Originally Posted by coordi
Republicans seem dead set on making Taylor Swift out to be political opposition which is hilarious.
Many in her fan base are borderline cultists. As dumb as it sounds, this is how you get many young women to vote left (as if they needed more motivation)
funny you mention that, last night i came across some random stuff poking fun at idiots who were posting "we need to promoto bobert as the answer to taylor swift" and I thought they were just finding outlier idiots and poking fun at them
also seen a bunch of people on twitter talking about needing to root for the ravens just because of taylor
but man, if that's a thing, like a genuine thing then that's going to backfire tremendously
idk if she's gotten political or not, but her fan base are absolutely rabid and likely don't vote, if voting for democrats was suddenly aligned with supporting taylor that could easily bump up a 5 figure voting bloc out of the void
would be incredibly dumb and tone deaf imo but they've had so much success for so long targeting "hollywood elite" that I can see how they are just going to do it anyway to "rile up the base"