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The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs)

12-13-2011 , 12:01 PM
how epic is jaming JTo bb vs btnr sbflat?
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-13-2011 , 08:03 PM
Totally unrelated, but awhile back the subject of TV shows to have on while playing poker came up, and we never got your recommendations.


Please note, anything with Alison Brie, Christina Hendricks, or Karen Gillan is automatically out, since there's no way I can have them around and look at a poker table.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-14-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by razzmatazzer
how epic is jaming JTo bb vs btnr sbflat?
Not sure what you mean? Seems like a pretty terrible move. Hope I didn't do it.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-14-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Totally unrelated, but awhile back the subject of TV shows to have on while playing poker came up, and we never got your recommendations.

Yeah, completely forgot, been swamped lately with a ToDo list longer than something really long (insert inappropriate joke).

Here is a quick list of shows I've watched in the past year or so in no particular order:

Breaking Bad
Friday Night Lights
30 Rock
White Collar
Modern Family
Lights Out
The League
Eastbound & Down
The Office
Boardwalk Empire
Ultimate Fighter
Mad Men
Game of Thrones

I guarantee there are several more, but those are the ones coming to mind right now. Hopefully I mentioned something you haven't seen yet and can enjoy.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-14-2011 , 07:09 PM
Wat no Raising Hope? No Parks and Rec?
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-14-2011 , 09:26 PM
I'd never heard of Raising Hope actually until now, gonna check it out, trailer looks good, thanks for the suggestion.

Parks and Rec is okay, I watched a few episodes but it didn't really tickle my fancy for whatever reason.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-14-2011 , 10:13 PM
Raising Hope is the best comedy on TV atm imo.

Start from Ep 1 if you can.

It is on City TV -CKVU in BC on Tuesdays at 9:30

This show actually makes you laugh out loud. Enjoy!

This trailer is worth checking out.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-15-2011 , 04:04 PM
parks and rec gets really good at some point in season 2, i'd say. season 1 is passable. read your post in SNE, best wishes for your health and gl when you're at the tables.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-15-2011 , 04:06 PM
for something a little different, i've started watching "in treatment". almost all of the show is a therapist (gabriel byrne from the usual suspects, can't remember what else) talking to his patients. really great program, IMO.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-24-2011 , 04:56 AM
I would really like to get your opinion on the new rake system.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-28-2011 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
I would really like to get your opinion on the new rake system.
AFAIK Stars hasn't announced their official changes to the VIP program just yet for 2012, and until I know all the details I don't feel comfortable speaking with certainty. But I did touch on the subject in a podcast (it's free of course) on UG today.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
I would really like to get your opinion on the new rake system.
FYI I don't come to 2p2 much anymore, I spend most of my time in the UG forums. I just spoke about it in a thread there. I'm not saying this to promote UG and get people there, I'm just letting you know that I prefer to answer questions in UG over 2p2.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
12-31-2011 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by needbeer
FYI I don't come to 2p2 much anymore, I spend most of my time in the UG forums. I just spoke about it in a thread there. I'm not saying this to promote UG and get people there, I'm just letting you know that I prefer to answer questions in UG over 2p2.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
04-06-2012 , 03:23 PM
Saw this img of your hud from twitter. How can i make separator lines like img below?
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
04-06-2012 , 11:47 PM
If you're referring to the "_____________" I just used multiple underscores "_" and I put them after the abbreviation for the first stat in the row. For example the row that begins with F3 is actually an abbreviation for that very first stat in the row and the abbreviation reads as "F3___________" and all the other stats in the row I have no abbreviation. Just something I thought up to make the HUD look more organized. Hope my explanation wasn't too confusing.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
04-07-2012 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by needbeer
If you're referring to the "_____________" I just used multiple underscores "_" and I put them after the abbreviation for the first stat in the row. For example the row that begins with F3 is actually an abbreviation for that very first stat in the row and the abbreviation reads as "F3___________" and all the other stats in the row I have no abbreviation. Just something I thought up to make the HUD look more organized. Hope my explanation wasn't too confusing.
Not so close, can you share hud config by exporting the xml file?
Another thing i notice was that my stats are right after stat before, but yours are all at same vertical line. I use HEM2.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-19-2012 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by obviousTROLL
Not so close, can you share hud config by exporting the xml file?
Another thing i notice was that my stats are right after stat before, but yours are all at same vertical line. I use HEM2.
Sorry it took me so long to respond, haven't been here in a while. HM2 had an update shortly after that doesn't allow this to occur anymore, so I had to remove my underscores (i.e. dividers) too :-/
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-21-2012 , 02:52 PM
Did you exchange some FPPs for cash?
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-25-2012 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Did you exchange some FPPs for cash?
I just cashed in a bunch a few days ago actually...

But I still keep a nice balance in there just in case they decide to put something above and beyond the Porsche with the same great rate that I can't pass up. :-P

Right after I cashed in about 6 million FPP, I caught a real nice heater the last 36 hours... So things are quite nice in the poker aspect of life.

Last edited by needbeer; 05-25-2012 at 02:47 AM. Reason: That's clearly me with the wizard hat on and my girlfriend throwing the money around as expected. Pokerstars rocketship FTW!
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-25-2012 , 10:43 AM
Haha, awesome.

How many FPPs do you have left?
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-26-2012 , 06:15 AM
About 6.5 million.

I plan to keep it between 5-7 million going forward. When I get "too many" I'll cash some in again.
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-26-2012 , 10:18 AM
I havent read all thread, maybe asked allready:
1)Whats your record of hands over one year period?
2)Do you think, its also world record?

Overall great success and ur true inspiration!
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by SwedishHS
I havent read all thread, maybe asked allready:
1)Whats your record of hands over one year period?
2)Do you think, its also world record?

Overall great success and ur true inspiration!

1) 5 million hands.
2) No one tracks this kind of thing and posts it publicly so I have no idea, but it's got to be pretty close!
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
05-29-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by needbeer
I just cashed in a bunch a few days ago actually...

But I still keep a nice balance in there just in case they decide to put something above and beyond the Porsche with the same great rate that I can't pass up. :-P

Right after I cashed in about 6 million FPP, I caught a real nice heater the last 36 hours... So things are quite nice in the poker aspect of life.

And right on cue, the last 36 hours after my previous brag blog has been a disaster.

So apparently what goes up, must come down, as stated by Isaac Newton. Not sure he was referring to poker, but nevertheless I went down in flames! At least I'm having some fun with it...

The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
06-05-2012 , 08:58 AM
^ ...great post
The Well: needbeer (WizardOfAhhs) Quote
