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02-16-2023 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by TheoryJuicer
Thanks for the clarification. We agree that a competent superuser would not be caught.
Thank you. We agree on that point.

Originally Posted by TheoryJuicer
I don't have an agenda. On the contrary, it's the people dismissing "riggies" who likely have the agenda. In other words, you're looking in the wrong place.
Two strawmen in one, congratulations. Other people having an agenda does not preclude you from having one, and I am not looking for anything. Again, you assume you know what I am thinking and my motivations without basis for that assumption.

Originally Posted by TheoryJuicer
But just for fun, what did you think my agenda was?
"The onus should be on the sites to prove their game is fair."

To be fair, it's more of an agendum.

And I would note that coin poker, a site with a provably fair RNG, has decent traffic now.

Last edited by Kalaea; 02-16-2023 at 10:16 PM.
02-17-2023 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Kalaea
Thank you. We agree on that point.

Two strawmen in one, congratulations. Other people having an agenda does not preclude you from having one, and I am not looking for anything. Again, you assume you know what I am thinking and my motivations without basis for that assumption.

"The onus should be on the sites to prove their game is fair."

To be fair, it's more of an agendum.

And I would note that coin poker, a site with a provably fair RNG, has decent traffic now.
I did a bit of reading on coin poker a while back. It's very close to what I would consider a fair game. Alas, it's based on fairy tokens so I won't be participating. A site which takes normal deposits and has a proven fair deal algorithm is still too much to ask for in 2023 apparently. Maybe one day.
02-17-2023 , 02:53 PM
Coinpoker uses Tether which is pegged to the US dollar. It's easier to get money on the site than many major sites, and cashouts are essentially instant and free, very different from all the major sites. The native token, CHP, is used for rakeback only and can be bought for tether on site. Or not, if you don't want rakeback.
You can literally deposit, play and withdraw in the same session. No cash site offers anything like that convenience.

Just for interest, what is the difference between Coin and what you consider fair if it's only 'very close'?

Last edited by Kalaea; 02-17-2023 at 02:56 PM. Reason: Should say *now* uses Tether I guess.
02-27-2023 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Kalaea
Coinpoker uses Tether which is pegged to the US dollar. It's easier to get money on the site than many major sites, and cashouts are essentially instant and free, very different from all the major sites. The native token, CHP, is used for rakeback only and can be bought for tether on site. Or not, if you don't want rakeback.
You can literally deposit, play and withdraw in the same session. No cash site offers anything like that convenience.

Just for interest, what is the difference between Coin and what you consider fair if it's only 'very close'?
Things like this I guess:

Originally Posted by dappadan777
I was gonna post a whole long post of conspiracy theory jibberish about how I think something is shady here but I'll spare you. It's got to the point where I felt like some people can see my cards, at midstakes nl and plo over a decent sample. Id be interested to see if regular people (who arent affiliated with the site) are actually winning at a decent clip. The new rake increase is also absurd and you end up having to absolutely crush at an unattainable bb/100 to beat it (especially on hu tables)
And this:

Originally Posted by dappadan777
Well you cant get a softer line up when playing hu on a hu table vs a whale or someone who can barely knows the hand rankings at mid stakes nl/plo.

But when you get beaten over and over again to the most outrageous of set ups (not things like aa vs kk aipf, more like 2nd/3rd nut flush vs nut/2nd nut flush or flopped 2pr vs sets and unavoidable situations where you know you're beat, by the way villain is barreling but cannot fold and when it's the other way round they seem to fold) you start to question the integrity.
I haven't played there and don't intend to. Obviously don't let that stop you. You go for it.
02-28-2023 , 05:26 AM
You seem to be suggesting that you won't play there because some random person online is suggesting that the provably fair RNG is rigged to deal coolers. Looks like being provably fair won't stop claims of being rigged, nor attract those who claim to want that feature. Ok. Perhaps one day you'll find a site where everyone is above average, and they are all winners.

I guess the onus is now on the site to track him down and prove to him and the rest of the online world that he was just unlucky.

I don't play on coin, I find holdem boring.
03-08-2023 , 01:10 AM
I'd never dismiss it if someone shows that their overpair loses to underpair 5000 times out of 10000, because that's less likely to happen by chance than a developer being malicious. Bonus points would be awarded for explaining the motive behind this, apart from "the site prefers random fish A over random fish B".
03-13-2023 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
But should all these accusations be dismissed so quickly?
Yes, they generally should
In light of the obvious abundance of cheats, liars, and frauds in the poker world, why is everyone so quick to dismiss site operators as potential bad actors? Especially after the several instances of sites being taken down for fraudulent activity?
Because the random online lunatics and whiners complain, they discredit from those of us who genuinely care about the integrity of online poker.

When I proved that cheating was taking place at Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet around 15 years ago, I did it by doing a proper analysis and publishing the data. These losers who whine discredit themselves, and undermine the integrity of the games, by making it harder to differentiate from the random losers and the people who actually do uncover fraud etc.
04-04-2023 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
It’s funny that in GG most professionals have gone to bad runs they have never experienced before in their lives while playing against softer competition than in Pokerstars few years ago.

But there is no way to prove something shady is going on.

This is because it's a rake trap.
05-27-2023 , 05:11 AM
Online Poker has become so profitable and is completely unregulated. A poker site might even claim to be 'certified' but in reality, that certification is based on a scheduled viewing of their algorithm bot. The legal loophole is that... surprise surprise... they don't have to run that version online they just have to be verified. In addition to that.. you are 'depending' on multiple middle aged men or women not accepting a $10,000,000 bribe. If you think some middle aged man on his second divorce isn't going to watch the world burn for $10 million, you're insane.

There is a reason they have all legally located themselves in the 'Isle of Mann', which is an area extremely notorious for illegal operations and easy to pay off officials.

It's also hilarious how easily persuaded people are:

1) Ignition/Bovada "We don't allow usernames because we don't want sharks hunting fish". A shark can find a fish at a table no matter what their username is. Even a shark can go on tilt and another shark takes advantage. What they really mean is "we own shares of the Russian Bot Rings that have been PROVEN to operate on every level of our sites, and don't want players getting discouraged when losing to the same bot names over and over".

2) Global Poker "We don't allow hand data and stats because we want to protect our users". Translation "We don't want our cash deposit whales to look up their loses with premium hands and realize our site is rigged for coolers and buyins. The longer it takes them to figure out they are losing everything with QQ+ the better". Does anyone actually think a top level poker player can't watch a mediocre reg and modify his play. "Wow, I know this guy is a nit so I'm only going to call an allin with KK+ or maybe even AA". "Wow, I know this guy is loose so I'm going to call an allin with 99+". Anyhow, complete bullshit.

Hilarious as well that Global Poker also introduced a 30% rakeback. Very nice for the designated winners (streamers and previously active matched names on forums) . Notice how you never see regs winning tourneys on Global Poker, and how despite what looks like a pretty low player pool, their tournaments always fill up. Tournaments filled up with bots that are scheduled to end around the same time every time, to get the losers into another tourney. Don't believe me? Then you simply haven't used the site.

It's hilarious when they do give you the short term greenlight to win on these sites, though. Obviously to create a huge dopamine spike that you associate with the gambling on their site. After one session on Global where I couldn't even lose a hand when I tried to (I went allin with 32o and called a very obvious mutiplayer AA KK hand with J6o and won both, unreal chances of that happening in live poker). Like I was trying to lose hands on purpose because something wasn't making sense. That would never happen in live.

When Global Poker does their doomswitch to a regular player (not a designated streamer/forum winner), it's one of the most obvious things since water being wet. You can actually FEEL them trying to take your money away. "Okay so I just flopped a set of 8's, the only thing that can beat me now is runner runner broadway, which is an 8% x 8% roughly 1% chance. 1 in 100 chances to lose this hand. Oh wow, there's that Jack. 8% chance, and based on the amount of coolers I've had in a row, I couldn't possibly have bad luck again right? 1 in 100. There's that Queen. BROADWAY LOSS. Oh, and I forgot to add in the mathematical chances that this type of hand happens and he has the Ace King.

1 in 100 chance of runner runner multipled by the chance to have a pair in your hand (~6), multiplied by the chance of him having Ace King. (1.21%) = 0.00072 of a %.
0.00072 of a % and these types of hands happen back to back to back on Global Poker until your buyins are gone. Then you come on a forum like this that has paid poker shills aka 'global army' that will tell you 'buddy you're just bad, that's variance to lose 10 buyins to runner runners".

There's a huge difference to losing to pairs and runners and allins vs draws than losing to double running cards 10 times in a row. One is about an 8-16% chance. The other is less than 1% in many cases. A 1% chance 10 times in a row is mathematically impossible. But notice how if you read these forums and ignore the shill posts and comments, every single nonsponsored or active forum reg is saying the same thing is happening to them. Let me guess? We all just have the absolute worst luck in the world.

Then of course, magically when I drive to my local casino, I'm somehow making 6 figures a year part time and have never had 10 mega coolers in a row. I've had variance live, and that's why I know what variance is. There's a difference between variance and a site not allowing you to win at all. And it's not just your hands aren't hitting, it's the opponent hits something on those hands so you can't raise or bluff. It's programmed to literally drain your buyins down. It's just depressing because online poker is so convenient, but like all things online it is completely corrupted. Fake boobs in porn, fake variance in online poker.

The other day my buddy who also plays on Global screenshared me. "You gotta see what's happening to believe it" he said. I told him "Trust me I already know. Every hand is missing and the ones that hold or hit have runner runners"? I turn on his screenshare on my second monitor and he's getting mathematically impossible luck. Runner runners vs his set of Kings that only lose vs one hand vs a reg who of course has that hand. That's the 'odd' part about these things. I watched him lose 5 buyins before I told him "I can't take this anymore man, just turn the site off and don't come back to it, forget about the balance". It's not just that the weird runners were happening to all his major pots, it's that they were happening and every single damn time, the opponent had the two cards that connected to them. Reminded me of when I lost 10 buyins playing pretty much perfect poker.

Last edited by IsleofScamm; 05-27-2023 at 05:33 AM.
05-27-2023 , 07:46 AM
so you've had a losing session?
05-28-2023 , 01:39 AM
The vast majority of people who try online poker eventually snap out of it. They are unregulated (they only have to verify their RNG to an official once a year, and there's a legal loophole where they don't even have to use that algorithm, they just have to prove they have something capable of it.

The formula goes like this, on every site. They've figured out the most profitable way to run poker to extract money from regs and fishes. Basically you get on Poker, you start losing so your cortisol and stress hormones spike. Then, when the chips are down a bit, you will start hitting miracle runouts. Usually this will get you about 3 or more buyins worth. These are a runouts that make no sense. You will get rewarded for calling 3 gutshots in a row even though the chance of hitting 3 gutshots in a row is around 6% x 6% x 6% given the chance that at least one player probably has that card in the hand who folded or is also playing. Winning these insane runouts that have pretty much no mathematical chance of happening gives an insane dopamine rush to the user, basically even greater than hard drugs, which is why gambling has such a horrible addiction rate.

Because the 'chips were down' and then the player gets insane runouts, it creates a new and extremely strong pathway in the brain, that lets the user know that if they can deal with some loses- they will eventually get that giant insane runout. This conditions the customer to feel like that 'win' is just around the corner. However, this is when the 'doom switch' happens. After their insane runout, they will begin to lose every single hand. It won't be like the regular poker you are used to. It's hands where you both have marginal or connector hands and it becomes painfully obvious they have it every time. So you can't bluff, you can't call, and you're basically forced to fold every hand. As soon as you play a hand here you will lose a stack. All of a sudden you notice you've lost more than a full buyin just having to fold premium hands like JJ, QQ, lower straights that flopped for you, sets that had runner runner suited cards, etc. All of a sudden you're down 2 buyins.

You realize you've had probably 10 coolers in a row at this point in the back of your head- but because the site has conditioned the user to think a 'win' is just around the corner, you have seeds of self doubt. "I was winning earlier, if I can just hold out I'm sure they will miss their draw or gutshot". Then it happens. You're down to 1 or 2 buyins. You get Aces. You either get the aces extremely early position, and end up having 2-3 callers, or some guy reraises you. You know he has Kings or AK. You reraise, he allins. You think for a second "I've lost to 10-15 coolers in a row now, am I really going to lose with Aces for the remainder of my stack?". You call. He has Ace King offsuit, and you're thinking 'what a moron, he knows I'm only playing 18% so I'm KK+ here). The flop looks great for a second. T23. Second card comes down. Jack. "Is he really going to hit a one outter for my 16th cooler in a row?". You can actually see the card on the table already. There's that Queen. Your run is over.

At this point, they are depending on that dopamine pathway being so strong that you rebuy. And in many cases you will, especially because having so many coolers in a row is tilting, and emotional people don't think logically. A logical person would say out loud "15 coolers in a row is mathematically impossible".

The other dead giveaway about this is how this happens on sites that are super soft. You can even select a table full of fish, you will eventually get a doomswitch and the fish will cooler you with every runout.

Again, these sites are completely unregulated. You're trusting a giant group of programmers whose sole purpose is to increase site profits to..... not increase site profits. You'd have to be dumber than a fish to believe in that. But then again, there's billions of people who believe in an invisible god in the sky watching their every move with 2 eyes for 8 billion people. Rebuy!

And if I sound sour about this, it's because I am. I enjoy playing live poker as it is my profession. However, online poker like many online sites that are profitable has been exploited to the max. Collusion, bot rings (3rd party funded by the sites that they run on btw), housebots, algorithms used to tilt/rebuy are things that don't exist on that level in live poker. Sure, there are cheaters in live poker, but you get to look at them and it's pretty easy to figure out when 2 people at a table have a connection, and you can simply leave or report them to the casino where they will kick them out. I've gotten tons of cheaters kicked out of my casino, but online the cheaters are the billionaire owners. Hard to kick them out, lol.

If you don't believe me, just do a minimum cashin on a site like Global Poker and ONE TABLE at any low to medium stakes. That's the thing about online gambling, they want the user to get addicted. They don't just let the user have a winning spree with random pairs and dominated hands that call eachother. They want you to get a boat, get quads, hit that insane nuts straight, etc. They want a powerful dopamine pathway created with the user. You can't blame them, either. It's their job to make money. If I was unregulated and had no morals, I'd do the exact same thing. "Haha give him quads 2x in a row and then a full house flop so he gets a powerful addiction and wants to come back even if he loses money"

Last edited by IsleofScamm; 05-28-2023 at 01:48 AM.
05-28-2023 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by IsleofScamm
After one session on Global where I couldn't even lose a hand when I tried to (I went allin with 32o and called a very obvious mutiplayer AA KK hand with J6o and won both, unreal chances of that happening in live poker). Like I was trying to lose hands on purpose because something wasn't making sense.

Is there any way to do this repeatedly? Do the fish get unlimited rungood if they just keep playing bad (in terms of a fair game, actually good play if they abuse the riggedness obv)
It just sounds obvious that if you know how it's rigged, you can just crush the games by overplaying the 32o and J6o every time, and folding KK+. Even the usual fish who'd normally punt their 3-highs will probably misplay their "premiums" not knowing they'll actually lose.
05-29-2023 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by Vanhaomena
Is there any way to do this repeatedly? Do the fish get unlimited rungood if they just keep playing bad (in terms of a fair game, actually good play if they abuse the riggedness obv)
It just sounds obvious that if you know how it's rigged, you can just crush the games by overplaying the 32o and J6o every time, and folding KK+. Even the usual fish who'd normally punt their 3-highs will probably misplay their "premiums" not knowing they'll actually lose.
I'd guess that as he's a winning live pro, he's obviously good enough to realise the online site thinks he's the fish at the table, so he will continue to play badly to foil the site's master plan, thereby reaping the profits.

03-20-2024 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
It’s funny that in GG most professionals have gone to bad runs they have never experienced before in their lives while playing against softer competition than in Pokerstars few years ago.

But there is no way to prove something shady is going on.
I cannot prove something shady, but 100 % there can be falts in the software that makes hands look very shady by paying the wrong player out, and the winner gets nothing
04-01-2024 , 08:43 PM
I remember when Pot Ripper was accused of being a super user by Mike Matusow and poker community told him to get better and laughed at him and anyone else that accused Pot Ripper of cheating was told the same thing. Well the poker site accidently sent a hand history to one of the people complaining about Pot Ripper but it was in codes he didn't understand. A software engineer took the information and put all the hand history together in a video to prove Pot Ripper was cheating. It took a software engineer to prove there was super user in online poker. Before he made the video proving Pot Ripper was cheating everyone was ignored and told to get better. I don't think any information on cheating should be ignored because if that software engineer dismissed them like you guys are doing then nobody would of ever found not 1 but several super users on the site. Instead they should get more involved and find people that can maybe turn their information into proof of the cheating going on if multiple people are complaining about the same players.

I don't think anything should be dismissed unless someone is complaining about a small sample size. Variance does exist. And it can get very ugly in short periods of time where it could look as though someone is cheating, but they are not. Your odds of even beating a bad player in poker is only like 55% in short period of play. It is barely over a coin flip guys. If you want to play poker, there is no way around it. You are going to lose and lose a lot playing at even an elite level. Most of the time people ask questions about hands, they played the hand pretty much perfectly. They just lost and are trying to find some strategy where they wont lose in that situation in the future. But it just creates leaks in their overall game. What ends up happening is they play a worse strategy and they lose a lot then complain people are cheating. But I see it in their hand history they are deviating from optimal strategy in these given situations cause they been losing. Most of the time people are losing cause they don't believe in what works and they deviate. Then get frustrated and call everyone cheaters. You wont get better at poker playing victim. Doesn't mean people are not cheating either, but the focus should still be on finding leaks in your game and fixing them. Not come on poker forum and complain of cheating on a small sample size. If you are a grinder that has played a lot hands for many years and you spot some players that you believe are cheating that is different, but you have to show some proof. There is so much good info on here to make all of you better poker players instead of focusing on cheating over small sample sizes. Focus on getting better and if there is cheating trust me the grinders will find them and report them to poker site.
04-01-2024 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
Your odds of even beating a bad player in poker is only like 55% in short period of play. It is barely over a coin flip guys.
I'm pretty sure you have a way better chance than 55% of beating a bad player if they are -bb/100, some players you can basically play like a monkey against and still print because of how bad they are lol
04-03-2024 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
I remember when Pot Ripper was accused of being a super user by Mike Matusow and poker community told him to get better and laughed at him and anyone else that accused Pot Ripper of cheating was told the same thing.
I think that everything in the opening of your post there is simply false.

-Mike Matusow was not an early complainant of the cheating of Pot Ripper and others

-No one laughed at either myself or the other original complainants, because we provided data to support our allegations.

Before he made the video proving Pot Ripper was cheating everyone was ignored and told to get better.
This is false: I proved the cheating was taking place before my friend Nat made the video. The video was helpful in explaining it to people outside of the poker community (indeed, in my video with 60 Minutes, they mistakenly claimed that I made the video) but it was a cherry on top, not the substantial case of cheating.
08-02-2024 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by IsleofScamm
I think you make a lot of valid points, and others aren't as well thought out.

My POV is mixed. I'm damn near convinced they recently let me win to get me hooked; like to build an addiction. Won $2000 over about 3 days; then back to 'doom switched' where I just can't win a hand, even if I have the best of it by flop. Strong hands getting runner runnered. The only way I've found to minimize this variance is to never go all in until river, when you can be almost sure you have it. (I'm not the only one who specifically mentions this; I've read others say the same)

- Global support on 2+2 in a rigged RNG discussion posted a gif of a very obviously rigged RNG.

- The CEO berated one of their top players.

- They let the guy using tools run rampant for months.

- They falsely claim to have caught people on their own; when evidence shows users pointed it out.


I truly don't know; but nothing Global Poker has done or said even remotely sounds like it's on the up and up. It sounds fishy.

My areas of interest

-> Rubber banding that appears to occur (They have a patent for it; and it does kind of look like it's in use). (Someone statistically is going to win so many hands within an hour; that they have hundreds of thousands of chips; in practice - you never see that)

-> Bait hands that can be called out. If we as users can call out the cards that are going to drop; either we're psychic, or there is a pattern of some sort that our brains can pick up on subconsciously.

-> The sweepstakes model itself seems like it would need the website to implement bots to prevent people from winning too much; because almost all tournaments are running below gurantee. If gurantee is $2000, it's rare to get 200 people in. That means they lose cash; then you figure the sweepstakes mail in redemption is also -EV. How can they make all their cash from cash game rake? It seems impossible barring using stooges. I've read about stooges; and guess what; some people on 2+2 have been hired as stooges in live settings.

-> My chart is the biggest reason I think it's rigged. It's exactly the chart you'd expect if you were trying to hook a player into an addiction.

That screams 'trying to get player hooked'. I can't express it well enough; but it just seems like a rigged way of hooking a player into an addiction.

If I had to describe my chart; it's like going to your crappy weed dealer for 10 months; thinking 'I should get a new dealer' and then he has fire weed, then it goes down in quality again. I know this game. It's a business model in drug dealing. You get them hooked with top tier bud; you then go down in quality; then you get a bit of that fire; then down in quality. I've played this game my whole life; and it's the addiction game. That's what that chart screams at me. Drug dealer giving a bit of a dopamine boost so they can keep selling you trash weed.

Originally Posted by Vanhaomena
Is there any way to do this repeatedly? Do the fish get unlimited rungood if they just keep playing bad (in terms of a fair game, actually good play if they abuse the riggedness obv)
It just sounds obvious that if you know how it's rigged, you can just crush the games by overplaying the 32o and J6o every time, and folding KK+. Even the usual fish who'd normally punt their 3-highs will probably misplay their "premiums" not knowing they'll actually lose.
No idea the answer to this; but one day i did run only horrible hands for one tournament, and won first the next tournament.

Went in with 75o, would fold AA,KK,AK, or anything double face/face plus ace, any suited cards with a face I laid down.

The very next tournament I got aces 3 times, kings 3 times, and won the final hand with 33 or 88, or maybe i had 88 vs his 33.

I don't think it was related; but it might be now that you mention it. It did give me insane run good the next tourney.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 08-03-2024 at 04:04 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
08-29-2024 , 07:22 PM
If you have PS or WPN hand histories, there's an app call "PokerShowdown" that will statistically analyze your results and tell you if something other than random poker is going on.
