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Suspected fraud at Betfair and Coral Poker Suspected fraud at Betfair and Coral Poker

03-06-2019 , 07:09 AM
True. X and Y steal from players with this. Z has proof !

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 03-06-2019 at 04:05 PM. Reason: How about we let the person who has the proof post about it.
03-06-2019 , 07:31 PM
If I would use any bot then I would never start to complain about it when I got back my bankroll and ban as business decision. I got ban on Coral and on Betfair too, I played 2-3months and got ban on on Coral, after I played almost one year on betfair and when this cartel came then I got ban!
03-07-2019 , 06:21 AM
A big hungarian forum disclosed a statement 1 month ago:

Személyes megbeszélésen egyezetettünk mind külföldi partnerünk vezetőjével - velük futtatjuk a Betfair €100.000 race-t -, mind az iPoker Twisterért felelős biztonsági vezetőjével.
Január 31-én jelent meg "x ezer eurós promóció a Betfair Pokeren!" cikkünk. Ebben arról számoltunk be, hogy bár az iPoker terme februártól kivezeti központi promócióinak egy részét, helyette viszont, a ZY játékosaiként, a korábbinál sokkal nagyobb extra nyereményekért versenyezhettek: egy összesen x díjazással futó, több race-t magában foglaló promóció vált elérhetővé számotokra, heti €x-s race-ek, kéthetes x Micro Cash Race-ek és x Micro Twister Race-ek formájában.
Bár a hír alapvetően örömteli, a cikk topikjában több játékos vádakat fogalmazott meg, amelyek szerint ezeket az iPokeres race-eket egy Twistert játszó kartell uralja, akik kapcsolatban állnak az iPoker magas beosztású alkalmazottaival, és azokat a játékosokat, akik veszélyeztetik őket a legnagyobb race-nyeremények megszerzésében, jogtalanul kitiltatják. Mint a fórumon is jeleztük, nagyon komolyan vettük a vádakat, igyekeztünk megvizsgálni ezeket. Előbb felvettük a kapcsolatot több érintett játékossal, majd a múlt hét folyamán, személyes megbeszélésen egyezetettünk mind külföldi partnerünk vezetőjével - velük futtatjuk a Betfair x race-t -, mind az iPoker Twisterért felelős biztonsági vezetőjével.

Utóbbi elmondta, minden olyan játékos - nem csak magyarokról van szó -, akit az utóbbi időben kitiltottak, tiltott valósidejű solver botot használt, erre vonatkozóan bizonyítékai vannak a teremnek. Ahogyan fogalmazott, a játékosokról a GTO-ellenőrzés során kiderült, többezer játék alatt gyakorlatilag egyetlen hibát sem követtek el.

Továbbá azt is elmondta, hogy ezen játékosok nagy része a PokerStarsról is bannolásra került a tavalyi év végén, ugyanilyen okból. Ahogyan fogalmazott: "Mutassák meg nekem a Stars accountjaikat, ha nem használnak botot".

Which is something like:
We had a personal meeting with the leader of our partner- we run the x eur race, and we had a meeting with the head of security team of Ipoker Twisters

On January 31st we had an article about this new x eur promotion. We informed our players that Ipoker departs part of its main promotions, but our players will be playing for even bigger prices: one x eur race, which has multiple smaller races, weekly x eur races, bi-weekly x eur Micro Cash races and x eur Micro Twister Races.

Even though these are happy news, lots of our players raised concerns about the integrity of twisters, as they claim it is run by a cartel who has connections at the highest levels of game integrity and all the players who pose danger on them in the races get banned. As we said on our forums we took the concerns seriosuly and tried to investigate. We contacted first couple of the allegedly cheated players, and then the last week we had meetings with the leader of our partner- we run the x eur race, and also the leader of Twisters integrity team.

The integrity leader said that all the players- NOT JUST HUNGARIANS!- who got banned lately used a real time postflop GTO advicer. They didnt make any mistake in thousands of games.

Furthermore he said MOST OF THESE PLAYERS GOT BANNED FROM POKERSTARS THE LAST YEAR, FOR THE SAME REASON. He also said: "these players should show me their stars account if they didnt use bots".

About the players who stay in top of the leaderboards in the weekly 20k Twister Races and whom players said are "protected players" , are only protected in a sense that they are small winner/breakeven players, good of the economy"

Our statament regarding this scandal:
The experiences shows this is only twister-specific case, we can advise our non-twister players to play on Ipoker. From the information we gathered, the players got their bankrolls, confiscation of funds didnt happen.

If you think your ban was unreasonable contact us, we forward the inquiry to Betfair Leaders, and help with problem. The poker room claims that all the cases players who got banned used prohibited softwares or cheated some way or other. We cant help in these cases.

As we spoke with them we dont have any written statement from Betfair. Let me know if you want interviews with them.

Its very hard to catch lies in this case. Players have only limited hand histories and resources. But we know they lied already.

"Furthermore he said MOST OF THESE PLAYERS GOT BANNED FROM POKERSTARS THE LAST YEAR, FOR THE SAME REASON. He also said: "these players should show me their stars account if they didnt use bots""

This is the statement of Stars integrity team about whether they disclose any info to third parties.

IN this case for sure they lied because how do they know this? Or did Pokerstars integrity lied?

Last edited by folesha; 03-07-2019 at 06:27 AM.
03-10-2019 , 12:03 PM
anyone who was banned/pushed out by this cartel who was not banned from pokerstars?

seems like the security at ipoker constantly claims the people who are banned are also banned from pstars and simply showing a screenshot of your active stars account would get you re-instated on ipoker yet nobody has taken them up on the offer to do this? or no one who is complaining has an active stars account?
03-10-2019 , 02:51 PM
+1 coinflipper. I play MTTs on the ipoker network on Betfair for sometime now, occassionally mixing in twisters, and havent had any issues at all with the company.

All we have here is 3/4 guys with 0 posting history making these claims and providing nothing to back it up.

If you guys want this thread to get more traction, then identify yourselves when you post either with either some Pokerstars account history or real name.

Without showing yourselves as credible people or backing up the claims you are making, you arent going to get anywhere. All thats happened so far is that youve made a lot of claims about a whole host of things (x player has proof/ we have proof/ we are speaking with a 'well known' poker player) without providing anything at all to back any of these claims or statements up. Instead the thread just gets bumped every 2-3 days by 1 of this small group of 3-4 guys saying that something is coming and we are supposed to take your word for it.

Id like to see different, but my gut tells me that this is just a bunch of bots that are salty for getting banned on a euro site, which for the most part is unheard of!
03-11-2019 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by yabirde
All we have here is 3/4 guys with 0 posting history making these claims and providing nothing to back it up.
Says the dude who literally signed up in March 2019, and who's only ever posted 1 message, that one.
03-11-2019 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
anyone who was banned/pushed out by this cartel who was not banned from pokerstars?

seems like the security at ipoker constantly claims the people who are banned are also banned from pstars and simply showing a screenshot of your active stars account would get you re-instated on ipoker yet nobody has taken them up on the offer to do this? or no one who is complaining has an active stars account?
No it wasnt true. It was one of the rare occassions when you can find blatant lie in a case like this.

The "pokerschool" and affil who claimed they got this info from Greekfish himself (isnt it funny when you try to investigate but only managed to ask the person who most player says the head of cartel lol. Shows how big incentive is there to close this black ops.) quickly changed it in the article after I got a statement of pokerstars whether they share info with ipoker.
From this: "Furthermore he said MOST OF THESE PLAYERS GOT BANNED FROM POKERSTARS THE LAST YEAR, FOR THE SAME REASON. He also said: "these players should show me their stars account if they didnt use bots""

To this "Furthermore he said LIKELY MOST OF THESE PLAYERS GOT BANNED FROM POKERSTARS THE LAST YEAR, FOR THE SAME REASON. He also said: "these players should show me their stars account if they didnt use bots""

But theres even more fault in this logic. I think most people who try to cheat wont do it on pokerstars as everyone knows they care about game integrity. So the fact the somoene has stars account does not mean not cheating. This shows there is no background for banning people (the proof xy did z, which is cheating), only to eliminate players from the protected 50 eur twisters.
07-17-2020 , 03:49 AM
The following group of players are still playing as a collusion team on iPoker under the affiliate listed by the OP Andy Greekfish. Andy works to ensure that these iPoker Twisters games are free of all other regular players. These players use a variety of different collusion tactics in order to maximize their cEV vs. the 3rd player playing at the tables with them whether this is a fish or a regular.

Here is the list of all the screennames:


All of these players, will sit in tandems waiting for a third player to sit down at the tables. They share cards, bankrolls, hand histories and everything else to gain a competitive advantage over the 3rd player at the table.

Below I have attached a list of all the things they do that I noticed when playing them:

1) They softplay each other 3H in order to get more hands in which they can go 2 on 1 vs me the 3rd player at all their tables.

2) They operate in shifts switching every ~3 hours, you will notice they never play in the same games vs. each other because they are telling each other in some private messaging group that they are quitting and then two more players join.

3) They call vs. my button raise often out of the SB and then their BB partner will always call behind, he will never raise all in after their SB partner has called. This allows them to go 2 on 1 vs. me again postflop. They don't shove out of the BB here after their SB called because they would lose the money their SB partner used to call, basically attacking their own dead money. This doesn't make sense for them since they play together and share bankrolls, if they jammed here from the BB then it would just give me more when I have a strong hand that can call a jam.

4) They continue to jam from the BU when shallow and the ante is in play so 15bb and under with the ante they jam all in from the BU based on their partner's postition and hole cards. If they have a hand that would normally jam they fold it if their partner has a better hand and jam it if their partner has a garbage hand. If their partner is in a bad position such as the SB and would have to fold to the 3rd player in the BB they jam much wider in the BU because they are only having to get one player to fold because they know their SB player will already fold.

5) Any occasion where one of their players loses connection, his partner is stalling maximizing his total timebank to allow the other player to reconnect quickly without losing many chips.

6) Early in the game - at 18-25 big blinds deep - they are only calling with hands such as A9s, A8s, KTs, K9s, QJs, QTs, Q9s, JTs, J9s etc. on the Small Blind against a Button minraise instead of 3-Bet shoving profitably, so that they prolong the games, enabling them to take more chips against the third player by colluding.

7) They share hand histories between each other, so that they are able to exploit my leaks that I have in my game. If you were to scan their computers you would be able to find hand histories where the Hero player is not the actual player who plays on that PC.

8) After having played several thousands of hands against this colluder group, I can see from my database that they all have identical statistics and tendencies (VPIP, bluff and valuebet tendencies, bet sizing preflop and postflop) proving my point of these individuals being in the same team.

I played these players for 3000 games on iPoker over the last two weeks emailing security regularly hoping they would look into this collusion group but instead the security did nothing about them but chose to ban me. Not only did they ban they claimed I was using 3rd party assistance although they refunded me the full balance in my bankroll. They claim to have proof I used 3rd party assistance but why would they refund my bankroll? What they ended up doing was refunding my bankroll, seizing my leadboard money for the Twister (1000 EUR) and seizing my rakeback money on guts poker ~10,000 EUR, they then redistributed this rakeback money back to Andy Greekfish and his team of colluders.

They also banned me mid game while have 6 tables of 100 EUR twisters up vs. these players where these players where then allowed to blind me out as I wasn't able to log back in.

Below I have attached all emails.


Hello Security,

Today I played 100s Twisters on Gutz Poker on the iPoker Network.

I noticed while playing that I only got into games vs. a team of players working together to make sure I wasn't able to play in a fair poker environment. Below I will list the screen names of the players that I played against:


This is how they cheat when playing against me.

1) There are queing by using some chat outside of the ipoker client because I have two of them at every single one of my tables, and when one leaves another comes on right away. They are never playing 3 of them in one game instead they are looking to team up against a 3rd player, they do this on both the 100s and 50s Twisters for many hours each day.

This is in direct violation of this rule of the TOS of the iPoker Network for Poker.

For Part 1 I believe they are in direct Violation of 4.1 Collusion 4.2 Datasharing and 4.4 Angleshooting.

They are using a queuing system and then sharing bankrolls in which they make sure to always play two on one vs any other player on both 100s and 50s. If you review all of my games from this session on 100s you will notice that not once during the time period I played did these players play in a game with all three of them present and that when one quit another one quickly joined in because he was told by the other player he was talking a break. They continue to do this where they play two against one vs. me and all other players who are playing these games.

2) For Part 2 they are in direct violation of 4.2 Sharing hole cards. They are sharing each other's screen in some way either via a teamviewer type set up or playing in an office all using VPNs.

You will notice this by the way they play their hands.

a) When on the Button if their partner is in the BB they will open more passively because the 3rd player is in the SB and has to play out of position vs. their BB partner.

b) When on the Button if their partner is in the SB they will play more aggressively in the event their partner has a bad hand, this is because their SB partner will be forced to fold to the 3rd player in the BB and give up the blinds.

c) When on the BU and at shallow blinds levels under 15BB when the ante comes into play they will always shove the best hand out of two hands and make hero folds into eachother. I believe they will fold strong hands when they know their partner has a stronger hand.

Ultimately they play as a team of two players vs. one player and use this knowledge of each other's hole cards and a queuing system to eliminate all other players from being able to try to play these games profitable.

As a review I would like you to investigate the following:

The fact that they are using a "queuing" system, when one player quits the other immediately joins in and they never play games with all three of them in the game.

They are soft playing vs. each other in SBvBB situations where I was on the Button and folded. They do this to gain a competitive edge 3H by extending the game and allowing them more opportunities on the BU where especially when blinds are shallow and the game is more of an all in or fold game from the BU. So basically by softplaying each other SBvBB they allow themselves to be able to play more hands per game or essentially pay less rake per hand played. Then they get more opportunities on the BU where they are able to see their partner's cards and then choose the best of the two hands to shove all in vs. me the third player. Examples of softplaying basically not playing as aggressive vs. each other as they would another player so maybe they choose to limp a hand instead of shove all in. Their strategy here is too basically limit or never get it all in vs. each other.

Collusion on the BU. Here they shove wider when their partner is SB with a bad hand and shove tighter when their partner is in BB with a good hand. So what's important for them here is to make sure to apply pressure to the third player in the BB when their SB Partner has a hand he would otherwise have to fold and to not play as aggressive from the BU when their partner is in the BB with a value hand giving the 3rd player in the SB more opportunity to go all in vs. their BB partner who has a good hand

Collusion on the BU. They will often choose the best of two hands to go all in with. Since they are bankroll sharing anyway it doesn't matter to them which of them wins money so they just choose the best of two hands which to go all in with vs. the 3rd player.

Below I have attached a list of the rules that they have broken in your terms and conditions for poker.

4. Prohibited use of your poker account

4.1 No Collusion: Collusion between Users by sharing hole cards or by any other methods is strictly forbidden. Coolbet Poker reserves the right to consider any collusion or attempt at collusion between players (including Users) as a material breach of this Agreement and accordingly Coolbet Poker shall have the right to terminate a User’s account if a User engages or attempts to engage in any such activity, regardless of the outcome of such attempt.

Other types of software are also prohibited, these include but are not limited to any software which:

Confers any sort of unfair advantage on the player using it;

Shares hole cards among players or assists collusion or cheating in any way;

Utilises a database of hands or player profiles which is shared between users;

Players are furthermore prohibited from sharing of any legitimately gathered data with other players;

4.4 No Angleshooting: Any attempt to gain an unfair advantage over other players, whether specifically prohibited by the rules or not, is strictly prohibited. Any activities that are designed to give a player an unfair advantage, but which may be allowed under a strict interpretation of the rules or due to a loophole or unintended software characteristics are prohibited under this clause.

4.6 In case of prohibited use of your poker account, Coolbet Poker will be under no obligation to refund to you any monies that may be in your account at such time. These funds may be disseminated to those affected.


Thanks for this detailed report. I have forwarded this straight to the Network security team for an investigation.


Guts Poker



I would like to bring to your kind attention a handful of players who perform fraudulent activities on the iPoker Network in Twister SnG Games.
I am confident to state that I have gathered sufficient evidence to prove that the accounts mentioned below are in breach of the Terms and Conditions of your Network.
I have already reported these people to the iPoker skin I play on, please allow me to quote my previous emails that I sent them.

Yesterday, I played the following players again:


They continued to collude against me some of the things I noticed that they do in addition to what I wrote in the last email is this.

1) They softplay each other 3H in order to get more hands in which they can go 2 on 1 vs me the 3rd player at all their tables.

2) They operate in shifts switching every ~3 hours, you will notice they never play in the same games vs. each other because they are telling each other in some private messaging group that they are quitting and then two more players join.

3) They call vs. my button raise often out of the SB and then their BB partner will always call behind, he will never raise all in after their SB partner has called. This allows them to go 2 on 1 vs. me again postflop. They don't shove out of the BB here after their SB called because they would lose the money their SB partner used to call, basically attacking their own dead money. This doesn't make sense for them since they play together and share bankrolls, if they jammed here from the BB then it would just give me more when I have a strong hand that can call a jam.

4) They continue to jam from the BU when shallow and the ante is in play so 15bb and under with the ante they jam all in from the BU based on their partner's hole cards. If they have a hand that would normally jam they fold it if their partner has a better hand and jam it if their partner has a garbage hand.

5) In the rare occasion, when one of their players loses connection, his partner is stalling the game to allow the other player to reconnect quickly without losing many chips.

6) Early in the game - at 18-25 big blinds deep - they are only calling with hands such as A9s, A8s, KTs, K9s, QJs, QTs, Q9s, JTs, J9s etc. on the Small Blind against a Button minraise instead of 3-Bet shoving profitably, so that they prolong the games, enabling them to take more chips against the third player by colluding.

7) They share hand histories between each other, so that they are able to exploit my leaks that I have in my game. If you were to scan their computers you would be able to find hand histories where the Hero player is not the actual player who plays on that PC.

8) After having played several thousands of hands against this colluder group, I can see from my database that they all have identical statistics and tendencies (VPIP, bluff and valuebet tendencies, bet sizing preflop and postflop) proving my point of these individuals being in the same team.




I was kicked from my games yesterday while playing with tables of 100 EUR twisters playing.

I couldn't log back into the account and I couldn't log in to my account on the web browser either. When I asked the support in the live chat they didn't tell me anything.

I also wasn't paid my 1000 EUR for the weekly twister race and I was paid my 50% rakeback that I accumulated for the week which was greater than 10000 EUR.

Why can I not log into my account and what is happening here?



I hope this email finds you well.

We are writing to let you know that your account has been closed in line with point 35.4 from our terms and conditions.

We understand this is disappointing and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Wishing you all the best

Best regards,
Guts Customer Service.


Where did I break any rules? If you feel I broke rules why am I not given the opportunity to prove my innocence in this case? Why is my bankroll paid out but not my rakeback and leaderboard earnings? You have NO PROOF that I in any way broke these rules and you know it because I didn't break any of these rules. This is a made up story to get me away from playing the games and avoiding the real problem which is section 35.3 Collusion and the fact that you have a team of colluding players taking all the money from the 3rd player at every table in your Twister games.

35.4 Bots/Prohibited Programs. You must not use bot software or artificial intelligence, whether commercially obtained or privately developed, when playing poker onsite. 'Bots' are software programs or other devices which interfere with the game software to play poker, which need little or no human action. Bots may use rules or artificial intelligence to make playing decisions. We will actively look for such software on your machine subject to your consent. Consent will also establish that you will not interfere with any of the detection mechanisms. This paragraph applies regardless of whether the bot is used in conjunction with the games or otherwise.

Other types of software are also prohibited, these include but are not limited to any software which:

Give you any sort of unfair advantage.
Shares hole cards among players or assists collusion or cheating in any way.
Utilises a database of hands or player profiles which is shared between players.
Reduces or eliminates the need for a human to make decisions (for example, tools which automatically fold specific starting hands).
Is designed to datamine (i.e. gather hands or player profiles from the game client beyond which the player has observed from their own play) for any purpose whether personal or commercial. This also applies to any data which has been obtained by datamining, whether the data was obtained by the player themselves or by anyone else. You are furthermore prohibited from sharing of any legitimately gathered data with other players.
Provides real-time advice on the action to take during play (including ICM analysis tools).
Attempts to block any of our fraud and cheating detection mechanisms.

Alternatively the players I was playing against I gave you many examples of how they were cheating against me in 100 EUR Twisters. They broke the following rule 35.3 Collusion with 100% confidence I gave many examples of this. In previous emails.

35.3 Collusion. Collusion between users sharing hole cards or by any other methods is strictly forbidden. We reserve the right to consider any collusion or attempt at collusion between players as a material breach of this agreement and accordingly we shall have the right to terminate your account if you engage or attempt to engage in any such activity, regardless of the outcome of such attempt. We will deal with any breach according to clause 18 of the Terms.

Always play in your own best interests.
Do not work together with another player to gain an advantage.
Do not 'soft play' against friends – i.e. You must play against friends with the same technique/tactics used with people you are not acquainted with.
Do not 'chip dump' – i.e. you must not intentionally lose hands or manipulate the gameplay in order to transfer funds to any other player.
Do not share card information with any other player.
Do not play in the same cash game or Sit 'n' Go tournament as any player in which they have a financial interest - i.e. they should not play in the same games as anyone with whom they have a staking, swap, profit sharing or bankroll sharing agreement.
Do not encourage any other player to collude.


I hope this email finds you well.

We are contacting you regarding your recent email.

Having checked with the relevant team they have advised that the balance of 585 EUR has been refunded to your Skrill account and your account will remain closed.

If there is any further questions you have regarding this or anything else, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Guts Customer Service.



On top of the 585 EUR I received, I am still owed the 1st prize of the weekly twister race (1000 EUR) and my 50% weekly cashback for last week (around 10000 EUR)

Please send those to my skrill as soon as possible.


Feel free to check out these 50s/100s Twisters on iPoker network to see these guys colluding in action. If nothing is done about this I will be writing letters to the gaming commission I will also post this in the new thread to bring further light to this situation.

Andy Greekfish and his team of botters control the security team on this network for years. I'm clearly not the only one who has had issues judging from the other threads on twoplustwo about this.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-23-2020 at 07:33 AM.
07-17-2020 , 12:14 PM
Hello everyone,

I have been biting my tongue throughout this thread, but I wont sit by and continue to watch my name getting slandered. I will share the facts on the situation here; which should not surprise anyone in the poker community.

For the record, I am the owner of Universal Affiliates, I market the best possible deals in poker. I have a large support team working along side me, as well as help host twitch players whom you will know very well.

My integrity can not be questioned, as I have lasted the test of time. As well as honoring my deals, I am very well known and respected in all circles of poker; delivering one of the biggest, if not the biggest, poker GGR in the world.

So why is my name coming up on this thread? and why am I supposed to be a cartel owner? Well I pride myself as being the best affiliate in the businesss, I provide 24 hour support to my players. Top pro players need the best deals and demand a service which is A+. As a result of this, I have many, many top professionals playing under the Universal umbrella.

A lot of things which were said in the above post, are simply lies, and I will outline my position. If a player comes to me and asks for a deal, I will point him in the right direction and get them setup. If a player requests to play Ipoker twister games, then because of all the previous bots issues, I ask them for more details. I ask for proof of playing history elsewhere, along with proof of ownership on these accounts. I have found this a very good way at keeping Universal bot-free. These botters hide in the shadows. VPNing onto 3rd party accounts, using fake skypes and desperately hiding their real name.

Apparently this is too much to ask, to safe guard genuine players. As you will see in all complaints throughout this thread, not a single person has said ' this is my name, this is who I am, and I play professional poker for X amount of years'

I want to discuss security for ipoker - for the record I applaud them for trying to tackle this head on. Obviously they can see stats and see things I can not, so if they decide they want to remove a high risk player, then they would have good reason to which would hold up in front of their regulators. Ipoker security are an independant team with whom I have no contact. If my players report a suspicious account, I will forward the complaint to the site who will in turn forward it to security.

As for my players, they all provided Stars/Party screen names of history + are fully verified on my side. Ipoker will be regularly checking them for the things they have been accused of by the recent poster. And they are still playing.... not because they are a cartel, but because they are legitmiate players, playing a fair game.

In Regards to the above poster, I would like to share my theory. Over the last few years. botters went from site to site on the Ipoker network trying to survive. Ultimately being banned each and every time. It seems they are under the belief that each individual skin is the one calling the shots, rather than Ipoker security. They eventually 'ran out of sites' in their mind and for the past year or so we havent seen them trying with new accounts. Recently, MPN (Microgaming network) closed down and most of the sites joined Ipoker. Within a couple of weeks the above poster was playing at Guts poker, a previous MPN site. It seems as though they thought it was worth trying again via a new site. Unfortunately for the botter, it makes no difference where he tries to cheat on the Ipoker Network, the result will always be the same.

I am very happy to see Guts excercising their right not to pay out promotions+bonuses. This will certainly help deter these cheats from continuing their activities.

I would like to make an offer to the above poster..... Expose yourself! Tell us who you are..... your real name, Pokerstars name, where you are from, and your history in poker. If you can do so and I am able to verify the information, I will eat my hat and accept Ipoker security have made a mistake. And whats more, I will reimburse you the promotional money that you believe you have had unfairly confiscated by Guts, from MY OWN POCKET!

To summarize, no other affiliate goes to these lengths to make sure their players get a fair game. I pride myself on my integrity and belive I am a diamond amongst the rough in the affiliate world. Most affiliates only care about their revenue and will turn a blind eye to anything and everything untoward. Myself however, I refuse to earn a single penny that hasnt come from honest players.

Stay safe all,

07-17-2020 , 02:34 PM
Below I have attached a list of the rules that they have broken in your terms and conditions for poker.

4. Prohibited use of your poker account

4.1 No Collusion: Collusion between Users by sharing hole cards or by any other methods is strictly forbidden. Coolbet Poker reserves the right to consider any collusion or attempt at collusion between players (including Users) as a material breach of this Agreement and accordingly Coolbet Poker shall have the right to terminate a User’s account if a User engages or attempts to engage in any such activity, regardless of the outcome of such attempt.
Is this, for real, from the T&C from GUTS? Nice copy/pasta if that is the case...
07-17-2020 , 02:50 PM
smells very fishy in here
07-18-2020 , 01:57 AM
Bruv you clearly are a cartel owner , i know a lot of people from Romanian that you gave acc in exchange for $$$(i did check they are not allowed to play there)
Most of the people know that if any 25$ spin and go reg come on ipoker will smash those fish grinders
Somebody made them a schedule because they are 24/7 and they respect each other schedule like they know each other
Keep paying stables to not expose you
You are probably getting paid for accounts
Most of those players are trash , but the clearly gangbang if a new reg joins
Get your Romanian vpn grinders out
If this Thread get moved to a more traffic area people might come and tell the truth
Im glad that coral close so your power kinda went a bit off
I know affiliates that sell account for almost any site for 200-500$ so you are not the only one
Gladly coral close but you still have your connections

Most of the people already know we **** with your 20 euro players chances are you are not gonna reach 1000 games regardless if you use vpn cheat or you are to good
07-21-2020 , 09:08 AM

If you wish to take up AndyGreekfish's offer, PM me and I'll reopen the thread for it. (You may not wish to post your RL name, {as AndyGreekfish has done?}, in the open forum, which is acceptable.)

Originally Posted by AndyGreekfish
... I would like to make an offer to the above poster..... Expose yourself! Tell us who you are..... your real name, Pokerstars name, where you are from, and your history in poker. If you can do so and I am able to verify the information, I will eat my hat and accept Ipoker security have made a mistake. And whats more, I will reimburse you the promotional money that you believe you have had unfairly confiscated by Guts, from MY OWN POCKET! ...
Closed Thread Subscribe
