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09-05-2024 , 01:08 AM
I've read fire and fury and I didn't come away feeling sympathetic to Trump as a human. Hes exactly what everyone says he is. Narcissistic to a fault, shrewd and ruthless in business, but semi ******ed about many basic things.

Because of those characteristics he refuses to accept that hes semi ******ed about many basic things and imbues his narcissism on everyone around him while being ruthless and conniving. There is nothing about him as a human being to be sympathetic for. Hes completely devoid of most emotions and awareness's that generally make us human

I generally find it impossible to have empathy for people who lack empathy
09-05-2024 , 01:38 AM
yeah so keep it based on the facts:

guy is incompetent as an executive
he is routinely controlled and manipulated by those around him
he refuses to read anything and doesn't have any attention span
he cares more about how someone advising him is dressed than what advice they are giving

and easily the biggest one

he went along with a lie that the election was stolen in hopes to seed an insurrection
when the starting points of a coup d'etat began due to his urging and organization of his supporters, he sat back waiting to see if they'd be successful and did nothing to stop it until it was clear they wouldn't suceed

he should be executed for treason for those two points but won't be because our government is absolutely corrupt and incompetent

that stuff right there is pretty damning, so why do something so incredibly stupid as to stretch the truth or outright lie and be like "he's an idiot because he's gone through bankruptcies" or "he's a bad man who rapes everyone"

it's just so incredibly stupid and highlights how little thought the overwhelming majority of you are putting into any of this, because of instead of focusing on those points above of A) he's an incompetent executive and B) he's a treasonous person who will try to seize power again we're instead moving onto new and fresh talking points because that youtuber you follow is tired of hitting those same points repeatedly and needs to drum up some fresh content to stay relevant on the algo

it's just so vapid and pathetic that the guy was literally the first president in the history of the that tried to violently seize power and you guys are like "but what about his bankruptcies and rapes and fact that former advisors don't like him derp du derp di derp"

09-05-2024 , 01:49 AM
I'm guessing the main reason discussions break down into those extremes is because there has been 8 years of content to fill and you can only revisit the hits so often

The other reason is the rights insistence to project. Calling Biden a creepy hair sniffing pedo, Barak Hussein Obama, Clinton is a pedo, Harris is a whore, etc.

Trump was rubbing shoulders on the regular with epstein and was found liable for sexual assault under the accusation of rape. What are people supposed to say about that when the above gets repeated over and over by right wingers?

edit: and I think pretty much everyone has pointed out A) and B) a million times but it doesn't seem to have any sort of affect
09-05-2024 , 01:56 AM
You just can't make it up

09-05-2024 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
yeah so keep it based on the facts:

guy is incompetent as an executive
he is routinely controlled and manipulated by those around him
he refuses to read anything and doesn't have any attention span
he cares more about how someone advising him is dressed than what advice they are giving

and easily the biggest one

he went along with a lie that the election was stolen in hopes to seed an insurrection
when the starting points of a coup d'etat began due to his urging and organization of his supporters, he sat back waiting to see if they'd be successful and did nothing to stop it until it was clear they wouldn't suceed

he should be executed for treason for those two points but won't be because our government is absolutely corrupt and incompetent

that stuff right there is pretty damning, so why do something so incredibly stupid as to stretch the truth or outright lie and be like "he's an idiot because he's gone through bankruptcies" or "he's a bad man who rapes everyone"

it's just so incredibly stupid and highlights how little thought the overwhelming majority of you are putting into any of this, because of instead of focusing on those points above of A) he's an incompetent executive and B) he's a treasonous person who will try to seize power again we're instead moving onto new and fresh talking points because that youtuber you follow is tired of hitting those same points repeatedly and needs to drum up some fresh content to stay relevant on the algo

it's just so vapid and pathetic that the guy was literally the first president in the history of the that tried to violently seize power and you guys are like "but what about his bankruptcies and rapes and fact that former advisors don't like him derp du derp di derp"

lol that some very freakn funny inference u made here ….

First I wrote a lot of stuff about A and B , even posted his speech many time about January 6th .

Secondly the fraud I spoke about was in response to this :

Originally Posted by rickroll
to be fair, a cast member of the dinosaurs in full costume and character would have looked very smart and professional debating that twitter lawyer

but in all seriousness, people far too easily dismiss those they don't like as unintelligent or evil

fact is is most people are of average intelligence and most well known people are usually above average intelligence

take trump, as stupid as he appears, he still has something going for him given that there are thousands of americans in his generation who inherited similar things and then never did anything with it - take for example his completely unknown siblings who inherited an equal share of the real estate holdings of their father

so as much as i personally dislike the guy, he does have drive and understands some certain things, i wouldn't expect him to do very well on the SATs or an IQ test but you need to give him some credit for finding his own version of success

likewise, since this is the internet and we're all so happy to compare everyone and everything to hitler

hitler never viewed himself as a bad person, he never woke up in the morning with a maniacal laughter thinking of what evil he would conduct on that day, he was by many regards a normal person who felt love for both his longtime girlfriend and his dog and what he was doing he genuinely believed he was doing for the good of his people

from his own perspective he was not evil nor did the people of germany think he was either, he wrote down exactly what he intended to do in mein kampf and that led to him getting democratically elected into power

nor was he stupid/incompetent etc, he was an incredibly smart and calculating person

it's easier to just paint him in the same light as a sith lord or comic book villain but in reality he was a complex individual who honestly thought he was doing the right thing and had millions of supporters who believed he was as well

so as much as you or i may laugh at tim's ukraine statements there, you still need to acknowledge that while luck surely played a massive role in his rise, there were also thousands of people doing the exact same thing as him who never went beyond livestream vlogger, and of those couple dozen who were able to relay that into actual work in journalism as he did, even fewer have risen to the heights which he has risen - hence why we are talking about him

idk if empathy is the right word, but it's important to have whatever that word should be and not dismiss out of hand those you disagree with as either stupid or evil when the vast majority of the time it's very likely neither
To show he succeed more about screwing many people then on his intelligence.
Now u can strawmen me and others on saying we try to find other talking points and make us equally dumb as those YouTubers , but just remember I was just was just replying to your arguments about trump intelligence based on his business “success “….

Nice try tho
Ps: btw those derp derp former advisors and all his indictments, etc is just about the character of the guy trump ….
u might think it’s irrelevant but imo the character of a person to be a president isn’t deep derp non important either .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-05-2024 at 02:05 AM.
09-05-2024 , 02:05 AM
Blue MAGA stuff is getting kind of crazy. I think the term originally meant blindly loyal Dem voters who view pols as a team sport. If Trump wants a wall, it's bad. If Kamala wants a wall, it's good.

Years ago, I was astonished to talk to really smart people, with enviable educations and professional success, and find that they believed something like Michelle being trans. How could someone with an advanced STEM degree from a great school not realize this had a very low baseline possibility, especially as someone her age would... well, I probably don't have to explain why this is absurd.

Recently, another friend who is an actual academic told me that "according to inside sources," Barron Trump tortured and killed animals. While possible, this is also inherently quite unlikely. So I looked it up and the source was an unsubstantiated tweet from some random dude who claims, with no evidence, that he was in child care and tended to kids who knew Barron and perhaps Barron as well. It was discussed in a liberal subreddit where maybe 5-10% pointed out it was a baseless claim. Many swallowed it whole. The majority said something like, "we don't know for sure but it makes sense," and then wrote a paragraph about why it's probably true due to some psychobabble.

I have another friend who believes Donald Trump has a 73 IQ because he saw an anonymous guy say so in a video on Twitter.

I'm sure we all see people assert that Trump staged his own assassination attempt many times, citing compelling evidence like the fact that he doesn't talk about it as much as they expected.

CNN ran a story about how Harris uses the image of a Trump wall segment in her ads which promotes her desire for the use of more force on the border. The replies were full of libs who were upset not because the story was untrue, or because Harris has flip flopped on the border, but because CNN reported a story that was true, but not good for Harris. In other words, they just want CNN to be dem Fox.

Wild times. Years ago, you could never have convinced me that I would routinely hear "Michelle is trans" level stuff from libs.
09-05-2024 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by ES2
Blue MAGA stuff is getting kind of crazy. I think the term originally meant blindly loyal Dem voters who view pols as a team sport. If Trump wants a wall, it's bad. If Kamala wants a wall, it's good.

Years ago, I was astonished to talk to really smart people, with enviable educations and professional success, and find that they believed something like Michelle being trans. How could someone with an advanced STEM degree from a great school not realize this had a very low baseline possibility, especially as someone her age would... well, I probably don't have to explain why this is absurd.

Recently, another friend who is an actual academic told me that "according to inside sources," Barron Trump tortured and killed animals. While possible, this is also inherently quite unlikely. So I looked it up and the source was an unsubstantiated tweet from some random dude who claims, with no evidence, that he was in child care and tended to kids who knew Barron and perhaps Barron as well. It was discussed in a liberal subreddit where maybe 5-10% pointed out it was a baseless claim. Many swallowed it whole. The majority said something like, "we don't know for sure but it makes sense," and then wrote a paragraph about why it's probably true due to some psychobabble.

I have another friend who believes Donald Trump has a 73 IQ because he saw an anonymous guy say so in a video on Twitter.

I'm sure we all see people assert that Trump staged his own assassination attempt many times, citing compelling evidence like the fact that he doesn't talk about it as much as they expected.

CNN ran a story about how Harris uses the image of a Trump wall segment in her ads which promotes her desire for the use of more force on the border. The replies were full of libs who were upset not because the story was untrue, or because Harris has flip flopped on the border, but because CNN reported a story that was true, but not good for Harris. In other words, they just want CNN to be dem Fox.

Wild times. Years ago, you could never have convinced me that I would routinely hear "Michelle is trans" level stuff from libs.
You know the distinction ?
Blue maga is irrelevant, it doesn’t control the Democratic Party .
No one freakn cares …
09-05-2024 , 02:47 AM
montreal, i by no means meant to specifically target you, i was just going off the most recent examples posted itt out of convenience, you're nowhere on any list of top blue maga people itt if i were forced to make one

sorry if you felt targeted, that was not meant to go after you specifically

but i do stand by that's it's foolish to measure the success of someone in a field where bankruptcies are the norm as an indication of failure - i think by all objective measures, he's done a very good job expanding the business empire he inherited by significant margins - blue maga is too hung up on each project that failed that they fail to see that there are trump owned landmarks in most major cities in america whereas what he inherited were some buildings in queens and brooklyn

he may be incompetent as an executive, but he wasn't in an industry where that mattered, he was in an industry that was about deal making, secruing financing, and working with local government and that's something that he excelled at incredibly and could just outsource the day to day management of the projects to underlings

also he really understands markting, dude's been a household name his entire life from tv talk shows to pizza commercials to home alone cameos and then the apprentice and finally becoming president - it's just incredibly naive to dismiss that talent of his

it's like saying lebron sucks at sports because he's not good at playing hockey

Last edited by rickroll; 09-05-2024 at 02:54 AM.
09-05-2024 , 03:06 AM
What is this blue maga thing? Is it just a way for maga to feel better about being maga?
09-05-2024 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
What is this blue maga thing? Is it just a way for maga to feel better about being maga?
i've only seen it here and never heard it anywhere else

but it makes a lot of intuitive sense to me, a lot of cultlike "everything my guy does is good, everything the opponent does is bad" behavior that best describes typical maga viewpoints is echoed perfectly by the other side

i think it's how moderates are calling out the far left for being literally no different from the people they despise
09-05-2024 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
to be fair, a cast member of the dinosaurs in full costume and character would have looked very smart and professional debating that twitter lawyer

but in all seriousness, people far too easily dismiss those they don't like as unintelligent or evil

fact is is most people are of average intelligence and most well known people are usually above average intelligence

take trump, as stupid as he appears, he still has something going for him given that there are thousands of americans in his generation who inherited similar things and then never did anything with it - take for example his completely unknown siblings who inherited an equal share of the real estate holdings of their father

so as much as i personally dislike the guy, he does have drive and understands some certain things, i wouldn't expect him to do very well on the SATs or an IQ test but you need to give him some credit for finding his own version of success

likewise, since this is the internet and we're all so happy to compare everyone and everything to hitler

hitler never viewed himself as a bad person, he never woke up in the morning with a maniacal laughter thinking of what evil he would conduct on that day, he was by many regards a normal person who felt love for both his longtime girlfriend and his dog and what he was doing he genuinely believed he was doing for the good of his people

from his own perspective he was not evil nor did the people of germany think he was either, he wrote down exactly what he intended to do in mein kampf and that led to him getting democratically elected into power

nor was he stupid/incompetent etc, he was an incredibly smart and calculating person

it's easier to just paint him in the same light as a sith lord or comic book villain but in reality he was a complex individual who honestly thought he was doing the right thing and had millions of supporters who believed he was as well

so as much as you or i may laugh at tim's ukraine statements there, you still need to acknowledge that while luck surely played a massive role in his rise, there were also thousands of people doing the exact same thing as him who never went beyond livestream vlogger, and of those couple dozen who were able to relay that into actual work in journalism as he did, even fewer have risen to the heights which he has risen - hence why we are talking about him

idk if empathy is the right word, but it's important to have whatever that word should be and not dismiss out of hand those you disagree with as either stupid or evil when the vast majority of the time it's very likely neither
Very good and often overlooked point. Very few people who are universally considered evil (either through the lens of history or in the present day) view(ed) themselves as such, and you do need a certain intelligence and aptitude to achieve success in the fields of endeavour where they achieve(d) it.

That having been said, Trump is still a complete moron though. His skill, at least in politics, is his broad appeal to an audience of other complete morons. Even just on these boards, the inverse correlation between intelligence and degree of Trump support is pretty stark.

Last edited by d2_e4; 09-05-2024 at 03:45 AM.
09-05-2024 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
montreal, i by no means meant to specifically target you, i was just going off the most recent examples posted itt out of convenience, you're nowhere on any list of top blue maga people itt if i were forced to make one

sorry if you felt targeted, that was not meant to go after you specifically

but i do stand by that's it's foolish to measure the success of someone in a field where bankruptcies are the norm as an indication of failure - i think by all objective measures, he's done a very good job expanding the business empire he inherited by significant margins - blue maga is too hung up on each project that failed that they fail to see that there are trump owned landmarks in most major cities in america whereas what he inherited were some buildings in queens and brooklyn

he may be incompetent as an executive, but he wasn't in an industry where that mattered, he was in an industry that was about deal making, secruing financing, and working with local government and that's something that he excelled at incredibly and could just outsource the day to day management of the projects to underlings

also he really understands markting, dude's been a household name his entire life from tv talk shows to pizza commercials to home alone cameos and then the apprentice and finally becoming president - it's just incredibly naive to dismiss that talent of his

it's like saying lebron sucks at sports because he's not good at playing hockey
K cool
Fair !
09-05-2024 , 04:55 AM
People confuse intelligence and charisma.
Trump has insane charisma and that's how he attracts idiots.

he may be incompetent as an executive, but he wasn't in an industry where that mattered, he was in an industry that was about deal making, secruing financing, and working with local government and that's something that he excelled at incredibly and could just outsource the day to day management of the projects to underlings
What this shows is Trump is just willing to do things others don't, i.e screwing people, having no moral compass etc...

Next thing you know people are gonna say Putin is a genius.
09-05-2024 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by weeeez
Next thing you know people are gonna say Putin is a genius.
Putin is evil, he's not stupid.
09-05-2024 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Putin is evil, he's not stupid.
Shooting everyone that is in your path doesn't make you smart, just means you have balls.
He is obviously not stupid like a Trump, just saying he isn't the genius or super intelligent person some people describe him as.
Kinda like that Hitler rant, sure he had some degree of intelligence, but how intelligent can you be when you cannot beat your own greed and refuse to reassess your plans?
09-05-2024 , 05:48 AM
I don't think anyone is surprised that Russian state money has been used to influence people about the Ukraine war, but the insane thing is that if it had all happened with private foreign money it would have been perfectly legal, from what I read in the indictment.

The money laundering happened not to launder to avoid taxes but just to conceal the fact the money came from Russia Today, and the failure to register as foreign actors is criminal only because Russia Today is state owned (correct me if I am wrong here).

Pretty sure something very similar, and to a much larger scale than 5m/year, happens with pro Hamas protestors and influencers, but for some reason I feel the perfectly independent democrat DoJ want pursue Qatar money the same way.
09-05-2024 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
the rights insistence to project
Just saw Trump saying that Kamala loses her train of thought.

Donald Trump has Mike Johnson in another no-win situation

Johnson’s task from the MAGA wing of his party is to get the
Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act signed into law.

Johnson should know how much of an utter disaster it would be to have the
GOP be blamed for a government shutdown as the November election looms.
But Trump says that’s what Republicans should do if they don’t get their way.
“I would shut down the government in a heartbeat if they don’t get it,”

Johnson told his caucus on Wednesday that he’ll bring a spending bill to the floor
that would punt the current fiscal deadline back to March and attach the SAVE Act.
In doing so, he’s committed himself to a no-win scenario that could
hurt the party’s chances of retaining its extremely slender majority.

Last edited by steamraise; 09-05-2024 at 07:23 AM.
09-05-2024 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
What is this blue maga thing? Is it just a way for maga to feel better about being maga?
It's a term that Victor saw somewhere in the derposphere and started spamming endlessly on 2+2.

It will run its course like every other term that gains currency here. For a while, people thought underpants gnomes were an explanation of every political strategy. Then we moved on to shifts in the Overton window. Now it appears that blue maga has escaped Victor containment.

People enjoy using whatever the term du jour is. It makes them feel clever and up to speed.
09-05-2024 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by ES2
Recently, another friend who is an actual academic told me that "according to inside sources," Barron Trump tortured and killed animals. While possible, this is also inherently quite unlikely. So I looked it up and the source was an unsubstantiated tweet from some random dude who claims, with no evidence, that he was in child care and tended to kids who knew Barron and perhaps Barron as well. It was discussed in a liberal subreddit where maybe 5-10% pointed out it was a baseless claim. Many swallowed it whole. The majority said something like, "we don't know for sure but it makes sense," and then wrote a paragraph about why it's probably true due to some psychobabble.
If I made the effort, I'm sure that I could find this sort of thing of the internet. But I don't run into it organically very often. May I ask how this stuff is winding up in front of you? Do you have especially crazy social media connections from high school or something?
09-05-2024 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
It's a term that Victor saw somewhere in the derposphere and started spamming endlessly on 2+2.

It will run its course like every other term that gains currency here. For a while, people thought underpants gnomes were an explanation of every political strategy. Then we moved on to shifts in the Overton window. Now it appears that blue maga has escaped Victor containment.

People enjoy using whatever the term du jour is. It makes them feel clever and up to speed.
Blue MAGA actually meant something else, ie the defense of Biden with cult-like narratives

Now, a new term is circulating on social media that attempts to equate supporters of President Joe Biden to supporters of Donald Trump. Blue MAGA suggests that certain political sects on the left can be just as blindly faithful to their political leaders as some people on the right. This attempt to equate the two sides has left the internet bitterly divided, as some think the label is unfair or untrue.

then other people as per article started using it like victor does, ie by meaning "democrats actually agree with more MAGA policies than they want to admit"
09-05-2024 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Blue MAGA actually meant something else, ie the defense of Biden with cult-like narratives

Now, a new term is circulating on social media that attempts to equate supporters of President Joe Biden to supporters of Donald Trump. Blue MAGA suggests that certain political sects on the left can be just as blindly faithful to their political leaders as some people on the right. This attempt to equate the two sides has left the internet bitterly divided, as some think the label is unfair or untrue.

then other people as per article started using it like victor does, ie by meaning "democrats actually agree with more MAGA policies than they want to admit"
Victor uses the term in both ways, more the former than the latter.

In any case, I'm just yelling at the sky on this point. Spamming new political catch-phrases in the hope that one of them will catch on is a feature of the modern political landscape on both the right and left wing. And there are plenty of thirsty stray dogs who are more than eager to lap those catchphrases up and vomit them back out. This phenomenon isn't going away any time soon.

Last edited by Rococo; 09-05-2024 at 09:00 AM.
09-05-2024 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Victor uses the term in both ways, more the former than the latter.
ye maybe he did when Biden was still around, i suppose now the first meaning lost utility
09-05-2024 , 09:01 AM
Just more of "hurr durr both sides same" stuff. I find the "both sides same" people to generally be the least interesting on this forum. Always some variation of "neither are Bernie, so egro both are the same".

It's such a vacuous argument too. They find all the things where they are actually the same, i.e. all the positions on which most reasonable people agree, and then some magic happens and then that means they are the same in every respect.

Last edited by d2_e4; 09-05-2024 at 09:07 AM.
09-05-2024 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Just more of "hurr durr both sides same" stuff. I find the "both sides same" people to generally be the least interesting on this forum. Always some variation of "neither are Bernie, so egro both are the same".
Oh Sanders would be preferable a bit for them but still not quite something that could satisfy them
09-05-2024 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Just more of "hurr durr both sides same" stuff. I find the "both sides same" people to generally be the least interesting on this forum. Always some variation of "neither are Bernie, so egro both are the same".

It's such a vacuous argument too. They find all the things where they are actually the same, i.e. all the positions on which most reasonable people agree, and then some magic happens and then that means they are the same in every respect.
That sentiment traces to academic thought that views history and politics primarily as a struggle between the powerful and the powerless. The pop version of this idea is cruder and dumber than the source material, but that's usually the case.
