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Afghanistan - when  will we get out Afghanistan - when  will we get out

08-16-2021 , 11:42 AM
Trump had as part of his campaign platform that he would move troops out of Afghanistan while Biden would keep him there.

Actual blame isn’t on Biden or Trump, it belongs with this guy and his presidency.

Also maybe more so we can put the blame with the foreign policy of Reagan and there support of religious fighters in Afghanistan. We sent this guy there with a bunch of missiles.

Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 11:54 AM
^^^you just can't help yourself; have to insert some crazy every other post
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Actual blame isn’t on Biden or Trump, it belongs with this guy and his presidency.
Yep. A lot of things from the Bush presidency continue to reverberate.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Da nit is one of the worst posters in the history of 2+2, so not shocking that he gets Afghanistan wrong.

Bush can be criticized for a lot of things; Afghanistan shouldn't be a barometer for whether he cared about the people there or not, or whether his presidency was a failure or not. It was simply a matter of circumstances.

The United States was attacked by terrorists harbored in that country. We invaded to take them out as an act of self defense. That was completely justified. The Iraq war was an entirely different matter, but Afghanistan was a matter of self defense. The mission was not accomplished when Bush's presidency came to an end. Further blame for the outcome belongs to his successors: Obama, Trump, and Biden.

You like to post about subjects you know nothing about, so I'm sure you will get defensive and chime in again, but sorry to tell you, nobody will care about your reply.
The terrorists were Saudi and we ended up killing their leader in Pakistan but we never attacked those countries

Not sure how Biden stays on vacation?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Da nit is one of the worst posters in the history of 2+2, so not shocking that he gets Afghanistan wrong.

Bush can be criticized for a lot of things; Afghanistan shouldn't be a barometer for whether he cared about the people there or not, or whether his presidency was a failure or not. It was simply a matter of circumstances.

The United States was attacked by terrorists harbored in that country. We invaded to take them out as an act of self defense. That was completely justified. The Iraq war was an entirely different matter, but Afghanistan was a matter of self defense. The mission was not accomplished when Bush's presidency came to an end. Further blame for the outcome belongs to his successors: Obama, Trump, and Biden.

You like to post about subjects you know nothing about, so I'm sure you will get defensive and chime in again, but sorry to tell you, nobody will care about your reply.
The war was an idiotic exercise in nation-building that was clearly doomed from the start. Of course Bush deserves the blame for sticking America’s dick in an unwinnable quagmire. Trying to pin this on Obama or even Trumpnis absurd.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 11:59 AM
Our people are experiencing a hugely dangerous situation. Understand the American made heavy weaponry the Taliban have right now in massive quantities. Our soldiers and diplomats could be massacred whenever the Taliban choose but they’re choosing to let us leave. Every one of our planes and helicopters could come under fire at any moment.

The current chain of command has to answer for what’s happening right now. The decision to stay for 20 years then when to leave is different. This is an ongoing battlefield disaster.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
What the **** have they been doing there for 20 odd years when it can all be undone in the space of a couple of days?
Yeah wtf have they been doing, good f question. Id like to know too. They pumped 2 trillion dollars into it, for what? No other country ever in the history of human kind has received that much money.

It must be a veeery important counrtry, apparently the most important country in the world.

And it can all be undone in a matter of days? wtf? Biggest punt in history imo.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
The terrorists were Saudi and we ended up killing their leader in Pakistan but we never attacked those countries

Not sure how Biden stays on vacation?

Yes I agree with Lozen on all of this. The whole Bush Middle East policy was a fiasco and we’re all paying the price to this day.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
No. The war in Afghanistan (not to be conflated with the oil-stealing, pirate war in Iraq) was a war of self-defense. The Taliban harbored terrorists there. They attacked our country. We responded. The terrorists were materially supported by a neighbor country with nukes, so we couldn't defeat them totally. The best we could do was establish a competent government in Afghanistan and gain yardage against Pakistan with soft diplomacy.

In the end, the war was a failure because the U.S. didn't have any desire to finish the mission once the terrorists were taken out. Afghanistan is a poor country with no strategic value. The contractors committed war crimes on the population and sexually abused young boys, the military and political leaders treated the war like grift, and you saw what kind of people the Americans promoted to government. The type who grabbed suitcases full of cash and fled the country in a few days.

These failures are an indictment of the way the war was finished, not the way the war was begun.
Thank you shuffle, that actually makes sense.
I wouldnt blame bush alone either, obama, trump and biden are all to blame if any president is to be blamed at all.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
No. The war in Afghanistan (not to be conflated with the oil-stealing, pirate war in Iraq) was a war of self-defense.
lol, the Iraq War was also sold to us as a war of self defense. WMDs, yellowcake, mushroom clouds, any of that ring a bell? Of course it had Jack-all to do with defending the US just like our decades of nation-building in Afghanistan had dick to do with stopping terror attacks.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
No. The war in Afghanistan (not to be conflated with the oil-stealing, pirate war in Iraq) was a war of self-defense. The Taliban harbored terrorists there. They attacked our country. We responded. The terrorists were materially supported by a neighbor country with nukes, so we couldn't defeat them totally. The best we could do was establish a competent government in Afghanistan and gain yardage against Pakistan with soft diplomacy.

In the end, the war was a failure because the U.S. didn't have any desire to finish the mission once the terrorists were taken out. Afghanistan is a poor country with no strategic value. The contractors committed war crimes on the population and sexually abused young boys, the military and political leaders treated the war like grift, and you saw what kind of people the Americans promoted to government. The type who grabbed suitcases full of cash and fled the country in a few days.

These failures are an indictment of the way the war was finished, not the way the war was begun.

BTW do any of you guys know why Bin Laden was so pissed at us anyways? Ive seen some docs about him. He was not an idiot, and he wasnt just an ******* either. He was legit pissed off at the Americans.

I cant recall the exact reasoning behind him going berserk but I can tell you he had his reasons.

The Bin Laden family is one of the richests in the country. He was a billionaire. Why the f is a billinaire not living the dolce vita and prefers bombing americans? That is the question imo.

A day after the 911 attack, I think about 10 private jets with members of the Bin Laden family left the United States out of fear of a backlash. (They did not have anything to do with it other than having

the same name and being part of the family) What has this to do with anything? It shows you how f powerful this family is.

So my point is, the us did some serious ****ign with the east, which pissed Bin Laden and a few others. So I dont think you can argue with afghanistan had to be invaded. We had to not stick our nose into

everything and things would have been a lot better by now probably.

Oh yeah, but we had to **** with the taliban, and when you play with fire you get burned. If we had not interfered they would have flown planes into the twin towers?! I dont think so.

Its the good old saying, action have consequences, and the US thought their actions had no consequences or consequences that they didnt care about. They wanted to keep the russians in check,

short sighted? Maybe. But the results were forseable and were predicted by every idiot on the steet.

Last edited by washoe; 08-16-2021 at 12:41 PM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Da nit is one of the worst posters in the history of 2+2, so not shocking that he gets Afghanistan wrong.

Bush can be criticized for a lot of things; Afghanistan shouldn't be a barometer for whether he cared about the people there or not, or whether his presidency was a failure or not. It was simply a matter of circumstances.

The United States was attacked by terrorists harbored in that country. We invaded to take them out as an act of self defense. That was completely justified. The Iraq war was an entirely different matter, but Afghanistan was a matter of self defense. The mission was not accomplished when Bush's presidency came to an end. Further blame for the outcome belongs to his successors: Obama, Trump, and Biden.

You like to post about subjects you know nothing about, so I'm sure you will get defensive and chime in again, but sorry to tell you, nobody will care about your reply.

Ha I thought you blocked me after I called you out for your creepy fascination with under aged looking women. Shuffles is going through a mid-life crisis and has lost any semblance of reason or common sense.

You’re a fool if you don’t think the bulk of the blame for what happened in Afghanistan doesn’t fall on the Middle East foreign policy of Bush and his presidency.

It’s somewhat of a relief that you don’t like my posting.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Washoe, people are wired differently. Xi Jinping was extremely privileged but spent years in exile after the Cultural Revolution. Fidel Castro came from a wealthy family and was well educated, yet he became a guerilla revolutionary. Putin came from an average background, and Ulysses S. Grant was a drunk who voluntarily returned to service after resigning his commission many years before.

There's a certain combination of capability and mettle combined with ambition and uncompromising determination that forges a strong war fighter or politician. The born millionaires and billionaires who fail their way up in life are usually the most incompetent and worst.
Shuffle, thanks to this convo I refreshed my memory a bit. You guys need to understand the whole picture. The Americans are f with an entire nation of people, a nation that is much older and has one of the oldest cultures in the world. Of course they are not only sitting by and letting them rape them in their own country.

- The US is supporting Israel in murdering the Palestines.

- The US set up shop in the middle of their country with heavy arms and orders to boss them around fight and capture the leaders.

- you can't be that naive and think this is not a punch into a bees nest.

This is an interview with bin Laden. Around min 6 he tells you exactly why he is doing what he was doing. And what drove him. It's mindboggeling I know. But he says the real terrorists are the US. Listen closely how he says Israel is bombing children in the middle east and the USA is saying nothing. The US are stealing their resources he says. Wouldn't be the first time the US does that. Like I said I think he had his reasons. I'm not saying I agree with the militant way he was doing things.

Last edited by washoe; 08-16-2021 at 01:19 PM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
BTW do any of you guys know why Bin Laden was so pissed at us anyways?
I do know actually, yes. He was annoyed that, from Desert Storm on, there were infidel US forces in Saudi Arabia, which he fetishised as 'holy' because it was his country and it's got Mecca in it. Just the usual nationalist-religious-sectarian hate kick, really.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
The North Koreans also view the United States as 'the real terrorists' but they don't kill thousands of innocent Americans.

Bin laden was a pathetic opportunist and murderer of unarmed women and children, a total disgrace of a human being.
This is a bit different to N Korea. The Koreans aren't bombing their neighbours. And they are not fighting over land any more. This is actually a really interesting topic. Do you agree with what Israel is doing? I keep seing terrible pictures of bombed and injured people especially injured children in the middle east. Wtf is Israel doing I keep thinking.

He was I agree. I'm strongly against war or terror. My only question would be who started with this mess?
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
Do the american public at large care about any of this? Like, at all?

Feel like the only way this harms biden is if a future terror attack on US soil can plausibly be linked to the fall of afghan govt
Don't know, because you can't predict the future, but the bogged-down failure in Vietnam finished Lyndon Johnson's career ignominiously. The final collapse in '75 clearly didn't do Gerald Ford any favours. And the failed Iran hostage-rescue didn't do Jimmy Carter any favours either. There's a case to be made that American voters don't like presidents who look weak and incompetent.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
I do know actually, yes. He was annoyed that, from Desert Storm on, there were infidel US forces in Saudi Arabia, which he fetishised as 'holy' because it was his country and it's got Mecca in it. Just the usual nationalist-religious-sectarian hate kick, really.
Yes that's when his hate started. He got kicked out bye the Sauds it says in video. ^ makes me think the Sauds were just wanting to make money with the Americans actually. The sauds are a very amazing country to me. Do you agree with what Saudi Arabia is doing?
They got an actual slave market there right now for instance. Woman are allowed to drive a car now, now this law was just passed just to look better imo. You still get stoned to death and woman get murdered for not obeying their husbands not want to marry their uncle etc etc.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
What the **** have they been doing there for 20 odd years when it can all be undone in the space of a couple of days?
They've been bankrolling a corrupt ruling clique. The army collapsed so rapidly because the troops didn't get paid, the 'commanders' took the money for themselves. Also Afghans, outside Kabul, don't really understand anything beyond clan loyalty and Western-imposed structures don't mean anything to them.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Trump had as part of his campaign platform that he would move troops out of Afghanistan while Biden would keep him there.

Actual blame isn’t on Biden or Trump, it belongs with this guy and his presidency.

Biden has played a bad hand badly but it's hard to overestimate the damage done by Bush & co

Afghanistan was the most justifiable of their lunacy but the invasion of Iraq undermined everything. It prevented any sort of world consenus on dealing with terrorism and it forced russia, china etc to realise that the usa only understand power - they cannot be trusted at all to uphold international law/agreements and the more moderate/progressive forces in those countires were devestated. It also destroyed the credibility of UK left which led to brexit. Even N Korea learned the lesson they had to have nuclear weapons - maybe they would have done anyway but it meant that no agreement could possibly be reached because they knew the usa would attack if it ever felt like it.

And much more. The consequences have barely started to unfold.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:47 PM

Are we agreeing to this?
The sauds are bombing the crap out of these Jemenites.
They killed hundreds if not thousands of innocent school children there. Crippled and injured way more.
It would be hypocracy not to call that terror, yet the US is saying nothing. As long as the oil flows cause that's all they care about.

You have got to be f kidding me! What the f are the Sauds doing? Guess who's their partner?? Im not gonna show you crippled children in Palestine yet but their are just as bad maybe worse.

Last edited by washoe; 08-16-2021 at 01:53 PM.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Do you agree with what Saudi Arabia is doing?
Saudi is a hellhole with gold-plated faucets. You really wouldn't want to be there (particularly but not only if you're a woman). The present Regent, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, ordered the disgusting murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside a Saudi embassy, as everybody knows.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
This is an interview with bin Laden. Around min 6 he tells you exactly why he is doing what he was doing. And what drove him. It's mindboggeling I know. But he says the real terrorists are the US. Listen closely how he says Israel is bombing children in the middle east and the USA is saying nothing. The US are stealing their resources he says. Wouldn't be the first time the US does that. Like I said I think he had his reasons. I'm not saying I agree with the militant way he was doing things.
Those might or might not have been his real reasons. The fact that he said those were his reasons in an interview means exactly **** all. He was not unsophisticated about releasing propaganda.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Are we agreeing to this?
In Yemen, the Saudis are fighting the Houthis, an Iran-backed extremist movement of deeply unpleasant character. It's a regional Sunni-Shia power struggle. And the Iranians, who brutalise women and hang gay men from cranes in public, are at least as terrible as the Saudis. It's a bit like Hitler v Stalin in 1941: you only regret that they can't both lose, and lose catastrophically.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Saudi is a hellhole with gold-plated faucets. You really wouldn't want to be there (particularly but not only if you're a woman). The present Regent, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, ordered the disgusting murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside a Saudi embassy, as everybody knows.
Yes, they can do whatever they want in their corner. Bomb their neighbours, kill Kashoggi. Its definetely disgusting. Did you know they have a slave market with people from Africa and Asia? They do. But they have the blessing of the west, because they produce this dirty gold. Nobody can and will f with them, since they are guarded. This is like a little kid who acts like a bully because he has a big brother or something. The US is protecting every murder that they do.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
08-16-2021 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Don't know, because you can't predict the future, but the bogged-down failure in Vietnam finished Lyndon Johnson's career ignominiously. The final collapse in '75 clearly didn't do Gerald Ford any favours. And the failed Iran hostage-rescue didn't do Jimmy Carter any favours either. There's a case to be made that American voters don't like presidents who look weak and incompetent.
This certainly isn't going to help Biden. It will probably be a medium-sized ding to his presidency, but not necessarily catastrophic. Your Ford and Carter comparisons seem pretty appropriate.

Thinking about Vietnam, what's interesting to me is that it was no doubt a catastrophe for the US, but in the end South Vietnam collapsing didn't impact the result of the cold war. In the late 50's / early 60's communism was a clear threat after having taken eastern Europe, China, and being active in many countries around the world. So I get why Eisenhower and Kennedy originally got involved. But by 1975 communism had pretty much shot its' load. I wonder if there could be a parallel in Afghanistan where the Taliban take over, brutalize a lot of their own people, and then nothing really happens? I hope so, but I suspect they will eventually start exporting terrorism and we'll be back to 2001.
Afghanistan - when  will we get out Quote
