Mike, day in and day out I open the lobby and there are tables that look like this. Every single table. This one sat like this, with the players sitting back in and out, for 30 minutes. Like every other table in the lobby.
For what it's worth, I don't blame them for wanting to sit out versus Benjamin, as he IS CLEARLY BLOODYWOLF. What are the rest of us, without scripts, supposed to do? If we sit in, we are forced to play bloodywolf's illegal software and lose, but if we sit out, then we are part of the problem, and games won't start because people are going to be rightfully wary of sitting at a table with 5 people sitting out, then immediately playing when they sit.
What's the excuse this time? You have players breaking TOS right and left, and you do next to nothing about it. It costs your business money. What on earth is your explanation for this? No one competent runs a business like this. You said you play poker yourself and care for the integrity of the game. How do you just sit there, doing the minimum, while people ruin the games on your site?
Please do me a favor. Screenshot this post, and show it to your manager, and just tell us what the explanation is. No half-assed response from you saying that "the team is working on it". This has been going on for months now, and not a single thread of progress has been made. Tell me, what does the head of security say?