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12-07-2020 , 07:21 PM
Like I literally just mentioned, it's not "when both sides agree". They've repeatedly stated January 20th.
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12-07-2020 , 07:24 PM
That's actually a really interesting infographic, i'm honestly surprised that there are two machine counts with that big of a differential. I wonder if it's a different amount of net ballots being counted, or if it's the same number with different results? I'm betting the former.
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12-07-2020 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Pollce State
I'm not listening to anything you said, you are doing the same pandering to a narcissistic, sweaty orange that anyone else who says CERTIFIED RESULTS are not a win. WPN isn't saying 12th amendment or whatever crackpot horseshit that has zero chance of occuring you're screaming repeatedly. WPN is saying they won't pay until that fat **** concedes. Which he'll never do, in part because of your kind of stupid.
You won't listen to anyone. It's a common trait with those that have an Uncle Daddy.

No, I imagine WPN isn't saying any of that. They probably just say the winner of the election. Seeing that you suffer from cranio-fecal syndrome, you'll never grasp what a contested election means either.

Go back to Club Penguin and calm down, when the election is official and Biden ends up as the winner you can get paid and get that new Bieber poster you have your eye on.
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12-07-2020 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Smokey_The_Bear
Like I literally just mentioned, it's not "when both sides agree". They've repeatedly stated January 20th.
"I know you're eager to have this graded, and we absolutely want to settle the US election bets as soon as possible. As you may know, even though the outcome has been declared official, there is uncertainty over whether there will be possible legal challenges moving forward. We apologize for the wait, but we just need to be 100% certain that the outcome has been accepted by both sides before we can settle these wagers. Depending on the circumstances this could be happening the latest after inauguration day.

These are the exact words from WPN.

Now speak mango sycophants. Speak to me about how even this is standard somehow.
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12-08-2020 , 12:18 AM
Hey bobo, why did I get banned for 3 days for no reason because I posted a FACT in the politics thread yet there is people (including you) talking about things that aren’t proven and are on fact, fake news? Quite the double standard and it’s appalling that only 1 side of a conversation is allowed to be had on 2+2 now. Looking forward to speaking with Mason about this nonsense. You guys are allowed to think and believe whatever you want but you should NOT be allowed to dictate the conversation. Your job is supposed to be keeping people civil, not suppressing conversations.

Had the same thing happened during pot ripper do you think he ever would have been figured out? You’re my favorite mod in the forum, I’m quite disappointed.(you didn’t ban me but you were piling on both here and there with your OPINION)

This is the WPN thread, btw, not the orange man bad thread. You can find endless options for that in politics forum. Anyone that thinks WPN should have paid already is completely clueless. You will not and should not be paid until January 20th. Just because Bovada was dumb enough to doesn’t mean WPN should. There is pending litigation which is a long shot, but every single person in this forum has been 1 outed calm down.
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12-08-2020 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by DonWon
You're a moron. They don't cast votes until DEC 14th.

Just so you know, WPN does not run the SB, they outsource to a real sports bookie.
Very unlikely this ends the 14th. January 6th is the date we’ll find out what’s actually going on and it will be a fight up until noon Jan 20th.

Time to tell this Police dude to “move on”, bobo. He’s blasted this thread all weekend crying like anyone from WPN is going to read it or GAF.
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12-08-2020 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
Very unlikely this ends the 14th. January 6th is the date we’ll find out what’s actually going on and it will be a fight up until noon Jan 20th.

Time to tell this Police dude to “move on”, bobo. He’s blasted this thread all weekend crying like anyone from WPN is going to read it or GAF.
Phil Nagy ruined his kids Christmas though...
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12-08-2020 , 12:34 AM
BTw, a few of you have absolutely no understanding of the United States constitution and it shows. Maybe waste less time crying on the Internet and go read it, you may learn something about how elections in the United States work and what is and isn’t legal to do. (Hint Orange Man is 100% following the rules set forth in the US constitution whether you like it or not)
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12-08-2020 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by JustMarty
Phil Nagy ruined his kids Christmas though...
got a real life LOL out of me.
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12-08-2020 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
BTw, a few of you have absolutely no understanding of the United States constitution and it shows. Maybe waste less time crying on the Internet and go read it, you may learn something about how elections in the United States work and what is and isn’t legal to do. (Hint Orange Man is 100% following the rules set forth in the US constitution whether you like it or not)
Orange man has the right to do whatever he wants to, but it doesn't change facts, or make his chances any less of an extreme long shot.

WPN also are completely within their rights to not pay yet, but the chances are undoubtedly slim of any other outcome then Biden being sworn in on January 20th. That's why people are frustrated, and they also have the right to be
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12-08-2020 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
Orange man has the right to do whatever he wants to, but it doesn't change facts, or make his chances any less of an extreme long shot.

WPN also are completely within their rights to not pay yet, but the chances are undoubtedly slim of any other outcome then Biden being sworn in on January 20th. That's why people are frustrated, and they also have the right to be
It’s definitely a long shot, but you don’t expect to be paid for a bet when an NBA team is up 12 with a minute left. No matter how any of us feel about it this ends in the Supreme Court and slim or not, he’s not drawing dead. I’m optimistic and quite informed about the entirety of what’s going on and am not dumb enough to think he has more than 10% no matter if he’s right or not. He could be both right and lose and wrong and win.

Both sides are trying to scream they’re right and the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. The right die hard trumpers thinking it’s a lock are stupid and the left hardcore “HE’S STAGING A COUP!!” are equally stupid.(probably more tbh)

Last edited by OneShotToLive; 12-08-2020 at 01:18 AM.
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12-08-2020 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
It’s definitely a long shot, but you don’t expect to be paid for a bet when an NBA team is up 12 with a minute left. No matter how any of us feel about it this ends in the Supreme Court and slim or not, he’s not drawing dead. I’m optimistic and quite informed about the entirety of what’s going on and am not dumb enough to think he has more than 10% no matter if he’s right or not. He could be both right and lose and wrong and win.

Both sides are trying to scream they’re right and the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. The right die hard trumpers thinking it’s a lock are stupid and the left hardcore “HE’S STAGING A COUP!!” are equally stupid.(probably more tbh)
PredictIt are still taking bets. According to them orange man is on the river with a gut shot and a high card. Long shot, but still in play.
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12-08-2020 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by NoControl
Thank you! I figured as much. The HU hyper plo bots were absolutely insane. The regular speed HU NL ones were definitely beatable. Oh well, back to BOL I guess.

On a side note: this thread has totally turned into a thinly veiled politard of the lowest order. Don't know where the mods are looking.

Also: Associated Press may call the election but they do not decide who the president is when it's being disputed. Therefore no bets should be paid out until it's 100% certain. Some of you are probably too selfish to realize that people who bet on Trump would be getting stiffed if he ends up pulling a rabbit out of the hat and WPN may be on the hook for both sides of the bet if they pay the Biden bets right now.

I don't think much else needs to be said on this subject until January.

And if you managed to get your whole roll tied up in this predictable mess then you lost even before the election. BR management 101.
Just a reminder that the issue is WPN stating they will not pay out until both sides agree on the result. The bet (Mine) itself says

"Party to Win The Michigan Electoral Vote in 2020 USA Presidential Election?"

"Will Donald Trump Be The Next President Elected - 2020 US Election? - No -160 - (Yes vrs No)"

WPN has changed the rules as to what constitutes a victory. Bovada, among others, has paid. Keep that in mind when you choose where to bet.

All noise about BR management, Santa Clause, my imaginary child they made up to stroke eo off, wild constitutional claims, the mods being mean to them, etc. is screaming into the void.
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12-08-2020 , 02:23 AM
What part of until January 6th no one has any actual electoral college votes and there is litigation in every single swing state, much of which ends up in the Trump favorable Supreme Court don’t you understand? Go away, 99% of us don’t care and 100% of us can’t help you. Bovada was dumb to pay out and it would be hilarious to see them get torched for millions of dollars having to pay both sides.

As suggested earlier, while not spamming this thread feel free to read through the constitution and learn how American Elections actually work.
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12-08-2020 , 02:47 AM
This thread was way more fun when we complained about bots and made fun of Phil Nagy
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12-08-2020 , 03:32 AM
I think some of you guys are missing each other with your points, so I'll see if I can help. But of course I could be missing the point as well. Let's see how I do.

I think Police State is complaining about two things here, one that is legitimate, and one that isn't. As I've said before, I think the whole "it's over, they should pay argument" doesn't hold a lot of water. Nothing official has actually happened yet. Most states have certified, including all of the important ones, but some still haven't. To my mind, that's the first date you could think about as a possibility of an "official" date. But if you're going to wait until then, you might as well wait a few more days for the Electoral College vote next week. That, to my mind, would make the most sense. The other dates one could point to would be January 6 when Congress counts the votes, and then Inauguration Day.

The complaint I think many are missing is that PS claims to be getting answers back from WPN that the bets will be paid when theirs a concession/the candidates agree on the result. If that's truly what he's being told, I think he's got very legitimate reason to complain. That could actually never happen - there is no legislative or constitutional requirement for Trump to concede, and a transition doesn't depend on it.

PS, what I think you've been missing with your latest rants/name calling is that the vast majority of people disagreeing with you have given zero indication that they want Trump to win, and I think quite a few people have stated the opposite. We can think Trump will lose, want Trump to lose, but still disagree with you that the election is officially over.

Now, if this discussion continues, it would be great if we could dial back the personal attacks. I'm going to delete a couple of the insulting posts now.
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12-08-2020 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
Hey bobo, why did I get banned for 3 days for no reason because I posted a FACT in the politics thread yet there is people (including you) talking about things that aren’t proven and are on fact, fake news? Quite the double standard and it’s appalling that only 1 side of a conversation is allowed to be had on 2+2 now. Looking forward to speaking with Mason about this nonsense. You guys are allowed to think and believe whatever you want but you should NOT be allowed to dictate the conversation. Your job is supposed to be keeping people civil, not suppressing conversations.
I'm so puzzled why you decided to drop into a thread in Internet Poker to complain to me specifically about a Politics modding decision that I had nothing to do with. And I never post anything I know of to be "fake news" (unless it was an obvious joke), so feel free to point that out in the appropriate thread.

Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
Had the same thing happened during pot ripper do you think he ever would have been figured out? You’re my favorite mod in the forum, I’m quite disappointed.(you didn’t ban me but you were piling on both here and there with your OPINION)
Thanks, I think. But I don't know what you mean about "piling on". We were having what I thought was a civil discussion in the Politics forum. And in this thread, I don't recall us having any recent conversation.

Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
You will not and should not be paid until January 20th. Just because Bovada was dumb enough to doesn’t mean WPN should. There is pending litigation which is a long shot, but every single person in this forum has been 1 outed calm down.
I mostly agree, with one small caveat - they should pay whenever the bet is over according to their conditions. It sounds like they may not have any clear conditions on this, which was a mistake, and in that case it likely will have to wait until inauguration day. But I think if they, for example, made it clear when taking bets that the winner would be the winner of the Electoral College vote, that would be fine. Then, if there was some bizarre turn of events after the EC vote, it wouldn't matter - bet is done already. As it sits now, if they pay out after the EC vote and something happened afterwards, they have a problem. No matter how remote the chance of that might be, why would they risk it if they don't need to? I'm with you there.

Originally Posted by OneShotToLive
Time to tell this Police dude to “move on”, bobo. He’s blasted this thread all weekend crying like anyone from WPN is going to read it or GAF.
Agreed. So the way to go is to report the problematic posts, and then have a little patience. But when you report a post, and then continue arguing with him, and then report more posts, it makes things a little more difficult on our end.

Endless crying about election vote yet for some reason you guys let it go on because you agree with him.
From your first post report, and I really don't understand it. First of all, the fact that a derail exists doesn't mean anyone has "let it go on". A lot of the time, like in this case, mods aren't even aware of it. I mean, obviously I was aware of the discussion as I was part of it earlier, but this recent explosion I hadn't seen until your report (and thanks for that, BTW). And I really don't know where "because you agree with him" is coming from. I've been disagreeing with him since the first moment he posted about this. As have pretty much all the other people you've been arguing with, aside from Police State himself. Most of us are in agreement that he shouldn't have been paid yet, or at the very least that WPN is within their rights not to have paid him.
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12-08-2020 , 05:00 AM

Nobody here is gonna make a bet where Trump has to concede in order for it to be official. Nobody is gonna make a bet period that requires both sides to accept the results. The bet had nothing to do with concessions. WPN states directly that is the reason they are not paying.

I'm here to let people know WPN changed the terms of the bet and was denying payment based on one tangerine man's ego. That's wholesale unacceptable. Others, including Bovada, have paid. WPN lost my business forever and I hope to cost them others because I don't like my money being ****ed with.

If ANY of this bothers you, my dinner invitation is forever open.
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12-08-2020 , 05:27 AM
Ugh. Well, I wouldn't be happy either.


Originally Posted by Pollce State
I'm here to let people know WPN changed the terms of the bet and was denying payment based on one tangerine man's ego.
Do you have clear terms that show when the bet was to be paid?
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12-08-2020 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Ugh. Well, I wouldn't be happy either.


Do you have clear terms that show when the bet was to be paid?

The smaller bets underneath are the same.
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12-08-2020 , 05:47 AM
WPN literally has no say in the matter, and I can guarantee you're getting copy pasta responses from WPN support. WPN has nothing to do with the sports betting side, again. You're betting on Bookmaker via a WPN link.

I've got a ton of money sitting on the exact same bets, i've followed up on this pretty thoroughly. You don't have to listen to me i guess, at this point i think you just want to rant.
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12-08-2020 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Smokey_The_Bear
WPN literally has no say in the matter, and I can guarantee you're getting copy pasta responses from WPN support. WPN has nothing to do with the sports betting side, again. You're betting on Bookmaker via a WPN link.

I've got a ton of money sitting on the exact same bets, i've followed up on this pretty thoroughly. You don't have to listen to me i guess, at this point i think you just want to rant.
I wouldn't know, WPN has it under their "Sports Section" on their software, with no indication it isn't them. Regardless, they are at the least promoting it and I hope to let people know they changed the rules after I bet.
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12-08-2020 , 05:56 AM
What do you mean they changed the rules? That's news to me. The response you got from WPN support does not constitute a rule change... lol. They're notoriously terrible at english, and they're clearly not "waiting til both parties agree". Your response even with the bad wording tells you, "at the latest inauguration day".

Look man I would really like to get paid earlier as well. Trump is not even 1% chance we all know that. But even if it's .01% or something, they don't have much to lose by waiting until it's confirmed. At least try and see it from their side. They're not getting out of paying the bet they're still paying us.
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12-08-2020 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by Smokey_The_Bear
What do you mean they changed the rules? That's news to me. The response you got from WPN support does not constitute a rule change... lol. They're notoriously terrible at english, and they're clearly not "waiting til both parties agree". Your response even with the bad wording tells you, "at the latest inauguration day".

Look man I would really like to get paid earlier as well. Trump is not even 1% chance we all know that. But even if it's .01% or something, they don't have much to lose by waiting until it's confirmed. At least try and see it from their side. They're not getting out of paying the bet they're still paying us.
"we just need to be 100% certain that the outcome has been accepted by both sides before we can settle these wagers" is not ambiguous.

Had the bet been "According to both sides, which party won MI electors" I wouldn't have placed that bet. Had the bet been "Both sides agree which party won the presidency." I wouldn't have placed that bet. Cause that's batshit. Both sides doesn't even identify who the **** they mean. Nowhere on the bets is "both sides need to agree" stated. They absolutely changed the terms of the bet.

Disagree all you want, I'm here to do whatever miniscule damage I can do to their reputation and bottom line because they ****ed with my money and acted in bad faith.
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12-08-2020 , 06:15 AM
Lol okay. Good luck with that.
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