If you need a bot or/and someone you don't know anything about his credibility to tell you who has credibility or not...
I tend to meet people and get to know them before I can make an assessment of their personality. And the same for information. I tend to read it, see its sources and see if the narrative makes sense. But I understand that in this tiktok era it is hard to focus and read and listen to information. Unfortunately, everyone loses, but that is probably its purpose, to make people numb and dumb to be better controlled.
No, we don't have a monarchy nor a dictatorship. Is this news to you?
You take a piece of my text and make a remark out of context? Well, maybe it was intended.
Yeah, I am pretty aware USA and many other countries have a kakistocracy and are trying to join that to a technocracy.
lol, you know it's going to be trash because it's trying to trade off of similarity to the colbert report like washington times tries to fool you it's washington post
Right, right... Amazing how you can come to such a conclusion, just because of that. That is going really deep. Congrats! <satire>