Originally Posted by tame_deuces
So, on some very rare occasions I opt to watch a politician in action and took a look at some videos of Walz.
The republicans got a fight on their hands with this one, he is really, really good on the screen. Clear, concise and still coming off as down to earth. And behind that is a good orator.
trans minor issues poll toward republicans among undecided/independents last time I checked, if the republicans focus on that and immigration, topics where walz is clearly far to the left of the median voter in purple states, they can score some wins.
on economics waltz is very centrist but on culture war issues he isn't and the receipts are clear.
he was pro BLM riots and is pro mutilation and sterilization of minors who think they are of the opposite sex.
anyway people are more entrenched than ever in this election so any effect at most will be minor