Originally Posted by Luciom
Yes, Florida is fully republican today not a purple state anymore.
Cuba might have been a reasonable example when Florida was very tight rep v Dem, not today.
What I mean is democrats could reverse all cuban policies without any cost for them in the electoral college today, and they had a trifecta recently and decided not to do so
luciom, florida has 13 million registered voters right now
there are 2 million cuban americans who are basically 55/45 split in voting
if someone were to do something to mobilize those cubans to not only voting dramatically for one side but also getting other unregistered cubans to go out and vote they can determine the winner of the state election
trump won florida by 400,000 votes, if he lost the cubans he'd lose florida in a landslide not only losing several hundred thousand votes but the other side gaining even more than he loses
likewise, even if kamala is convinced she isn't going to win florida under any scenario (super unlikely, as it's still unlikely she wins it but it's still in play) she's not going to mess with it because every democrat in florida will urge her not to because then they'll pay the penalty in the next election
the party wouldn't like it either because they can say "hey perhaps it was going to swing back to us in 5-10 years but now the cubans are forever anti-democratic party so we lost it for this entire generation"
florida very much still in play