538 also has sports models which can't beat vegas - not that that's an easy task and they should be expected to do that, but more shows their arrogance to think they could do that and not only figure out how to unlock untold millions but also do it casually, then the model kept on losing slowly and instead of scrapping it or finding the leaks and adjusting, they just left it alone figuring it'd eventually start winning - as a result, 538 has gotten a big reputation for having garbage in garbage out methodology and just rolling with it
my theory was they believed themselves to be infallible largely in part to the astonishing amount of praise they got early on
the main issue with their polling stuff is they didn't know how to properly value polling data, they just took it raw and shoved it in there
this will work well enough to trick yourself that you have a good forecasting model at times, but it's ultimately just guessing
before they ultimately shut down 538, disney did make an attempt to fix all his flaws that he was too stubborn to change by removing him from the team
and of course one of the first things the new people do is revamp everything and even throw a little shade at nate disguised as a compliment
predicting hillary at 71% was just absurdly off
you can look at the polling data and see it was a neck and neck battle with about 10% of the voting population being unknown
it was very clearly going to be a variance fest just based on who was going to show up to vote and who wasn't - and importantly, how many of the declared 3rd party voters would get cold feet and decide not to "throw away a vote" and choose hilldawg or donnyboy at the last minute - then if you factor in that a lot of the people responding with "i'm undecided" actually voting for trump but too embarassed to say it out loud along with the virtue signaling ev of declaring you're on team hilldawg and then he's a clear favorite despite that the polls indicate he'll win
yes, hillary was likely 71% favorite if A) the polling data were infallible and B) an exact representative of respondents showed up but neither of those were true
clinton should have been the favorite without a doubt (the undecided people were secretly voting for trump is from hindsight and would be a dangerous assumption to make before the election) but it should have been a smaller one, like 58% of so, still a massive favorite but not the bulldozer that nate silver predicted
but seeing the polling data above vs the actual turnout, it's clear that they were pretty accurate on hillary with no real surprise that she got 48% of the vote but had all severely underestimated trump
and... ironically, his prediction likely led to more trump people voting and fewer hillary people thinking it was necessary