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Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement

06-05-2013 , 10:15 AM

Martial Parent//Simon Eriksson//Juhász Kornél//Giuseppe Manfredi//Gi Ka//Philipp Langbein//Rich Walker//Simon Eriksson//Yuri Dyatko//Robert Berglund//Jan Godec//Olli Rundgren//Michael Hohenstein

We are writing to you to share our frustration and anger at the way our situation has/is being processed with regards to non payment of funds by everleaf ltd . The LGA has failed to provide any player support, even though we gave our trust in the
“To accurate payments for any winnings resulting from authorised games within a reasonable time frame established by law; “
So LGA is allowing Everleaf to break the law under its licence for 12 months ?

As further more regarding DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 007
Players’ Liability Reporting Directive
a. Name of the credit institution holding each Clients’ Account as approved under the Regulations;
b. Account identification number / international bank account number;
c. Currency alphabetic code as per ISO 4217;
d. Balance as at the end of the previous month;
e. Balance translated into Euro (where applicable) using European Central Bank exchange rates as updated on the last day of the previous month; and
f. Euro total of all balances.

Under the LGAs own directive as they receive monthly reports from the licensee and have remote access the LGA should be fully aware of everleaf ltd financial status as well as having all there clients details on record. So why is there an investigation? Why is everleaf ltd still under lga licence as for the last 12 months it has broke licence agreement many times and still does not comply with players charter , and continues to take player deposits without any ability to process cashouts.
This injustice has caused many of us unable to pay bills /earn a living/even medical issues , we are currently in talks with legal parties with regards to suing LGA for gross negligence , This is a total mess and as regulators the LGA are as much to blame as everleaf ltd .
we joined everleaf network BECAUSE of the protection of the LGA , monthly audits,ringfencing of funds and we trusted the LGA to enforce these directives
“40. (1) A licensee shall keep players’ funds separately from the licensee’s own funds in a Clients’ account held with a credit institution approved by the Authority.”

Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-05-2013 , 10:30 AM
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-05-2013 , 11:34 AM
You should have someone familiar with spellcheck and the english language write this up.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-05-2013 , 06:48 PM
sorry was a bit tired after spending 4 hours sending e- mails ect , you understood what was meant by the dialog , this was not a poetry task, just trying to make players aware of dangers in today’s regulators and trying to gain support for our COALITION
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-07-2013 , 06:19 AM
Feel free to join our support group

Last edited by Mike Haven; 06-07-2013 at 10:28 AM.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-07-2013 , 07:07 AM

You started something great, really great then used this to become an affiliate on enet and abused your trust. You suck about the same as ELG owners.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 06-07-2013 at 10:27 AM.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-07-2013 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by jmeeks
You started something great, really great then used this to become an affiliate on enet and abused your trust. You suck about the same as ELG owners.
I don't understand why 2+2 don't remove his spam posts for his group, since it's just like if i write "contact me for rakeback" in a post basically.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-22-2013 , 09:16 AM
Just be careful to critizie the president of the group (who will also try to affiliate you tirelessly), cause if you do he will kick you out and not let you be a part of the group anymore....
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-22-2013 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Penders
I don't understand why 2+2 don't remove his spam posts for his group, since it's just like if i write "contact me for rakeback" in a post basically.
It's actually nothing like that, because there's no mention in this thread about anything other than a group he wants to form to write emails about getting money back. We aren't mind readers. But if he's using this as a ploy to sign people up for other sites, that would be a good thing to tell us so we can act accordingly.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
06-22-2013 , 06:19 PM
This Is a really good cause. There's no governance over these criminals, they're like a mafia.

I hope you guys will be a voice for the small-bankroll players; as Everleaf's scam affects so many players more besides the ones screwed royally.

Everleaf <<<<<<< 1st generation FTP crooks
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
10-11-2013 , 02:12 PM
I want to join, can you please give me your skype? I already sent you an email but received no response.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
10-13-2013 , 09:25 AM
I am owed money by everleaf and want to join the court case. I have sent emails to but I have not received any response in more than a week.

I really need a Manfredi's skype contact or anybody else's who is in the everleaf coalition.

Thank you very much.

Hope you will not delete my thread as it is normal for the mods here who only operate to harm.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
10-13-2013 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Sparkyyy
Hope you will not delete my thread as it is normal for the mods here who only operate to harm.
It wasn't deleted but rather moved into threads with the already existing topic where it will likely get more adequate attention anyways.
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
10-16-2013 , 07:01 AM
Sparkyyy sorry im not on here often , i do not use skype but if you contact el_bealos he will sort you out ...... latest update is Joe Cuschieri has been appointed new boss at LGA
( second boss in 3 months !!) the police are investigating everleaf , the maltees gov is investigating the LGA , and the LGA are now investigating everleaf (17 months) .

Also the European parliment has mandated the Commission to set common standards in order to better protect those European consumers in the common market who are attracted by online gambling. Additionally, the Member States are asked to apply their legislation on online gambling more strictly. Otherwise the Commission is instructed to sue the Member States before the European Court of Justice

Now the EU commision is looking into sue malta ;-)

LGA as we all know are corrupt liars and they have dug themselves a big hole which now the truth is coming out they are a little worried...... the fight continues for justice .
Some Everleaf players' Coalition Statement Quote
