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Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news")

09-16-2022 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson

Why do these people need to be “picked up” in the first place?
Because they illegally crossed the border of a country and are undocumented? What do you think happens to people when they illegally enter a country?
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If Venezuelans vote anything like Cubans (which I'll guess they do) then that isn't an assumption they should make.

They do.
My old CrossFit gym had several Venezuelans, they weren't exactly a bunch of wokesters.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
My old CrossFit gym had several Venezuelans, they weren't exactly a bunch of wokesters.
I believe you, but the hypothetical question of how Venezualans who aren't U.S. citizens would vote if, in fact, they were eligible to vote is obviously irrelevant to the question at hand.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Democrats assume migrants will vote for them. So what's the point in having them in states that are already blue?
I don't think you are a bad guy, but this argument is uncomfortably adjacent to some ideas that you really, really don't want to be associated with.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Because they illegally crossed the border of a country and are undocumented? What do you think happens to people when they illegally enter a country?
I don't think much of shifty, but he is asking the right question. It isn't ideal to pair laws with norms of nonenforcement. That effectively shifts power and responsibility from the legislative branch to the executive branch and to law enforcement.

A rational society would have rational laws that it intended to enforce.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't think much of shifty, but he is asking the right question. It isn't ideal to pair laws with norms of nonenforcement. That effectively shifts power and responsibility from the legislative branch to the executive branch and to law enforcement.

A rational society would have rational laws that it intended to enforce.
Sure. There is a both sides. Pointing out legal, moral or institutional problems with immigration policy resonates very well with voters. However, trying to resolve such legal, moral or institutional problems with immigration policy is almost invariably deeply unpopular. This is because any solution or compromise will have parts that suck.

Thus immigration policy often gets to exist in that particular political vacuum for issues politicians like to discuss, but not resolve.

However this stunt isn't merely politicians talking and it certainly isn't politicians trying to solve anything. It's just denigrating innocent people and reducing them to props, while using a solid chunk of taxpayer money for what is essentially a political campaign.

It shouldn't really matter if people are in favor or opposed to immigration or if they disagree on how much immigration there should be. Governors and elected politicians should not be treating people like this.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 09-16-2022 at 08:12 PM.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Because they illegally crossed the border of a country and are undocumented? What do you think happens to people when they illegally enter a country?
They haven't broken any laws. They're legal asylum-seekers from Venezuela.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Some of the more liberal crowd may not like that Texas and Florida are shipping migrants to other states, but fact of the matter is border states should not have to keep the millions of migrants that cross. It's not fair to them. So the question is why aren't Democrat states saying "Please send the migrants to us. We will house them and offer them work"? I know the answer already, so you don't have to say it. I think majority of the liberals in this thread know the answer, but won't admit it because it destroys the "OMG REPUBLICANS BAD" image.
Liberals already live in areas that have way more immigrants, undocumented or documented. It's a made up problem designed to give non college educated whites someone besides Republicans and themselves to blame for the fact that they live in some of the crappiest places in the 1st world.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
They haven't broken any laws. They're legal asylum-seekers from Venezuela.
What differentiates an illegal immigrant from a legal asylum seeker? Did they fill out some paperwork with the State Department or something?
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 08:53 PM
So you were spouting opinions on migrants without even knowing the basic facts and laws?
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
What differentiates an illegal immigrant from a legal asylum seeker?
There is a huge difference. There are legal requirements for seeking asylum that are quite rigorous.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
What differentiates an illegal immigrant from a legal asylum seeker? Did they fill out some paperwork with the State Department or something?
Why are you asking me? I’m not a lawyer, go google this if you’re curious.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Democrats assume migrants will vote for them. So what's the point in having them in states that are already blue?
Hey look: we do have at least one smart one in this thread. Imagine that.

This isn’t a humanitarian issue, an open-your-heart issue, etc. Democrats do not give a damn about these migrants. They simply want to flood Texas and Florida with immigrants to turn those states blue because if those two states turn blue, they will never lose an election again.

Thanks for having a brain, campfirewest.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Hey look: we do have at least one smart one in this thread. Imagine that.

This isn’t a humanitarian issue, an open-your-heart issue, etc. Democrats do not give a damn about these migrants. They simply want to flood Texas and Florida with immigrants to turn those states blue because if those two states turn blue, they will never lose an election again.

Thanks for having a brain, campfirewest.
Again, these people we are discussing are not eligible to vote.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Hey look: we do have at least one smart one in this thread. Imagine that.

This isn’t a humanitarian issue, an open-your-heart issue, etc. Democrats do not give a damn about these migrants. They simply want to flood Texas and Florida with immigrants to turn those states blue because if those two states turn blue, they will never lose an election again.

Thanks for having a brain, campfirewest.
Rococo's excellent reply aside, there is a pretty wide spectrum that exists between "humanitarians with open hearts" and "treat asylum seekers like discarded furniture to get a headline".
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Rococo's excellent reply aside, there is a pretty wide spectrum that exists between "humanitarians with open hearts" and "treat asylum seekers like discarded furniture to get a headline".
While that is true, point still stands that not a single Democrat state is welcoming them to be bussed or flew from Texas/Florida. Not a single one. Funny how a lot of you ignore that fact.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Again, these people we are discussing are not eligible to vote.
But they will be eventually. Democrats know that and you know that.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Liberals already live in areas that have way more immigrants, undocumented or documented. It's a made up problem designed to give non college educated whites someone besides Republicans and themselves to blame for the fact that they live in some of the crappiest places in the 1st world.
The people who insist that immigrants are a net drain on the economy really need to explain why NYC and San Francisco are economic powerhouses.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
Hey look: we do have at least one smart one in this thread. Imagine that.

This isn’t a humanitarian issue, an open-your-heart issue, etc. Democrats do not give a damn about these migrants. They simply want to flood Texas and Florida with immigrants to turn those states blue because if those two states turn blue, they will never lose an election again.

Thanks for having a brain, campfirewest.
Have you considered that if you treat these people with basic human compassion they might vote for you? Seems to be working for the Dems.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Have you considered that if you treat these people with basic human compassion they might vote for you? Seems to be working for the Dems.
Oh you mean like “hey everyone, come to America. We will give you free housing and food on the working Americans’ tax dollars. JUST BE SURE YOU STAY IN RED STATES, OKAY?”

Yup. Real compassionate.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by nick619
There is one party trying to send these people to places against their will.

It's not the Democratic Party
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
There is one party trying to send these people to places against their will.

It's not the Democratic Party
That one party knows what the Democrats are up to. Democrats want this **** show in the two biggest red states but not their own. I was hoping more people in this thread would be able to open their eyes to the truth. I was wrong.
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:24 PM
Silly libtard. It’s not about what you can prove it’s about what you feel
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-16-2022 , 11:26 PM
Either way, I made my point. Y’all don’t even have a decent argument against it. I’m done here. Back to the liberals circle jerking and singing kumbaya… long as the migrants stay in red states.

I’m out. ✌
Abbot & DeSantis immigration stunt (excised from "In other news") Quote
09-17-2022 , 03:02 AM
The basic historical truth is that immigrants work harder than anyone and contribute more to America than anyone else. The powerhouse of the American economy has always been successive waves of immigrants from all over the world working their asses off and building something great. It used used to be a point of pride that our culture celebrated --there's a titanic lady out front with brass tits and a plaque that basically says "Give us all your desperate people from shithole countries, they are welcome here." It's why refugee hubs like NYC and San Fransisco and Chicago and Los Angeles are economic powerhouses.

The flaw with America is that we have a weird kludge of a political system that disproportionately awards power to lazy slaveowning societies that for generations have been stealing labor from minorities.

And so that's where we are in 2022; tribalist people in backwater former slaveowning states are astonished by the idea that people from Venezuela fleeing tyranny can legally come in to America like their great-grandfathers did. People who are lazy and indolent through of generations of wage theft and inherited wealth absolutely do not want to compete with Central American immigrants, so they concoct all kinds of bullshit reasons why hardworking refugees shouldn't be allowed to enter America, or why they should be diverted to blue states. Man, send all of these people my way and stay poor; you absolute unAmerican clowns are only shooting yourselves in the foot.
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