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Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news")

09-17-2022 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What's yours?
Sorry Trolly I've ditched you for the new troll so I no longer have time for you. I hope you understand.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-17-2022 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What's your take on open borders?
What's yours?
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-17-2022 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
What's yours?
Obviously I gave mine. You responded to it and called it inane. I was curious what yours are as I'm assuming that it's quite a bit more sophisticated.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-17-2022 , 10:03 PM
I think if right wingers want the USA to remain the capitalism powerhouse of the world for the next 50 years then they should welcome any immigrant who both can and are interested in coming here.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-17-2022 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I think if right wingers want the USA to remain the capitalism powerhouse of the world for the next 50 years then they should welcome any immigrant who both can and are interested in coming here.
Every business in my town has Help Wanted signs up. It would be ridiculous to argue that we don't have enough jobs to go around.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
If the southern governors only bus those who are accurately informed where they will be going and only if the travelers are ok with that, the mayors of those northern towns will still be able to say that the governors are using them as pawns in a publicity stunt. But if they go further than that in their statements, they are risking it backfiring. They can't really assert that the responsibility of taking care of the migrants shouldn't be spread around to other cities. And if they assert that the migrants are being mistreated by being bussed, it would imply that their cities are a worse destination than those they were bussed from.
None of the authorities on Martha's Vineyard or Massachusetts were informed about the migrants arrival.
They were just flown there, after being told they'd be going to Boston, and dropped off in Edgartown center. At taxpayers expense I may add.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 02:04 PM
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I think if right wingers want the USA to remain the capitalism powerhouse of the world for the next 50 years then they should welcome any immigrant who both can and are interested in coming here.
Pretty much our main edge over the last 50 years.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
None of the authorities on Martha's Vineyard or Massachusetts were informed about the migrants arrival.
They were just flown there, after being told they'd be going to Boston, and dropped off in Edgartown center. At taxpayers expense I may add.
It's not really even a migrant issue at that point. I can go to trailer parks in Bama and tell people I'm taking them to an all you can smoke meth party and drop them in a random location and it will create logistics problems.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Pretty much our main edge over the last 50 years.
You don't think it's making sure that oil is only sold in dollars and thus exporting inflation?
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
What in the world does this have to do with the point I was making?
I like chez but it took me a long while to figure out his posting style.

I often ended up arguing with him when he hit 'reply' to one of my posts and i assumed what he was saying was a reply to what he quoted of mine or in some way in conflict with it.

We would then get in arguments that went pages, until finally he said or I figured out his reply to me had nothing to do directly with what I had said in that post he was quoting. His point was at best tangential.

It really hit home for me when he posted in the BFI covid thread, and the posters there acknowledged it was a long time since he had posted there and here he was returning and saying something that no one understand that seemed to not be about the topic.

So now when chez engages me in a confusing way i spend a few minutes FIRST trying to clarify with him what exactly he is replying to and what point he was trying to make. Most often I agree with that point, but it was nothing I was addressing nor was it obvious that was what he was saying. BUt we avoid the arguments that way.

I would like it, if when making a tangential point, he would add that in to his post. Something like 'this is a bit of tangential but...'
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I think if right wingers want the USA to remain the capitalism powerhouse of the world for the next 50 years then they should welcome any immigrant who both can and are interested in coming here.
I think this is a significant factor in US inflation.

Trump underwent a campaign to stop migrant workers, many of whom come and go for seasonal work to stop coming. These workers often do jobs that pay below market to ensure corporate and farm profits. Trump also tried to make the US as hostile as possible to both a path for legal immigration and those already in the US working under such legal pathways.

When you take away the workers at the very bottom end of the work food chain and create a lack of supply, you tip the equation to the remaining lower end workers to get more picky in their work. You take some of the power enjoyed by employers and give it back to workers.

Suddenly the threat of 'fine if you don't want to take this **** low paying job, there are plenty others who will take it' away and workers see the employer is in trouble and struggling to find anyone.

That trickles up and is not just a thing in the lowest jobs the migrants would only take. Suddenly the jobs a tier above (Target, etc) find the workers do not feel so rushed to just take the crap jobs because 'someone else will'.

That is why, imo, you see a percent of the US on the lower end who are being more selective and angering the GOP.

Had Trump had his way he would end all migration and send all in the process of trying to become citizens, back to their originating country. And then the GOP would turn and scream 'lazy' at the low end workers in the US they just empowered as a way to try and keep them working at the low wages despite the power shift they just gave them.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 04:23 PM
Cruz always upping the deplorable...

Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 04:35 PM
Very classy. The u.s. can only come together when bombing poor brown people not when accepting them in
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 04:45 PM
Funny how the progressive elites of Martha's Vineyard can't cope with 50 migrants, yet they expect border towns to just suck it up and deal with thousands every week.

Ted Cruz is on the money, flood the elite neighbourhoods with migrants. The squealing and outrage will be off the charts.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Katy Lied
Funny how the progressive elites of Martha's Vineyard can't cope with 50 migrants, yet they expect border towns to just suck it up and deal with thousands every week.

Ted Cruz is on the money, flood the elite neighbourhoods with migrants. The squealing and outrage will be off the charts.
The people were embraced and the only outrage was expressed at the callousness of the God-fearing Republicans who cheered this move. Keep listening to Ted Cruz though, who is obviously a man of the people and not at all an elite, lol.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think this is a significant factor in US inflation.

Trump underwent a campaign to stop migrant workers, many of whom come and go for seasonal work to stop coming. These workers often do jobs that pay below market to ensure corporate and farm profits. Trump also tried to make the US as hostile as possible to both a path for legal immigration and those already in the US working under such legal pathways.

When you take away the workers at the very bottom end of the work food chain and create a lack of supply, you tip the equation to the remaining lower end workers to get more picky in their work. You take some of the power enjoyed by employers and give it back to workers.

Suddenly the threat of 'fine if you don't want to take this **** low paying job, there are plenty others who will take it' away and workers see the employer is in trouble and struggling to find anyone.

That trickles up and is not just a thing in the lowest jobs the migrants would only take. Suddenly the jobs a tier above (Target, etc) find the workers do not feel so rushed to just take the crap jobs because 'someone else will'.

That is why, imo, you see a percent of the US on the lower end who are being more selective and angering the GOP.

Had Trump had his way he would end all migration and send all in the process of trying to become citizens, back to their originating country. And then the GOP would turn and scream 'lazy' at the low end workers in the US they just empowered as a way to try and keep them working at the low wages despite the power shift they just gave them.
While immigrants often work at cheaper rate which boost profits, a more important caveat is that immigrant work increases economic growth through increasing productivity which actually helps to stabilize the type of inflation that we've been hit with.

Right now we had aggregate demand increasing at a greater rate than productive capacity which helped to push up prices. Finding more folks willing to work to meet the increase in aggregate demand one of the ways to assure that new innovation isn't wasted.

Last edited by formula72; 09-18-2022 at 06:06 PM.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Katy Lied
Funny how the progressive elites of Martha's Vineyard can't cope with 50 migrants
Why would you think they were unable to cope? Did you see some news suggesting the struggled?
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I like chez but it took me a long while to figure out his posting style.

I often ended up arguing with him when he hit 'reply' to one of my posts and i assumed what he was saying was a reply to what he quoted of mine or in some way in conflict with it.

We would then get in arguments that went pages, until finally he said or I figured out his reply to me had nothing to do directly with what I had said in that post he was quoting. His point was at best tangential.

It really hit home for me when he posted in the BFI covid thread, and the posters there acknowledged it was a long time since he had posted there and here he was returning and saying something that no one understand that seemed to not be about the topic.

So now when chez engages me in a confusing way i spend a few minutes FIRST trying to clarify with him what exactly he is replying to and what point he was trying to make. Most often I agree with that point, but it was nothing I was addressing nor was it obvious that was what he was saying. BUt we avoid the arguments that way.

I would like it, if when making a tangential point, he would add that in to his post. Something like 'this is a bit of tangential but...'
I can be a tad obscure at times but i think this one this was very clear. There is no big difference between legal and legal immigrants. The worst of the tories in the uk disagree strongly with this to justify extemely odious polcies.

Generally to your point, I often disagree with parts of views that I agree with. This is a more important and useful approach to politics than arguing with the other side imo.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Katy Lied
Funny how the progressive elites of Martha's Vineyard can't cope with 50 migrants, yet they expect border towns to just suck it up and deal with thousands every week.

Ted Cruz is on the money, flood the elite neighbourhoods with migrants. The squealing and outrage will be off the charts.
What are you talking about?

As soon as the Sheriff was informed, they were taken to a temporary shelter and all their needs were taken care of. The next day interpreters were arranged and even high school kids who knew Spanish volunteered. The whole community pitched in. Sort of love thy neighbor kind of stuff. Now they're being housed on the military base on the Cape.
Cruz is a little slimey creature. I'd stay as far away as possible if I was you.
Just some neighborly advice.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
What are you talking about?

As soon as the Sheriff was informed, they were taken to a temporary shelter and all their needs were taken care of. The next day interpreters were arranged and even high school kids who knew Spanish volunteered. The whole community pitched in. Sort of love thy neighbor kind of stuff. Now they're being housed on the military base on the Cape.
Cruz is a little slimey creature. I'd stay as far away as possible if I was you.
Just some neighborly advice.

Nobody here is mad about having to take care of these people. They're mad about the sociopaths who have absolutely no regard for human dignity.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
So now when chez engages me in a confusing way i spend a few minutes FIRST trying to clarify with him what exactly he is replying to and what point he was trying to make.
I'm not willing to put in this much effort.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 11:20 PM
since it seems almost every store or place has help wanted signs out, is there a way to make it so give them a chance for these jobs etc? almost like a hiring firm/plant/website etc.

seems like legit every story/work legit has had help waned signs out for a year now, i see it during one bites pizza reviews every single vid lol

*assuming its legal to hire said people? which im not sure it would be but maybe they can faster check them in states that allow for it employment wise?

Last edited by the pleasure; 09-18-2022 at 11:35 PM.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 11:28 PM
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-18-2022 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
since it seems almost every store or place has help wanted signs out, is there a way to make it so give them a chance for these jobs etc? almost like a hiring firm/plant/website etc.

seems like legit every story/work legit has had help waned signs out for a year now, i see it during one bites pizza reviews every single vid lol

*assuming its legal to hire said people? which im not sure it would be but maybe they can faster check them in states that allow for it employment wise?
I don't think asylum status comes with a work visa but there are still plenty of ways to get work without one.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
