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2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority 2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority

02-09-2022 , 01:33 PM
What part of Trump’s vulgar, bigoted antics did you find the most entertaining?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Sanders lost because he was trailing in every primary poll. Trump was always leading. Trump was in a comparable position to Clinton, not Sanders. Both primaries were pretty similar. A candidate had a pretty stable and sliceable lead in national polling and that candidate ending up winning in both.
Bernie had as much if not more support than Trump within their respective parties. Sanders won 23 primaries.

The hell are you smoking?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 02:01 PM
Lol. Inso Shocked that a team can get crushed 40-20. And also crush 20-0. Polls only computer models had Clinton snd Trump as favorites the whole time.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 02:41 PM
No, but a little shocked that you're doubling down on pretending that the DNC didn't roll out the red carpet for Hillary from the start and tell Bernie to **** off.

Sanders was out there hustling while the DNC actively ignored him and still kept it extremely close. Meanwhile, Trump was out there outright winning early primaries with just 30% of the vote because the GOP was like, "If we die, we die. Whatever. Democracy FTW."
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 02:51 PM
I don’t know what point you think you’re making. There wasn’t much competition for Clinton in 2016. Her national profile was unmatched, she got the most votes ever in a primary when she lost in 08 and she added a stint as SOS to her resume. Sanders earned a lot of votes, both from his own supporters and from people who didn’t like Clinton. But one candidate got 55% of the vote in a primary. It wasn’t close and at no point was Clinton anything but a big favorite.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
There is no way to know for sure, but I suspect that the bolded has already happened.
I agree and yet Jeff Sessions pined his hope on a Trump change of heart or at least silence thinking if he just kowtowed enough he might squeeze thru so don' assume Pence is not holding on to similar delusions. At least pre his last speech which may mean he has decided he now has to cut another path and try and get in the lane Chris Christie is the current leader of and Mitch and some others seem intent to push support to.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I don’t know what point you think you’re making. There wasn’t much competition for Clinton in 2016. Her national profile was unmatched, she got the most votes ever in a primary when she lost in 08 and she added a stint as SOS to her resume. Sanders earned a lot of votes, both from his own supporters and from people who didn’t like Clinton. But one candidate got 55% of the vote in a primary. It wasn’t close and at no point was Clinton anything but a big favorite.
Did not the head of the democratic party Debbie Wasserman resign as e-mails came out that she was trying to rig Hilary's nomination?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 04:21 PM
Right. Someone who couldn’t even keep her own house seat was somehow a sine qua non factor in Clinton getting 55% of the vote in a primary. Very similar to that whole summer of deflategate, when that game was decided by like 30 points.

Last edited by ecriture d'adulte; 02-09-2022 at 04:27 PM.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
No, but a little shocked that you're doubling down on pretending that the DNC didn't roll out the red carpet for Hillary from the start and tell Bernie to **** off.

Sanders was out there hustling while the DNC actively ignored him and still kept it extremely close. Meanwhile, Trump was out there outright winning early primaries with just 30% of the vote because the GOP was like, "If we die, we die. Whatever. Democracy FTW."

You won't get honest discourse from e_d on any progressives chances. He generally considers them only worth ridicule.

You are correct and the entire DNC establishment thought Biden was struggling and likely about to drop out and Bernie was about to be unbeatable heading in to Super Tuesday, without some miracle turn for Biden. Biden himself speaks about how close they were to dropping out. Thus why the DNC went on a desperate search as to which 'anyone but Bernie' candidate they could through all the support behind but they realized there would be no time if Bernie took Super Tuesday. Bloomberg was not looking like the guy.

So it came down to begging appeals for everyone else to drop out, or throw their support to Biden, for 'the good of the Party'. The promise being they would get Departments to head in a Biden gov't and he would step down for 2024 clearing the way.

Biden had mostly lost control of his destiny. He looked to be near done and the only way he was getting saved is if most of the others put their own ambitions aside in that specific race (which is generally to go as deep as possible and to gain leverage as they become last person standing) and instead drop out before Biden (a guy they were about to outlast) and throw him their support to provide him the lifeline he needed.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 10:27 PM
Buttigieg betrayed his base in exchange for, it turns out, Transportation Secretary.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-09-2022 , 10:29 PM
DNC worked super hard to stop Bernie from taking over their party. It was open and obvious.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-10-2022 , 10:44 AM
And if the GOP is to become the forever future rulers of US politics, that future looks bright, because as MTG points out, she is the mainstream of the new GOP.

2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-10-2022 , 11:23 AM
The title of this thread always bothers me because nobody actually believes it. If Dems lose in 2022 nobody is going to say well it’s over doesn’t matter if you vote or not in 2024.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-10-2022 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Right. Someone who couldn’t even keep her own house seat was somehow a sine qua non factor in Clinton getting 55% of the vote in a primary. Very similar to that whole summer of deflategate, when that game was decided by like 30 points.
Yes, a political party openly disrespecting it's members (who they expect to cast votes for them and donate to them) is exactly like a lone prima donna tweaking his football for grip.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-10-2022 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Warwulf
Buttigieg betrayed his base in exchange for, it turns out, Transportation Secretary.
The Obama call to Pete directly about the need for him and others to drop out NOW, before Super Tuesday and for him to think big picture and all coalesce behind Joe as the only one who had a real chance at this stage to derail what could have become a near insurmountable lead, is now out in the open and not something that is generally being denied.

Historically, having the front runner, Biden, drop out, as he admits they were likely due as they were broke and there was very little money coming in would be a massive benefit to Pete and those like him behind on the ticket. Now one of them greatly increase their chances as the money now looks for 'who is next' and all bets starts to double down. More so though, the strategic value of Pete's support for those who remain also goes way up as the chance of being King maker, grows as the bigger 'leaders' fall off.

... An adviser told Reuters that Buttigieg was dropping out to avoid helping the odds of front-runner Bernie Sanders, a senator from Vermont and self-described democratic socialist.

“Pete was not going to play the role of spoiler,” said the adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Could he have went through Super Tuesday and beyond? Sure. But this was not a vanity exercise.”...
As to was Jim Clyburn coming out, just in time, when historically waiting to see where the dust settled between Biden and Bernie and others and then offering that support had more value and less risk.

So that is why it was so unusual for them all to drop out and coalesce because if it did not work Pete and Clyburn and others would have been far more on the 'out' with the new Bernie administration.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-10-2022 , 01:23 PM
Had it been anyone but Bernie who was positioned to seize a potential insurmountable lead (Bloomberg, Pete, other) you would never have seen those moves taken.

but Bernie is anathema to the DNC donors and would have been a nightmare for most Dem politicians as he would have immediately pushed for all members to stop taking donor money and instead build support in their voter base with small dollar donations.

Something that if successful would have actually probably cemented Democrat wins for the foreseeable future as they would be able to actually implement the populist legislation that Dem, Independents and many GOP voters were clamouring for but it would have been an end to the gravy train that the Politicians had grown to count on and love. They would revert far more back in the direction of being public servants.

That is why Bernie had to be stopped as the Dems had spent decades targeting and taking away Big donor, dark money and other GOP support by selling out to the same interests and they did not want to give that up.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-10-2022 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
The title of this thread always bothers me because nobody actually believes it. If Dems lose in 2022 nobody is going to say well it’s over doesn’t matter if you vote or not in 2024.
I don't think that is the issue most are speaking to.

If the GOP wins a solid majority in both the House and Senate in the MT there is reason to believe that the current Trump efforts to 'control the counters', the current State efforts to 'Gerrymander like its 1999' and all the other election subversion efforts will be amped up and legislated into law under specious reasoning around 'Protecting our Elections' reasoning.

They are also emboldened by a SC, lead by Kavanaugh efforts, who warned the Dems his getting in would have "consequences" to them who now seems to be leading the charge on finding a way to rationalize in favour of keeping in place anything that will give the GOP a few more seats and a bit more power.

So the logic is that with such control and a clear intent by todays GOP to gerrymander not just voting lines but the entire process, that almost no improvement in Popular vote numbers will be able to get around GOP maneuvers to make it less relevant.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-11-2022 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And if the GOP is to become the forever future rulers of US politics, that future looks bright, because as MTG points out, she is the mainstream of the new GOP.

BEHOLD... a new contender emerges to challenge MTG as the parties dumbest.

2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-12-2022 , 11:13 AM
Yeah. That's might be among the ten dumbest things I've ever read.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-12-2022 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
There is no way to know for sure, but I suspect that the bolded has already happened.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-12-2022 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Yeah. That's might be among the ten dumbest things I've ever read.
99% of people who die of all illnesses combined at some point go to hospitals and see doctors so...
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-12-2022 , 01:41 PM
The vast majority of people who died to Covid were right handed. Appears that being right handed caused death...
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-13-2022 , 04:44 AM
Being human causes death. Does that exempt Massie?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
02-14-2022 , 10:32 AM
This basically sums up what the GOP's strategy will be

2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
