Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Of all the laughable lies said in defense of trump on this forum ‘Dems have called him evil, trump has never said anything like that about others’ might be the absolute stupidest
There are some exceptions on both sides, but to deny that the left largely has attacked trumps character far beyond normal political back and forth and repubs have mainly stuck to attacking policy/results means you are biased or haven’t been paying attention. This is not debatable.
If we created a list of everything way out of line either a dem or repub politician said and what a right or left leaning media outlet said about the character of politicians from both sides what do you think the ratio of things said by the left vs by the right over the last 5 or 10. It isn’t close.
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I mean ya, trump was a despicable piece of **** 24 hours ago and he’s a despicable piece of **** now. Him getting shot at doesn’t change that and I wouldn’t lose a second’s sleep over news that he died
But him being assassinated at a rally would be inarguably a horrible thing for the country because of the chain of events it would have set off. Nothing would give these lunatics who jerk off for a civil war their reason to take to the streets in arms more than the public murder of their god king
If trump died from this you wouldn’t see widespread violence and it would be very unlikely to see an attempt on the life of a major dem politician. Yes, there are right wing crazies just like there are left wing crazies (look at some of the posts on 2+2 the last 24 hours claiming this was an elaborate plan of trumps, posts saying they wish the bullet got him, etc), but they are fairly small in number on both sides. This was never going to result in a BLM riot level of political violence because repub leaders would never encourage such violence like we saw from the left during blm.