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2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority 2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority

01-04-2022 , 02:03 AM
Canada said today that they need to prepare the country for the near future as they believe the
United States will no longer be a democracy but a dictatorship by 2030 or much sooner if trump wins in 2024.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 08:46 AM
Well, that would be par for the course. When a democrat is in office, such as Honest Bill Clinton, or Barry Obama, the party supports that man while he is in office. We try to do what's best for the country. The Republicans, however, favor cult of personality types. Every time someone ascends to the top of the party, the republican sheeple want to appoint that person king. They did it with Reagan, Bush Jr., and Trump. They prefer to have a strong central government. This explains why they love leaders such as Putin, Kim, and Hitler.
Republican are less interested in quality legislation and more interested in getting over on the Dems. I feel sorry for this country and fear what it will become.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 12:24 PM
If only there was a party that represented a loyal opposition as the FF's envisioned.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
If only there was a party that represented a loyal opposition as the FF's envisioned.
Republicans are their God Donald Trump, not the country. Never before have people flown flags of presidential candidates, and then they continued to fly those flags after he was in office. And those are the flags they were loyal to on January 6, not the United States flag. They pledged their allegiance to a man, albeit a man with an ego as fragile as could be and tiny hands, but they pledged their allegiance to him, not the country.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 02:55 PM
Ever notice how most of the people still talking about Trump are ones who don't like him?

He's gone, never to return. The 10% of the GOP base who are still Trump true believers won't have the advantage of 28 candidates diluting the vote next time.

It's time to let it go and find a new topic to devote your mental energy to. Like, un****ing the global supply chain for instance. Let's get the lemmings focused onto that instead.

Also, I'm fairly certain you can find threads about "20XX might be the last election if [team OP doesn't like] win big" for every election going back to the origins of this forum. We're still here holding elections.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Ever notice how most of the people still talking about Trump are ones who don't like him?

He's gone, never to return. The 10% of the GOP base who are still Trump true believers won't have the advantage of 28 candidates diluting the vote next time.

It's time to let it go and find a new topic to devote your mental energy to. Like, un****ing the global supply chain for instance. Let's get the lemmings focused onto that instead.

Also, I'm fairly certain you can find threads about "20XX might be the last election if [team OP doesn't like] win big" for every election going back to the origins of this forum. We're still here holding elections.
Every day I still see Trump flags tied to the pickup trucks of inbred hillbillies. I see Trump flags flying on poles outside peoples' houses (yet no US flag). They are still talking about him. It has nothing to do with liking him or not. It has to do with the attempts, much at his encouraging, to destroy the democratic process the founding fathers put into place in order to establish a dictatorship.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:25 PM
Yup everyone fears for the future of the USA and the best you have is Biden or Harris

Or maybe deliver on your promises Dems?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yup everyone fears for the future of the USA and the best you have is Biden or Harris

Or maybe deliver on your promises Dems?
such as?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by MHE
Republicans are their God Donald Trump, not the country. Never before have people flown flags of presidential candidates, and then they continued to fly those flags after he was in office. And those are the flags they were loyal to on January 6, not the United States flag. They pledged their allegiance to a man, albeit a man with an ego as fragile as could be and tiny hands, but they pledged their allegiance to him, not the country.
If he demanded they pray to him and treat him as a Lil Kim type deity a huge percent of them would do so willingly.

2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Ever notice how most of the people still talking about Trump are ones who don't like him?

He's gone, never to return. The 10% of the GOP base who are still Trump true believers won't have the advantage of 28 candidates diluting the vote next time.

It's time to let it go and find a new topic to devote your mental energy to. Like, un****ing the global supply chain for instance. Let's get the lemmings focused onto that instead.

Also, I'm fairly certain you can find threads about "20XX might be the last election if [team OP doesn't like] win big" for every election going back to the origins of this forum. We're still here holding elections.
Trump and his minions would like exactly that. Look elsewhere and forget about him as they actively are targeting and removing and destroying all the obstacles that prevented them stealing the election the last time in an effort to never be foiled again by norms or people of good conscious who dare to follow the constitution.

They coasted the last time a bit complacent in thinking they could just win. Now they are working harder than they ever did prior to ensure it. And what they need is for people to simply look away and focus on other things and let them do their thing.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:42 PM
I am terrified of the GOP turning our country into a dictatorship. We have to vote blue and save democracy. We can't let Trump take power again, otherwise we will see a resurgence of fascism like you have never seen before.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by MHE
Every day I still see Trump flags tied to the pickup trucks of inbred hillbillies.
I live in a heavily Democrat area, but still saw plenty of Trump merch in the surrounding suburbs during the 2016 election. Significantly less of it in 2020, and now after he's gone, you've gotta head out to literal farmland to find any.

I think "Trumpism" is less about the man and more about what it represented when he won the first time. To that end, I'd agree that Trumpism won't go away, but don't worry about the man himself coming back into power. There are too many adults in the room who don't want to go through that nonsense again.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 03:48 PM
Is trump Even running in 2024?
Would he win?

Could you add a poll?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I live in a heavily Democrat area, but still saw plenty of Trump merch in the surrounding suburbs during the 2016 election. Significantly less of it in 2020, and now after he's gone, you've gotta head out to literal farmland to find any.

I think "Trumpism" is less about the man and more about what it represented when he won the first time. To that end, I'd agree that Trumpism won't go away, but don't worry about the man himself coming back into power. There are too many adults in the room who don't want to go through that nonsense again.
****, go to misc forum. they talk about him like he's god. they actually want to make him king. they debate which of his children will be the next president, Ivanka or Don Jr. Trumpers are so obsessed with that little man. Why? Because they're just like him, they too have small penises.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I live in a heavily Democrat area, but still saw plenty of Trump merch in the surrounding suburbs during the 2016 election. Significantly less of it in 2020, and now after he's gone, you've gotta head out to literal farmland to find any.

I think "Trumpism" is less about the man and more about what it represented when he won the first time. To that end, I'd agree that Trumpism won't go away, but don't worry about the man himself coming back into power. There are too many adults in the room who don't want to go through that nonsense again.
There is no way someone can win the 2024 Republican primary without lying about 2020 results. The “adults” now are people like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul who were considered extremists yea party clowns back in 2012.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:30 PM
Oh, okay. Well if it's on then it must be mainstream thinking.

Are you going to direct me to r/antiwork next for some enlightenment on how rational adults view employment?

Then perhaps we'll take a class trip to 4chan for a thoughtful discussion on healthy relationships.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:34 PM
Now 44% of gop want him to run in 2024:

And half of Utah would vote him!

Here are some graphs, trump vs bush etc.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Oh, okay. Well if it's on then it must be mainstream thinking.

Are you going to direct me to r/antiwork next for some enlightenment on how rational adults view employment?

Then perhaps we'll take a class trip to 4chan for a thoughtful discussion on healthy relationships.
Great attitude you have their, chief. Continue to minimize and ignore their mentality. Hopefully it doesn't lead to them breaking into the capital again with calls to hang the vice president while erecting a scaffold outside. Yeah, let's continue to not take them seriously.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
There is no way someone can win the 2024 Republican primary without lying about 2020 results. The “adults” now are people like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul who were considered extremists yea party clowns back in 2012.
They're a bunch of spineless losers with no principles. Man, Trump ripped Cruz like nothing I've seen before in the debates, yet Cruz could not kiss Trump's ass hard enough once he was president. In fact, there was a time I was certain Cruz was gonna have his lips surgically attached to Trump's fat ass.
Or Lindsey Graham. There's a winner. Telling people to listen to the evidence before making up your mind regarding impeachment and you definitely need witnesses. Oh, wait, that's only when you're trying to oust Slick Willy for getting a couple of hummers from a hottie in the West Wing. When it comes to Trump attempting to strong arm an ally into making a political opponent look bad and violate the Impound Control Act in the process, we can make our minds up without the need for facts. Or, when a Democrat nominates a Supreme Court justice we can stonewall it and say it's because it's during an election year. Then, when your guy, who has zero respect for you, is in an election years, do we use his words against him like he said for us to?
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Ever notice how most of the people still talking about Trump are ones who don't like him?

He's gone, never to return. The 10% of the GOP base who are still Trump true believers won't have the advantage of 28 candidates diluting the vote next time.
Sorry, are we talking about the same Trump that is OBLITERATING every single GOP primary poll? 54-11 over 2nd place DeSantis on Ipsos, 44-23 on YouGov over DeSantis, 60-11 (!) on TIPP over DeSantis, 67-9 over 2nd place Pence (lol) on Harris.

Yes, I admit that name recognition does work in these polls for far-away elections, but yeah, your party still loooooves your big wet President Trump and he's obviously the betting favorite to win the GOP nom. Trump is adored, to this day, amongst two very large swaths of the Republican primary voter base:

- Steve the suburban small-business owner and casual racist
- Jim "Let's go Brandon!" Bob in Appalachia

These groups far, far, far outnumber your ****in' Bill Kristol or David Brooks NeverTrump types. This is your party. Embrace it.

Ins0 would presumably be OK with DeSantis, (not his first choice, sure, but someone whom he'd definitely select in the General over ****in' Kamala or Joe) the only other person with any kind of juice in this race whatsoever, who holds like 95% of Trump's policies and is even copying his mannerisms, but Ron wouldn't tweet about how his "button is bigger than Kim Jong Un's", so you know what, yeah he works DeSantis/Ins0 2024!

Hey by the way, where's your boy SCOTT WALKER? Well, I guess he's probably on the board of some corporation, raking in 7 figures to pollute the planet, so I guess he stays winning despite his political career crashing into the Sun, nevermind.

Edit: wiki tells me he is president of the Young America's Foundation, some group of campus Republican dorks. loooooooool, look at this shooting star!

Originally Posted by Inso0
I live in a heavily Democrat area, but still saw plenty of Trump merch in the surrounding suburbs during the 2016 election. Significantly less of it in 2020, and now after he's gone, you've gotta head out to literal farmland to find any.
Cool personal observation. Here's mine. I live in suburban Indianapolis, and I still see Trump **** all the time. Consider your anecdotes cancelled out.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 04:57 PM
I've seen q t shirts in europe! Trump supporters are literally everywhere. The wife of a friend and her mother were/are trump supporters too. That's in Germany. He must have have many people's support. Oh and I have one American friend, the only one that I talk to over phone now. He says trump was much better. Economy sucks now. Everything was better under trump. Now with Biden everything sucks. Prices are off the roof with everything (gas etc.) with Biden. That's all he said, is think he would vote trump. And he was always a dem.

Last edited by washoe; 01-04-2022 at 05:05 PM.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 05:01 PM
Also, and this is something with which I somehow agree with Inso0, but Trump winning in 2024 does not necessarily mean the "end of American democracy".

As he said, "Also, I'm fairly certain you can find threads about "20XX might be the last election if [team OP doesn't like] win big" for every election going back to the origins of this forum. We're still here holding elections." He's right.

Global capital, i.e., the entities who collectively hold much more power than the US POTUS, are pretty damn unlikely to accept the shock to the system that America sliding into legit authoritarian dictatorship would entail. They're not gonna risk losing trillions of dollars because Trump and his flunkies want to be President-For-Life.

We probably will continue gradually losing small D democratic power, but that long pre-dates POTUS Trump.

Last edited by DifferentName; 01-04-2022 at 05:08 PM.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by DifferentName
Also, and this is something with which I somehow agree with Inso0, but Trump winning in 2024 does not necessarily mean the "end of American democracy".

As he said, "Also, I'm fairly certain you can find threads about "20XX might be the last election if [team OP doesn't like] win big" for every election going back to the origins of this forum. We're still here holding elections."

Global capital, i.e., the entities who collectively hold much more power than the US POTUS, are pretty damn unlikely to accept the shock to the system that America sliding into legit authoritarian dictatorship would entail. They're not gonna risk losing trillions of dollars because Trump and his flunkies want to be President-For-Life.

We probably will continue gradually losing small D democratic power, but that long pre-dates POTUS Trump.
Bro, Mitch "I've only ever had sex in the missionary position" McConnell has been planning this sh*t for years. He stonewalled judicial appointments under Obama like a champ allowing them to be made under a republican president. He did the same with Obama's SC nominee. And let's not talk about Gerrymandering. Yeah, if you think our way of governing is safe, think again.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 05:12 PM
Somehow I doubt Donald Trump would collect most of the European votes if you were allowed to participate in our elections.

I had to look up who Desantis was, so it doesn't surprise me that he performed poorly on's very official poll that definitely has their finger on the pulse of the nation.
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
01-04-2022 , 05:14 PM
Link didn't work:

"Two-thirds of Republicans want Trump to retain major political role; 44% want him to run again in 2024"
2022 could be last election if GOP wins majority Quote
