's armed forces equipment. Taliban defeated the Afghan army, now it's theirs.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-21-2021 , 05:59 AM
I didnt know about any hippie trail leading to Afghanistan, thank you. Is that were some opium caves were? I heard some stories in India about people get stuck in opium caves or at least with opium addiction and then stuck in the country because they lost their passport and got heavily addicted. So they spent decades even more than this in those counties. There are a few foreigners who got f that way. Also in Thailand, don't lose hour passport and do not overstay your visa.

If you really think about it, how do you evacuate that many people? There are always going to be a few that are left behind?

Last edited by washoe; 08-21-2021 at 06:23 AM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
