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Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen

10-29-2009 , 03:29 PM
I pretty much disagree with everything posted above.

- Your initial assumptions about potential causes are too narrow, many have been mentioned above (to re-iterate a few: why just an inside job at just tower, not moneybookers? what about physical attacks? what about repeated password being taken from, say, 2p2 or another site? what about someone using the 'forgotten password' system and guessing the secret answer? etc etc).

- I disagree with the use of occam's razor.

- I don't see the point about the advertising study.

- Saying visiting digg or CNN because their might be malware in the advertisements is i guess theoretically possible given some security holes in very old software, but it's not really a concern if the user takes basic steps (don't use IE6; run anti-virus)

- A decent anti-virus *will* pick up on malware embedded in things like flash objects, software downloads, 'programs you installed yourself'. It's actually the main thing they do. It's called real-time tracking.

Sorry to sound harsh but spreading mis-information in these topics is epidemic on 2p2 and it's important users are well informed. Certainly your advice in parts is good - keep your software updated (including plugins: java, flash), don't use Internet Explorer, etc. However most of these programs will auto-update, IE8 is pretty solid with it's malware detection and autoupdates, decent antivir will detect malware whilst browsing and downloading/installating software, etc.

Suggesting that browsing digg could lead to this is way off-base.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 03:42 PM
First, I'm a programmer. I've *made* keyloggers and screenshot programs (for WoW bots), and anti-virus didn't do anything about them. Installed across multiple computers, sending information across the 'net back to me.

Your initial assumptions about potential causes are way off base (when inside job at just tower? what about physical attacks? what about repeated password being taken from, say, 2p2 or another site? what about someone using the 'forgotten password' system and guessing the secret answer? etc etc).
The simplest solution is the best. Instead of assuming that someone close to him is targeting him (which he does not suggest), and instead of assuming tower gaming is in an elaborate plot, the only plausible option left is malware.

Saying visiting digg or CNN because their might be malware in the advertisements is i guess theoretically possible given some security holes in very old software, but it's not really a concern if the user takes basic steps (don't use IE6; run anti-virus)
Percent of people using IE 6: 12%. (

Just last year I had an attack from a CNN ad, thank you. Now think of all the sites people go to for their random blogs and such. Do I actually think that digg/cnn/etc are huge liabilities? No. But the point is that there are a ton of sites out there that do not host their own ads, which can lead to attacks.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 04:00 PM
sorry about this op..hope you get your money back
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 04:15 PM
For the person who said that poker sites would open themselves up to being scammed if they reversed some cashouts... aren't we letting ourselves opened to being scammed ourselves in these situations?

There should be some sort of agreement between the poker sites and the e-wallets that all cashouts can be reversed if needed. Then it becomes the duty of the payment processor to reverse the transaction either by contacting the banks or credit cards associated with the cashout.

Right now nothing is stopping poker sites to just make your money vanish randomly and wash their hands clean. Not saying it's the case here, but I am sure it has happened before.

FWIW Tower support has always been excellent to me... I hope they find a solution to your problem. GL.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 05:26 PM
gmail employee with high security clearance sells/shares all your e-mail info with accomplice who knows his way around poker sites.
He would probably have access to deleted e-mails too.

bye bye $$$
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
The simplest solution is the best. Instead of assuming that someone close to him is targeting him (which he does not suggest), and instead of assuming tower gaming is in an elaborate plot, the only plausible option left is malware.
Given the number of people who start these threads that discover the problem to be compromised email (many) versus the number that have discovered it to be malware (none that I've seen), I would suggest that the simplest solution is that his email was compromised.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fat
Given the number of people who start these threads that discover the problem to be compromised email (many) versus the number that have discovered it to be malware (none that I've seen), I would suggest that the simplest solution is that his email was compromised.
then why not change the title?

you are dabest, bobo. you know i respect you tremendously. however, IMHO if you are going to change thread titles, we need some consistency and perhaps even some guidelines.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:15 PM
Why not all (at least the bigger ones) sites have plans for security tokens is beyond me.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
then why not change the title?
You make a good point. I guess I hadn't yet because it wasn't 100% clear just what actually had happened, but I think it is pretty apparent that it wasn't his Tower account that was hacked. I've changed it now; if OP feels differently, he can let us know.

Originally Posted by GrannyMae
however, IMHO if you are going to change thread titles, we need some consistency and perhaps even some guidelines.
Sometimes I'm concerned I'm overstepping a bit with some of these changes. At the same time, I don't think it's right to leave titles out there that unfairly harm a site's reputation.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-30-2009 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
First, I'm a programmer. I've *made* keyloggers and screenshot programs (for WoW bots), and anti-virus didn't do anything about them. Installed across multiple computers, sending information across the 'net back to me.
The simplest solution is the best. Instead of assuming that someone close to him is targeting him (which he does not suggest), and instead of assuming tower gaming is in an elaborate plot, the only plausible option left is malware.
These are two seperate points. One is you wrote a bespoke keylogger program, so may not be surprising that it wasn't flagged (altho any security system worth it's salt should detect outbound connections from new software?). The other is generic malware that is injected in to "CNN adverts" (which you would expect antivir to detect).

Which is it? Because suggesting someone wrote a custom keylogger and got it in to OP's computer for the sole reason of obtaining his online gaming credentials is not 'Occam's Razor' (the simplest solution for me would be say: his email was compromised remotely without any malware installed on his machine).

Just last year I had an attack from a CNN ad, thank you.
So, how did you know about it?

that there are a ton of sites out there that do not host their own ads, which can lead to attacks.
If you have some basic level security concern (don't use 8 year old browsers; keep stuff updated; use a antivir+firewall solution, don't download random executables), browsing websites is of little to no risk.

edit: fwiw, i did some quick searching for this CNN advert malware story. Is this the case? (follow up).
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-30-2009 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fat
You make a good point. I guess I hadn't yet because it wasn't 100% clear just what actually had happened, but I think it is pretty apparent that it wasn't his Tower account that was hacked. I've changed it now; if OP feels differently, he can let us know.

Sometimes I'm concerned I'm overstepping a bit with some of these changes. At the same time, I don't think it's right to leave titles out there that unfairly harm a site's reputation.
My goal in starting this thread was not to harm Tower's reputation. I was grasping for air at that point looking for any help I could get. However, I still haven't received any information from OnGame or Tower regarding I.P. addresses, Webmoney account details, Webmoney transaction ID's, what happened to the $250 that was deposited back into my account (what games the person lost the money in) and so on.

I have been assured by basically everyone that this is a very high priority case within OnGame and Tower Gaming and that they are doing in their power to rectify the situation. It is a double edged sword because I feel they have a better chance at rectifying this situation than I do but they haven't given me any info to investigate it myself.

I feel sick and helpless but I have to put all of my faith in OnGame and Tower to recover my money which I feel shouldn't have been allowed to be withdrawn from my account in the first place.

It has been 9 days since Tower has confirmed my identity and sent all of the documents to the Risk department at OnGame. The only information I've received is that they are still working on it and these things take time. It is reassuring yet the more time that passes the more antsy I get. Anyways, sorry for the rant, I will update this thread when I hear any news.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-30-2009 , 07:00 PM
BTW, post in hopes of us all celebrating with a $1000 freeroll. I would be ecstatic to host one.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-30-2009 , 07:00 PM
I am still crossing my fingers for U man.

PS : For me no need to host a FR , As long U can see ur $$$ back or at least a part of it, I am happy
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-02-2009 , 03:58 PM
No updates over the wknd? I've got my fingers crossed for you OP.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-03-2009 , 12:02 PM
Thanks man, no updates yet other than this:

"Hi xxxxxx,

I received an update from the Risk department that they are in talks with a second department to obtain more information, unfortunately at this time I have not received anything new in regards to this matter. These investigations take time, especially when there are multiple people involved. I assure you that we will contact you the moment we receive an update. I understand you are anxious, and I appreciate your patience while this is being investigated.


It is really annoying that I know Tower is getting daily updates from OnGame yet this is the only update I have received, which is basically the same as the standard "We are currently pursuing this investigation". It's been 13 days since all of my documents verifying my identity have been sent to the risk department at OnGame.

I have to believe they are not blowing me off or letting this issue slip away, but it really does feel that way...
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-03-2009 , 12:50 PM
perhaps it was an inside job? a little skin like this doesn't earn much.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-06-2009 , 07:44 PM
I received this email from Tower Gaming:

"Hi xxxxxxx,

Thank you for your continued patience while our Security Team investigates your account. In the interim, due to the amount of money that is involved, our Security Team requests that you file a police report on your end as soon as you can. Once you have done so, please send me a copy of this report which will speed up the process. Please let me know if you need any further information for the police report and I will assist as much as I can.

Kind Regards,

Customer Support Manager
See You at the TOP!

It's been 17 days since my information has been confirmed my Tower's risk department, and NOW they tell me they need a police report to speed up this process? I am getting completely frustrated, they have given me NO information as to the status of this investigation. I am slowly going insane... Has anyone heard of something like this before?

Last edited by supersplitz; 11-06-2009 at 08:06 PM.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-07-2009 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by supersplitz
Has anyone heard of something like this before?

not often, but yes i have seen it.

there is a chance that tower may have some insurance against this, and the police report may be required for reimbursement.

regardless, i think it is a sign that you are going to prevail 100%. unfortunately, it looks like you have to wait some more.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-07-2009 , 02:31 AM
After talking to the Calgary police on the phone, I've been informed that they can't take a statement over the phone and I need to do it in person with a police officer in Argentina which should be a riot.

When I first read the email I was really upset they didn't ask for it at the beginning, now that I've let it stew I agree with you in that it might be a sign I'm going to get my money back. I'm just going to get this thing filled out as quickly as possible and stay optimistic...
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-07-2009 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by supersplitz
After talking to the Calgary police on the phone, I've been informed that they can't take a statement over the phone and I need to do it in person with a police officer in Argentina which should be a riot.
There is a way to fill in a form online to report a crime like this in Canada. When my C2P account was compromised last year I did this. I believe the police are supposed to follow up with you and you would get an official police report at that time. In my case, I was extremely lucky and got my money back before I ever heard back from the police. However, I still haven't heard back from them, so I don't know if you ever would get a police report back this way - but perhaps a copy of the forms you fill out online might satisfy MB.

I'll see if I can find the website again.

Edit: Here it is -
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-07-2009 , 04:24 PM
Thanks Bobo,

I filled out a report and will contact the embassy on Monday to get them to help fill out a police report with the Argentine Police.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-11-2009 , 08:00 AM
How are the argentine police involved in this? (I'm assuming that you dont live in argentina...(?)
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-11-2009 , 10:08 AM
As you can read in the thread, OP was moving out to BA when this occurred. He's still here, so to file a police report he had to have the statement taken by the police here.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-11-2009 , 02:41 PM
I was able to fill out a report with the Argentine police and was able to send it to Tower. I hope this lights a fire under their ass.

I received this email from Lori (who is the customer support manager) yesterday. She has been helpful and corresponds with me almost daily which is nice. Here is the email:

From: Lori (
Sent: November 10, 2009 11:10:43 AM
To: xxxxxxxxx
The latest update from our Security Team is that they are still trying to get information from WebMoney, so it is ongoing. In the interim, they have asked that you contact WebMoney as well in order to push them for further details from your end. Additionally, I haven't heard from you since sending this email yesterday, please confirm you are receiving my emails.
Customer Support Manager
See You at the TOP!

SERIOUSLY, WTF have they been doing for 3 weeks? this is getting ****ing ridiculous, I've been trying really hard to stay calm and do this diplomatically but this is so ****ing frustrating.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
11-11-2009 , 02:56 PM
Tower is trying to safe their ass in public if you ask me. As you can see they have basically no power and everything has to go through ongame. Arent they one of the biggest skins?
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
