Originally Posted by Xela
I think forcing people to accept seats and play 2-3 orbits will just lead to the strongest 4-5 regs at that particular stake playing 2-3 orbits at a table and then rejoining the waitlist. That way they can force everyone on the waitlist to either play loads of hands or leave, and so would chase any weaker regs away. This would get recs to not only play the same regs all the time but also lose their money faster as they would only play the strongest players at those stakes. In addition it would make it even harder for a reg to move up stakes.
I am not too concerend that people would let the timer runout often when a seat is offered to them. After all they do not really have an advantage to do that. Obviously some time limits should be set. A couple of ideas that I formed right now (and threfore did not think them through):
1) You have a very short time to accept a seat (eg. 10 seconds) and in addition a waitlist timebank (similar to the timebank you get for playing hands when seated at a table) of, say, 60 seconds that gets reset every 24 hours. A consideration would be for the timebank to also be refilled by, say, 10 seconds if you play a certain amout of hands, say, 100.
2) Each seat at a new table could be offered simultaenously to 2 or even 3 players. That would reduce the likelyhood dramatically that seats are blocked but not taken.
In addition one should decide on the desired starting stack before joining the global waitlist. This would prevent any delays that could results from the player having to type in their buy-in after accepting a seat.
Not at all, It would basically mean regs playing the stakes that they are comfortable playing so an equilibrium will be reached at the player pools. They are also not forced to play, they can refuse and leave, but get limited to not sitting that table again for X time.
The people on the waitlist still won't have to play, they'll just miss the opportunity to resit that 1 particular table, so will reduce their chance of sitting with a rec player. It nullifies the effect of scripts and also (to some degree) reduces the extreme bumhunting.
And I mean, arguing that they will still play the same group of regs seems a bit silly. Scripters say fish don't care playing the same group of hunters, so why would they care now? Also I think there is a huge distinction between a rec player having the same group of scripters always instantly joining him (where it is obvious enough that most of which aren't playing other tables at the same stakes) to being joined by a guy that is clearly also playing other tables. As is, a rec will have the same chance of playing every player on the waiting list.
Will it reduce people moving up... not really. At the moment the people that are moving up from small stakes to mid stakes either a) have the fastest scripts or b) are willing to start tables/challenge themselves in the reggy line ups. If stars is going to remove the ability of (a) then it's not as if the tables will suddenly get more difficult, it's going to be the same regs starting those tables but maybe they might be some encouragement for others to get involved too.
1)The problem with a non automated system is this, lets take it to the extreme. you have every single bumhunter waitlisting 400nl.. reg joins a table and the seats get reserved and start getting offered to the regs. each reg has 10 seconds to accept or decline. It's going to be way worse than the current system since the R issue will be back in force. can you imagine how long it will take for each table? There is absolutely no incentive for any player not to join every waitlist at every stake. you're going to have 300 people on a waitlist and a v limited number of people willing to play when a reg joins. You need it to be really quick if you don't want it affecting how the tables operate. And you need to slightly decentivise the ability to just super bumhunt the waiting lists if you are actually trying to reduce predatory behaviour on stars. Otherwise, just keep allowing scripts.
2) So each seat gets offered to 3 people.... first to accept gets it? So we're back to scripts and clicking speed again, whoevers fastest gets the seat? it doesn't solve anything. Everyone accepts, see's table is ****, leaves, repeats and the tables become a ****fest again.
Removing the ability to rejoin that table for x time is going to be key to incentivising people to play and tables to run without there being a total **** storm.
Removing scripts is going to be the thing that makes it more difficult for most guys to move up, this system probably means that people would have to play at a stake that they're comfortable with to have any benefits. People will still be able to waitlist higher and get some of the tables (which is a far better deal than they get at the moment if they don't have the fastest script) I'm not going to talk about what's fair or not, that argument is dumb but here people will have to play within their skill level. you're not going to have Mr x who couldn't beat a 50nl reg table, making $150k a year from high stakes just because of some arbitrary reasons like fastest script or fastest internet.
Last edited by pontylad; 12-02-2014 at 06:07 PM.