Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
You are just such a disingenuous hack dude. She said that as a response to talking about how illegal immigrants are taking “black jobs”.
Michelle Obama’s speech wasn’t that great for me because she has no policy expertise and it clearly shows, just like Doug’s speech, but that’s such a disingenuous attack dude.
Illegal immigrants and in general unskilled immigrants DO take uneducated native jobs, it's uncontroversial in literature. They take them and/or decrease the wages in those sectors that can use a lot of that kind of labour.
It's true for all ethnicities but more often for blacks because they are less educated on average. And that's a way to try to tell black people that deportion of illegals help them. And it's actually true, it's people with different jobs that lose out if mass deportations happen, not uneducated blacks.
A response can be to educate blacks more, or to create conditions for so many jobs to exist that it doesn't matter if immigrants take a portion of them and so on. Her response was "let's try to stir racial animous even more". And coming from a person who unapologetically defended BLM riots, it's not nice. Let me remember that she invented the "mostly peaceful" insanity to describe the riots.