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some solution or rules for some players and others not. some solution or rules for some players and others not.

01-20-2019 , 10:06 PM
Today I want to enter my user and I get the surprise that it has been suspended. Without a logical answer, last 45 days on the page with around 150,000 coins, no payments came, only my account was suspended, thanks to the bad comments of a small group of around 5 players, bad losers, without any morals because they have antecedents observed by other users (video comment on YouTube how to use BUP and in the time it lasts playing I also played that conclusion that these 5 players play together to cheat.

List of cheaters.
1) mokujin1
2) jungernaut,
3) wisky,
4) GinoLove
, 5) jomas

And I assure you that these named characters are so selfish that in addition to them you have neither a reference in the group nor advertising they do to BUP.

Possibly there is more in this group but these are the most noticed. Some of the tricks they do:
1.- Play in a group and when one takes a safe pair increase and increase only to force the other players to pay.
2.- Signs with the emoticons when you have a good game, to perform step 1, possibly sad face 2 times after surprise face.
3.- Vulgar language when referring to the chat with other players, using some words like: *****, ****, another in the form of mockery "Chavez forever."
4.- bother with other players when they lose.
It should be noted that this is for future players to be careful and not be cheated by this group.

As far as I'm concerned, if my account was suspended as well as that of many players just because this group mentioned us in a list, it seems to me that the support of BIG UGLY POKER should also check the accounts of these users and if they have faults take measurements.

Personally I would have liked to work hand in hand with the page to support them in improvements such as including other types of game Omaha, black Jack, holdem flash, include methods of payment in cryptomonedas greater efficiency (BTC, LTC), also include new users a few hundred or thousands because I have some knowledge about poker, although I do not consider myself an expert playing if I dominate poker on a large scale. I even have a poker school which I wanted to include the game but many were suspended and without any proof of payment as a reason for new players, I think the profits of the page is for the ADS (ads) while more players more profits, at least that is a group of people who use this as a hobby poker and when they have a lot of debt prefer to suspend the accounts (if so be honest with the users).

To answer some comments like "it seems that they guess the letters". Not that if I were a seer I would not have limits, I think, but it's something to have a little bit of reason, the software that is used on the page is very basic similar to poker americas, poker caribean, nlop. Some plays you can notice with just having a week played:
1.- Pair in hand, there 2 or 3 pairs on the table.
2.-You have two pairs, the other player has a straight.
3.-ladder in turn (fourth card), color in river (fifth card).
4.-Pair on table with color, the other player carries full.
5. -A letter accompanied by another card, possible 2 or 3 cards A in the other players.

6.- In my opinion, the more important the more hands you bet and you manage to make the players retire, the better cards will give you the next hand in a row.

Finally I have to thank mokujin1 and the other players who only complain because they are bad losers, in the form of clear sarcasm: Thank you Mokujin1 thank you I had $ 150 that I would use to pay for the university semester but thanks to you the page I did not pay nor to me or many players who only suspended their accounts for no reason just for you who are bad losers. "To give a short detail of you, possible frustrated boy of 27 to 30 years of age without any social life, working parents but spoiled child in his PC all day, envious 100%, every time someone wins you will only go complaining crying , you copy the way others play a bit original you do not believe and stop complaining so much and assume, I recommend you because I'm not bad person I wish you luck and success, I prefer to help others, so you learn to play ZINGA POKER Facebook is free and until you learn you do not get into a casino because there they will first take all the money because you are a bad player and then security will take you out because you are a bad loser. And without talking about the other players mentioned, one thinks of himself as an alcoholic, another believes himself a millionaire, they are only frustrated that is the word and bad losers.
I would like some of the affected users like me to also comment, even though I have already lost the money, there may be some solution and they would also give credibility to what I mention.

Good evening to all luck.

support BUP you should review 100% of users, I assure you that 95% violates the regulations in one way or another.


Hoy quiero entrar a mi usuario y me consigo con la sorpresa de que ha sido suspendida. Sin una respuesta lógica, dure 45 dias en la página con alrededor de 150000 coins no llego ningún pago, solo mi cuenta suspendida, gracias a los malos comentarios de un grupito de alrededor de 5 jugadores, malos perdedores, sin moral alguna debido a que tienen antecedentes observados por otros usuarios(comentario en video de Youtube como utilizar BUP ) y en el tiempo que dure jugando también jugué a esa conclusión de que estos 5 jugadores juegan en conjunto para hacer trampa.

Lista de tramposos.
1) mokujin1
2) jungernaut,
3) wisky,
4) GinoLove
,5) jomas
Y me aseguro que estos personajes nombrados son tan egoístas que además de ellos no tienes ni una referencia en el grupo ni publicidad le hacen a BUP.
Posiblemente hay más en este grupito pero estos son los más notados. Algunos de los trucos que hacen:
1.- Jugar en grupo y cuando uno lleva un par seguro aumentar y aumentar solo para obligar a los otros jugadores a pagar.
2.- Señas con los emoticones cuando lleva alguno buen juego, para realizar el paso 1, posiblemente carita triste 2 veces luego de carita sorpresa.
3.- Lenguaje vulgar al momento de referirse por el chat con otros jugadores, utilizando algunas palabras como: puta, mierda, otro en forma de burla “Chávez por siempre”.
4.- molestarse con otros jugadores cuando pierden.
Cabe destacar que esto quede para próximos jugadores tengan cuidado y no se dejen estafar por este grupo.
En lo que a mí respecta si mi cuenta fue suspendida al igual que la de muchos jugadores solo porque este grupito nos mencionó en una lista, me parece que el soporte de BIG UGLY POKER también debería revisar las cuentas de estos usuarios y si tienen fallas tomar medidas.

En lo personal me hubiese gustado trabajar de la mano con la pagina apoyarlos en mejoras como incluir otros tipos de juego Omaha, black Jack, holdem flash, incluir métodos de pago en cryptomonedas mayor eficiencia (BTC, LTC), además incluir nuevos usuarios algunos cientos o miles debido a que tengo algún conocimiento sobre el poker, aunque no me considero un experto jugando si domino el poker en gran escala. Incluso tengo una escuela de poker la cual quise incluir al juego pero muchos fueron suspendidos y sin prueba alguna de pago como motivo a nuevos jugadores, creo que las ganancias de la pagina es por los ADS (anuncios) mientras mas jugadores mas ganancias, al menos que sea un grupo de personas que utilizan esto del poker como hobby y cuando tienen mucha deuda prefieren suspender las cuentas (si es así sean sinceros con los usuarios).
Para responder algunos comentarios como el de “parece que adivinan las cartas”. No es eso si fuera vidente no tendría limites creo, pero es algo de tener un poquito de razón, el software que se utiliza en la página es muy básico similar al de poker americas, poker caribean, nlop. Algunas jugadas te tu puedes notar con solo tener una semana jugardo:
1.- Par en mano, ahí 2 o 3 pares en la mesa.
2.-Llevas dos pares, el otro jugador tiene escalera.
3.-escalera en turn (cuarta carta), color en river (quinta carta).
4.-Par en mesa con color, el otro jugador lleva full.
5.-carta A acompañado de otra carta, posibles 2 o 3 cartas A en los otros jugadores.
6.- A mi parecer el mas importante mientras mas manos apuestes y logres hacer que los jugadores se retiren, mejores cartas te da la próxima mano seguidas.

Para finalizar tengo que agradecerle a mokujin1 y al resto de jugadores que solo se quejan porque son malos perdedores, en forma de sarcasmo claro: Gracias Mokujin1 gracias tenía 150$ q utilizaría para pagar el semestre universitario pero gracias a ti la pagina no me pago ni a mi ni muchos jugadores que solo suspendieron sus cuentas sin motivo alguno solo por ustedes que son malos perdedores. “para dar un corto detalle de ti, posible chico frustrado de 27 a 30 años de edad sin vida social alguna, padres trabajadores pero niño malcriado en su pc todo el dia, envidioso 100% , cada ves que alguien te gane solo saldrás quejándote llorando, te copias la forma de jugar de los demás se un poquito original no crees y deja de quejarte tanto y asume, te recomiendo porque yo no soy mala persona te deseo suerte y éxito, prefiero ayudar al prójimo, para que aprendas a jugar ZINGA POKER en Facebook es gratis y hasta que no aprendas no te metas a un casino porque ahí primero te van a quitar todo el dinero porque eres mal jugador y luego seguridad te sacara porque eres un mal perdedor. Y sin hablar de los otros jugadores mencionados uno se cree alcohólico, otro se cree millonario, solo son frustrados esa es la palabra y malos perdedores.
Quisiera que algunos de los usuarios afectados como yo también comentaran aunque ya di por perdido el dinero, puede haber alguna solución y también darían credibilidad a lo que mencione.
Buenas noches a todos suerte.

soporte BUP deberias revisar el 100% de los usuarios, te aseguro que el 95% viola las normativas de una o otra manera.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-21-2019 at 08:01 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
01-20-2019 , 10:29 PM

I am happy to send you $20 if it will help with your college education.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-21-2019 at 08:02 AM.
01-21-2019 , 01:31 AM
It's horrible that we still live in a world where so many people are poor, which can make them desperate to get money any way they can. While there are many in well developed countries who have to deal with poverty, millions more live in poor countries with little opportunity for economic advancement, jobs (if you're lucky enough to have one) paying as little as one to two dollars a day or less, and crime and corruption the norm. With all my heart, I wish that this wasn't true, but unfortunately it is.

As much as I feel extremely bad for anyone in that kind of situation, being poor does not excuse or make it right to cheat. The players I'm aware of who've had their accounts suspended were definitely cheating by chip dumping and possibly colluding with one another. Checking the leaderboard on Day 1 and seeing the top names with much higher totals than could possibly be earned in that amount of time, made it quite clear they weren't playing legitimately. Also, a number of BUP members observed these players chip dumping to one another when they thought no one was watching.

Levelpoker, I have been playing constantly in August, September and since mid-December with mokujin1, jungernaut, wisky (whisky), and GinoLove, and no way are they cheaters. As to jomas, I have no idea. I actually thought he was part of your group.

Also, player names often mean nothing when you're trying to figure out what kind of a person they really are, such as an "alcoholic". Anybody can and often does pretend to be anything they want to on the internet.

Yes, sometimes these guys do make what some people might consider to be bad plays, if they were playing on a cash site. Even if they are "bad players" though, being a bad player has nothing to do with whether or not the person is also a cheater. On BUP, where it's free chips, every single person on the site (including me) makes bad plays and plays like a fish at times, even those who are actually very good players. It's just part of what you need to do to win here.

It's sad that you, caldera and whoever else got suspended can't just admit that you and your friends were cheating. Instead you want to try and lay the blame on these legitimate players because they found you out and were not afraid to say so. Then you try to make us feel sorry for you because now you won't get the money that you cheated to win, so you can pay for your college. You and your friends need to learn to play winning poker, and then you can win money honestly, not by cheating.


My bad. It was late and I was very tired (lack of sleep lately due to insomnia), when I read levelpoker's post and replied to it.

Levelpoker didn't say the players he named were "bad players", only that they were "bad losers", although my point remains the same. Even if someone is a bad loser that doesn't automatically also make them a cheater. I probably remembered the "bad players" comment from Jwconrad's prior thread and just got that confused with what levelpoker said, due to my sleep deprived state. Sry. Also, lately there's just been a lot of things happening on BUP and being posted about here that I've responded to.

I'll try to be more careful to make sure I have read posts correctly before replying to them in the future.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-23-2019 at 08:24 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
01-23-2019 , 07:15 AM
This is getting pretty ridiculous. If you have to collude on this site then nice life I guess...

02-03-2019 , 01:52 AM
Dure tiempo fuera de aqui, vine al sitio a ver si estaba alguna respuesta positiva, por lo visto no quede igual que con el mensaje de soporte... Ya igual di todo por perdido. Si existe alguna respuesta o reembolso monetario, por favor enviar a este correo, con respecto a los comentarios existentes a mi publicación

1.- GinoLove, es decisión tuya alguna ayuda monetaria, queda de tu parte, en tu consciencia al igual que algún otro usuario. ( Paypal, )

2.- PokerAnny, observe que en casi todas las publicaciones comentas asi no tengan nada que ver contigo, deberías escribir a soporte a ver si te dan trabajo existiría una respuesta rápida... a lo que te refieres de pobreza, sencillamente no es asi, en realidad es un País muy rico solo que con una administración gubernamental muy mala que sencillamente destruyo la nación, Vnzla esta pasando por una situación muy critica donde en realidad aunque sea clase media nos vemos afectados por una hiper-inflación resumida a 8$ un sueldo mínimo (básicamente un sueldo mínimo 8$ solo te sirve para un almuerzo, pero bueno esperamos pronto recuperar el País con el favor de Dios), si nos ayudamos con trabajos por internet asi sean 3$ al dia es de gran ayuda.

Y con respecto a lo que dices de trampa, no lo veo asi. Aunque bueno como aqui yo no deposite nada al igual que cualquier usuario, solo tenemos que ver los anuncios automáticos de BuP, Es su ganancia si, pero debería haber un poco mas de seriedad asi yo no deposite debería a ver un respaldo, asi sean 10 horas que estuviste en la pagina asi solo lograras 10$ deberia haber un respaldo una respuesta. Tu dices que trampa, pocas veces llegue a jugar contigo pero no te obligaba a pagar nada o si! .... Que si volcado de fichas o como dicen, solo tenia fichas de sobra y un lugar en el ranking y en ocasiones llegue a jugar sin llevar buen juego y básicamente regalaba parte de mis fichas, ok pero eso no es motivo , llegue a observar varios jugadores que juegan asi sin llevar buen juego altas pilas (twoPlusTwo, theCanadian, entre otros) muy buenos jugadores pero que apuestan pilas altas sin llevar cartas de buena tonada, asi ganen o pierdan, aunque como siempre digo el juego esta en la mesa, son 52 cartas, suerte y habilidad. Mas no por su método de juego los van a sancionar.

Di mi parte en las pocas ocasiones que llegue a jugar contigo y llegue a deducir que pokerAnny era la cuenta de "GottaPlayPoker" y te asociaba con NoMameYett que jugaban juntos al igual que estos otros 2 usuarios muy similar el metodo BLJ21 y SKinB, pero normal ni pendiente eran ustedes yo decidía si jugaba o si no, solo tenia precaución y en la mesa esta la suerte.

Por lo que observe horita BuP, se esta quedando con muy pocos usuarios talves les suspenderían también o dejaron de jugar observe y solo estan los mismos 6 a 8 jugadores, la pagina se esta quedando sola por el egoísmo o falta de seriedad y responsabilidad en lo monetario y tiempos.

Suerte, Exitos, Bendiciones. bye

Long time away from here, I came to the site to see if there was a positive response, apparently not the same as with the support message ... I already gave everything for lost. If there is any answer or monetary refund, please send this email to, regarding the existing comments to my publication

1.- GinoLove, your decision is some monetary help, it is on your side, in your conscience like some other user. (Paypal,

2.- PokerAnny, notice that in almost all the publications commented so they have nothing to do with you, you should write to support to see if they give you a job there would be a quick response ... what you mean about poverty, it is simply not like that , in reality it is a very rich country only with a very bad government administration that simply destroyed the nation, Vnzla is going through a very critical situation where in fact, even if it is a middle class, we are affected by a hyper-inflation summed at 8 $ a minimum salary (basically a minimum salary $ 8 only serves you for a lunch, but good hope soon recover the country with God's favor), if you help us with jobs online so be $ 3 a day is very helpful.

And with regard to what you say cheating, I do not see it that way. Although good as here I do not deposit anything like any user, we just have to see the automatic announcements of BuP, It's your profit yes, but there should be a little more serious so I do not deposit should see a backup, so be 10 hours you were on the page so you only get $ 10 should there be a backup an answer. You say cheat, I rarely get to play with you but I did not force you to pay anything or yes! .... That if overturned chips or as they say, I only had chips to spare and a place in the ranking and sometimes I get to play without a good game and basically gave away some of my chips, ok but that's not a reason, get to observe several players who play well without high-stakes game (twoPlusTwo, theCanadian, among others) very good players but they bet high stacks without playing good tune cards, so win or lose, although as I always say the game is in the table, they are 52 cards, luck and skill. But not by their method of play will sanction them.

I gave my part on the few occasions that I got to play with you and came to deduce that pokerAnny was the account of "GottaPlayPoker" and associated you with NoMameYett that played together like these other 2 users very similar to the method BLJ21 and SKinB, but normal Neither were you deciding whether I played or if not, I was just careful and at the table is lucky.

So observe BuP horita, is staying with very few users could also suspend them or stop watching and there are only the same 6 to 8 players, the page is being left alone for selfishness or lack of seriousness and responsibility in what monetary and times.

Luck, Success, Blessings. bye
02-03-2019 , 06:29 AM
levelpoker. Ironic choice of names, had you been playing on the level, like most due at BUP, your account would never ever have gotten suspended. The fact that they did that shows how obvious what you were doing was. Period, end of discussion on that!

Your list is a stab in the dark from someone trying to lay blame elsewhere. I played often on BUP in the early days & have played against all of the players on that list some (& most quite a bit) & have noticed nothing other than some run good.

Well said Poker Annie, being poor does not excuse cheating & trying to defraud others trying to earn fairly.

I do not work for BUP, just a player that would like to see it succeed. With that said....Everyone on 2 +2 should give it a go to get their share of the free monies, as they way its set up, the more playing, the more there will be to win for all
02-03-2019 , 02:26 PM
Yes, levelpoker, you are correct about Venezuela. Your country is well developed and rich in natural resources. However, due to bad government, the poverty rate has climbed rapidly since 2014. According to reliable internet sources, almost 90% of the Venezuelan population currently lives in poverty, which makes it a "poor country" economically at this time. I hope that the recent change in leadership will bring much needed positive economic change for the future.

BTW, why did you need $150 for the university semester, when higher education in Venezuela is free?

Cheating on BUP hurts all players, not just the ones who were falsely accused because they publicly named those who were actually cheating. Multi-accounting, IP sharing (provides opportunity for collusion), and chip dumping are all against the rules of online poker, and if allowed to continue unchecked, drives legitimate players away from the site. Until management decides to strongly address these issues and remove offenders rapidly, I will continue to call out any players who appear to be involved in any of these practices.
02-04-2019 , 01:53 AM
poker annye, 150$ era lo que tenia ganados en BUP, en casi 2 meses jugando, entre comillas porque nunca llego ni 1 $ a mi cuenta, solo suspendieron sin respuesta. Lo pueden tomar como quieran pero me puedo sentar a jugar contigo 1 a 1 y si te gano vas a decir que es trampa, así como llegaron a decir que mi cuenta era un bot por mi forma de juego. Educación existe gratuita y privada, pero tu en lo personal cuanto gasta mensual (Gastos comida, servicios, transporte, alquiler, entre otros), ahora multiplica por varios meses. Para que entiendas los 150$ si hubiesen llegado a mi cuenta fueran sido de gran ayuda y los había ganado. Lo de la IP es algo absurdo, muchas de las paginas de juegos de poker mas nombradas en el mundo lo permiten solo que te piden verificación de usuario y rotación las mesas para evitar algún caso de trampa, pero aquí no se puede porque de las 1000 cuentas de usuario solo juegan 8 y van a seguir siendo los mismos 8 de siempre si la pagina sigue así. "Al menos de que solo sea un club de amigos"

Consejo: consigan mas referencias, mas dinámica de juego, mayor rivalidad, aprendizaje de juego, mas ganancias tanto para la pagina como para el usuario que gane, y por ultimo pero muy importante aceptar cuando se gana y cuando se pierde.


Edit/MH: Google translation:

poker annye, $ 150 was what I had won in BUP, in almost 2 months playing, in quotes because I never got $ 1 to my account, only suspended without an answer. They can take it as they want but I can sit down to play with you 1 to 1 and if I win you will say that it is cheating, just as they came to say that my account was a bot because of my way of playing. Education is free and private, but you personally spend monthly (food, services, transportation, rent, among others), now multiply by several months. In order for you to understand the $ 150 if they had reached my account they were of great help and I had won them. The IP is something absurd, many of the most famous poker game sites in the world only allow you to ask for user verification and rotation tables to avoid a trap, but here you can not because of the 1000 User accounts only play 8 and they will remain the same 8 as always if the page continues like this. "At least it's just a friend's club"

Tip: get more references, more game dynamics, more rivalry, game learning, more gains for both the page and the user who wins, and finally but very important to accept when you win and when you lose.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-04-2019 at 07:50 AM.
02-04-2019 , 02:10 AM
Levelpoker, I don't speak or understand Spanish, so your post is meaningless to me. Since you've always translated your previous posts into English, I don't understand why you chose to write this one which you specifically addressed to me, in a language that I feel sure you knew I would not understand. Perhaps you don't really care whether I know what you said or not, so it must have been written for all your Spanish speaking friends rather than to me. I find that extremely rude.

Last edited by PokerAnnie32; 02-04-2019 at 02:20 AM.
02-04-2019 , 12:31 PM
Thanks, Mike. I don't use Google translate much, because it translates literally rather than conversationally, Often the translations aren't much more understandable than the original.

Last edited by PokerAnnie32; 02-04-2019 at 12:49 PM.
02-04-2019 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by levelpoker
poker annye, 150$ era lo que tenia ganados en BUP, en casi 2 meses jugando, entre comillas porque nunca llego ni 1 $ a mi cuenta, solo suspendieron sin respuesta. Lo pueden tomar como quieran pero me puedo sentar a jugar contigo 1 a 1 y si te gano vas a decir que es trampa, así como llegaron a decir que mi cuenta era un bot por mi forma de juego. Educación existe gratuita y privada, pero tu en lo personal cuanto gasta mensual (Gastos comida, servicios, transporte, alquiler, entre otros), ahora multiplica por varios meses. Para que entiendas los 150$ si hubiesen llegado a mi cuenta fueran sido de gran ayuda y los había ganado. Lo de la IP es algo absurdo, muchas de las paginas de juegos de poker mas nombradas en el mundo lo permiten solo que te piden verificación de usuario y rotación las mesas para evitar algún caso de trampa, pero aquí no se puede porque de las 1000 cuentas de usuario solo juegan 8 y van a seguir siendo los mismos 8 de siempre si la pagina sigue así. "Al menos de que solo sea un club de amigos"

Consejo: consigan mas referencias, mas dinámica de juego, mayor rivalidad, aprendizaje de juego, mas ganancias tanto para la pagina como para el usuario que gane, y por ultimo pero muy importante aceptar cuando se gana y cuando se pierde.


Edit/MH: Google translation:

poker annye, $ 150 was what I had won in BUP, in almost 2 months playing, in quotes because I never got $ 1 to my account, only suspended without an answer. They can take it as they want but I can sit down to play with you 1 to 1 and if I win you will say that it is cheating, just as they came to say that my account was a bot because of my way of playing. Education is free and private, but you personally spend monthly (food, services, transportation, rent, among others), now multiply by several months. In order for you to understand the $ 150 if they had reached my account they were of great help and I had won them. The IP is something absurd, many of the most famous poker game sites in the world only allow you to ask for user verification and rotation tables to avoid a trap, but here you can not because of the 1000 User accounts only play 8 and they will remain the same 8 as always if the page continues like this. "At least it's just a friend's club"

Tip: get more references, more game dynamics, more rivalry, game learning, more gains for both the page and the user who wins, and finally but very important to accept when you win and when you lose.
Bottom line: you are a cheater. End of story.
