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Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen

10-20-2009 , 12:33 PM
As of right now I was able to get in contact with my affiliate who has a direct contact with upper management at Tower Gaming. This is nice because I feel I have someone to help expedite the process. Tower mentioned they've been contacted by many other affiliates and friends of mine which is a really nice feeling that I really appreciate. Everyone has been very kind in offering any help.

The Tower rep mentioned that the issue has been elevated to OnGame which I think is a good sign that it has been taken very seriously.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fat
Since it now seems highly unlikely that your Tower account was hacked, I'm not sure why you expect them to do anything. Maybe they could've done better with stopping cashouts done from an odd IP address (although you don't yet know what IP address was used), or at allowing an account to be cashed out so quickly through a new funding instrument, but I don't think either of those things would be standard at every site.
When I started this thread I was very scared and had no idea what to do looking for any kind of help possible. Tower has been helpful and thorough throughout the process. I don't expect them to blindly refund me but if there has been a **** up or an error in their cashout system or their policies need to be examined I can only hope they take responsibility.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 02:57 PM
I've posted about this before....

Several years ago fourms like these became easy targets for hackers. There was an extremely easy way to literally download all the passwords for people on a fourm with their matching emails... You could only guess what that meant. I tell everyone I know that deals with money on the internet, USE A DIFFERENT PASSWORD FOR WEBFOURMS! What happened to paypal/ebay, is hackers were using google to search for any fourms that talked about paypal/ebay, and simply taking every users password and email that was registered. They would then use the stolen accounts for ebay fraud. It only seems logical some people would target online banking (which poker is basically)

Use different passwords!
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 03:07 PM
Did the contact I gave speed up things for u? or did he could U pass U on to better management?
Just lemme know out of curiousity.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 03:16 PM
I'm sorry to hear that OP, i'm like editing my paypal passwords at this very moment after reading this. Hope everything will be resolved for you.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fat

Also, Keepass FTW.
Doesn't Keepass copy the password into your clipboard? What's the point of the program then?
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by ubeticall
Doesn't Keepass copy the password into your clipboard? What's the point of the program then?
Because you don't have to remember them, you can you can use very strong and totally unique passwords for each site.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by ubeticall
Doesn't Keepass copy the password into your clipboard? What's the point of the program then?
Because briefly copying a password on to your clipboard is a minor security risk compared to the alternatives (using the same or similar passwords for more than one account). Also, if you have that little trust about what software is running on your machine, then keepass has various additional features such autotype (passwords never go to the clipboard but sent directly thru keyboard strokes); 2-key protection when using the clipboard (basic snooping fails).

(this below is going a bit off-topic - OP this isn't directed to you at all)

I've said this many times before and i'll say it again until someone proves me wrong: i have never seen a report of someone ever finding a 'keylogger' on their machine after an account is hacked. Certainly it's good to make sure you dont download dodgy files, run a good virus checker etc, saying "what's the point of keypass? " because it may briefly put a password in your clipboard if you use a specific feature is silly. The main point of keepass is that you can easily store hundreds of strong random alpha-numeric passwords safely and securely.. You can then choose to retrieve the password however you want (clipboard, autotype, manually typing it in). That doesn't pose an additional security risk.

There are so many things people don't do correct that advising users not to use keepass is horrid advice. A lot of people:

- Use one password over multiple accounts (kp solves this)
- Dont change their passwords frequently (kp has expiry)
- Dont use strong enough passwords (kp creates strong rando passwords)
- Write down their passwords somewhere insecure to remember them (kp encypts teh password database)
- Use the same email address for the poker accounts as their personal one (with kp, having multiple email addresses with different credentials is a breeze).
- Trust their personal machine too much so store login credentials to their emails and accounts with cookies, and check the "store my password" feature in poker clients (with kp this isn't neccessary).


Bottom line - KP is the nuts and advising people otherwise is bad.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by tsen
I'm sorry to hear that OP, i'm like editing my paypal passwords at this very moment after reading this. Hope everything will be resolved for you.
Thanks for the support man. I definitely encourage anyone who has read this to really review the security they have with regards to their important documents. This has been some really scary sickening stuff for me and I can guarantee that I will be doing a complete overhaul with everything related to passwords/bank accounts/email accounts and so on. I can only hope this never happens to anybody else.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 06:11 PM
All of my documents have been sent in and am awaiting a response from moneybookers, Tower Gaming and OnGame.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
then keepass has various additional features such autotype (passwords never go to the clipboard but sent directly thru keyboard strokes); 2-key protection when using the clipboard (basic snooping fails).

A bit offtopic and a bit off hijacking but can you tell me how to do this?? I am a bit paranoid when it comes to hack0rs (that's why I am seen as a security nit by friends.. using gazillion processes to prevent me )

Looking forward to your updates
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-20-2009 , 08:20 PM
how to do what? Send me a PM if you'd like.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:53 AM
jpv, I'm absolutely not an email security whiz so perhaps I'm wrong. I'm just going off anecdotal evidence - I've seen several people post threads like this where it sounded like a hack of their webmail account was to blame, and I don't believe I've ever seen one where it involved a hack of their ISP email account. Now that could simply be because people don't take advantage of the security features the webmail accounts offer, I'm not sure.

OP, glad to hear Tower's on the case for you. Good luck.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:50 AM
Good luck, Hope these incidents will help in increasing awareness about online fraud and can be prevented in the future.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-21-2009 , 08:56 AM
OP, do you use a WLAN/ WiFi at home?

Is it secured by WPA/ WPA2 (not WEP, it's weak!)?
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fat
jpv, I'm absolutely not an email security whiz so perhaps I'm wrong. I'm just going off anecdotal evidence - I've seen several people post threads like this where it sounded like a hack of their webmail account was to blame, and I don't believe I've ever seen one where it involved a hack of their ISP email account. Now that could simply be because people don't take advantage of the security features the webmail accounts offer, I'm not sure.
It could also just be that more people use webmail than ISP mail. If 80% of players use webmail, you'd expect 80% of hacks to be of webmail accounts, if the security features of both were the same.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by NapoleonInRags
edit- just saw deposit was done via MB. Had you deposited off that CC onto MB in the past ? Seems likely they were trying to clear deposit hurdle with your MB account, likely to run it up and chipdump it, or simply withdraw if they had time to the other newly created e-wallet
I was just able to change the primary email address on my moneybookers account and logged in for the first time. The reason for the $250 deposit is that when that massive withdrawal was made to Webmoney, ~$300 or so of that was deposited back into my moneybookers account (it's around $300 bc my account is in Canadian Dollars and I'm not sure exactly what it was in USD).

They then decided to deposit that back into Tower to perhaps to run it up and then withdraw it? I am very interested to know what they did with the money and I.P. addresses. Still no definite reply from Tower, or Webmoney.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 11:37 AM
At Tower Gaming we are extremely sad to see this has happened to one of our loyal players and we are doing everything we can to find out who got access to this players account.

It is very nice to see all the support that supersplitz has received, and I as well as everyone else hope that this will be resolved soon.

Just a reminder to anyone; whether you use the internet for gaming, banking or buying on sites like Amazon, eBay or just to name a few, make sure you keep your login information secure, scan your computer daily for viruses, and change your password on a regular basis.

Further more it is not wise to use the same password for all logins, never give your login details to someone else, and when you are creating a password make it random, do not use your pet’s name or your date of birth instead create something completely random.

Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 11:55 AM
liz you are hot
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Transa
liz you are hot
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:17 PM
I am happy i see a Tower Rep responding in this thread for the OP.

Gl and thx for the support Rep!
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tower_Support
At Tower Gaming we are extremely sad to see this has happened to one of our loyal players and we are doing everything we can to find out who got access to this players account.

It is very nice to see all the support that supersplitz has received, and I as well as everyone else hope that this will be resolved soon.

Just a reminder to anyone; whether you use the internet for gaming, banking or buying on sites like Amazon, eBay or just to name a few, make sure you keep your login information secure, scan your computer daily for viruses, and change your password on a regular basis.

Further more it is not wise to use the same password for all logins, never give your login details to someone else, and when you are creating a password make it random, do not use your pet’s name or your date of birth instead create something completely random.

Thank you Elizabeth, I appreciate the response. There is definitely no doubt in my mind that Tower is taking this very seriously. I have been ensured that the entire office is working on it. I haven't slept much the past few days but it makes playing the waiting game easier with the support I have received.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:29 PM
I would just like to say again that I have really appreciated the support, and if I am able to get all of my money back I will hold a $1000 freeroll hosted on Tower for everyone who posts in this thread. I am dead serious. If I am not able to host it on Tower I will make it a private tournament and host it on Pokerstars. I will hold true to my word, it would be the least I could do.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:34 PM
Oh hai der . . Oh and good luck OP . . This still sounds complicated and very shady . . Seems like if it was not someone in real life then a hacker has been watching you for a long time
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by supersplitz
I would just like to say again that I have really appreciated the support, and if I am able to get all of my money back I will hold a $1000 freeroll hosted on Tower for everyone who posts in this thread. I am dead serious. If I am not able to host it on Tower I will make it a private tournament and host it on Pokerstars. I will hold true to my word, it would be the least I could do.
This is my 2nd post in this thread, it's like I'm raising two hands for a free roll on stars.

First let's get your money back.
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:54 PM
I'm not posting here for the freeroll - just want to chime in and say I hope you get your $$$ back.

Reading your story made -me- feel physically sick as well. Best of luck!
Tower Gaming Account Compromised - .5k BR Stolen Quote
