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romanwarrior's debt thread. romanwarrior's debt thread.

07-03-2008 , 05:56 PM

I am one of your victims. I sent you $200 last night. While I was waiting for my $200 transfer, I watched you donk of my money playing $2/$4. You ignored my chat, while I was railling you.

You said this is a place for victims concerns and questions, so here it goes:

I did not freaking stake you dude, so that you could "run it up" and get even with everyone else. NO poker, until you pay us back.

You just love this attention. Although it is negative attention, you would otherwise be ignored. For troubled people (insert your name), we know, that negative attention is better than none at all.

This love for attention, is evidenced by your 24 hour coverage on your so called intention to pay people back. We do not need this 24 hour coverage. Just let us know, as you are making transfers back to us. That is it.

Again,,,, your next post should be the report of money you have made good on. Don't confuse this with posting about the intention of money you will make good on. Don't confuse this with responding, in order to defend your moral character. Don't confuse this with asking for another person to be banned.

For a guy in your shoes,, only actions (tranfers of money) will offer redemtion.

In the meantime........ Get off your computer, stop stalking this thread.... go wash sombody's car,, shine somebody's shoes,,, rake somebody's lawn,,,, wash some dishes,,,, bus some tables,,, get a paper rout,,,,or do whatever it takes to go start earning some money in order to pay us back.


Citrus / Scammed out of $200
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
He's still here in the thread though henry.

a bunch of us signed up through some sports betting affiliate for sportsinteraction and he was stiffing us but eventually paid us all back. He made simlar excuses for when he would find get enough money to pay back everyone but eventually he did come through.
He owed me and several others like me $400. Took a few weeks. But we got it eventually.
His name was FON for FreeOffersNow I believe.

I think the limitninja guy referenced earlier eventually paid back everyone who had unitentionally staked him as well.

From the tone of things I do believe that roman's current intentions are good and that people will get their money eventually. But I do think it's going to be awhile.
As i recall, FreeOffersNow did not pay back everything he owed. He paid back the sportsinteraction bonus to 2+2ers who happened to know about the thread in IB, but there were a lot of other smaller claims about casinos that he never paid. He also made it difficult to get a refund by requiring a special support ticket, etc, so that anyone who was not familiar with the 2+2 thread prob got screwed. And i'm sure you remember how he only paid after he was threatened with lawsuits and emails to the president and faculty of his college. And remember how he changed the address on WhoIs to a McDonald's in NY? The guy was a total dirtbag.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Black Peter
According to your previous post, your pay + RB is still not enough to pay everyone back. You need to find another method to pay them. Bob is right in that you should start selling your stuff immediately to pay back this stolen money.
Yes but I do have other sources of income, those were definate dates when I know I could pay. So I posted that, I hope everyone will be paid in full before this month is over.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:12 PM
you hope. its all in your control sell your **** and it will happen.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:15 PM
thanks for the reminder. I'm remembering more now. Yiikes...that really was bad.
I stopped keeping track once I finally got paid and I guess I forgot a lot about that moron after that.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I say less than 2% chance of that. I've seen more than my fair share of degenerates and if it wasn't for the fear of violence none of them would have paid. The internet has removed that. If I'm not mistaken this is the same guy who had the crazy hockey betting system that couldn't lose and he was up $10k against his bookie. That was only 5-6 months ago. He works with computers yet has a s*** computer. He is even entertaining playing while owing people money. He has zero funds available and can't borrow from anyone. He still sees himself as the one the situation has to be accommodating to. None of that is good.

The way this plays out is he gets paid RB. He'll give that to the people he owes. Then if he gets paid for the work on July 17 he'll take a shot. If he wins he pays people back. If he loses he either just disappears or blames his employer by claiming he was never paid. There is no way a degenerate takes funds and just pays everyone back and then leaves himself nothing to play with.

Henry, I work and have about 5-6k in bills, i have few properties, I do make money to pay for all that, I have been living like this for last 3 years, I made a bad investment about 6 months ago, and since than I have used up all the savings, and just waiting for that investment to get back to me in cash. I was relying on the money to pay for bills and that really screwed me. Now verally abusing me won't change anything, I do know I owe the money and have full intentions of paying them.

About me having an old computer I was just being sarcastic.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:18 PM
Yes but I do have other sources of income, those were definate dates when I know I could pay. So I posted that, I hope everyone will be paid in full before this month is over.

roman - lots of time between now and July 31 to sell your car or other stuff and pay it off much sooner than that.
Very clearly this would be the appropriate action to take now instead of making people wait.
Sorry if selling your car would be an inconvenience to you....but other people shouldn't have to finance your car.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:20 PM
roman - instead of feeling sorry for yourself and your financial situation perhaps you should feel sorry for the people you stole from.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:21 PM
If I sell my car I can't work, and than wouldnt be able to make money to pay people back, and If I sell it the bank will get the money as it is still not paid for.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:24 PM
You don't have to sell your car. Every city has places that will give you on the spot cash loans against you car. Problem solved. You can pay everyone back. The new lender is now in a voluntary loan situation. You get the extra time you need. Everyone wins.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
You don't have to sell your car. Every city has places that will give you on the spot cash loans against you car. Problem solved. You can pay everyone back. The new lender is now in a voluntary loan situation. You get the extra time you need. Everyone wins.
I dont think they will give you a loan against a car that is not paid off, or at least almost paid off.

And unfortunatelly in my state they just passed a law that severly limits abilities of cash loaning places to give out loans.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:29 PM
and by VOLUNTARY loan situation Henry means that it is actually coming from someone who is actually INTENDING to give you a loan...
as opposed to the people you scammed who had ZERO intention of loaning/staking you.

Just wanted to make that point clear and is a really important one. The difference in a VOLUNTARY loan and scamming people from this forum is HUGE.

Also - I thought the post by citrus was a really good one.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by citrus

Again,,,, your next post should be the report of money you have made good on. Don't confuse this with posting about the intention of money you will make good on. Don't confuse this with responding, in order to defend your moral character. Don't confuse this with asking for another person to be banned.
I posted that about a half an hour ago. As one of your victims, I am asking for that. You instead, have responded 2x in 30 minutes talking about the intention of sending money, and attempted to defend your character.

Get of your computer, and submit your resumee to McDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell. Not all of us can be poker pros.

Of course you won't oblige. You will continue to thrive on this negative attention. Your post count right now is at 748. I predict that it will be at 1000 before you pay a red cent back.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by romanwarrior
I dont think they will give you a loan against a car that is not paid off, or at least almost paid off.

And unfortunatelly in my state they just passed a law that severly limits abilities of cash loaning places to give out loans.
RW, you can make up as many excuses as you like for not paying the money sooner than the end of the month, but anyone who really wanted to pay it off quickly would find a way. For one, instead of hanging out here all day in the Zoo, you could trot down to LaborReady and work. You get paid cash at the end of each day. In 20 days, you'd have enough to pay everyone off. Hell, in 60 days, you could probably pay off those other bills you have.

Use your head. Stop trying to think of ways to make it easy. Think of ways to make it go faster.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:32 PM
I got a part time job yesterday working for the government, but they only pay once a month.
I have to stay home with the baby untill my wife gets back from college, than I can go do something.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by romanwarrior
I dont think they will give you a loan against a car that is not paid off, or at least almost paid off.

And unfortunatelly in my state they just passed a law that severly limits abilities of cash loaning places to give out loans.

you don't know unless you try. I'm sure there are other things you own that you could sell or use to get a loan as well.
Yeah, it's kind of sad and desperate typically. But you are using these unwilling people to pay your bills and your gambling addiction and that just isn't right.

Doing WHAT IT TAKES to repay the debts that these people never intended to give you is clearly appropriate here.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:34 PM
OMG, i can't believe there's a baby involved in your life.

What are you ****ing THINKING, man? You're a parent. Try to act like an adult so your child won't be ashamed to call you Dad when s/he grows up.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:36 PM
Its fd up, I make over 6k a month and I am in this situation.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:39 PM
gosh....we all feel really bad for you dude.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:40 PM
I feel bad for the people I did this to and for the kitten I ran over yesterday while driving to my first day of work, it was still there whe I was driving back.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by romanwarrior
Its fd up, I make over 6k a month and I am in this situation.
you sir are a moron
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by romanwarrior
Its fd up, I make over 6k a month but I'm such a degenerate scumbag that I have nothing and resort to stealing.
fyp imo
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:44 PM
roman - since you are still paying it off I'm guessing your current car isn't a complete clunker.

Take your car back to the dealer. Try to get whatever you can for it.
Use the money to pay off all the money you stole. Use the remainder to buy the cheapest vehicle you can so you can get to work.

Sorry if that's inconvenient and you really don't want to do that. But that's way more appropriate than expecting the people you stole from to have to wait until the end of the month.

If it goes against your sense of how you shouldn't have to be THAT inconvenienced to pay back the people you stole from well that's tough.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:45 PM
Ok so lets see you are married thus not only do you have parents but your wife has parents as well. You claim to own a bunch of properties. You have a car. You have stuff where you live (TV, Wife's jewellery, watch, electronics, appliances). You honestly expect anyone to believe you couldn't come up with $2k if it was a matter of life and death?

The truth is you have a gambling problem and you are hiding it from your family. That is why you can't come up with the funds. You are not willing to do anything that is going to expose you for the degenerate that you are to your family. The result is other people have to pay the price for it.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
roman - since you are still paying it off I'm guessing your current car isn't a complete clunker.

Take your car back to the dealer. Try to get whatever you can for it.
Use the money to pay off all the money you stole. Use the remainder to buy the cheapest vehicle you can so you can get to work.

Sorry if thats inconvenient and you really don't want to do that. But that's way more appropriate than expecting the people you stole from to have to wait until the end of the month.
Bob, you cant sell a car if there is still a loan on it, if you do, ALL THE MONEY HAS TO GO TO REPAY THE LOAN FIRST.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
