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What's happening at Ongame? What's happening at Ongame?

05-12-2010 , 07:33 PM
Wow, that's pretty sick man, re: writing down everything. Way to go, haha.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-12-2010 , 08:40 PM
My system involves paper, HEM, and sharkscope as a last resort.
Paper for writing down my initial balance and points to complete a bonus before session starts. At the end of session, compare everything to HEM, account balance and paper.
If theres missing funds I just take note of it and if its still gone when my next session starts then thats the time I talk to reps. But it has never happened where I didnt get my funds back.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-13-2010 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by ronmar
My system involves paper, HEM, and sharkscope as a last resort.
Paper for writing down my initial balance and points to complete a bonus before session starts. At the end of session, compare everything to HEM, account balance and paper.
If theres missing funds I just take note of it and if its still gone when my next session starts then thats the time I talk to reps. But it has never happened where I didnt get my funds back.
It's never happened that you got the funds back without talking to the reps? or has it been necessary to talk to the reps?
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-13-2010 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
It's never happened that you got the funds back without talking to the reps? or has it been necessary to talk to the reps?
As far as I can remember the funds were always back before I got worried enough to talk to the reps.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-14-2010 , 06:16 AM
Indeed, no need to worry, no one is stealing your money...
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-14-2010 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Furo86
Indeed, no need to worry, no one is stealing your money...
Hard to tell if this post is serious or not. I think most regs' concerns would be software bugs rather than outright theft on Ongame's part.

Thanks ronmar, I'll won't worry too much then.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-14-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Hard to tell if this post is serious or not. I think most regs' concerns would be software bugs rather than outright theft on Ongame's part.

Thanks ronmar, I'll won't worry too much then.
just keep on tracking so you know how much to expect
and in some cases they gave me more than expected. Im not sure if it was a freebie for the inconvenience or somethings wrong with my records
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-14-2010 , 02:30 PM
Look I am not worried about myself, currently I get about 600-700 more per month compared to what I should be getting via value back program which is allready a plus.
Then I get paid a little bit extra for rake race as well, so even if I end up 200 down on whats missing who cares, right.
But the nit in me gets annoyed.
And looking from perspective of ongame its terrible.
Even if everyone else but me gets reimbursed fully, not the case at all, but still, most novice players are horrified when they realize money is missing.
Sometimes when it happens, chat comes in every second with people cursing ongame.
Now that can not be good.

What most grinders dont understand is, one of us being down 1k for money missing is annoyance, for recreational player being down winnings of last session is the end of this evenings fun, cause guess what, thats his BR.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-14-2010 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Hard to tell if this post is serious or not. I think most regs' concerns would be software bugs rather than outright theft on Ongame's part.

Thanks ronmar, I'll won't worry too much then.
I`m an ongame reg for a few years now and I always (!) received the missing buyins automatically within 24 hours. It`s annoying indeed but it`s not that they are stealing your money
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 09:28 AM
We got prettier tables, anything else changed?
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rebel inc.
We got prettier tables, anything else changed?
I see the idiots changed the table layout so that the most upper player bet is behind the total pot amount and I already made one mistake when looking that player bet!! What they can do properly???

Last edited by SYJ; 05-19-2010 at 01:59 PM.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 01:45 PM
WTF? Your client has been a steaming pile of s**t for a year now, and now you push a update... which is visual modifications and new bugs?!
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 01:48 PM
Well ongame gets B for trying really hard, A for artistic value and you guys judge the rest, oh wait you allready did that
Seriously If you ever ask yourself why we get all those bonuses, I think we deserve it.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by SYJ
I see the idiots changed the table layout so that the most upper player bet is behind the total pot amount and I already made one mistake when looking that player bet!!
Luckily enough that particular problem can be easily solved by modifying their software further yourself.
I opened one of those nano-stakes-tables to get a picture of a good ol limp-fest that illustrates well how they shoulda positioned chips and betting amount texts originally if they had a clue how to code a poker software:

Originally Posted by SYJ
What they can do properly???
Absolutely nothing. Their coders must be beyond ******ation that's for sure.

Last edited by Pummi81; 05-19-2010 at 03:12 PM.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 04:24 PM
Apparentlu there is a ongame network where only italians can play. I read in a thread that a italian representive went on to complain at the headoffice and had a italian programmer update the softare and had it working decent within days.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 04:28 PM
I realize Ongame is closed to US based players but what about Asian countries, say Singapore or Malaysia?
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 06:21 PM
I quit Ongame for Stars when they killed the software last June, Any improvement? Is it safe to come back?

I miss it
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Baja15
I quit Ongame for Stars when they killed the software last June, Any improvement? Is it safe to come back?

I miss it
improvement, no

safe, more or less

the rest depends on how profitable you are on Stars

This is from SNG mostly player, almost all the way up, cash I see as fun on the side (NL100 at the moment)
I constantly monitor both by playing some proper sessions on Stars every week.

For now I am pretty sure I can make more on Ongame, but its not that wide apart as it used to be.
You have to take a lot into account.
Ongame has higher rake.
It has much smaller player base so you will have to play different levels.
It is impossible to play more then 10 tables and not go mad, actually 8 is about right.
But you get better bonuses and faster turbo structure makes up for lack of tables somewhat.
True some players are terrible and many regs pretty bad but there being no chance of table selecting due to how SNGs now start or how few cash tables often run, you will always bump into some good regs.
If they ever kill VIP bonus program its like insta withdrawal.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by PanchoStern
I realize Ongame is closed to US based players but what about Asian countries, say Singapore or Malaysia?
I'm in Asia

Originally Posted by Rebel inc.
True some players are terrible and many regs pretty bad but there being no chance of table selecting due to how SNGs now start or how few cash tables often run, you will always bump into some good regs.
If they ever kill VIP bonus program its like insta withdrawal.
+1, If they kill the bonus.... stars or FTP will look really pretty for me.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-19-2010 , 09:30 PM
Ongame just made separate txt files for tourney/cash histories.
Anyone having issues?
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-20-2010 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Pummi81
Luckily enough that particular problem can be easily solved by modifying their software further yourself.
Hi, Did you modify some of those xml files to reposition the bet positions??

What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-20-2010 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by SYJ
Hi, Did you modify some of those xml files to reposition the bet positions??

What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-20-2010 , 06:17 AM
Well recent Ongame update freaks me out as well. I just can't see the upper players bet... I've never been a fan of custom skins, but after reading 2+2 forums I've found a solution. Client will appear as usual, but bet will be upper than pot.

First find P5-data.xml in your BWIN directory.
Then open it in any text editor (e.g notepad) and search for "chipPile.amount"
You should find something like <Text align="CENTER" def="tabledefs.prototypes.chipPile.amount" dummyText="$888888" name="amount" outlineColor="0x0" pos="-38,1" scale="1.0" size="79,17" textColor="0xffffff" textType="Medium_13p"/>

and change position of the title: instead of pos="-38,1" you should enter pos="-38,-7"
That's basically it.

But don't try to open BWIN as usually (clicking on shortcut). During start BWIN client will find out that P5-data.xml was changed and download it. So nothing will change.

To start BWIN without update you need to create cmd-file with following content:

start "" /B "C:\Program Files\bwin\bwinPoker.exe" "-dir" "." "-p4compat" "PrePatch.exe" -flashlib "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dl l" -p4compat Patch.exe -lang en -logdir "C:/Documents and Settings/<User name>/Local Settings/Application Data/P5/bwin/logs" -brand "bwin"

"C:/Documents and Settings/<User name>/Local Settings/Application Data/P5/bwin/logs" - it's directory where your BWIN hand history is stored

Then move this cmd-file in "C:\Program Files\bwin\" and run it.
That's all! You'll see the player's bet as before.

P.S. You need to run BWIN as usually sometimes to install new updates so your poker client won't get outdated. After update you could always change the position as described above.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:14 PM
OK 6th day now and no money on my MB account, this is RK. Anyone else had similar problems lately?

I never had to wait more then a day to get money to MB account before. Admitedly I mostly played on other skins before, but all witdrawals I made with them to date were prompt.
Most annoyingly all support gives is template mail how they will send this to relevant department and then nada for second day in a row.
Gets you angry because if something went wrong with MB I should contact them asap but you dont want to have them all up in the air if RK just "forgot" to pay.
argh ongame
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
05-20-2010 , 08:22 PM
usually takes a day or two from my RK to Neteller... last did one less than a month ago.
What's happening at Ongame? Quote
