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Was 1/6 Treason? Was 1/6 Treason?

12-23-2021 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
They had weapons.

The security details were overwhelmed at many times. Did you watch much of the footage ?
I watched a few news clips, where a bunch of freaks were shown. The viking inside and the shooting. I did not know they had weapons. Then it's a miracle only one person got shot, from an official.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I watched a few news clips, where a bunch of freaks were shown. The viking inside and the shooting. I did not know they had weapons. Then it's a miracle only one person got shot, from an official.
You can see plenty of actual violence online if you care to.
Also some had flex cuffs and things to detain and capture congress members.

This is what it's so frustrating. It really is being downplayed for some reason.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You can see plenty of actual violence online if you care to.
Also some had flex cuffs and things to detain and capture congress members.

This is what it's so frustrating. It really is being downplayed for some reason.
Yeah thanks, I will probably look at some footage.
Downplayed for some reason? This whole thing didn't make sense from the beginning. That's probably why. Weird case imo.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 05:32 PM
Apparently the guy picked up the flex cuffs that a cop had left lying around. That was his story anyway.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Yeah thanks, I will probably look at some footage.
Downplayed for some reason? This whole thing didn't make sense from the beginning. That's probably why. Weird case imo.
I mean the President was on TV for weeks lying and saying he won the election. He lied about how it was up to the VP who won the election. He held a rally and lied about he was going to March to the Capitol. They some of his supporters went there and tried to break in after all the stuff Trump lied about didn’t come true makes perfect sense.

I admire people in the past. They could write down facts in a newspaper, publish it a couple days later on the other side of the country and people would know it was true. Nowadays people can literally watch events as they are happening in real time and not understand them.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
why'd a mod delete medici's conspiracy videos?
nobody cares that a mod has been selectively deleting posts itt????

i mean, i wasn't going to watch those videos and felt they were pretty absurd, but as absurd as those posts were, i think if a mod had issues with them they should have addressed the issues with the videos itt instead of just stealthily deleting them

Originally Posted by King Spew
(1) an attack nonetheless

(2) (uncoordinated?) The Commission is looking at how far up the chain of command the actual coordination was planned..... because ya was planned.
this, i think too many people are too focused on "but it was a pathetic effort"

we shouldn't evaluate the talent of a bank robber when deciding whether or not to charge one for bank robbery
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I mean the President was on TV for weeks lying and saying he won the election. He lied about how it was up to the VP who won the election. He held a rally and lied about he was going to March to the Capitol. They some of his supporters went there and tried to break in after all the stuff Trump lied about didn’t come true makes perfect sense.

I admire people in the past. They could write down facts in a newspaper, publish it a couple days later on the other side of the country and people would know it was true. Nowadays people can literally watch events as they are happening in real time and not understand them.

I did mean that they could enter so easily did not make any sense. This is the supposed to be one of the safest, if not the safest buildings with the highest security, right? How come a bunch of idiots with weapons can just march right in there?
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 09:26 PM
No idea why you think it's the building with the highest security. It has public access and you can simply walk in most days it's open, take a guided tour etc. There are tons of restricted areas and non public access doors and these people knocked over barriers and broke windows etc to get into non public areas. Secuirity was obviously inedequate for the day but it's not some top secret Area 51 type military facility that you normally can't even get within 100 yds of without clearance.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
nobody cares that a mod has been selectively deleting posts itt????

i mean, i wasn't going to watch those videos and felt they were pretty absurd, but as absurd as those posts were, i think if a mod had issues with them they should have addressed the issues with the videos itt instead of just stealthily deleting them

this, i think too many people are too focused on "but it was a pathetic effort"

we shouldn't evaluate the talent of a bank robber when deciding whether or not to charge one for bank robbery

I wasn't thrilled that the Aaron Rodgers Thread was closed. All leagues despite being 95% vaxxed are facing covid issues. The anti-mandate faction in the thread was about to win the argument.

Suzzer was belittling me for posting youtube videos. You can't get an alternative viewpoint in the legacy media (or here apparently).

If you are interested in 1/6 read the Revolver article posted above.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by medici
I wasn't thrilled that the Aaron Rodgers Thread was closed. All leagues despite being 95% vaxxed are facing covid issues. The anti-mandate faction in the thread was about to win the argument.

Suzzer was belittling me for posting youtube videos. You can't get an alternative viewpoint in the legacy media (or here apparently).

If you are interested in 1/6 read the Revolver article posted above.
I’m not accusing u of anything , no idea where u stand on any issues but just want to know where u stand on this point about what u think is considered an “alternative view point “ .

What is the flat earth argument is to you ?
Do u consider this an alternative viewpoint that is acceptable and is their any limit for an alternative view point to stop being considered an “alternative viewpoint “?

I’m asking because that concept seem to come up very often on many issues(climate changes is another space where it comes up ) and I wonder what it means and it there is any limit for stopping it being used to condemn “mainstream truth” ?
Thx .
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-23-2021 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by medici
I wasn't thrilled that the Aaron Rodgers Thread was closed. All leagues despite being 95% vaxxed are facing covid issues. The anti-mandate faction in the thread was about to win the argument.

Suzzer was belittling me for posting youtube videos. You can't get an alternative viewpoint in the legacy media (or here apparently).

If you are interested in 1/6 read the Revolver article posted above.
Pretty much any viewpoint that is in accord with with the inteligencia "Spirit of the Age" (whether in politics or academia or the social sciences or religion) is fair game. Otherwise, forget it.

For example, I have been told directly by the moderators to not share Biblical perspective on issues not endorsed by those married to the Spirit of the Age.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:06 AM
I guess you can't say re....ds. (mentally challenged).

This is silly censorship. I grew up with the edict: "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."

And I chose that word carefully cause it kinda accurately reflects the 1/6 participants.

Flat earthers and Qanons are terms used to blunt any criticism of the status quo. I don't defend every crazy theory, but I defend their right to say it.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
No idea why you think it's the building with the highest security. It has public access and you can simply walk in most days it's open, take a guided tour etc. There are tons of restricted areas and non public access doors and these people knocked over barriers and broke windows etc to get into non public areas. Secuirity was obviously inedequate for the day but it's not some top secret Area 51 type military facility that you normally can't even get within 100 yds of without clearance.
Isn't the capitol the building where your big kahunas hang out? Most important people of the country, best security I would think. The capitol has their own police for crying out loud. For the day? They had a long notice. They tried to do the same here btw, and they couldn't get pass the stairs.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:51 AM

Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by medici
I guess you can't say re....ds. (mentally challenged).

This is silly censorship. I grew up with the edict: "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."

And I chose that word carefully cause it kinda accurately reflects the 1/6 participants.

Flat earthers and Qanons are terms used to blunt any criticism of the status quo. I don't defend every crazy theory, but I defend their right to say it.
So being openly racist while proclaiming non sense like white are superior just base on colour is acceptable as well because you know ….
It’s an alternative point of view even tho it’s been dismiss by science , like anti vaccine , anti climate change , etc ?

What good is science and truth if it can be dismiss just because I want to have an alternative point of view ?
It’s getting such a ridiculous level , it is coming now down having half a country believing in trick election even tho they can’t advance 0 proofs at all in front of a court ?

I don’t think having an alternative viewpoint just by wishes is good enough to use it as to reject mainstream alternative support by science , shrug.

This is exactly how society have made incredible progress , by proving stuff, not by having unbacked alternative viewpoint.
It can be incredibly dangerous when it reach a certain level of ignorance….
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 02:21 AM
"So being openly racist while proclaiming non sense like white are superior just base on colour is acceptable as well because you know …."

When did I write or say this?

I'm not white nor black. Whites aren't the most affluent group. Privilege isn't about color but economics. A baby born into a 2 parent family in a good school district will do better than a single parent in a bad neighborhood.

Groups like BLM are a grift for the the charity directors while doing nothing for the average person. Instead of concentrating on police shootings, which are tragic but rare, concentrate on all the black lives at the hands of black perpetrators. If you improve Black economics, you improve black lives.

"What good is science and truth if it can be dismiss just because I want to have an alternative point of view ?"

Follow the science seems to be whatever you want it to be. There are alternative to lockdowns & the doctors that promoted that were slandered in the media. Therapeutics like Ivermectin (a drug that won its creators the Nobel Prize) is labeled as a horse de-wormer when it has been administered to humans in millions of doses.

"It’s getting such a ridiculous level , it is coming now down having half a country believing in trick election even tho they can’t advance 0 proofs at all in front of a court ?"

We just had an election with a majority of ballots mailed in. That is the easiest way to rig an election. Take 2020 out of the equation, was 2000 (Bush v. Gore) rigged? 2000 (Bush v. Kerry)?

You get one side in the media. Read the Revolver article and see if it even leads you to open your mind (not change) regarding 1/6.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
So treason is a high bar.

The question is, did the congresspeople and law enforcement people who coordinated with the rebels commit treason ?

Could that legally be argued with any rational basis ?

It's probably easier to charge sedition but I wouldn't mind seeing some of the higher ups and elected officials have to sweat a death sentence. Especially since the GOP likes to execute people. Seems fitting.
no thats patriotism. its only Treason when Democrats do it.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
I'm not an attorney so I don't know if it meets the dictionary definition of treason. But I think the severity of the crimes is on par with treason.
I am an attorney, and I don't know either. Unless this counted as levying war against the United States, then probably not.

The more interesting questions are the ones you alluded to:

How severe a crime was committed on January 6 by the average rioter? How close was the country to a true disaster scenario on January 6?
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by medici

Flat earthers and Qanons are terms used to blunt any criticism of the status quo. I don't defend every crazy theory, but I defend their right to say it.
I support your right to say it too. I would bet the mod here would as well,

That is not the same as saying you should have a right to say it here.

And make no mistake, as I have no opinion on what you wrote and was deleted as I did not see it. But I was on arguably one of the biggest forums of this type way back in chat forum early days and what we found was when a forum was seen as tolerant and a safe space for CT', it then got flooded by them. Very similar dynamic for hate speech.

Why? Because those type of platforms cannot sustain a robust site of their own. They become echo boxes that once things are said once and everyone agrees there is no point in repeating. They require hostile audiences so they can tease out their positions and air them. There is no real interest in the debate by them, as they are not on a earnest search for data to inform their views, and are only interested in the sounding board to spew them.

So no forum needs to serve as that, as what happens is everyone else eventually leaves, leaving the same type of echo box dead CT site once again as the Cters then look to the next robust site with no CT's to infect.

Kind of like Trump and Co saying SM needs to allow their lies to be propagated on their sites. Plenty of right derp sites to post those lies but no one cares to go there and read that crap. So instead they want to find already popular sites and demand 'post my crap'.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
This would force everything to the SC and Trump would have claimed to be the one in Power until resolved.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what would happen at that point. Trump would be proclaiming 'The VP has not completed the process and Biden is not sworn in. By our Constitution we do not yet have a new POTUS. I am still POTUS'.

Would the Secret Service, Military, Police, others take an order from Biden anyway to remove Trump if he said 'I am POTUS until the SC says otherwise?' Could they act on authority technically Biden was not vested with because we all believed he 'deserved' it and 'would' get it eventually?

It would have been a mess. Surely dem voters and Trump haters would hit the streets and some anarchy would ensue and Trump would want just that. He would then command the most vicious response he could hoping to polarize his side to him, to over look his election antics (for those on the fence) and just approve him crushing Dem 'rioters'.
If a sane president had been in office, then the January 6 riots would have been no threat at all to the U.S. government, aside from the physical threat to the people in the building, even if the rioters had succeeded in disrupting Congress's confirmation of Biden's election. In other words, if a bunch of conspiracy derpers had stormed the Capitol while Mitt Romney or John McCain had been in office, it would have been big news, of course, but not a big threat to the U.S. government.

Trump's plan was more or less what Cuepee is suggesting. He wanted to get a huge number of derpers in Washington on January 6 because he thought it would put pressure on Pence to precipitate a Constitutional crisis. Only Trump knows exactly how far he wanted those derpers to go on that day. This effort was misguided for three reasons. First, Pence never seriously considered doing what Trump wanted him to do. He made a show of considering his options, but that's as far as it went imo. He had no intention of going down in history as "that guy". Second, Trump had no chance of prevailing in the SCOTUS. The reasoning would have been wonky because the system isn't designed to address what Trump was trying to do, but I'm extremely confident that the SCOTUS decision would have gone against Trump, probably in a 9-0 opinion. Third, in the face of an adverse SCOTUS opinion, Trump's only option for staying in power would have been to do so by force. That would have required the support of the military, FBI, etc., which Trump did not have.

By no means am I downplaying what Trump did. Any time you have a president who is actively attempting to precipitate a constitutional crisis, it's a three-alarm fire. And as many on this forum have noted, if Trump hadn't been so ham-handed and hadn't been such a fool, the threat would have been even more significant.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 11:39 AM
It is interesting to game play this out as there are many questions I cannot answer here:

- Assume Pence gets in Secret Service car as he was reportedly about to do before being warned by one of his closest detail members if he does that he will not be returned to the Capital. The Trump order was in place to 'whisk him away for his own safety and not let him return'

- Now congress cannot recognize the electoral count as per the constitutional require and technically Biden is not yet POTUS

- Trump refuses to leave office

- the next day Pence returns and Congress goes thru the motions of accepting the Electoral College ballots (if the insurrectionists did not get and spoil them) and Biden is accepted as POTUS

- Trump proclaims they are defying the Constitution and that via the Constitution this result is not accepted or acceptable.

- Biden then starts to try and assert himself as POTUS demanding Trump step down and leave

- Trump tells Biden where to go and says he is staying

- Biden then petitions the SC

- Trump again asserts he is going no where

- the streets around Congress and the WH fill with protestors

- Trump is giving orders. He wants this conflict and to engage it.

Who do the police, military, etc respond to? Can they defy Trump? Can they simply accept Biden?

It is not as easy as some may think if you remove biases towards the individuals.

Think of a future situation where the Trump figure may be in the right and the Biden one in the wrong. We would not want the police, military, etc to ignore the required constitutional elements to support who they 'thought' was legit, while knowing they were not yet recognized via the Constitution. We would want it to be sorted first.

So i think that leaves Trump legit in power until the SC hears it and recognizes Biden, which I agree in belief, they would.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am an attorney, and I don't know either. Unless this counted as levying war against the United States, then probably not.

The more interesting questions are the ones you alluded to:

How severe a crime was committed on January 6 by the average rioter? How close was the country to a true disaster scenario on January 6?
On January 6 ?

Not severe at all.

The US is in actual peril now because the opposition party isn't doing all it can to stop Trump's actions from being a precedent. THAT will cause the actual long term harm, not the (to borrow your word) derpfest at the Capitol.

As per usual, the Dems refuse to treat the cancer they know damn well is all around them in DC. I suspect keeping the gravy train going is their one and only priority at this point. I honestly can't fathom any other reason for just mass complacency in the face of....literally anything.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It is interesting to game play this out as there are many questions I cannot answer here:

- Assume Pence gets in Secret Service car as he was reportedly about to do before being warned by one of his closest detail members if he does that he will not be returned to the Capital. The Trump order was in place to 'whisk him away for his own safety and not let him return'

- Now congress cannot recognize the electoral count as per the constitutional require and technically Biden is not yet POTUS

- Trump refuses to leave office

- the next day Pence returns and Congress goes thru the motions of accepting the Electoral College ballots (if the insurrectionists did not get and spoil them) and Biden is accepted as POTUS

- Trump proclaims they are defying the Constitution and that via the Constitution this result is not accepted or acceptable.

- Biden then starts to try and assert himself as POTUS demanding Trump step down and leave

- Trump tells Biden where to go and says he is staying

- Biden then petitions the SC

- Trump again asserts he is going no where

- the streets around Congress and the WH fill with protestors

- Trump is giving orders. He wants this conflict and to engage it.

Who do the police, military, etc respond to? Can they defy Trump? Can they simply accept Biden?

It is not as easy as some may think if you remove biases towards the individuals.

Think of a future situation where the Trump figure may be in the right and the Biden one in the wrong. We would not want the police, military, etc to ignore the required constitutional elements to support who they 'thought' was legit, while knowing they were not yet recognized via the Constitution. We would want it to be sorted first.

So i think that leaves Trump legit in power until the SC hears it and recognizes Biden, which I agree in belief, they would.
Trump nominally would have remained in power until a SCOTUS decision, which would have come down in record time. (The decision in Bush v. Gore came down four days after the ruling by the Florida Supreme Court.)

Trump doesn't control DC city police. I suspect that the military and FBI would have been acting more or less independently until a SCOTUS decision came down. In other words, if Trump had ordered the military, FBI, or Secret Service to do something crazy during that 3-4 day period, I suspect that they would have defied the order, likely by slow-walking the execution of the order if that was an option.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Isn't the capitol the building where your big kahunas hang out? Most important people of the country, best security I would think. The capitol has their own police for crying out loud. For the day? They had a long notice. They tried to do the same here btw, and they couldn't get pass the stairs.
I'm just saying it's a public building with open doors that you can just walk into most weekdays during working hours.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
12-24-2021 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
On January 6 ?

Not severe at all.

The US is in actual peril now because the opposition party isn't doing all it can to stop Trump's actions from being a precedent. THAT will cause the actual long term harm, not the (to borrow your word) derpfest at the Capitol.

As per usual, the Dems refuse to treat the cancer they know damn well is all around them in DC. I suspect keeping the gravy train going is their one and only priority at this point. I honestly can't fathom any other reason for just mass complacency in the face of....literally anything.
The Dems have nothing to run on in 2024. A campaign of 'Elect the Dems to do the things the Dem's refused to do in 2020' is just not a winner.

So I think that while they fully realize the threat of allowing the Trump election rig stuff to continue they have decided strategically it is good to run against.

2024 will be 'elect us and we will ensure all this Trump nonsense is put down once and for all'. So they cannot fix it all now, and take away the election issue and they realize the very real danger it presents, but they are betting it is winner for them and willing to risk everything to test that.

2024 will be 'Save the Republic', the biggest of 'Lesser of Two Evils' ever and the threat will be very real.

I guarantee you as we see some Dem voter malaise and fatigue, you will see the typical establishment Dem voter on this forum making all the arguments as to why it is 'your fault' if you don't get out to vote to 'Save the Republic' saying this is just too important not to.
Was 1/6 Treason? Quote
