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Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED

07-29-2011 , 03:06 AM
Wow...what a ****ing joke. After months of this BS, OP should've been getting full amount + damages for the BS, waste of time, legal advice expenses, etc...

Given the NDA, he clearly didn't get paid anywhere close to the full amount.
I would strongly advise anyone who has money on cake that they wouldn't burn for fun to withdraw their BR immediatly and let the site die a slow and well deserved death.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-29-2011 at 03:26 AM.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by FChopin

Have 10k looking to put on a site, which will clearly never be going to Cake.

Glad it was resolved to your satisfaction LimitBoss.
I sincerely doubt it was.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by YoureToast
An update:
I undertook representation of OP a couple of weeks ago. As some have rightly speculated, I asked OP not to comment anymore on the thread for the time being.

To answer a couple of questions I know some of you have, no, the matter has not been resolved and no, OP has not signed an NDA. We are in the process of working with Cake management on the matter.

Please do not ask OP or I any questions as we will not respond. Rest assured, when we have more information to report, we will report it here.

Thanks for your understanding.
Originally Posted by YoureToast

As an update to this matter, I am pleased to report that LimitBoss's dispute with Cake Poker has been resolved to his satisfaction. Although this has been a difficult and complex process that included certain issues that have not been made public, Cake Poker has acted in an extremely professional manner in handling this and we are satisfied not only with the result but with the manner and the speed with which it has been handled. Although I'm sure many of you will have questions, unfortunately, we will not be able to answer them due to confidentiality reasons.

Thank you.

(Just a few tldr speculative personal thoughts and comments.)

It appears likely that LimitBOSS did have to sign the NDA, after all. The statement that, "... we will not be able to answer them due to confidentiality reasons", doesn't seem to be a reasonable follow-up to, "... when we have more information to report, we will report it here", unless an NDA was signed. I would have thought that a great deal more, and far more specific, information could be given by LimitBOSS, (perhaps not by his lawyer, admittedly, who has his own confidentiality commitments to his client), without the restrictions of an NDA being in force.

Even though we are not privy to what was said behind closed doors, the statement of, "... Cake Poker has acted in an extremely professional manner in handling this and we are satisfied not only with the result but with the manner and the speed with which it has been handled", does not seem to me to be an opinion shared by any single one of the many hundreds of interested followers of this thread.

The trouble is that once lawyers become involved in a case on both sides, basically, their respective clients believe they call all the shots and they think it would be churlish of them to step outside the realm of the professional advice for which they have paid. Almost invariably, lawyers' advice to their clients includes the advice that they should not reveal details about negotiations and conclusions. Cynics might think this is to maintain the mystery of such negotiations, which, very often, are no more than a sensible and constructed conversation that any of us could have with another, if the single aim on both sides is to come to a mutually agreed conclusion that benefits both parties financially, when the perceived "threat" and obvious concern of high, full-blown Court costs, (that could result in one party paying not only the amount in dispute, but also the full legal costs of the other), is removed.

I cannot imagine that CakePoker, a large organisation, will reveal any details of the end result. The owner, owners or Directors will take the advice of their lawyers and simply stay quiet, or else, at most, repeat
something like YoureToast's professional but neutral words. No Customer Service Department in any major business would ever take it upon themselves to make a detailed statement about such a matter as this without the very highest level possible of authorisation within the company being given.

The best we can hope for is that LimitBOSS did not sign an NDA, and that he asks YoureToast if he can, without realistic risk of legal recourse being taken against him, reveal the result under his, (or "a friend's"), anonymous username in these anonymous forums. Unfortunately, (from our perspective), YoureToast is probably dutybound to tell him there is almost always some risk in anything we say or do. Whether it would be a level of risk that LimitBOSS would be prepared to take is up to him. (Lawyers seem to have a way of telling people about potential risk, however negligible, that would make you start to wonder if it's even safe to cross the road. From a lawyer's point of view, he knows that he might be sued for professional negligence if he told a client it was safe to cross the road, and that person was then run over by an old lady on a bicycle.)

Last but not least, I doubt if I would reveal the results if I was in LimitBOSS's shoes and had not yet received my money, cleared, in my private bank account. After that time, if I had not signed an NDA, I would find a way, direct or indirect, to tell my forum peers who had supported me so strongly throughout this entire period of consternation.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 03:50 AM
It seems pretty clear that if limitboss was completely satisfied, and noy just under NDA satisfied, Cake poker would urge him to spread that news here and would likely do the same themselves.
That textbook legal statement on how they are fully satisfied and happy with Cake's speed of dealing with all this etc makes it clear that this is an agreed statement as part of the NDA.
If OP got anything close to 60k even Cake's lawyers and mangement would've wanted it clearly mentioned here, since that would've been in their best interest. There is no way they do not recognise that.
So it seems a bit naive to belief OP got a good result to his satisfaction based on such an over the top legal statement, which he was clearly bound to report. His lawyer most likely adviced him to settle for quite less and be done with it.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 06:38 AM
I'm cynical enough to suspect the OP and/or his lawyer offered to make that statement as part of the deal negotiations, and worded it in such a way as to arouse suspicion among those of us who've followed the thread and have seen evidence of the "extremely professional manner and speed" with which Cake handled this.

I hope I'm wrong and OP actually got an apology and the full value of his winnings to his bank account.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by d3 fact0

Inability to say how much he got shows he didn't get it.

Glad for OP he got something back, but this resolution only makes things worse for cake IMO.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 07:29 AM
As far as the thread title change is concerned, should this not better be "Resolved, with an unknown outcome." Generally where I see threads where an issue is resolved I have the feeling the site has done the right thing. It's pretty hard to get that understanding here.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
As far as the thread title change is concerned, should this not better be "Resolved, with an unknown outcome." Generally where I see threads where an issue is resolved I have the feeling the site has done the right thing. It's pretty hard to get that understanding here.
Who knows if it was really resolved all around either. There were other players that won money in this case that had it confiscated as well. Since the amounts were less than the OP's I doubt they bothered with a lawyer or had their cases lumped in here. IMO its not resolved unless we here some statements from Cake that are confirmed to be true.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 12:42 PM
I think title edit is misleading and the mod(s) should change to: UPDATE: SETTLED
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
As far as the thread title change is concerned, should this not better be "Resolved, with an unknown outcome." Generally where I see threads where an issue is resolved I have the feeling the site has done the right thing. It's pretty hard to get that understanding here.
Should have looked up a few posts before I made mine. Sorry.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 12:50 PM

Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-29-2011 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Should have looked up a few posts before I made mine. Sorry.
No problem, yours did the trick.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 10:37 AM
Does any one know if limitboss is still playing on cake?

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Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 02:07 PM
Still can't believe Cake. I hope that this thread is never forgotten. The fact that they paid OP a single cent at all is proof that he earned that money fairly.

Cake need to take FULL responisibilty for their own screw-ups. If they're not willing to do that now, then why should any of us believe that they will do that in the future. How can anyone ever again be certain that money won at cake is even real. Ridiculous. Cake is now officially a shambles and a joke.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Last but not least, I doubt if I would reveal the results if I was in LimitBOSS's shoes and had not yet received my money, cleared, in my private bank account. After that time, if I had not signed an NDA, I would find a way, direct or indirect, to tell my forum peers who had supported me so strongly throughout this entire period of consternation.
I was thinking exactly along the same lines. Assuming, OP is in the payout line w/ every other schmuck ignorant or naive enough to have played on Cake skin in the 1st place, it would most certainly be foolish of him to reveal anything at this point while POS Cake is still holding his $$$ hostage. So to the rest of the thread followers, it will be at least 2 months before we have a chance to hear anything from OP, as that seems to be the min. amount of time to actually get your cashout from Cake. Once he gets his monies, hopefully he'll do the right thing by us and anonymously come back to this thread and give us a proper update.

Though I must say, if I was OP's lawyer, I would have at least negotiated an immediate wire transfer as part of the settlement agreement. Not only is time money, but who knows if Cake will actually still be around in 2 months!
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Parky 32

Anyhows, I never played cake. If they were the last skin/site left I still wouldn't play. The damage is done and not knowing the official payment made back to OP still reeks of the smell which was on page 1 when all of this came to light.

GG Cake.
Same here. I am very happy that OP did get some funds, but unless he was paid 100% of what he was RIGHTFULLY owed, I have zero confidence in the Cake Poker Industry.

I have never played on Cake, nor will I ever. Slow cashouts, plus this nonsense where OP did NOTHING wrong, but was made to go through all of these hoops to just get a percentage of what he should have does not speak well for the mentality of this poker site.

Glad to see " resolution " but screw you Cake Poker. The damage has been done and hopefully many players learn about this fiasco, one which YOU created by the way and tried to shift the blame on a player who put his confidence in you, you do not deserve much patronage, let alone mine.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
As far as the thread title change is concerned, should this not better be "Resolved, with an unknown outcome." Generally where I see threads where an issue is resolved I have the feeling the site has done the right thing. It's pretty hard to get that understanding here.

If you going to use "resolved" in the thread title, at least add "no details" or something like that. Remember we still want to hurt Cake, via the search engine results, aimed at their potential customers! B/c at the end of the day it's still a shady POS company!
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
I wasn't trying to argue this point, and I don't really agree that chips are just like currency. My statement was that if you win chips fairly in a proper casino game, the casino can't just take them away from you and not pay you for them. I'm fairly certain that doing so violates the laws in Nevada and New Jersey.

Certainly there are scenarios where you have possession of chips without being entitled to cash them in. What if you just hit an old lady over the head at the table and took her chips? Once you get out of jail should you then be allowed to cash in the chips? No, they will take them from you while arresting you. That's an extreme example I know, but just showing it isn't equivalent to my point.

Perhaps a better example would be if someone who stole the chips then dumped them to you at the table deliberately and in collusion with you, to launder them. You aren't entitled to cash those chips in either.

what if someone hit an old lady on the head... robbed her chips upstairs.. came downstairs and played poker and then that person won $500... the casino comes down and finds the person... what happens? who gets the winning $$$

another situation, what if guy hits old lady upstairs, goes downstairs loses it all playing poker vs you before security gets him then old lady wants her $$$ back... whose entitled to give it to her? ................
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by YoureToast

As an update to this matter, I am pleased to report that LimitBoss's dispute with Cake Poker has been resolved to his satisfaction. Although this has been a difficult and complex process that included certain issues that have not been made public, Cake Poker has acted in an extremely professional manner in handling this and we are satisfied not only with the result but with the manner and the speed with which it has been handled. Although I'm sure many of you will have questions, unfortunately, we will not be able to answer them due to confidentiality reasons.

Thank you.

i called this reply from the OP and his team. I mean, no1 should believe this at all i mean, its obvious they WERENT professional, how can he tell us they were? then we also dont know how much OP received back? we'll never know the truth because they are forced to keep quite, and forced to say things to make cake look good, how depressing
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
I think title edit is misleading and the mod(s) should change to: UPDATE: SETTLED
I like settled better.

Resolved implies it worked out and OP got everything he deserved.

Settled leaves that much more open.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-30-2011 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by YoureToast

As an update to this matter, I am pleased to report that LimitBoss's dispute with Cake Poker has been resolved to his satisfaction. Although this has been a difficult and complex process that included certain issues that have not been made public, Cake Poker has acted in an extremely professional manner in handling this and we are satisfied not only with the result but with the manner and the speed with which it has been handled. Although I'm sure many of you will have questions, unfortunately, we will not be able to answer them due to confidentiality reasons.

Thank you.
Without a comment from Cake I don't think this changes anything. Surely this statement was a condition of any payment. It seems clear to me that LimitBOSS was not paid out the full amount owed him otherwise it would be in Cake's interest to have that known. I will never play there and I'll give anyone that asks me the same advice.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-31-2011 , 03:14 PM
Why is this not on page 1? RIP Cake, site sucks, software sucks, this just tops the cake
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-31-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by terp
quoting this just to point out that their settlement agreement 100% stipulated they make such a statement

the fact this was handled privately and not resolved publicly with full restitution means cake poker is a joke

This statement was likely specified verbatim in the settlement agreement signed by Cake Poker and LimitBoss.

The reason that the terms of the settlement are secret are clearly that Cake doesn't want the exact amount paid to be public, which pretty clearly means that LimitBoss did not get the full $60,000. If they gave him the $60,000, they would look pretty bad. By keeping it secret, they look even worse. Whatever amount it is, they made the calculation that people would assume that LimitBoss got more and that the damage to their brand was less than whatever it would be if they had made the amount public.

I'm glad that LimitBoss got paid a portion of what was owed to him and I don't fault him for taking a deal. However, Cake is still clearly a joke and there is no way I will ever deposit on that network.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-31-2011 , 04:21 PM
itd b nice if we also knew if the $$ was credited back into his poker account, or real bank account... i think thats big info too
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
07-31-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
The trouble is that once lawyers become involved in a case on both sides, basically, their respective clients believe they call all the shots and they think it would be churlish of them to step outside the realm of the professional advice for which they have paid. Almost invariably, lawyers' advice to their clients includes the advice that they should not reveal details about negotiations and conclusions.
As an attorney, I have to disagree with this a little. Individuals in a situation like this may very well rely heavily on their attorney's advice. An organization that likely deals with its attorneys on a regular basis will listen to its attorneys' advise, but will ultimately call the shots on whether other considerations justify taking a course of action with a higher legal risk. (If Cake always listened to what their attorneys told them was the lowest risk course of action, they certainly wouldn't be letting US players play on their network.)

In many cases, it would be in the client's best interests to keep the results of the settlement confidential. In this case, if Limitboss was paid in full, it most clearly would not be in Cake's interest to keep this secret - disclosing a settlement involving payment in full would mitigate some of the damage done to Cake's reputation, with very little downside for Cake. If that were the case, Cake would issue a statement describing the resolution of the matter. That statement would certainly have been prepared and reviewed with great care by both Cake's public relations advisors and its legal advisors, but there would be a statement. I would go so far as to say that they would have required Limitboss to expressly consent to such a statement in whatever settlement agreement was signed.

Since there has been no public statement by Cake and Cake has contractually bound Limitboss to keep the matter confidential, it is fairly clear that Cake has determined that the secrecy is in its best interests. The only logical scenario where secrecy is in the best interest of Cake is one in which Limitboss received less than the full amount.

In fact, the only case where if makes sense for Cake to want to keep the settlement as secret is if they calculate that the amount paid is less than what the poker community would on average guess in the face of silence. Accordingly, I suspect that Limitboss received substantially less than the full amount.
Won 000 / 000 off a guy on Cake Poker / CakePoker takes my funds! UPDATE: SETTLED Quote
